Something I've realized...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    I know we've got a members news thread, and everything, but...

    It's occured to me lately that I cannot recall for the life of me when the last time I asked any of my friends how their day was. So, for everyone who's put up with me bitching about my own petty bullshit lately, my humblest and most ashamed apologies.

    How've YOU been?
  2. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Okay. Can't complain, things could be worse.

    Oh, and personally, I don't mind the bitching. Too much Irvin Yalom have given me a zen-master touch.
  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'm doing okay; I just went on a proper bus journey today, bought some clothes then came back on the bus - totally reliant on public transport!

    It doesn't sound like a big deal, but it was for me; it's the first time I've managed to do that in about 5 years, I've had this phobia for ages about other people being in control of where I'm going, that's why we came to Leeds by car instead of on the super easy 20 minute train ride, but I'm finally getting a grip on it. I even went on a train last night, only to Poppleton and back though, which takes about 10 minutes. :)
  4. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    heh. back before i learned how to drive (always prone to anxiety over anything i haven't done before), i'd stick like a shadow to whoever was the 'driver' for any outing.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, I'm still like that now with cars sort of; I've never been able to sit in the back of a car with no doors since I was a kid, I'd rather walk for miles and miles than be squashed in the back seat with no escape, mostly due to bad claustrophobia.
  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I have been -and to a degree still am- scared of driving. I forced myself to get used to it, but when I need an emergency lane at my side to feel halfway at ease, so that I know I can just driive in and stop there in any case. I'd rather absolve a hundred kilometres at 80 km/ph behind an old truck than drive in the middle lane trapped between two lines of cars.

    But aside from that, Garner, how did the job thing turn out?
  7. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    I think it's abandonment issues in my case. I do hate the backseats of cars, but usually because there's no room for my legs.
  8. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    cross posted!

    Hsing, I think i posted about the chat i had with my manager in the original thread. We're back to normalacy at the moment, though I still want another job elsewhere.

    I applied for a promising position, but heard nothing back. The job market in this town is depressing, and i do not want to work as a cleaner and am not qualfied to work as a nurse/care giver. those two catagories cover 95% of the job ads in the local papers.

    there are a couple of things that I'm going to look into over the next few days. Dunno what my odds are, as i don't have a full description of the jobs yet.
  9. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'm doing okay. Since it's saturday, I'm going to spend the next two to three hours waiting for the phone to ring. Today is when Chas makes his weekly phone-call, and it is the highlight of my week.

    Yeah, my life is dull. Go me!

    I'm working on a psychology research project. I'm looking into Music and the memory, and why it helps us remember things.
    Also why those annoying songs get stuck in your head.

    So yeah, I'm research girl today.

    As for driving, I only have my learners, but my mom's gonna let me drive to the grocery store today. Woo hoo! :d
  10. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Garner, I remember the post about the air having cleared more or less, but somehow I also vaguely recalled that there was going to be a decision soon wether your employment there was going into a second round or not. I may be wrong there.
    I hope the perspectives improve for you, though.

    And about my own life right now... lets just say, I feel somehow like someone relying on a train of life whose driver has the instruction to start the engines right when you appear at the corner of the street, so that you always have to run for it, often miss it, and somehow never get rid of the feeling of constant failure.
    The day, though, was quite fine.
  11. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    at least today was fine.

    the second round prospects were never a guaranteed thing to begin with.

    if funding was approved to create a post doing the same work i'm doing now, but on different plans, i was lead to believe i would be a shoe-in.

    last i heard, not only is there strong doubt that the money will be approved in time, but the position, if created, will be in another department under someone else's control...

    i suspect that i would still be a logical choice, but the tone of the news did not imply that. frankly, i do not care. the only true benefit of this job at the moment is the fact that i have a few hours of raw, blissful productivity in almost complete solitude first thing in the morning, during which time i manage to be more productive than either of my predecessors were for an entire work day.

    it means the rest of the day can be undertaken at a leisurely pace during which i can struggle to stay awake most of the time :-x
  12. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I am feeling incredibly frustrated and listless.

    I don't really want to talk about it so yeah... this post is perfectly shitty and pointless.

    Well... you did ask.

    The only redeeming point of my day is that I seem to rule Base Defender.
  13. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Sounds like a dissapointment. I really hope you stumble across something more fulfilling. I could see you as a texter of some sort. :)

    Edit to add: This was a crosspost with CY.
    Reply to his post to be found elsewhere.
  14. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Cynical Youth - I hope you get de-listlessfied soon. Being listless sucks. Feel free to IM, if need be.

    Garner - it's not too late to become a nurse :)

    I'm slightly proud of the fact that I can drive, but I think that - compared to Europe, especially Kiev - the United States suburbia is a VERY driver-friendly place, where the layout of the roads and the parking lots is created with thoroughly idiotic drivers in mind. So as long as you know enough to turn the steering wheel and brake appropriately, you'll be okay, most of the time.

    Which still doesn't stop me from being a horrible driver, sadly enough :p. Just today, my grandmother had saved mine and possibly the other driver's lives - although to be fair, I was entirely law-abiding and mostly blameless. I was making a perfectly legal turn at an intersection. My light was green. I just started to go, when my grandmother suddenly said "Hey, be careful!" I was just about to snap back that I'm doing everything right (my grandma tends to be a bit of a back-seat driver, and I was feeling poorly to begin with), when I saw a car going down the road that was perpendicular to mine - relatively fast - with no intention of stopping, even though it was a solid red light for her. I braked hard - she tore through the intersection, slowing down only briefly to turn and look at me - as in "hey, who is this that I almost killed?"...

    In other words, if my grandma wasn't there or hadn't said anything in time, that lady would have smacked right into me. It would have hurt :p. General advice for everyone - before crossing the road, even while you have green light, ALWAYS check the other side to make sure no maniac is speeding through.

    Okay, I'm done ...
  15. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    My day has been very uneventfull except for the fact that I'm practically sleep walking because I stayed up past midnight talking to you on MSN last night! Then my parents made me get up early to go food shopping, or some other random rubbish like that.
    We only just got back and I rekon I would've died if I'd been deprived of computer any longer. But its all good now cos the computer is mine! Mwahahaha

    *hugs computer*
  16. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I hate shoping, except for books and/or video games.
  17. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I don't like driving, mostly because the majority of the other drivers are certifiable.

    Scratch that, the problem with the other drivers is that they think they know how to drive. I enjoyed driving during the snow season. I was on first gear all the time and there were no other cars in the area. A very low stress situation.

    Given that, it's a feat of design on the part of Citroen that it has made a car (the marvellous C3) that does not tire me. If I ever change my car, it would be a C3 again but the convertible version.
  18. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    After sitting in the back of the car with my brother learning to drive, i'm suprised I ever got back in a car. He had me more scared than I was in Dubai (containing the 2nd most dangeroud higheway in the world), Jakarta (its slower anyway!), mumbai, and singapore (people here do not know the meaning of indicating) put together.

    Anyway, incase you were wondering. I am spiffing. Well Not exactly but I love the word :D
  19. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Cynical Youth... whatever it is that bothers you, may it be lifted from your shoulders.
    And we should maybe make a topic of that stupid Brecht poem, because i keep not seeing you on AIM anymore... ;)
  20. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    My day has only just started, as i only got up an hour ago. Sleep is good for you! With no money to do anything that involves getting up early, I officialy declare the morning illegal.

    Yesterday I spent the day pouring champagne substitute for random customers. And drinking it when the manager wasn't looking.

    I go back to uni soon, and am looking forward to it in some ways, dreading it in others. So I'm a bit unpredictable these days.



  21. lipi

    lipi New Member

    My day has been an emotional rollercoaster due to a 'discussion' with my father, followed by a nasty feeling in my stomach after eating something that seemed normal, but turned out to be spicier/hotter than hell. I'm turning in early, so hopefully I won't look like a zombie my first day back at work.

    That's enough whining for now. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit calmer :)
  22. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Thanks. :)
    The same goes for Mowgli.

    It hasn't been lifted from my shoulders as of yet, but I did have a great day today.

    I went over to a friend's house to play some guitar and it went really well. We composed and recorded a bit of music and I'm proud of the initial results.

    As for the poem, while I don't think it will be the most popular topic I'd love to an analysis of metre or something.

    Edit: forgot a word
  23. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Garner: I think I told you before...become an academic the bludgiest job in the world :) Although I think you said you needed to finish studying could do that for a while couldn't you?

    My day is OK I will get around to doing work soon, any minute now...honestly...

    I've been dealing with crazy student enquiries all morning, along the lines of "I'm an idiot, I can't find my arse with a map can you find my arse for me, I'm desparate to find my arse?!"

    On the upside I started to write on my PhD, making it a grand total of 8 one ever said these things went quickly...
  24. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    My day is going alright, had a boring mission the other day (boring is good for me), have one tonight, and for some reason my back hurts. Stupid extra heavy SAPI plates that they got us. CY, still crappy? Mowgli, thank your grams.... andlookbothways! Saccharissa, one would think that at some point you'd NEED a new car. Unless you plan on giving up driving after this one dies. Garner, good luck
  25. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Oh! We were all awarded our combat patches yesterday.
  26. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    what, band-aids?

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