Spam, and why we don't do it.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Oct 30, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Spam is an unrequested advertisement. There can be a slight arguement made for discworld related spam, but we haven't asked for those either.

    Advertising a new computer game that is not discworld related is, not surprisingly, spam.

    Do not do spam.

    Spam is bad.
  2. chesterguy

    chesterguy New Member

    i'd have more put it down to showing-off a project that i was involved in the making of... but if it comes under spam, then fine and i apologise, your the mod... :)
  3. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Maybe you could put something like that under Members' News with a link to the article. I think that would be closer to your original intention anyway. :)
  4. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    well, you *did* say 'advertising'.

    but indeed, if you want to show off something you've been working on, i think Cynical's suggestion is very apt. it's low key and in an appropriate place, where as starting a new thread dedicated to it is a bit much.

    yes, i'm aware of how hypocritical this makes me with my chess game and everything else.

    i don't care though.
  5. chesterguy

    chesterguy New Member

    Yes admittedly i did say something along the lines of, at the start of it "I wrote this for a few other website's ive advertised this game on, so if you cant be bothered reading my waffling, just click the link"

    I didnt really mean "Advertise" really, "posted about this on" would probably have been a better term to use... all i meant was that if your scared by the massive block of text that followed, just click on the link to see what it is for yourself...

    Anyway, yes, ill post in members news about it instead then :)

    EDIT: Actually i posted about it in the "Game Thread" as that seemed more appropriate than members news ;)

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