Thanks to all those who took the time to actually try and me

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Cirdec, Oct 4, 2005.

  1. Cirdec

    Cirdec New Member

    First I'd like to thank all thoes who took the time to replie to my post and be kind and polite about and who tried to be helpfull it was greatly aprecaited thanks a lot and to the two posters who desied to rip into me for my spelling, grammer, and notknowing much about this sight yet because i haven't had the time to explore it much yet F**** you jerks was it realy neciary to say all thoes thigs ya maybe I'm not the greatest at spelling and grammer it's a major problem for me which I strugle with every day I don't need jerks like you who have to much time on their hands badmouthing and ripping into me for one post yes I know I will probaly get riped into for posting this post I don't care i wanted to post it anyways to let you two know that i was offended by what you posted about my post all I was doing was making a simple reqwesty to anyone that might have known something about it I expected a little more maturitie from Terry Pratchett fans but I guess i was wrong and as to net abrivations I don't chat or go to mesage bords much so I don't realy know any well I'm just ranting and i know for a fact I will get riped into for this post but i posted anyways so there and I probaly will post agin and to all thoes who don't like them beacuse of my spelling or grammer or not knowing net abrivations don't read them then
    Good day to all and thanks agin to thoes who took the time to actualy try to help me
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    If you say that you're english isn't the best, why don't you at least make an effort?

    Several of our posters are severely dyslexic, but they actually try to make their posts readable. Sure they screw up occasionally with the spelling and grammar, but at least they don't produce a huge block of text that obviously hasn't even been looked over once by the author.

    There are spell checks out there you know? Programmes such as Word are a marvel when it comes to that. You could write your text in there, run the spellcheck, remove all the errors and copy it into here. Presuming you want to make the effort that is.

    This is a website dedicated to an author. Who writes in English. Terry Pratchett doesn't write in text speak or l33t, he writes in proper english. As such, why should a forum dedicated to him, for his fans, descend into other languages?

    As for offensiveness? I fail to see the offense in any of the replies. Unless you are offended by people asking you (politely) to type in an intelligible manner.
  3. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    This is merely the way he speaks…and you will notice that spelling doesn’t make all that much difference considering orrdos spelt abbreviations wrong anyway :p

    Sorry if you got the impression we were slightly offensive, although I’m with EM here and there isn’t anything to suggest there was a post to that effect.

    The best way of putting this is…if you don’t appear to put effort into the posts…people won’t read them. This includes small things like spaces between paragraphs (its amazing how much easier it is to read than chunks of text) and possibly running it through spell check…Perfect posts are almost laughable on this board but we do try.

    This is all just friendly advise but it makes the boards a much more pleasant place to loiter :D
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I completely agree with Ben. There was nothing at all wrong with Doors politiely asking you to communicate in a way that everyone can understand. A number of people here don't have English as a frist language and therefore don't understand abbreviations. I'm dyslexic, and while I make many mistakes, I make the effort to make sure people can understand what I'm saying and correct any of my mistakes once I spot them. There is no excuse for your poor writing skills, nor your defensive and arsey attitude. You where politely asked to make an effort to commicate in a way everyone can understand. Even if you struggle with your grammer there are a number of computer programmes that can help, and more than that, How do you ever expect to improve if your not willing to make the effort to write well. You don't write poorly because you can a learning disability but because your lazy.

    On a side note, we don't like whiny childish people here. We don't put up with it. People have been polite to you and you called them 'jerks' and say 'fuck you'. This is not a mature or intelligent way to behave, and one that the community will not tolerate.Please Think before you post.
  5. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Ehh, a deliberate mistake. Ahem.

    And yes, I dont think my response was exactly the stuff of terror
  6. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Yay I'm back...probably should have put that in the members news...OOhwell.

    I gotta say I'm not to good with spelling and grammer as pretty much everyone that came from the old board and probably a few from the new will tell you.

    All i can say is try to break you text up into paragraphs if its reasonably long. For example when reading that i kept re-reading lines or skipping lines, not because i have bad eye sight but because it does overwhelm me somtimes.

    I can't speak l33t and I don't know to many abbreviations (I probably spelt that wrong, sorry) either. You notice that I put that in brackets. A few of us do that when we're not sure of a word and don't have the means to spell check...or can't be botherd :D

    The biggest problem of all in your post was that you kept repeating "ripped into", this might just be me but that annoyed the hell out of me! OK you can say it once and maybe again at the end but to keep on about it? that just takes teh biscuite.

    I don't mean to have a go at you in any part (ok maybe the end) of this post so don't go ape shit on me aswell please. From what i can see there was some posetive crytisism (spling?) and you took it as getting your head ripped off. Before you just make a post think about what has been said and what you will say in reply, is it worth the effort of a rant?

    hope you can get over this litle tiff and become a member of this posting commuinty...or whatever it is that Garner says :D
  7. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Cirdec, I'm not quite sure where you're coming from to be honest. I don't think Orrdos's post was offensive in the least; I think Roman's post was perhaps a little narky (is that a word?) or sarcastic, but I think he posted at the same time as Orrdos just about so that he cross posted with him, which probably made things look a bit worse than they are.

    Even so it was only 2 replies out of 8, why bother picking up on those? You got the answers you were looking for so why does it matter if you don't like one or two of the answers? It's not like anyone told you to get lost or anything; I think you need to chill out dude, it's not nearly so big a deal as you're making it out to be. :)
  8. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Good point, Mal. :)

    I agree with what seems to be the consensus.
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    *has major déja-vu*
    *suddenly feels at home again*
  10. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    lol, Hsing.
  11. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Welcome home, Cirdec :)
  12. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ... and just like that, he/she was gone...
  13. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    Cirdec consider this,

    We are not your emotional doormat

    Please consider this before you keep making an ass of yourself. Many members have had bad starts in this community, yet once the issues that caused the bad start were sorted these members have become some of the most respected members in the community.
  14. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    If Cirdec thinks that the post was somewhat unpolite then i'm not sure he/she should really be taking part in adult converstaions with people who voice their opinions. Doors was just pointing out what is expected of someone in our community. Most people who have replied Cirdec have done so to try and help you to improve your posts and in no ways or means having personal attacks on you. :)
  15. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Just to reiterate: Doors was categorically not rude. Roman was somewhat sarcastic, but far less so than you would see on most messageboards.

    Cirdec, you are completely over-reacting. This community is happy to include young members, but we expect everyone to act like adults. That includes you.
  16. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    And lo, Ba did come down from the heavens to say unto Maljonic, "The word is 'snarky.'"
  17. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    It was a nice day, you know. The birds were singing, the flowers were growing (slowly, but growing), and I had that feeling of peace and well-being I only ever get during, and shortly after, major religious holidays. I fully intended to come online today and wish everyone a happy new year with a bit of cheer in my heart. And now there's you.

    Hullo, you.

    Let's begin with Doors (Orrdos, for those not long with us). You owe him a fucking apology. He was both polite and helpful to you, and if you misread his post in any way, that your bloody problem, not his. For example, Doors asked you not to use net abbreviations. How you interpreted it as being asked to use them is beyond me.

    So apologize. With a cherry on top, if need be.

    Me, you don't owe an apology, at least not from my point of view. After seeing the way you applied to poor unresisting commas the methods applied to Jimmy Hoffa, I decided you didn't deserve politeness. But, snarky as I was, I was also helpful. I pointed out that it would be polite to introduce yourself, and I also pointed out that you should try google, as I confirmed it's usefulness for your particular needs.

    I was even planning to tell you the address I found because, evil ripping person as I may be, I was actually hoping that you'd try to improve. Search on your own, then. You see, I'm like that. An evil, evil bastard, who picks on people for no apparent reason, ripping them to shreds with my evil words.

    Get a life, kid. I was only pointing out that you were lazy. If I wanted to 'rip into you', as you so vehemently stated, I would have. Now, if you're planning to stay in this community, please find the Enter key.
  18. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think this might be another one of the American English and English English things, like Persnickety (American) and Pernickety (English)..

    I never heard anyone say 'Snarky' before, but lots of people I know have been narky before, and even narked off. :)

  19. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Pernickety? What kind of a word is that?

    It's means fastidious, apparently. You live and learn I guess...

    Pernickety... it sounds like one of those made up words out of Douglas Adams's dictionary thing...
  20. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    The Hunting of the Snark is a poem by Lewis Carroll.
  21. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    So be careful if someone gets "Snarky" with you - they might just turn out to be a Boojum!

    (The poem can be found here)
  22. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I remember the debate on the old boards over whether it was pernickety or persnickety. :) We're a pernickety lot, you see.
  23. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    lol, Buzz.

    I've always said persnickety.

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