Ten reasons why Kenny sucks...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    "Yogurt Flavored Covered Peanuts", the package said on closer inspection. That word, 'flavored', was conveniently missing from the label in the larger font size. You know, the one you can actually READ without aid of a microscope?

    What the hell is 'yogurt flavored'? I'm half inclined to go to a university and borrow their electron microscope to see what the ingredients are. I'm also half terrified to.

    I suppose I can only hope for a moral victory on the grounds that the package does not, so far as I can tell, say 'May Contain Nuts' anywhere on it... or 'May Contain Nut Flavored things', which would probably be worse.
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I hoped this thread would contain more kenny bashing.
  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'm shocked! Are you sure there isn't any way Kenny can be blamed for this?
  4. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    An even more pertinent question would be: why did you want to eat peanuts that taste like yoghurt?
  5. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    lol! I have a confession to make. I have very little time, and an awful lot of unread posts, so I flicked down to see if there were any particularly interesting ones, and jumped straight to this thread!

    Garner, bring a peanut to my house and I'll coat it in yoghurt for you. My current yoghurt is strawberry, is that alright?
  6. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    You have to be very careful with what you buy these days, tonight my girlfriend and I were amazed when looking at a migraine control product* in a supermarket. It contained potassium dichromate as the active ingredient, a very very bad cancer causing substance that can adsorb through the skin.

    [i:73cef14511]* Some sort of chapstick for the forehead. Don't ask[/i:73cef14511] :roll:
  7. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Surely brain cancer is only going to exasperate the headache problem?
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Not sure about that, the brain doesn't have any nerves so it doesn't feel anything. The cancer may even spread to the migraine-causing area, thus eliminating the problem - the system works! :)
  9. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Isn't this like swatting a fly with a tank?
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Damn Flys.
  11. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:0c310d27e1="Saccharissa"]Isn't this like swatting a fly with a tank?[/quote:0c310d27e1]Exactly! No head, no headache. :)
  12. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    I had a look at the packaging again today, it is a homeopathic remedy :roll:

    I believe that says it all.

    Funny they chose a chemica for their quack pesudoscience that while very useful for many things (various synthetic chemistry functional group transformations etc.) that happens to be one that chemists bend over backwards to avoid as it is so dangerous. Its pretty much spill this on your self and you will have cancer, your mutant children will have cancer and the tumour growing out of your foreheads will have its own cancer.
  13. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Remember, it's homeopathy. The worse it is, the better its homeopathic solution will be. Because of quantum.
  14. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Before you go too far down the quack pseudoscience route, read the labels on any fizzy drink bottle you've got to hand. Most of them contain aspartame, which I believe was a main contributor to the Gulf Sydrome thing (which I admit I don't completely understand) and which stops the brain from making seratonin (I understand this one) causing depression and general screwed-upness. I'm not even going to start on the horrible things they sell to people with prescriptions who are anxious to avoid scary homeopathy!
  15. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    You see the difference between these two chemicals in consumer products is that aspartame has been extensively tested and found to be safe for human consumption, further due to critics who have tried to pin it to brain tumours etc. by using ad hoc tests that skew the results aspartame has been subject to further testing than what is nominally given to such a chemical used in a foodstuff. And it has been found safe. Repeatedly.

    Potassium dichomate on the otherhand is a known cancer causing agent, mutagen, causes gentic damage and effects the exposed peoples/animals offspring. It has been found very very very unsafe. Wrapping it in homeopathic bullshit does not change this.
  16. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Look, we're arguing about why KENNY sucks, not homeopathy. Besides, we already had this discussion once.
  17. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Having just reread the first paragraph of pepster's last post...

    putting an SSRI in a soft drink may be 'safe for human consumption' and may not be shown to cause cancer, but you can buy cigarettes at the corner store. At one point in time, doctors in magazine adverts encouraged you to smoke for its health benefits.

    lets face it, physiology and particularly neurochemistry is practically holistic. one SSRI is ritalin. in low dosages, it can help ADHD symptoms and allow otherwise spastic freaks to live a normal life. in the dosages its typically given, it just overstimulates such a spaz to the point where they sit still in class, which is all most people care about.

    take another SSRI, lysergic acid dyethelamide. 0.0625 micrograms of this stuff will send you in a boat on a river looking at celophane flowers and plasticine trees. there's no known 'lethal dose' of the stuff, and it was developed in a series of tests to uncover a cardiac stimulant to help regulate people with weak hearts.

    aspartame has been shown to contribute to development or exacerbation of ADHD, depression, and other things. gin, one of the more popular liquors, includes a flavoring process that involves a heated aluminum rod being inserted into the stuff. that aluminum rod taints the alcohol a bit and has been showed to contribute to the advancement of altzheimers as well as other neurological disorders. for that matter, take diet coke... sachrine, aspartame, and enough phosphoric acid to disolve the enamle off your teeth (hardest substance in the human body, that!). sachrine is carcenogenic. the stuff's even in Trident sugar free chewing gum. the one that research has shown can help PREVENT tooth decay... but might cause cancer.

    'safe for human consumption' is, to say the least, a fucking misnomer.

    how much rat shit or cock roach wings are there in a given batch of tinned vegetables? the USDA tracks this sort of thing. they've got tollerance levels built into the procedures. sure, the individual tin of creamed corn that you're heating up for dinner might only have trace amounts of rat hair or roach turds, possibly so little as to be verging on the 'homeopathic'...

    but i'd much rather buy a few ears of organic corn (ba, don't make me punch you in the nuts if you say there's no such thing) and cream the damn stuff myself if i'm going to be worried about the fecal matter content.

    papal infalibility is a joke to some of you, because it's religious. why then do you extend some sort of similarity to your own chosen faiths in the scientific method when it's just as prone to HUMAN error?

    we've had this discussion before, last i recall, it resulted in ba failing to reply to the thread and pepster quieting down. if we're going to have it again, i don't expect that there'll be any change in the outcome, as you guys have no willingness to look at it any differently, and you've never offered anything new to change the supporters minds.

    me? i don't give a shit. i eat enough spicy food to kill off any bacteria that my stomach acids don't manage to deal with in the first instance, so i'm happy enough with tinned vegetables or well washed organicly grown ones. i don't like the way diet coke tastes, and i tend to drink tea more often than coca-cola anyway. i'm sure there's plenty of potential health nightmares in my diet. i eat enough curry to probably make my cholesterol level sky rocket.

    life has been proven to be fatal in 100% of the studied cases. quit getting so worked up about it, because it doesn't matter in a hundred years time. it's simply not 'safe for human consumption', that's all there is to it.
  18. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Beat me to it.

    Going back to aspartame, I know of actualy real-life tests that show this to have a negative affect on people. For instance I work with a lot of autistic children and some them are not allowed to drink the diet drinks that have aspartame in them because it makes them go loopy and stay up all night. It doesn't mean shit what some scientists and doctors have said about it being fit for human consumption when you can see the effects with your own eyes, your child up all not behaving erratically because some teacher or kid at school unknowingly gave him a drink with aspartame in it.

    A few of the parents of the children I see ask themselves if it might do them some harm also, even if the effects are not visible like they are with their autistic child. Of course I find myself asking the same question.

    That's just one more reason why Kenny sucks.
  19. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    [quote:fd58b7b30c="Garner"]papal infalibility is a joke to some of you, because it's religious. why then do you extend some sort of similarity to your own chosen faiths in the scientific method when it's just as prone to HUMAN error? [/quote:fd58b7b30c]

    This assumes blind belief in science*. Considering that the scientific method is self correcting and that error analysis is a part of any good study.

    I just don't see your point and how it applies to me, I don't believe in science as "infalable" if I did then I would never question it nor would I seek seek new answers to unsatisfactorily answers.

    Frankly i don't believe in science that much either, I accept it.

    I actually find the statment quite insulting.

    *[i:fd58b7b30c]Or the scientists are saying it so it must be true sydrome[/i:fd58b7b30c]

    [quote:fd58b7b30c="Garner"]we've had this discussion before, last i recall, it resulted in ba failing to reply to the thread and pepster quieting down. if we're going to have it again, i don't expect that there'll be any change in the outcome, as you guys have no willingness to look at it any differently, and you've never offered anything new to change the supporters minds.[/quote:fd58b7b30c]

    Your right and I cannot be bothered with going further with it after staring at a 93 page review of the Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology on the safety of Aspartame, mainly due to the point that it won't stop people treating pesoudoscience bullflop as science and spreading the crap about.

    and frankly I'm lazy and don't want to go through a 93 page review.

    So basically in short, I blew my top at the comparison of potassium dichomate to aspartate, there is a [b:fd58b7b30c]difference [/b:fd58b7b30c]to a chemical that worries chemists, people who chose to play with dangerous chemicals everyday, and a chemical found in Diet Coke that on the weight of evidence does not do what the critics say.

    I know which I would rather ingest a gram of.
  20. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think it's the phrase 'pseudoscience bullflop as science' that makes you come across in the way Garner describes, assuming that one group of people's tests are superior to another when it is more than likely that the "real scientists'" experiments and tests will also turn out to be bullflop.

    The phrasing you use suggests that you have a kind of unquestioning faith in science, or at least an unhealthy high-regard considering the evidence of history - i.e. that what they are saying now may well be total crap in another 50 years' time.

    For me the fact that something needs testing so much and vast documents to back it up instantly puts it on my dodgy list. Like all the testing on mobile phones for instance; every few months there's some doctor or other saying how new tests have proved they are safe, while another doctor suggest using headphones so it's not near your brain or whatever. There's that much testing going on that it's obviously bloody dangerous to some degree or they wouldn't bother testing them. The fact is no one cares because mobile phones are too useful to us, but in a hundred years' time they'll all be laughing at us primitive folk knocking back aspartame, destroying our natural immune systems and giving ourselves brain tumors because science said it was okay and safe.
  21. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    You know, I had half a detailed reply to this then it just came to this.

    I don't like to be the subject of garner's or anyone elses half penny psychology.

    Neither of us will ever see the other side as correct in this and when it comes to it I have better things to do than waste my time on beating against a wall of humble opinions about my own beliefs and opinions. I know I'm correct, you know you are correct.... the result probably won't be pretty or worth reaching in the first place.

    Goodbye all. It has been nice while it lasted, any who wish to stay in contact with me know how to do so.
  22. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Hang on, hang on... Pepster are you staging a walk out because people objected to your usual tendancy to 'ram raid' your viewpoint in a discussion?

    And are you using half assed psychology to attribute to me view points I don't actually hold? I barely understand what homeopathy is supposed to be. It sounds like a load of rubbish most of the time, but the arguements against it are an equal mix of 'well, it shouldn't work so we won't even bother checking to see if it does' and 'this is why i hate you homeopathic new agers, always jumping to conclusions because of wishful thinking'

    Honestly, i'm unimpressed by the opposition as much as i am by the supporters. Grace was taking a homeopathic remedy for nosebleeds a couple of years ago. Not one bit of it made any sense to me at all, and I could think of a few better ways to deal with short term nose bleeds by my own personal way of reckoning... but her nosebleeds stopped, and she hasn't exploded into a tentacled cancerous mutagen spewing monster yet.

    Conclusions? fuck 'em, I don't care. I say this as a statement of observation, not because i'm trying to persuade anyone to either cause, or to psychoanalyze anyone.

    What I can do is say how someone's post comes across to me, and I've done that. if it upset you, i'm sorry. if you're leaving, i think you're over reacting. if i've misunderstood you, well, i'd say we could talk about it and find out where things went wrong, but you seem to be leaving, so i'm just gonna shrug.
  23. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Basically, I go on the principle of "What works, works" - so Garner, I would be very interested to know about Grace's nosebleed remedies - I have this problem from time to time - sometimes just a bit of blood when I blow my nose or sneeze, but occasionally a "doesn't stop bleeding for an hour and a half so it's time to call an ambulance" situation - hospital tests have cleared my blood pressure and heart functions as normal - anything which helps is welcome!
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:4b5a5abe00="Pixel"]Basically, I go on the principle of "What works, works" - so Garner, I would be very interested to know about Grace's nosebleed remedies - I have this problem from time to time - sometimes just a bit of blood when I blow my nose or sneeze, but occasionally a "doesn't stop bleeding for an hour and a half so it's time to call an ambulance" situation - hospital tests have cleared my blood pressure and heart functions as normal - anything which helps is welcome![/quote:4b5a5abe00]

    You might want to look at sinusitis, which is what i get. Basically its a blockage of little tuby things in the nose which can cause bleeding... but hell I'm not a doctor or a homeopath, so I could be talking bollocks.

    Pepster, this [i:4b5a5abe00]has[/i:4b5a5abe00] already been discussed before so getting narky when people aren't that interested in discussing it again is a bit much. My boyfriend just tells me to shut up when I try to tell him a story he's already heard, so take it on the chin, buck up and let us blame Kenny for my sinusitis as well as your hate of alternative medicines.

    Oh and Grace's nose bleeds. They must be Kenny's fault too.
  25. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    i think it was a homeopathic phosphorous suppliment, not sure. at the time, i just heard the word 'homeopathy' and went looking for a dictionary. by the time i'd found one, she'd finished the treatment and her nose wasn't bleeding.
  26. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:02ed9c9a02="Garner"].....she hasn't exploded into a tentacled cancerous mutagen spewing monster yet.


    Wow, really? I thought that's why you'd been hiding her.
  27. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I must say, that from thorough personal testing in a family environment, I can affirm that homeopathy is scientifically proven to be 100% efficient for at least one thing.

    Starting arguments and ending up by sending at least one party off in a huff.

    (edited for a homeopathetic dose of spelling correction)
  28. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    I hate to do this, as I previously implied the last post would be my last. Well this will be the last [i:ed0e9ebe54]again[/i:ed0e9ebe54]. I'll keep this short to balance it out.

    Garner, Mal and the rest of the boards in general deserve more. A apology as well for my little tanty above is also well deserved.

    Leaving the board has been on the agenda for a while, frustration and overtiredness just got the better of me above. Sorry about that I am a bit of a hothead.

    My reasons for leaving deserve a mention as well, the boards, community or whatever it is called by the majority have lost for a long time the charm of the old community, good discussion and thought provoking topics. And my feelings have been this way for a long while. What new topics there are that vaguely of interest me, die within a few posts.

    There is nothing here anymore for me, and I have wasted more than enough time contemplating the leave.

    Real life beckons, Farwell

  29. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  30. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    well, that's a far better note to leave on. hopefully you're not making this a 'set in stone no matter what decision' and we'll see ya around once in a while.

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