Stupid ad...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Tephlon, Oct 27, 2005.

  1. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Who thinks this stuff up?

    One of the biggest chains of Opticains in Portugal gives a discount based on age (80 year olds get 80% discounts) which is nice (I always imagine a 105 year old getting money and a pair of glasses.)

    Anyway, one smaller optician has now thought of something "similar".
    These geniusses came up with this:

    [b:c1383ff5fa]A discount based on weight... [/b:c1383ff5fa]

    Yes you read that right, the heavier you are, the more discount you get. (See [color=blue:c1383ff5fa]here for fat flabby guy getting 100% discount[/color:c1383ff5fa] )

    Am I the only one who thinks that's a bit… stupid?
    Is this one of those 3AM brainstorm sessions?
    What do you think the reasoning behind this was?
  2. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    That's advertising. No ethical necessity. As long as it works and brings in customers. Honestly, I don't think this is any worse than a KFC commercial, although this does encourage obesity on a larger scale I guess.

    Btw, isn't it a discount on the frame and not on the actual glasses? They did the age discount here too and that what's I remember. I don't see how they manage it financially if that wasn't the case.

    Advertising is a downhill track. It's all about the attention it receives, not the artistic quality. If you think about it, this is actually a "good" commercial because you noticed it.


    I'm reminded of a commercial I saw on TV recently. It featured a model in lingerie promoting an internet provider called Scarlet with obvious sexual overtones. In the same commercial break there was then a brief repetition of the same commercial, but now with the model replaced by a little girl (6 or 7 years old) in lingerie promoting the family edition. Why would you do that?
    It's the same perverted logic.
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Yeah but you can compare it to the best ad in the world...

    I love this ad :D
  4. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    The Big Ad is the greatest ad ever in the history of the world. :D

    What I've noticed about advertising at the moment, and what really gets me, is the culture of selfishness and greed. All the ads around at the moment seem to be based on the fact that everyone is naturally greedy and will do anything to get the most amount of something for themselves. Remember those Cadbury ads that said: "wouldn't it be nice to treat the family?" I liked them. Because chocolate is really more fun when shared with others. But an ad like that would never come up these days. Really annoys me.
  5. davobanavo

    davobanavo New Member

    [quote:3322e879b9="Andalusian"] All the ads around at the moment seem to be based on the fact that everyone is naturally greedy and will do anything to get the most amount of something for themselves. [/quote:3322e879b9]

    Yeah, most ads seems to even celebrate this sad fact these days. Most depressing.
  6. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    That ad is pretty good actually, I hope it does sell some blooooooooooooooody beer. :D

    Actually I fancy a pint of Carlton draught myself. Damn me and my impressionable side.
  7. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:fb555abf02="spiky"]Yeah but you can compare it to the best ad in the world...

    I love this ad :D[/quote:fb555abf02]

    Thanks for that link... that ad made me and my spouse laugh at an otherwise pretty horrible day. :D

    Any more links? I feel like watching funny ads now....
    That's the effect it had on [i:fb555abf02]me[/i:fb555abf02]...
  8. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    That doesn't nessarily encourage obesity. The unusually tall also benifit, as tall people particully those with broard shoulders often weight 90+ kg.

    The best ad I have seen lately aside from the big ad is another beer ad where appliances are fighting over a beer.
  9. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    The best ad I've seen recently is also for beer. Amstal- I tried to see if I could get a link to it but couldn't find one.

    I’m going to paraphrase it (try to)

    It starts off in a large Galleon ship with three Irish deckhands looking out to sea, muttering to each other) one of them suddenly stands up and say’s ‘Look Chris I can see land over there’ The captain then looks out and does indeed see a beach.

    The next shot is off the three deckhands pulling a small boat ashore and the captain jumping out of it proclaiming and gesturing loudly that the land should be named for the queen.

    The next shot is of the deckhands sitting drinking glass tankards of beer.

    One turns to another and says ‘I think they should name the country after us- after all we discovered it’. ‘Yeah’ replies another deckhand. Writing US in the condensation of the tankard he’s holding. At this point all we see is the ‘A’ of Amstal so the word reads USA.

    :( Alright so it's not funny when I type it and there is more to the actual storyline but it is a really funny advertisement.

    Edit: If anyone can find a link to this advertisement anywhere please post it here!
  10. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    The best ad i've ever seen was one on tabasco.

    It starts out showing a man sitting on a porch and eating pizza. With every bite he puts about half a bittle of tabasco on it. That would burn any normal person's stomach in half.

    The next shot shows a mosquito zipping along and landing on the man. He stops eating and watches it. The mosquito finishes and zooms off. a few meters further the zoom of the mosquito begins to take on a higher an higher pitch, until it explodes on a huge explosion which lites up the night.

    The man watches this and smiles to himself.

    I nearly broke myself when i watched this for the first time.
  11. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    [quote:63524d90ec="spiky"]Yeah but you can compare it to the best ad in the world...

    I love this ad :D[/quote:63524d90ec]
    That was brilliant! It made both me and Garner laugh out loud.
  12. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Strange really, in the car on the way back from Hastings we did have a brief chat about ads and how the beer one's are always the best.

    However I hadn't seen the big ad before, and even without sound it seems to triumph over them all.
  13. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I loved the big ad.

    There was an extremely bizarre, morbid ad I saw a while ago. It is supposed to get people to not exceed the speed limit.

    It was a while ago, so I don't remember it exactly, but what I remember is that it shows (what is supposed to be) the corpse of a little girl on the side of the road. She opens one eye, and talking out of the side of her mouth, like a zombie, says something like "I was hit by a car going (high number over the speed limit). The she sort of drags herself into the road in a zombie like fashion with one arm and until she gets to the middle of the road, and then, in a really creepy way, because she's supposed to be a talking corpse, says something like "if the car were going (low number) miles per hour, I would have lived."

    It was like the ad was telling you to drive slowly when you try to run over little girls.
  14. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    That big ad was fantastic.
  15. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:d708c6b752="Marcia"]It was like the ad was telling you to drive slowly when you try to run over little girls.[/quote:d708c6b752]


    I've seen that one. It's creepy.

    Have you seen the one that looks like it's filmed with a mobile phone or something, some kids on the street, and one of them gets hit by a car. That one is pretty powerfull. MTV showed it 5 times in one commercial break though, so the impact (heh) was gone a bit.
  16. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    For those who love their ads and have really high bandwidth/download quotas here is a site that can give you hours of advertising pleasure... I use it all the time to get ads for my lectures...

    The ad that Pepster was describing can be found here. But its not my favourite it was just TEDs response to the big Ad... I don't think blokes are that interested in appliances.
  17. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:48e2ea3065="Tephlon"][quote:48e2ea3065="Marcia"]It was like the ad was telling you to drive slowly when you try to run over little girls.[/quote:48e2ea3065]


    I've seen that one. It's creepy.

    Have you seen the one that looks like it's filmed with a mobile phone or something, some kids on the street, and one of them gets hit by a car. That one is pretty powerfull. MTV showed it 5 times in one commercial break though, so the impact (heh) was gone a bit.[/quote:48e2ea3065]

    We have lots of these scary ads in on local Television- there are two more which are as thought provoking as the two mentioned by Tephlon and Marcia- they’re sponsored by the DOE (which is the Department of the Environment.) One shows a guy scoring a goal in a football match then afterwards having a few beers and driving home. His car hits a kerb and goes out of control going through a garden fence – killing the little boy playing – it is pretty horrendous.

    Then there’s the one showing four people in a car and one person in the back of a car not putting on their seatbelt – the slow motion camera shot of this person hitting everyone else in the car when it crashes is also pretty grim
  18. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:3acef9e916="spiky"]Yeah but you can compare it to the best ad in the world...

    I love this ad :D[/quote:3acef9e916]

    Fantastic! This is a work of art! This enters my all time favourites. :D
  19. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:07d94c7f62="Perdita"]We have lots of these scary ads in on local Television- there are two more which are as thought provoking as the two mentioned by Tephlon and Marcia- they’re sponsored by the DOE (which is the Department of the Environment.) [/quote:07d94c7f62]

    Ahh Public Information films..... did you know that the National Archive has released a selection dating from 1945 - 1951 ? A real piece of history and quite amusing too! There are 2 pages (check out the London Bus ride on page 2 :badgrin: the attitudes seem almost unbelievable nowadays. )
  20. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Just watched Journey by a London Bus. I must say that I found it interesting. I may just watch the others when I have the time.

    I couldn't help but note that just after the children crossed the street, a guy crossed the street without any regard to the nice white markers saying where he should cross. Just one of those little things.
  21. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I recall a Scottish ad for wearing your seatbelts. It involved one kid in the back who didn't wear his and became the projectile killing all the others.

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