Spewed Forth By Our Sorry Brains - Authors' Note(s)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Gypsy, Sep 10, 2008.

  1. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Or is is Author's Notes? (or mayhap Authors's notes? no...) I can never decide on possessive words ending in 's', (ie Jesus' sandals.....or Jesus's sandals?! Aaah! Now I know why Kiwis call them Jandals!)

    But to get on track (not having gotten into the cart yet), I thought that the continuous story 'Spewed Forth etc etc' needed an equivalent to Bunny of the Dead's 'Behind the Scenes' Thread.

    It may only be a place where we can (insert -ly word I can't think of here) cattle prod each other into action, or comment on the previous entry.

    I for one would like to congratulate Joc on frustratingly not moving the story on any further! *grin*. Although, I must concede that yes, Alice is now at the bottom af a deep hole. *yay* I am really enjoying this storyline, and who knows, that penguin may yet come in handy?

    Whoever feels like going next........well, go!
  2. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Well, if I post a comment it should technically be Authors' Notes. (Where is Buzzfloyd when you need her on an apostrophe based matter?)

    I agree with Gypsy that even after gaps of several days, not many people have put in their two pennyworth. (Despite being given the chance to follow several lucrative possibilities!)
    Maybe that cattle prod will reach further if you attach it to a Morris stick.

    I'd like to think we are both conforming to a quote by Douglas Adams...."Maybe our brains are too highly tuned...".

    Besides all that I want, nay demand, that chrisjordan adds a least one other post to explain that 'tiresome trick' the penguin keeps performing. :D

    Most of my imaginings are either impossible or too smutty; but none of tham has ever made my brain feel sorry.
  3. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I quite like not knowing what that 'tiresome trick' is, perhaps because I have no ideas to put forth to explain it myself.

    (I have a sneaking suspicion that neither does Chris...)
  4. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I have a sneaky feeling, everyone is hanging back to see what other people are going to write. I know it can be difficult to write a few lines only to see someone has spoiled it for you and posted a reply just a few seconds or minutes before you had completed your submission.

    Just to recap on the rules that Chris originally posted...

    (1) In this one, the length and quality of your submission is entirely up to you. It can be a few lines long, several paragraphs, half a sentence, or even a single word.

    (2) It can be about

    (3) If you don't like it, you can end it and start a new one at any time. Just make it nice and obvious when you do.

    Or are you guys enjoying the story so far you're afraid of spoiling whatever you think the plot may be?

    Remember, when we finish it, eventually, the book will be on sale from all good charity shops near you.

    Proceeds to my numbered Swiss bank account in accordance with my normal sharing policy :pirate:
  5. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Alright, is it just me or did that last entry confuse everyone?

    ....at least that's what I thought until I just went back and re-read it. Perhaps reading on a full (of whisky) stomach is not the way to go. Nice work on tying it together Joc. I wrote the bit about Uncle Al, and I didn't even think to have the woman be Aunt Vermillion... just as well I didn't name her. I still don't know what a Varumba pod is, but there are a few ideas kicking arund somewhere in this head of mine....I think they just broke a window.

    Anyone want to come in and give us some fresh ideas? We can see the view count, and it's not Joc and I coming back to re-read and gloat over our literary genius....well, not all of it. Feel free to comment in this thread with thoughts, opinions, ideas,-or just moan about how skewed our plot is. You can also *wink wink nudge nudge* contribute a little bit of madness to the story...Join us...join us.....join us!....

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