The answer to the question of management

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by redneck, Jun 1, 2006.

  1. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Soon after the human body was finished it started bickering amongst itself for the leader. The brain said that it was because it controlled all of the thoughts and intellect of the individual. The eyes said that they were most important and should lead because without them the brain would voluntarily walk the individual into a wall or off a cliff. The hands then said that they were because without them the eyes nor the brain could accomplish much.

    After listening to them argue for a while the rectum chimed in and said that it should be the leader. The other three were agast. "Every thing you touch becomes crap," said the eyes. "If you led us we would be as messed up as your excrement before it's over," claimed the hands. "Oh my dear god," blurted the brain.

    Instead of offering a retort the rectum just decided to sulk and boycott its function for a while. The hands, eyes, and brain went on with their squabble. After around three days they began to get nervous. The eyes weren't as bright, the hands were a little swollen, and the brain was beginning to be a little sluggish, but they decided to persevere and find a leader amongst themselves. After a week though, the hands were very swollen and sensetive. The eyes were glazed over and didn't function well. The brain was reeling and wouldn't function at all.

    Finally, in exasperation they yelled to the rectum, "Fine! Go ahead and be the leader, but please stop this insanity!" Ever sinse that time there has always been an asshole telling us what to do.


    This story was told to me at work after a two hour meeting the said we (the workers) were getting screwed. The idea of how to screw us we brought up by one of the assholes. I mean, management persons.
  2. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

  3. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    #smiles wryly#
  4. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    So true.
  5. Human

    Human New Member

    I've heard this one. From my father, oddly enough. He didn't understand why all his kids kept breaking out in laughter on the unfunny bits.
  6. missy

    missy New Member

    My step dad always said management was like a tree full of monkeys, the further down you are, if you look up theres always an arsehole above you.

    He had the coolest thoughts.

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