The Science of Discworld Discussion

Discussion in 'MORE TERRY PRATCHETT NOVELS' started by Lieutenant-Fatman, Jul 28, 2005.

  1. Lieutenant-Fatman

    Lieutenant-Fatman New Member

    So what did everyone think of this book?
    I do have a lot of interest in science and as I love Discworld, I just had to read it. It did take me quite a lot longer to get through than the average Discworld book though, as it took a while to get all the sciency stuff through my system.

    I did think it was fantastic though, all the points it brought up as to how the universe came into being and evolution and so forth were very interesting indeed and I love the way all the Wizards were used in it, I am currently reading the second one at the moment. Not easy for me to read (due to the science) but it is great stuff.

    I love the proposal of a space elevator as the next step forward for the human race. It's fascinating.
  2. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Again, you may not get much of a reply on this site as nobody is using it for this because the other site still works....

    I haven't read any of the Science books, but Marcia does have the latest one though so I might eventually. I'm trying to figure out how to make a Discworld quizgame at the moment to add to the other games, one that will save your high scores, so I might use some of it for that. :)
  4. Lieutenant-Fatman

    Lieutenant-Fatman New Member

    I'm aware that I am less likely to get responses on this board but I was interested in helping it become more active, as I like the layout and so on.

    I don't mind if it takes a long time for people to come along and give a response, I am happy to post on both forums anyway.

    Is it ok with everyone if I don't treat it as a back up board and make a small attempt at getting it going? I have no intention of offending anyone.

    Don't worry I won't litter the forum with posts if people make no sign of being interested.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I don't mind personally, just can't see many people answering you apart from me at the moment. And if anyone new comes along I'll still point them to the other board if they haven't seen it already, but wont stop them posting either if they're mad enough to want to. :)
  6. Lieutenant-Fatman

    Lieutenant-Fatman New Member

    I did make the assumption that you might like this board to get going a little, as well as being a back up board, because it seemed only natural to me. But now I think I'm beggining to understand this is meant solely as a back up.

    Anyhow, I'll probably stick around and make the odd post here anyway! Like I said, I think this site looks very promising!
  7. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Well okay then. :)
  8. Trollmother

    Trollmother New Member

    I liked it! But I didn't understand everything. Many hard words and many new thoughts.
  9. AuntyJangle

    AuntyJangle Banned

    I read, i went like this :? :shock: :?: :!: :p alot. It was good though, i think.
  10. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I'm working my way through the series, currently in the middle of Darwin's watch. I find the scientific explanations to be pretty straightforward and not difficult for a non-scientist.

    I was suprised to find that term "Roundworld" used for our world. I thought that was a term made up by people on the message board.


    A weird coincidence, Darwin's Watch has the wizards trying to "fix" alternate realities to make sure that in the Roundworld Universe, Darwin sales on the Beagle, and this week's New Scientist's cover story is about alternate realities, and one of the things discussed is what if Darwin had missed the Beagle?

  11. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I re-read Science of the Discworld I last week & just finished Science of the Discworld II. Having now read them twice each, I still couldn't get to grips with all the 'hard' science.

    I know it is kind of dumbed down for us laymen to understand but all the science hurts my brain! I would consider myself a smart person but detailed science doesn't interest me, and I just tuned out.

    Eventually, I gave up on the chapters written by Cohen & Stewart, and only read PTerry's chapters. Which defeats the books' purpose I know, but sure...!

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