'So This Is Christmas...'

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Posting this on behalf of Garner.

    When I took this job, I knew it was a one year contract. I expected the work would be dull, I didn't expect any extentions on the contract (there wasn't even enough work on the original project to last a full year), and I assumed I'd be able to find something else after the contract ran out. The work was what I expected, there's no guarantee of any extention, and I haven't found anything to move into after this. Call it two out of three.

    Shortly after I joined the Council, a woman was hired to help the building admin staff. I think she was hired as an admin or at least admin assistant, but she's been put to work mainly as a secretary, also having to cover reception an awful lot. She has, as such, not been happy with the nature of the job. She also has not had any better luck than I at finding something else to move on to after her contract runs out.

    We've spoken about our respective positions (assy* end up and hung over a barrel, for the most part) before, and the difficulties with finding something more long term in this town at this time of year. But she's having a rougher time of it. She's enjoyed her job less, felt a bit cheated with the nature of the duties as well, and her contract runs out tomorrow. I've got until the middle of January. Plenty can happen in that time. I've even been told that it's looking more promissing that there might be some quarterly extentions available on my contract. I'd rather not be strung along, quarter to quarter, but my management is sympathetic and has told me I'd be free to jump ship mid-quarter if something else came along. Nothing's definate with any of that, though. But appearantly my compatriot in contractual wage slavery was given a verbal promise that it would definately happen. And there's been nothing from personnel yet. She's written them three times, and three times been denied. I expect there's no cockrel crowing in the garden after that third one, either.

    I assured her that I'd had similar issues with personnel. My manager was unable to get a response from them when she requested the manditory forms for my six month review. In contrast, the poor woman who'll be out of a job this weekend hasn't even HAD her reivew yet... This seemed to relieve her on one level (at least personnel isn't deliberately singling her out for slight), but discourage her on another (would she really want to stay with an organization who can't find their human resources with both hands?). I can sympathize. I mean, I'm still technically in the same boat, it's just that my ship isn't sailing for a few more weeks.

    And what's more, we were quite lucky (blessed if you want to look at it that way) recently, receiving a small sum of money that, provided we don't squander it all on christmas and other unrelated commercial frivolities, should provide us at least a month or two's insurance if our combined income is halved in the Garner household. So, I could be worse off right now. I'm stressed enough about it as it is, and the job market in this town is so depressing that I'll be going to the doctor to talk about prozac or similar next week, but there are safety nets. We'll get by for right now, and before it gets to a point of no return, I can always take a job sweeping floors for three quid an hour.

    So, I'm not that shaken up by my own situation, when you get down to it... and yet the woman who's contract expires tomorrow is down there now covering reception for our building with tears in her eyes. She's not letting it show, but her stare is noticibly watery, even if her upper lip is britishly stiff in the face of adversity.

    And *that*'s what's shaken me a bit. I mean, the christmas decorations are already going up in shops and in the town centre. People working in the private sector may already been budgeting gifts based on an expected christmas bonus. The seasonal work (just perpetuates the problem, really, but at least it's a paycheck for another few weeks) that was on offer in local shops two weeks ago has been filled by spotty faced teenagers by now. Christmas is coming, with lots of lights and tensil for some, but it's also the winter of discontent for folks who are looking for a job.

    And that poor woman's trying to do her best not to cry while covering reception in a busy local government office building.

    *glingle glingle glingle*

    *Due to E-man's E-mail E-filter, the suffix of -y must be added to anything naughty. It is a shity E-mail filter.
  2. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    that's horrible, truly horrible.

    my first job was contract for a year with no prospects of extension.

    luckily there was an ad for permanent before I left and I went through the whole recruitment process again. After I left my contract, it took a full year for them to recruit me permanently.

    my advise is that if you leave now you can get a chrimbo job no problem working for one of the big superstores. but it will only be for chrimbo. look in your local paper and recruitment agencies now before you have to go.

    hopefully you will have somewhere to go when your contract ends.

    good luck!
  3. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

  4. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Chrimbo is where you get shrimp gumbo in your stocking.
  5. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    sounds a bit drippy
  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I hope the situation soon improves for your colleague, and for you, too. I actually hope it rains fantastic jobs on all those people I know whose talents are at least partly put to waste, at least in the working field... *sigh*

    And, I too would likt to know what Chrimbos are, is, or was.

    Also, I wish more people would worry a little more about their fellow human beings instead of moping for themselves, even when their own situations are not especially perfect. It is one of the undervalued human qualities of our days.
  7. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Chrimbo = Christmas.

    Sorry, I wasn't exactly clear :oops:

    Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 6:26 pm


    Chrimbo is where you get shrimp gumbo in your stocking.

  8. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

  9. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about your colleagues position Clay, theres no worse time to lose your job. About 5 years ago at my old place of work they made something like 40% of the workforce redundant at the end of November, I was lucky enough to stay but I remember there their faces, it was horrible. Atleast they got some sort of redundancy package though to get them through the festive period.

    I'm also sorry to hear your postion of employment hasn't improved any since I last spoke to you but i'm sure theres something great around the corner. There normally is in the little world in my head anyway. Don't forget if you ever get desperate for money you could always sell your beard to Rinso for copious amounts of money or even a spare spleen. :)
  10. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:92ce0f8033="shadowgirl"]Chrimbo = Christmas.[/quote:92ce0f8033]

    That's probably offensive to some people...
  11. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Chrimbo is just dialect (or possibly slang). It's used where I live, too. Just in case someone might be offended, it's no more derogatory than 'xmas'.

    Edit: That said, some people might be offended by 'xmas'. In that case, this post is completely useless...
  12. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:6b8bf6731d="chrisjordan"][quote:6b8bf6731d="Garner"][quote:6b8bf6731d="shadowgirl"]Chrimbo = Christmas.[/quote:6b8bf6731d]

    That's probably offensive to some people...[/quote:6b8bf6731d]

    Chrimbo is just dialect (or possibly slang). It's used where I live, too. Just in case someone might be offended, it's no more derogatory than 'xmas'.

    Edit: That said, some people might be offended by 'xmas'. In [i:6b8bf6731d]that[/i:6b8bf6731d] case, this post is completely useless...[/quote:6b8bf6731d]

    It is useless.

    My grandmother is offended by the word "Xmas", as she's a devout christian and it literally removes Christ from Christmas.
  13. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ben can tell his grandmother that Xmas is a Christian term. In the Greek alphabet, X stood for the letter Chi, which was the first letter in Christ. The term Xian is another such. These terms are almost as old as Christianity itself, and were not meant to be at all disrespectful.
  14. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Ha! Take that, Useless Ben!
  15. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    This is a very sad story. I hope she finds better employment and to her liking very soon.
  16. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    [quote:8db284c2c2="Garner"][quote:8db284c2c2="shadowgirl"]Chrimbo = Christmas.[/quote:8db284c2c2]

    That's probably offensive to some people...[/quote:8db284c2c2]

    If Chrimbo = Christmas, then my post was probably much more offensive to Chrimbo celebrators. Any updates on the situation?
  17. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    head of our building's admin was "going to follow up on it"

    dunno if there'll be any good news, but i'll let ya'll know if there is
  18. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:3ed4d39c72="Garner"]head of our building's admin was "going to follow up on it"

    dunno if there'll be any good news, but i'll let ya'll know if there is[/quote:3ed4d39c72]

    I hope there is. This type of story isn't uncommon, but it's much worse when it happens to someone you know.
  19. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Garner wrote [quote:7b2b662431]shadowgirl wrote:
    Chrimbo = Christmas.

    That's probably offensive to some people...

    Agreed. Really sorry everyone for causing offense. I will try to be more considerate in future. Christmas is a lovely time of the year.

    I hope that you find a job, Garner. Keep hastling the Administration. Don't let them forget about you. *Fingers crossed*
  20. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Have you considered joining an agency? That's what Alastair (Mr Hermia, for those who don't know) did, and loads of interviews came rolling in.
    You could even do temping, if you don't mind shaving your legs and wearing eyeshadow like everyone else with your typing speeds...
  21. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member


    Rosemary is still there, i haven't had time to ask her if she got an extention or if they're just delaying the termination, but she's still in the building.

    my manager said that there was a six month extention contract heading my way, but it's yet to materialize. she's getting concerned that i haven't received it yet, which is in turn concerning me a bit.

    ah well.
  22. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    This isn't related but it is of the same ilk... My landlord was finding it very funny last night that he's just told a bunch of people that their rent is going up, effective as of Christmas Day. :)
  23. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    What a w****r!!

    Garner, it sounds like your work people are just insensitive and very badly organised, rather than actually being evil. At least your manager is on your side! Still, it's not fair on you, if you need to look for a new job you should at least be given enough notice to do so!
  24. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Thats some good new Clay. Lets hope it materializes before Christmas so that it can be worry free, or as worry free as Christmas can be anyway. :)
  25. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    The contract was sent to my home address, where buzzfloyd intercepted it and hid it from me.

    Actually she set it on the piano bench, and appearantly even told me about this, but I failed to act upon it. Contract has been signed and sent in to personnel now.

    The day I mailed it in, I had another chat with Rosemary, and it turns out she was only offered an 8 week extention... and the contract was mailed to her husband, rather than her.

    My faith in our personnel department has rarely ever risen above the 0.1% mark.
  26. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Garner, I guess you can breathe a little easier now but I am going to keep hoping you find a job that is a bit less stressing and a lot more satisfying. Any job is worth doing well but some are definitely more worthy then others, and no job is worth getting sick over.

    When I got off the job Thursday a co-worker had been taken ill. She's been sick with a cold or flu and she had been chilled all day, her lips where blue and she was shaking. This lady is 72 and presumably doesn't really have to work. I sure hope she is okay but I also hope she can find an easier way to keep active.

    I have the possibility of losing my job to automation somewhere down the line or even to having the plant close because the industry has been taking a big hit from the demonizing of the deep fried potato. I just try not to worry about that, I will deal with that if it happens, if it doesn't happen it won't have been because I was worrying, and if it does happen there are other things to do.
  27. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:70228623d0="Garner"]The contract was sent to my home address, where buzzfloyd intercepted it and hid it from me.

    Actually she set it on the piano bench, and appearantly even told me about this, but I failed to act upon it. Contract has been signed and sent in to personnel now.[/quote:70228623d0]

    Congrats mate. Good news is always nice to hear. :)
  28. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    My sick friend did have hypothermia and another health problem that should keep her home for a bit, she will probably be back at work sooner then she should, but I'm so glad things weren't worse for her.
  29. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Bugger the temporary employment. I spent years working on temp contracts that had to be renewed all the time... the only thing in my favour was that the job was so crap that they couldn't get anyone else to do it. Not even english backpackers and they'll do anything.

    Garner, doesn't Hastings need a business that requires the services of an enterprising American to, I don't know, save lost Americans from thinking that english beaches are actually worth a visit.

    I'm sure theres money in it :cooler:
  30. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    But Hastings makes most of its money from lost Americans who think its beach is worth a visit! Are you trying to economically cripple my town, Spiky? Shoo! Go plant honest ideas in someone else's head!
  31. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Sorry I was ad libbing... Maybe Garner can start a business that convinces Americans that English beaches are worth a visit, especially Hastings, where lo and behold they will find a friendly, enterprising American to sell them suspicious local specialities from a tray...
  32. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    That's more like it. :cooler: Yes, Spiky, good idea!
  33. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:2953a1cf51="spiky"]Sorry I was ad libbing... Maybe Garner can start a business that convinces Americans that English beaches are worth a visit, especially Hastings, where lo and behold they will find a friendly, enterprising American to sell them suspicious local specialities from a tray...[/quote:2953a1cf51]
    C.M.O.T. Garner?
  34. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    S.Y.I.T.T.A.S.Y.M. Garner.

    (stab you in the throat and steal your money garner)
  35. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I would personally prefer C.Y.T. Garner. It's a lot more catchy.
  36. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    'cynical youth throttler'?
  37. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member


    Cut Your Throat Garner.
  38. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

  39. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    don't eat his pies! :D
  40. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    [quote:8184bae935="shadowgirl"]don't eat his pies! :D[/quote:8184bae935]

    And just what's wrong with pie?
  41. koshu

    koshu New Member

    [quote:39b4b50aeb="Ba"][quote:39b4b50aeb="shadowgirl"]don't eat his pies! :D[/quote:39b4b50aeb]

    And just what's wrong with pie?[/quote:39b4b50aeb]

    nothing its just his pies that we cant eat :lol:

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