Stephen King - The Dark Tower

Discussion in 'NON PRATCHETT BOOK DISCUSSIONS' started by nightguard5008, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. nightguard5008

    nightguard5008 New Member

    Just coming to the end of the last book in the series. He's mainly a writer of horrer but he has said that he always wanted to do a fantasy/quest type book. (Hobbits were big when I was young -quote) It took him over 20 years to finish the books. He had to redo the first couple as they were written as a young writer. He was inspired to finish the books off after being involved in a car accident, more of a wake up call as he didn't want to be another author with an unfinished novel. Well worth a read.

  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I tried reading the first one many years ago and although I was a huge King fan at the time, I just couldn't get into it. But then so many people have said that about books that I have just loved, so I guess it's a personal thing. My husband loves the dark tower series up to episode 4 which he never finished.
  3. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Oh, I'd assumed Dark Tower was King's usual horror type work. If it's fantasy, I might give it a go, because I love King's writing, I just dislike horror.
  4. nightguard5008

    nightguard5008 New Member

    It's a 'Quest' type story with one or two wierd creatures and set in different time zones and alternative worlds. There is a little gore in it but Stephen King likes to kill off characters in a nasy way especially the baddies. But the books also have strong friendship between the questers, lromance and even some comedy. I bought the updated versions rather than the earler ones.
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well there it is, my original post was to say that although I was a huge King fan at the time, I had tried it and never managed to get even half way through the book. If I find a more recent version, I'll give it a try...
  6. nightguard5008

    nightguard5008 New Member

    Well now finished. Enjoyable read overall. Now stuck for reading material. Good thing is that where I'm working is at an old University Halls of Residence which has been vacated (I'm a security guard) and there are a few books in the library. Bad thing most of the books are not much cop having not heard of many of the authors or being old. Reading a collection Of SF stories at the moment dated around 1956. I've sorted one or two out though of the more interesting ones at first glance. Humour or short stories. Until the place is sold I shall have a few lonely nights and reading is one way to pass the time whatever the book is.
  7. Silvermoth

    Silvermoth New Member

    I've just finished book 2. I'm loving every moment. As soon as I've finished the novels for Uni, I'll get back to reading them

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