Terry Pratchett Biography

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I had a go at writing a Terry Pratchett Biography page: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/discworld/pratchett_biography.php

    There could well be mistakes and/or typos as I'm pretty tired now, so please point them out if you spot any.

    More importantly though, can we post additions and corrections here to be added to the page so we end up with the best Terry Pratchett biography around? :)

    P.S. The page is also reachable via the Discworld Books link at the top of every page.
  2. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Great write up. I took a quick glance because my baby is deciding now is a good time to wake up. I think you pretty much included everything. I don't know if you want to mention the audio books as well?

    [quote:ae4cfa352e]After doing the rounds in the local journalism racket Terry Pratchett moved onto the Central Electricity Generating Board where he became four nuclear power stations’ press officer[/quote:ae4cfa352e]

    I think that maybe this should be rephrased to say:

    After doing the rounds in the local journalism racket Terry Pratchett moved onto the Central Electricity Generating Board where he became a press officer for four nuclear power stations.

    But everything else you wrote is perfect, so I could be wrong.
  3. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    you might be able to include some of the stuff that was in the intervew pmsurrey just posted on scifi.com..there is soem interesting point about him growing up and bases for novels that could be included.

    sorry I'll add more comments when I have more time

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