Should We Exchange PTerry's Short Stories Via Email & PM

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Aug 27, 2005.

  1. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    So I was thinking there how hard it is to get some of PTerry's short stories, articles from newspapers, introductions, etc.

    So far on 'The Ultimate Guide To Terry Pratchett's Written Works' there are 22 listed short stories, 21 in the Contributions/ Introductions/ Forewords section, and 44 Articles/ Speeches.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not talkng about mass sending of writing, just some of the ones next to impossible to get, such as the short story 'Night Dweller', if anyone has it? This was published in a magazine years ago and sells for extortionate prices on Ebay.

    Members could say what particlular thing they are looking for, and someone who has it could swap it via email for something they need.

    What do people think?
  2. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    As was pointed out in other areas, we probably need to be sensitive about copyright here. Officially at any rate...
  3. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:f64275e27f="sleepy_sarge"]As was pointed out in other areas, we probably need to be sensitive about copyright here. Officially at any rate...[/quote:f64275e27f]

    Yes, to obey copyright, we would not post writing here, but via PM or email. This has happened in the past when some story cropped up of interest. Now we would just be taking things a bit futher
  4. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Um... sending it via PM or email wouldn't make it any less a copyright violation...

    on a completely unrelated note, philosophically speaking a thousand monkeys at a thousand typewriters for a thousand years could probably reproduce most of the marthter's short stories, and if someone were to happen to just cut and paste from money-script text files into an email, what would be the harm in that?
  5. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Keeping in the spirit of things, if anyone has the short stories:

    'History In The Faking'


    'Night Dweller'

    ...I'd be very appreciative, if you [b:2212d433f2]didn't[/b:2212d433f2] PM me. They're the only ones I've not read and have spent [i:2212d433f2]ages[/i:2212d433f2] trying to find them

    or for that matter, if you have any Articles / Contributions which you know to be hard to come by

    Edit: added bit about articles because they're even harder to find than short stories
  6. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    jackal, if anyone PMs you with sensitive, copywright information, do NOT pass it on to me so i can read it, too. do NOT do it promptly, because I haven't got anything else to read except Lovecraft at the moment, and I just aint in the mood for more of that.
  7. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Maybe there should be a list of short sories etc. that members' have [b:78750f37cb]not[/b:78750f37cb] had pm'd to them so that we know what [b:78750f37cb]not[/b:78750f37cb] to request?
  8. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:cf51de87b3="sleepy_sarge"]Maybe there should be a list of short sories etc. that members' have [b:cf51de87b3]not[/b:cf51de87b3] had pm'd to them so that we know what [b:cf51de87b3]not[/b:cf51de87b3] to request?[/quote:cf51de87b3]

    Good thinking, that man
  9. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I for one would roll over in my future grave if anyone PMed me a short story or article. So, please do [b:ed080d7243]not[/b:ed080d7243] PM me any stories. As a matter of fact, [b:ed080d7243]don't[/b:ed080d7243] PM me anything, cause my message box is empty and clean and who wants a cluttered message box?
  10. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I hope you wouldn't even [b:1b9fda73ed]think[/b:1b9fda73ed] of sending me anything of such a ridiculous nature. I hope i do [b:1b9fda73ed]not[/b:1b9fda73ed] find any PM's in my inbox because as redneck said "who wants a cluttered inbox?" :)
  11. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I have [b:4a5a74491b]not[/b:4a5a74491b] emailed several members with the recently published short story, [i:4a5a74491b]A collegiate casting-out of devilish devices[/i:4a5a74491b], and I am [b:4a5a74491b]not[/b:4a5a74491b] happy to pass it on to others. I do [b:4a5a74491b]not[/b:4a5a74491b] have [i:4a5a74491b]Hollywood Chickens[/i:4a5a74491b] saved on my hard drive either.
  12. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

  13. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Can I send spam?
  14. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

  15. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    only to ba, CJ
  16. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I would be very cross if those stories somehow found their way into my Pm inbox, Grace.
  17. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Well, I must admire everyone's dedication for [b:f3ad76eb32]not [/b:f3ad76eb32] sending me anything so far. I'm [b:f3ad76eb32]not[/b:f3ad76eb32] expecting something any day now
  18. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    [i:a4beb8b0a6]Ahem[/i:a4beb8b0a6]. Ba must not have made himself clear. Do [i:a4beb8b0a6]not[/i:a4beb8b0a6] send him the stories to his e-mail, which he listed in his previous post. Do [i:a4beb8b0a6]not[/i:a4beb8b0a6] send him the stories he wants so badly. Ba's looking at Grace.
  19. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Seeing that I have no time at my hands to read anyway, even though that might cheer me up, I don't want anyone to send me ANYthing either.
  20. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I have [b:79b4a1bd80]not[/b:79b4a1bd80] sent a story to Ba, nor to Myn. If Hsing were to PM me her email address, I would certainly [b:79b4a1bd80]not[/b:79b4a1bd80] send a story to her either!
  21. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    The Jackal would like it to be known that I would [b:22f34c252c]not[/b:22f34c252c] be able to email scanned copies of PTerry's short stories & articles that I have to anyone interested. I've Once More With Footnotes, which contains loads of great stuff by PTerry.
    Alas, you'd need a large email account, like Yahoo or Gmail, as the files wouldn't fit on Hotmail
  22. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    What would be the size of these files? I am just being intrested here. I am certainly [b:11de5eb24e]not[/b:11de5eb24e] advocating sending scanned copies of a book over Email, which woud certainly be copywrite infringment. Do [b:11de5eb24e]not[/b:11de5eb24e] ask me via PM what my Email address is, for i will [b:11de5eb24e]not[/b:11de5eb24e] give it to you and let you incriminate me as well.

    EDIT: Stupid mistakes.
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It's copyright by the way. :)
  24. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Erm... yea, that's what i... just said. :?
  25. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I mean it's copy[b:99ababa28b]right[/b:99ababa28b], not copy[b:99ababa28b]write[/b:99ababa28b]... :)
  26. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:b2513815e5="TheJackal"]The Jackal would like it to be known that I would [b:b2513815e5]not[/b:b2513815e5] be able to email scanned copies of PTerry's short stories & articles that I have to anyone interested. I've Once More With Footnotes, which contains loads of great stuff by PTerry.
    Alas, you'd need a large email account, like Yahoo or Gmail, as the files wouldn't fit on Hotmail[/quote:b2513815e5]

    I would [b:b2513815e5]not[/b:b2513815e5] like to have those. You can find my Gmail address in my profile, but please do [b:b2513815e5]not[/b:b2513815e5] use it. Thanks. :)
  27. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Oh lordy, what a ferpectly legal bunch we have here :)
  28. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I too, would be furious if sent something. So do [b:ee746f60ac]not[/b:ee746f60ac] send me any short stories etc; of any type.
  29. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Ahhh! So I scanned The Hades Business onto my computer (just for fun, of course). There are 6 files, 11mb each. But they wouldn't upload onto an email attachment for some reason (not even individually, rather than all 6 at once). Tried using Yahoo & GMail but neither would upload them. Are 11mb files too big or what?

    Unfortunately, I can't access the computer that the stories are on until next sunday, so I shan't be able to [b:1ab0e09b3b]not[/b:1ab0e09b3b] email them to interested people until then. Well, hopefully whatever problem I had yesterday won't happen again next sunday.
  30. lipi

    lipi New Member

    I, too, would be absolutely [b:d757b852cb]furious[/b:d757b852cb] if anyone sent me the stories to!

    Also, I absolutely [b:d757b852cb]do not[/b:d757b852cb] have Nanny cookbook or many of the long 'short stories' ;) backed up in case I lost or lent the paperbacks.

    As far as I know, most mail providers including gmail have a 10Mb limitation per email. Zipping it might help, also it is possible to zip it in several parts.
  31. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I finally discovered how to properly scan stuff without making the files too big. You still need GMail or Yahoo though, Homail accounts sizes are too small.
  32. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    well i would certianly [b:998a150170]not[/b:998a150170] want you to send them to as that would be a ridiculous breach of copyright and i don't think I could habdle the guilt :?
  33. jajwhite

    jajwhite New Member

  34. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Jackal, thanks a lot for the trouble you've gone through in [b:424e360ac8]not[/b:424e360ac8] sending me wonderful short stories. It was very enjoyable. :)
  35. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:09a28380a4="Cynical_Youth"]Jackal, thanks a lot for the trouble you've gone through in [b:09a28380a4]not[/b:09a28380a4] sending me wonderful short stories. It was very enjoyable. :)[/quote:09a28380a4]

    I would like to extend my thanks for the exact same reason. :)
  36. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba's e-mail is Ozymandias.Strange (a)

    He is, of course, not saying anyone should e-mail him short stories. Indeed not. But if they do, well, what can he do to stop them?
  37. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:d9c0e7b036="Ba"]Ba's e-mail is Ozymandias.Strange (a)

    He is, of course, not saying anyone should e-mail him short stories. Indeed not. But if they do, well, what can he do to stop them?[/quote:d9c0e7b036]

    Block their addresses, make a filter to move anything they send directly to Trash...
  38. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    [quote:d09c949e3a="Roman_K"][quote:d09c949e3a="Ba"]Ba's e-mail is Ozymandias.Strange (a)

    He is, of course, not saying anyone should e-mail him short stories. Indeed not. But if they do, well, what can he do to stop them?[/quote:d09c949e3a]

    Block their addresses, make a filter to move anything they send directly to Trash...[/quote:d09c949e3a]

    Well, that's a [i:d09c949e3a]possibility[/i:d09c949e3a], certainly.
  39. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Jackal, l'm pleading you to [b:6ebb92e295] never [/b:6ebb92e295] send me any of the stories to Be a dear and don't do it when you have the time. :) [/b]
  40. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:ef494f0c58="shadowgirl"]Jackal, l'm pleading you to [b:ef494f0c58] never [/b:ef494f0c58] send me any of the stories to Be a dear and don't do it when you have the time. :) [/b][/quote:ef494f0c58]

    Well, I was going to make a bad pun there about not being a deer but a human, and how walking around on all fours gets pretty tiring, but it doesn't sound as good written down as spoken (dear vs. deer). Terrible, I know!
    Sent that stuff though to Shadowgirl, Ba, and jajwhite, or did I:?:
  41. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    you are too kind animal with four legs / expensive / dear / deer Jackal.
  42. dididave

    dididave New Member

    Naturally I [b:d072078065]do not[/b:d072078065] condone copy right infringement and would [b:d072078065]not[/b:d072078065] appreciate massively anyone who might find it in their hearts to [b:d072078065]not[/b:d072078065] send short stories to

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