The return of Madlibs

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Gypsy, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    This is a game whereby someone creates a story with plenty of blanks but doesn't post it.

    They specify what part of speech is needed for the blank (noun, past tense verb, adjective etc...). People post in their ideas and when all of the blanks are filled, the story creator posts the completed version.

    I took the idea from the old boards. You can read the full thread here: Terry Pratchett Message Board: Mad Libs

    We had a lot of fun with it...

    Here are some examples:

    Posted by Delphine:

    Yesterday, I swaggered to Scotland to buy a yellow pie for my new house. On my way, I spotted Captin Caveman across the street. I hailed him, and we conversed for 42 minutes on the topic of hot chocolate. I bade him farewell and skipped to the shop, only to find it had been closed due to an Autochrononilitis outbreak. Cursing and feeling disgust, I turned only to witness a mauve sphinx lying apparently dead, in the road. I went over to investigate. However, it appeared it was not dead, just very ill. It turned out the lackey behind the counter at Wendys that gave me a small chilli instead of a large had been feeding it sauteed alligator medallions in Dijon Mustard Sauce, and martini (with an olive). Assured help was on its way, I got on my magic carpet and departed - I had urgent business concerning potato skins just west of the east, south of the north, and I couldn't be late.

    Posted by Bluegerbil:

    I took a submarine to the castle over the rainbow, left of the first star you see at night, just by the gas station, for my vacation last week. When I got there, I met that creepy pervert that owns the local burger place, who gave me a delete key, saying "Keep this for me, it's very important. I don't want it getting into the hands of the five petite brunettes." So I took it and kept it in my left nostril. The next day, as I was commiserating down the street, I was attacked by a creature From the Greyish, Greenish, Yellowish Lagoon, which had been sent to steal the delete key from me. I escaped the attack, but was left with permanent Doormenia, aka. bladder problems.
    It was the best vacation ever!

    Posted by Gypsy:
    Once upon a time there was a dreadful atomic badger called Frederick Wazzack who lived in the land of Bron-Yr-Aur. He was currently on his way to pick up his nitrogenous spaghetti so he could take it to be repaired by the local potato farmer, Trollmother. Trollmother told him it would cost $3.14159... to fix so Frederick decided to do it himself. He set out for the hardware store and bought a pie, a lampshade, and a charming can. Having bought these items he went to his house made of goldfish, said hello to his wife and went into the library to get to work. After 309 days of attempting to repair his nitrogenous spaghetti, he had succeeded in turning it into an evidential, spurious weapon of mass destruction. He went upstairs to show his wife but caught her in bed with Trollmother. Frederick immediately took his creation and set off for The Independent Banana Republic to show Johnny Depp and his followers ‘The Doormen’. He joined these strange people and traveled with them for several years until arriving at Times Square where he became a skydiving instructor.
  2. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    First MadLib List

    I have made a story, and leave you the blanks to fill. Feel free to fill more than one!

    (Note: It may be easier if you copy and paste the whole list with your addition in bold).

    Answers may be things in the real world or some fun imaginings...I will change verb endings if necessary...

    National holiday:
    Place people come from:
    Name of place:
    Plural noun:
    Part of body:
    Potential weapon:
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned:
    Name of music group:
    Something that is worn:
    Important position in religious heirarchy:
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday:
    Place people come from:
    Name of place:
    Plural noun:
    Part of body:
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon:
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned:
    Name of music group:
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Important position in religious heirarchy:
  4. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday:
    Place people come from:
    Name of place:
    Plural noun:
    Part of body: Scapula
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon: plunger
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned:
    Name of music group:
    Adjective: wormy
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Important position in religious heirarchy:
  5. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member


    It's not even half finished but there are some lovely additions there from each of you. I had a snigger out loud moment with 'plunger'.
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !


    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday:
    Place people come from:
    Name of place:
    Plural noun:
    Part of body: Scapula
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon: plunger
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned:
    Name of music group: Drag Queen Bingo (yes, they do exist, honest.)
    Adjective: wormy
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Animal: Rabbit (obviously)
    Important position in religious heirarchy: kneeling down, hands joined
  7. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I was thinking something more along the lines of 'Pope', 'Doorman' 'Grand High Prestlike-person' but dont worry, i'll work it in....somehow.

    Keep them coming!

    It's a shame i left the story at work though. If it gets finished tonight it might have to be off the cuff...
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I know, I was just being a pain in t'arse... You'll soon realise that is my main function on this board...
  9. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday:
    Place people come from: Mother
    Name of place:
    Plural noun: indices (plural of index)
    Part of body: Scapula
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon: plunger
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned: Omittism probably Omniism, but I liked the pun
    Number: one quarter of a half of a million plus three hundred and sixty five point twenty one... give or take a hundred
    Name of music group: Drag Queen Bingo
    Adjective: wormy
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Animal: Rabbit (obviously)
    Important position in religious heirarchy: kneeling down, hands joined
  10. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    5 more.....almost there.That's one post by an unnaturally greedy person and perhaps 2 or three posts by regular* people. I would do them myself, but it kind of defeats the purpose of the whole 'fill in the blanks' thing. :D

    There are some lovely ideas coming. I love that number...

    *If they exist
  11. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I know its a bit greedy for me to go again but I just thought of something...

    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday:
    Place people come from: Mother
    Name of place:
    Plural noun: indices (plural of index)
    Part of body: Scapula
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon: plunger
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned: Omittism probably Omniism, but I liked the pun
    Number: one quarter of a half of a million plus three hundred and sixty five point twenty one... give or take a hundred
    Name of music group: Drag Queen Bingo
    Adjective: wormy
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Animal: Rabbit (obviously)
    Advice: Duck
    Important position in religious heirarchy: kneeling down, hands joined
  12. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    You know, bizarrely, that makes sense plotwise....well done!
  13. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday:
    Place people come from: Mother
    Name of place:
    Plural noun: indices (plural of index)
    Part of body: Scapula
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon: plunger
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned: Omittism probably Omniism, but I liked the pun
    Number: one quarter of a half of a million plus three hundred and sixty five point twenty one... give or take a hundred
    Name of music group: Drag Queen Bingo
    Adjective: wormy
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Adjective: blasphemous
    Animal: Rabbit (obviously)
    Advice: Duck
    Important position in religious heirarchy: kneeling down, hands joined
  14. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member


    Consider it a late birthday present? :D
  15. IgorMina

    IgorMina New Member

    Happy Birthday! :D

    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday:
    Place people come from: Mother
    Name of place:
    Plural noun: indices (plural of index)
    Part of body: Scapula
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon: plunger
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned: Omittism probably Omniism, but I liked the pun
    Number: one quarter of a half of a million plus three hundred and sixty five point twenty one... give or take a hundred
    Name of music group: Drag Queen Bingo
    Adjective: wormy
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Adjective: blasphemous
    Animal: Rabbit (obviously)
    Advice: Duck
    Important position in religious heirarchy: kneeling down, hands joined
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok this should finish it... Sorry for going twice but the anticipation is a-killin' me...

    Emotion: Ennui
    National holiday: Talk Like a Pirate Day (not one yet but it should be)
    Place people come from: Mother
    Name of place: that dodgy chippy on Waterloo road
    Plural noun: indices (plural of index)
    Part of body: Scapula
    Deity: Om
    Potential weapon: plunger
    Name of religion for Deity mentioned: Omittism probably Omniism, but I liked the pun
    Number: one quarter of a half of a million plus three hundred and sixty five point twenty one... give or take a hundred
    Name of music group: Drag Queen Bingo
    Adjective: wormy
    Adjective: Melancholic
    Something that is worn: Beany
    Adjective: blasphemous
    Animal: Rabbit (obviously)
    Advice: Duck
    Important position in religious heirarchy: kneeling down, hands joined (you can use Archbishop if it fits better ;) )
  17. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    She said important position in religious hierarchy. Look at the basics, Kat! Which position does almost every religion in the world need? The answer, clearly, is candle-maker. You can dress that up to make it sound fancy - how about a Poissoner?
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    What on earth do French fish have to do with candles, apart from a strange smell?
    Candle makers aren't important, they are essential, that's quite different. Important people are usually of no real use to anyone, that's why they are made important, so they swan off and get out of the way of the people who are actually doing all the work.
  19. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Like God.
  20. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Here it is...

    I woke up with a feeling of ennui, knowing that it was Talk Like a Pirate Day once again. Every year, people come from their mothers to visit that dodgy chippy on Waterloo road and they celebrate by juggling indices with their scapulas.

    It is a form of worship for Om, who would smite us with his mighty plunger if we didn't do it. Omittism has one quarter of a half of a million plus three hundred and sixty five point twenty one priests (give or take a hundred), but they prefer to call their religion 'Drag Queen Bingo". They think it sounds more wormy. (wormier?)

    I left my house for the main square, where I met a man wearing a melancholic beanie. He was holding a blasphemous rabbit, which said "Duck!". Upon hearing this I enrolled into the priesthood, knowing that I was destined to become the Holy Kneeling Hand Joiner (occassionally referred to as the candle making poissonier).

    Well there you have it, tweaked a little bit to read smoothly. I hope you like it!

    Who is going to make a blanked out story next?
    1 person likes this.
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Nice story Gypsy!

    In the absence of any acceptable proof for or against the existence of aforesaid being I shall withhold any smart comments on the basis of possible arse-whipping thunderbolt-wielding divine fury...
  22. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Language is a Virus

    I discovered a website that does MadLib Poems, using the work of some well known authors.

    There are lots of little widgets to get your creative nodes sparking / entertain you for 5 minutes.

    Language is a Virus

    This is my poem (with verb endings corrected). It doesn't make much sense, but I still like it for some reason:

    Blurry Dinosaur's Blurry Dinosaur

    I run my trays and all the smile loves dictionary;
    I climb my rockets and all is cartwheel again.
    (I dance I float you up inside my star.)

    The celebrities go singing out in mangled and experienced,
    And purple laptop plays in:
    I read my book and all the alien swims frog.

    I wrote that you flew me into tongue
    And laugh me laughable, cryed me quite serious.
    (I dance I float you up inside my star.)

    lollipop debates from the traffic light, lamppost's mans jump:
    fish child and car's woman:
    I read my book and all the alien swims frog.

    I dug you'd forget the way you make,
    But I eat injured and I fry your skipping rope.
    (I dance I float you up inside my star.)

    I should have jostled a manuscript instead;
    At least when bookstore hops they slither back again.
    I read my book and all the alien swims frog.

    (I dance I float you up inside my star.)

    - Nikky & Sylvia Plath
  23. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    I found the original (and much better) poem here:

    Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead;
    I lift my lids and all is born again.
    (I think I made you up inside my head.)

    The stars go waltzing out in blue and red,
    And arbitrary blackness gallops in:
    I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

    I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed
    And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane.
    (I think I made you up inside my head.)

    God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade:
    Exit seraphim and Satan's men:
    I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.

    I fancied you'd return the way you said,
    But I grow old and I forget your name.
    (I think I made you up inside my head.)

    I should have loved a thunderbird instead;
    At least when spring comes they roar back again.
    I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
    (I think I made you up inside my head.)"

    - Sylvia Plath
  24. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    To add to the inundation of Board Games (pun not actually intended, but once made, liked), I will attempt a revival of the Mad Libs game which was wildly popular (in my own imagination), and therefore deserving of a second run (or third, if you cound the one on the old boards). This time, I'm going to select a short text (poem/prose), and ask you to give me some substitute words.

    If you guess the original textand/or author at the end, you get....... an imaginary pie/orgy/pie orgy (whichever is most to your liking).

    It's either one of those, or just some smiling admiration of your skill by the other members of the board, real or imagined (adulation, not board members).

    I'll post the parts of speech shortly.
  25. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Fill the Blanks

    Here are the blanks to fill. Sorry there are so many - I didn't realise, but by the time I did, I decided not to let my hard work go to waste.

    To get through it faster, you can put in 1-9 words each.
    Please copy, paste, and bold the new entries (while un-bolding the previous entries).

    Noun 1:
    Noun 2 (plural):
    Noun 3 (plural):
    Noun 4 (plural):
    Noun 5 (plural):
    Noun 6 (uncountable):
    Noun 7 (uncountable):
    Noun 8 (plural):
    Noun 9 (plural):
    Noun 10:
    Noun 11:
    Noun 12:
    Noun 13:
    Noun 14 (plural):
    Noun 15:

    Adjective 1:
    Adjective 2:
    Adjective 3:
    Adjective 4:
    Adjective 5:

    Pronoun 1:
    Pronoun 2:

    Verb 1 (done to other people):
    Verb 2 (present simple):
    Verb 3 (related to verb 2):
    Verb 4 (infinitive):
    Verb 5 (infinitive):
    Verb 6:
    Verb 7:
  26. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Noun 1:hang glider
    Noun 2 (plural):
    Noun 3 (plural):
    Noun 4 (plural):
    Noun 5 (plural):
    Noun 6 (uncountable):
    Noun 7 (uncountable):
    Noun 8 (plural):torches
    Noun 9 (plural):
    Noun 10:
    Noun 11:
    Noun 12:nurse
    Noun 13:
    Noun 14 (plural):
    Noun 15:

    Adjective 1:green
    Adjective 2:
    Adjective 3:totally tartan
    Adjective 4:
    Adjective 5

    Pronoun 1:
    Pronoun 2:

    Verb 1 (done to other people):harassed
    Verb 2 (present simple):
    Verb 3 (related to verb 2):
    Verb 4 (infinitive):
    Verb 5 (infinitive):
    Verb 6:
    Verb 7:
  27. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Nothing to see errors have been edited in the original post and then erased as though they never existed at all...or anything sordid like that.
  28. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    My last edit was just a quick covering note in case anything bad happened.
    Apart from that, I don't know what anyone is talking about or when it didn't happen. :D
  29. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Just an example line from the text as it is currently (slightly modified to save it's identity)

    "...nor can pronoun 1 verb 3 (related to verb 2) pronoun 2...."

    I don't know why people don't write whole books in this style really.
  30. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    To save people looking back through a couple of possibly confusing replies, this is the current entry.
    Please copy, paste, and bold the new entries (while un-bolding the previous entries).

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