Front Row, on BBC Radio 4 did a peice on Pterry's speech at the Crime Writer awards yesterday (8 nov). and click "Listen Again" on the right hand of the screen. scroll through the alphabetical list and find "Front Row." this option might disappear next tues so do it asap. listen to the intro if you like and fast forward through Robert Downey Jr for about 10mins edited to add : he's only on for a little moment though
interesting...even if he only speaks for 2 seconds...i couldn't watch any more of it though, it started breaking up and the voices went very un-natural sounding. so...yeah...
[quote:86b88a1a47] 1. Terry Pratchett Jul 5 1992, 10:41 am show options Newsgroups: From: (Terry Pratchett) - Find messages by this author Date: Sun, 5 Jul 1992 20:02:13 +0000 Local: Sun, Jul 5 1992 4:02 pm Subject: Hi, people Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original | Report Abuse If this works, it's because dwindera gave me painstaking intructions ('place fingers on's that oblong thing...) and here I am, maybe. Couple of points (I've been reading a few previous messages). My 33mhz 486 is no longer a goshwow machine, Dell having done their usual trick of waiting until I bought it before dropping the price hugely. I keep vaguely wondering what Macs are like, but the ones I've seen spend too much time being friendly....Bravd and the Weasel were indeed takeoffs of Leiber characters -- there was a lot of that sort of thing in TCOM. But I didn't -- at least conciously, I suppose I must say -- create Ankh-Morpork as a takeoff of Lankhmar. Originally it was just Morpork, then Ankh just sounded nice...hmm...I don't think those are too bad as inconsistencies over 13 books, especially since I could argue about one or two....I'm not happy about the US covers, but they sell better with those than with Josh's, according to Roc; peronsally, I think most of them are very poor and usually bear the merest relationship to the text. Um. Can't remember any more. Farewell! I must be going! (Hooray for Captain Spaulding....) Terry [/quote:86b88a1a47] terry pratchetts first message on
Cool... thirteen years later, he says, in an interview, that using the computer revolutionized (sp?) his writing speed...
I just found out that Terry Pratchett was on Sunday AM on BBC1 last Sunday. I missed seeing him. But worry not because for the next few days you can click on the view link to see the actual video of the programme. The bit with TP starts at about 26:25. Go to this site on the top right hand of the screen there should be some script which read : [quote:fd31396ac7]Sunday AM, a BBC flagship political programme, is broadcast on Sundays at 09:00 BST on BBC One Watch Sunday AM [/quote:fd31396ac7] click on the watch sunday am.
When does the interview come on, how far through I mean? Oops, never mind, didn't read your post properly.
I don't know if anybody's already posted about this yet, but Pterry is going to be talking about Johnny and The Bomb series on Blue Peter tonight at 17:00 on BBC One, and will be repeated 18:30 on CBBC. Apologies if you already knew.
I knew about terry prachet being on blue peter and i posted a question to him and i hope it gets ansered because it is about the new book (im 17 and huge fan as well as my famaly) is anybody going to the Discworld convection this year?
i am tolatly mad at Blue Peter they only asked [b:23087d4819]2[/b:23087d4819] yes [b:23087d4819]2[/b:23087d4819] questions to terry prachett and they wher not very good ones. well the first one was ok bur the second on he has alredy anserd many a time.
it was what i thought it was going to sound like. he sounded like a writer for some reson and it was amasing on the web chat. he wrote his first book when he was 15 and got £14 for it which was a lot of money in those days so he quickly mad a name for himself news about the upcomming books... according to Paul Kidby "Wintersmith" is almost finished and the nect will be "making money" edit to add: there are a couple of pics of the blue peter thing to edit again: just realised its hiding on the front page go here instead
And the blue peter interview is here : Edited to change BBC to blue peter
[quote:c6c9d4a626="fairyliquid"] news about the upcomming books... according to Paul Kidby "Wintersmith" is almost finished and the nect will be "making money" [/quote:c6c9d4a626] Cool, just added 'Making Money' to the Ultimate Guide...
[quote:63a7804c51="KaptenKaries"]How does one go about to find this Ultimate Guide you speak of?[/quote:63a7804c51] It's full name is The Ultimate Guide To Terry Pratchett's Written Works, which can be accessed on the main Boardania page, or here:
Just a reminder (for those living in the UK & Ireland) that the first episode in the series 'Johnny And The Bomb' starts today at 5.30 on BBC1
Incase anyone cares to tune in.... BBC Radio 7 is broadcasting The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents at 1pm on June 10th. It's supposed to be online the rest of the week too...