The Boardanian Debating Club!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Mar 25, 2006.

  1. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Just an idea for spicing up some DW related debates... in a way.

    As in any debating club, we need about as much people for every position being debated.
    As all is for the sake of debating as such, it's not necessary to really stand for your normal opinion on the matter! We also need people who play the devil's advocate. That's why I'd like to cast lots on whom of the participants is going to be part of which party.

    The rules are pretty much the same as set in the Code of Conduct. Also, it should be an excahnge of arguments, that's why I'd like to limit the answers from one party to two, and then wait until the other party has posted at least one answer.

    The first debating subject could be, for example:

    "Leshp belongs to us!", with one debating party from AM and one from Klatch, and the island still present, of course.

    Another idea:
    "Carcer has diminished/restricted criminal responsibility, as he's clearly not in his right mind." Kind of a lawsuit, obviously.

    If you have other ideas, just post.

    If you participate, too.

    If there's enough interest, I'll post a few text snippets on Monday evening to freshen up the audience's memory, and open the debate in a new thread. Just one question: Should this be done in the respective book forums (I think so) or here?
  2. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    I quite like this idea. It's like roleplaying without the dice, and you really get to feel like you're in Discworld this way.

    Count me in.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yeah, sounds good, I'm in !
  4. Hex

    Hex New Member

    ooh, this does sound like fun -- good idea Hsing :)

    I'll tentatively count myself in, but my silly schoolwork may restrict me. Curse school! only 9 weeks until I'm shot of high school for good! Huzzah!
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hang in there Hex !! in a few years, you'll be wishing you were back there again !! :D
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'm in.

    P.S. Hang in there Hex. Also, I've never ever anything bloody ever in any way wished I was back in high school again. :)
  7. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    This debating club, whilst on the surface seeming like a good idea, may be inherently fraught with dangers to the wellbeing of our entire society.

    Debating involves several people arguing a point. The key word in this statement is 'arguing'. Arguments are well known as a riser of blood pressure and in 77% of cases* can lead to a smack in the mouth for one of the partes involved - or worse**. It is therefore intrinsically important that debating is avoided due to the physical damage it can cause.

    But there is another consideration: mental damage. Being throughly thrashed in a debate leaves 92% of recipients with, what psychologists call, [i:e09aded541]ango-adrogantia[/i:e09aded541] or hurt pride***. This can consequently lead to the person going 'off the rails' or 'a bit bonkers', which can lead to mental institutionalisation, at the Tax Payer's expense. We're all tight bastards, so we don't want that.

    In conclusion, debating is something we should avoid, but I'm feeling contrary, so I say go for it. The advocation of Devils is also something I'm not averse too.

    *source: MayDup Statistics - June 2005.
    **maybe a wedgie or the dreaded rear admiral.
    ***source: Uwot poll - August 2003
  8. DeWorde

    DeWorde New Member

    Count me in too!This could be fun..... :badgrin:
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I'm in... I like to argue, no good reason for this than I'm opinionated...
  10. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    It could have possibilities :evil:
  11. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    sounds like fun, so depending on my internet connection over the next week, I'm in.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Count me in.....i love playing Devils Advocate!
  13. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    I might participate.
  14. Count me in too. I got enough devil in me to play advocate, if needed. :wink: :snakeman:
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    doesn't the devil mind people playing with his avocados ?? (sorry, that's funnier in french :D I must have been overdoing the linguistic quizz thingy...)
  16. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:3c61d1fc0f="Katcal"]doesn't the devil mind people playing with his avocados ?? (sorry, that's funnier in french :D I must have been overdoing the linguistic quizz thingy...)[/quote:3c61d1fc0f]

    I understood it immediately but then I have lived in Belgium for more than half my life - I think this must be one of the weirdest double-meaning words - a lawyer and what I presume, since it contains a stone, must be classified as a fruit. Can't you just imagine some French-speaker, having been advised to get a lawyer, turning up in court with a small green pear-shaped object? :)
  17. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Okay, here are the delegations.

    [u:b5bd49c655][b:b5bd49c655]The Ankh Morporkian delegation:[/b:b5bd49c655]

    [b:b5bd49c655]The Klatchian delegation:[/b:b5bd49c655][/u:b5bd49c655]
  18. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Um... do you mean Klatch or Leshp, Hsing? We're really gonna have to work as A-M to lay claim to Klatch...
  19. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Ooooooooooooops... corrections underway. :oops:
  20. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Bits to go by:

    [quote:93430d4f30]Solid squinted at the horizon. There was a faint glow in the sky that
    indicated the city of Al–Khali, on the Klatchian coast. He turned round. The other horizon glowed, too, with the lights of AnkhMorpork. The boat bobbed gently halfway between the two.

    "Just you shut up and row!"
    "I can't move the boat, Dad, we're stuck on something!"
    "It's a hundred fathoms deep here, boy! What's there to stick on?"
    Les tried to disentangle an oar from the thing rising slowly out of the fizzing sea.
    "Looks like a... a chicken, Dad!"
    There was a sound from below the surface. It sounded like sonic bell or gong, slowly swinging.
    "Chickens can't swim!"
    "It's made of iron, Dad!"
    Solid scrambled to the rear of the boat. It was a chicken, made of iron. Seaweed and shells covered it and water dripped off it as it rose against the stars.
    It stood on a cross–shaped perch.
    There seemed to be a letter on each of the four ends of the cross.
    Solid held the torch closer.
    "What the–"
    Then he pulled the oar free and sat down beside his son.
    "Row like the blazes, Les!"
    "What's happening, Dad?"
    "Shut up and row! Get us away from it!"
    "Is it a monster, –Dad?"
    "It's worse than a monster, son!" shouted Solid, as the oars bit into the water.
    The thing was quite high now, standing on some kind of tower...
    "What is it, Dad! What is it?"
    "It's a damned weathercock!"

    "You lunatic!"
    "Foolish man!"
    "Don't you touch that building! This country belongs to Ankh–Morpork!"

    The two boats spun in a temporary whirlpool.

    "I claim this land in the name of the Seriph of Al–Khali!"
    "We saw it first! Les, you tell him we saw it first!"
    "We saw it first before you saw it first!"
    "Les, you saw him, he tried to hit me with that oar!"
    "But Dad, you're waving that trident–"
    "See the untrustworthy way he attacks us, Akhan!"

    There was a grinding noise from under the keel of both boats and they began to tip as they settled into the sea–bottom ooze.

    "Look, Father, there is an interesting statue–"
    "He has set his foot on Klatchian soil! The squid thief!"
    "Get those filthy sandals off Ankh–Morporkian territory!"
    "Oh, Dad–"

    The two fishermen stopped screaming at each other, mainly in order to get their breath back. Crabs scuttled away. Water drained between the patches of weed, carving runnels in the grey silt.

    "Father, look, there's still coloured tiles on the––"

    Les caught Akhan's eye. They exchanged a very brief glance which was nevertheless modulated with a considerable amount of information, beginning with the sheer galactic–sized embarrassment of having parents and working up from there.
    "Dad, we don't have to–" Les began.
    "You shut up! It's your future fro thinking about, my lad–"
    "Yes, but who cares who saw it first, Dad? We're both hundreds of miles from home! I mean, who's going to know, Dad?"

    The two squid fishermen glared at one another.

    The dripping buildings rose above them. There were holes that might well have been doorways, and glassless apertures that could have been windows, but all was darkness within. Now and again, Les fancied he could hear something slithering.

    Solid Jackson coughed. "The lad's right," he muttered. "Daft to argue. Just the four of us."
    "Indeed," said Arif.
    They backed away, each man carefully watching the other. Then, so closely that it was a chorus, they both yelled: "Grab the boat!"
    There was a confused couple of moments and then each pair, boat carried over their heads, ran and slithered along the muddy streets.
    They had to stop and come back, with mutual cries of "A kidnapper as well, eh?", to get the right sons.

    As every student of exploration knows, the prize goes not to the explorer who first sets foot upon the virgin soil but to the one who gets that foot home first. If it is still attached to his leg, this is a bonus. [/quote:93430d4f30]

    "I was referring to the fact that a number of our citizens have gone out to this wretched island. As have, I understand, a number of Klatchians."

    "Why are our people going out there?" said Mr Boggis of the Thieves' Guild.

    "Because they are showing a brisk pioneering spirit and seeking wealth and... additional wealth in a new land," said Lord Vetinari.

    "What's in it for the Klatchians?" said Lord Downey.

    "Oh, they've gone out there because they are a bunch of unprincipled opportunists always ready to grab something for nothing," said Lord Vetinari.

    "A masterly summation, if I may say so, my lord," said Mr Burleigh, who felt he had some ground to make up.

    The Patrician looked down again at his notes. "Oh, I do beg your pardon," he said, "I seem to have read those last two sentences in the wrong order... Mr Slant, I believe you have something to say here?"

    The president of the Guild of Lawyers cleared his throat. The sound was like a death rattle and technically it was, since the man had been a zombie for several hundred years although historical accounts suggested that the only difference dying had made to Slant was that he'd started to work through his lunch break.

    "Yes, indeed," he said, opening a large legal tome. "The history of the city of Leshp and its surrounding country is a little obscure. It is known to have been above the sea almost a thousand years ago, however, when records suggest that it was considered part of the Ankh–Morpork empire––

    "What is the nature of these records and do they tell us who was doing the considering?" said the Patrician. The door opened and Vimes stepped in. "Ah, commander, do take a seat. Continue, Mr Slant."

    The zombie did not like interruptions. He coughed again. "The records relating to the lost country date back several hundred years, my lord. And they are of course our records."

    "Only ours?"

    "I hardly see how any others could apply," said Mr Slant severely.

    "Klatchian ones, for example?" said Vimes, from the far end of the table.
  21. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:ddfbc7bea6="Electric_Man"]Um... do you mean Klatch or Leshp, Hsing? We're really gonna have to work as A-M to lay claim to Klatch...[/quote:ddfbc7bea6]

    It WOULD have made an interesting discussion though.

    Should I pm people which delegation they're in? I suppose they know where to look.
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, I'm off to practise my Klatchian !
  23. DeWorde

    DeWorde New Member

    Perfidious sausage eating madmen! Hands off our soverign territory you unclean son of dogs of a female persuasion!!!!.....Hows that for a trial run? :)
    By the way there are many reasons to go to war but a lie is not one of them.
    Its a shame Blair never read Jingo before he sent the troops into Iraq! :cry:
  24. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh dear. How can I possibly be against sausage eating madmen ? This is going to be tough !

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