Thief of Time - Susan <3 Lobsang?

Discussion in 'GODS, DESERTS, IMPS, LETTERS AND WAR' started by Mikor, Jun 29, 2006.

  1. Mikor

    Mikor New Member

    Well, at the end of the Thief of Time, Lobsang shows up in Susans classroom, and earlier someone, think it was Death, asked Susan about possible romantic relations with her and Lobsang...
    So, does Susan love Lobsang (or vice-versa)?
  2. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:53f7a19da3="Mikor"]Well, at the end of the Thief of Time, Lobsang shows up in Susans classroom, and earlier someone, think it was Death, asked Susan about possible romantic relations with her and Lobsang...
    So, does Susan love Lobsang (or vice-versa)?[/quote:53f7a19da3]

    I've just finished re-reading it - it's Myria/Unity who asks the question - I'm still wondering who Susan might end up with - at the end of Soul Music it looked like it might be Imp Y Celyn (aka Bud of the Holly) - but that doesn't seem to have happened - who knows what the Marthter has in store - well, obviously the Marthter, but who else? Lobsang/Jeremy is at least another anthropomorphic personification, which Susan is when she's standing in for Grandfather - it might work!
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well, I guess we'll never get to know in detail what happened in the cupboard to make it a "perfect moment", right? Maybe a perfect moment to them is paying a deck of cards, who knows...
  4. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Well, I don't think it was the nougat!!
  5. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    In response to the title of this thread:
    Yes, one Susan should be smaller than 3 Lobsang.
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It's less than, is Susan less than 3 Lobsang? Something we should all think about for a long time. 8)
  7. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    You are of course completely right.

    The question becomes much harder to answer...
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    But Lobsang is Time, right ? so Susan is less than 3 Times... 3 times what ? **scratches head** Oh why do I even bother ? It's Friday. Maths and logic don't exist on Fridays.

    But on the actual content, well... with both their superpowers and a stationery cupboard, they could have lived a happy lifetime together and still be back before the bell went... Who knows !
  9. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    If you squint, &lt;3 looks kind of like a sideways heart.
  10. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I was asking myself, too. A heart in need of a good surgeon. :)
  11. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:1e23543923="QuothTheRaven"]If you squint, &lt;3 looks kind of like a sideways heart.[/quote:1e23543923]

    *Prescribes 3 Irony detection injections per day*
  12. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:d1759518fe="Tephlon"][quote:d1759518fe="QuothTheRaven"]If you squint, &lt;3 looks kind of like a sideways heart.[/quote:d1759518fe]
    *Prescribes 3 Irony detection injections per day*[/quote:d1759518fe]
    **preparing injection** Sorry, doctor, couldn't read your squiggle there, is that 3 or less than 3 ? :D
  13. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    i think that Susan and Lobsang will get together once Susan makes up her mind. i think shes rather reluctent to have a relsonship espasly with Time. i think susan just had a school girls crush on Imp y Celyn. i can see susan geting marred but to who?
  14. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Nanny Ogg must still have some unmarried sons - Shawn, perhaps - marrying Susan off to one of them could prove interesting - given Susan's character combined with the way Nanny treats daughters-in-law, this could produce some truly amazing fireworks!
  15. Mikor

    Mikor New Member

    [quote:3158f32250="Pixel"]Nanny Ogg must still have some unmarried sons - Shawn, perhaps - marrying Susan off to one of them could prove interesting - given Susan's character combined with the way Nanny treats daughters-in-law, this could produce some truly amazing fireworks![/quote:3158f32250]

    For some reason I cant immagine Susan Ogg. Ogg just dosnt... work for her.
    And somehow I think Nanny Ogg would give her a bit more respect.
  16. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    She wouldn't have to call herself Susan Ogg.
  17. Mikor

    Mikor New Member

    Well, its either Susan Ogg or Shawn Death.
    Both dont sound right, lol.
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well no, tha wife can technically keep her maiden name, especially if it has become publicly recognized as part of her work... :D But seriously ? Susan and an Ogg ? Even if it was plausible, a Nanny-Susan relationship would not produce fireworks... there would be many casual teas... :cooler:
  19. Mikor

    Mikor New Member

    Back to the susan + lobsang subject.
    Anyone know his surname? Time?

    Susan Time... That works.
  20. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:e5fa2cb4d4="Katcal"]Well no, tha wife can technically keep her maiden name, especially if it has become publicly recognized as part of her work... :D But seriously ? Susan and an Ogg ? Even if it was plausible, a Nanny-Susan relationship would not produce fireworks... there would be many casual teas... :cooler:[/quote:e5fa2cb4d4]I don't think technicality comes into married names anymore, not in the UK anyway. Lots of people keep their own names, use one or the other, make something up combining the two or even make something up completely new. Terry Pratchett often uses modern concepts in his novels so that, even if the Discworld seems somewhat medieval, they sort of keep up with modern ideas in this world.

    I don't think people's family names should be a consideration when deciding if they should marry or not, unless they are like totally shallow dude, and wouldn't be surprised if Terry used it to make a joke anyway.
  21. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    In Belgium, the rules come as a regular surprise to a lot of married Englishwomen coming over here and settling for long enough to register with the authorities - having become used to using their husband's family name (I don't say "surname" since we are talking about Belgium - in French, "surname" ("surnom") means "nickname") they find that this doesn't work here - all official documentaion, signatures, etc for a married woman must use her maiden name!

    Edited for spelling.
  22. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    What I meant, Mal, was that there was technically no boundary to keeping her maiden name, and that it is particularly popular with women who have becom well known by that name...

    In France they're still dawning to the whole question of women keeping their maiden name, husbands aren't allowed to take on their wives name unless they have serious reason to (such as having an embarassing-sounding name themselves and wanting to get rid of it. However, being the son of a famous murderer or something nasty is not considered a serious reason... Duh !)
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    That's all right, I just mean that it would be pretty stupid to not marry two characters becauase their names don't sound good together. Perhaps it might happen in a cheap soap opera, but I doubt Terry would consider their names when deciding who should be married or, if he did, he would make it part of the story.
  24. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    The custom of changing one's name to one's husband seems to only exist in those countries whose legal systems developed from English Common Law: the UK, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, etc. Italian and Latin American women, for example, don't change their names.

    It comes from the old idea that, in English Common Law, when a woman got married, she ceased to exist legally as a separate person and became the same person as her husband, legally. Which is why a woman used to not be able to testify against her husband in court, because legally, she was testifying against herself (since she is her husband), and you can't be made to testify against yourself in court.
  25. Dane

    Dane New Member

    [quote:949d67b82d="Mikor"]Well, its either Susan Ogg or Shawn Death.
    Both dont sound right, lol.[/quote:949d67b82d]


    I thought she was called Sto Helite ([strike]Possible[/strike] probably spelling mistake).

    Havn't Nanny and Susan allready met? in Theif of time If i recall. Nanny deliverd Time's son and Susan was asking her about it. Although I may be wrong, it's been a wile since I've read TOT. If i remember rightly they had a cup of tea quite calmly wile talking about the delivery. I'll have to check up on it when i get to my dads.
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yes, it's Susan Sto Helit, but Nobby does refer to her as Susan Death, and has quite a debate on the Death family name with Colon in Soul Music, wondering what Death's first name is... Keith was his favourite, as I remember.

    Nanny and Susan have met, as you recalled, it was the possible moter-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship that was potentially spark-provoking, seeing how Nanny treats her other daughters-in-law.

    Marcia&gt; And then they wonder why women are mildly insane... whole lives of talking to yourself, let alone the idea of having children with yourself, enough to make anyone barmy !
  27. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:ea5f784f6d="Marcia"].. .you can't be made to testify against yourself in court.[/quote:ea5f784f6d]I object!
  28. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    [quote:fd3b8a7fec="Mikor"]Back to the susan + lobsang subject.
    Anyone know his surname? Time?

    Susan Time... That works.[/quote:fd3b8a7fec]

    Ludd. He's Lobsang Ludd. It's a reference to, "You are Lobby Ludd and I claim my £5."

    Also, I thought it was pretty clear at the end of ToT that Susan and Lobsang [i:fd3b8a7fec]did[/i:fd3b8a7fec] get it on together.

    I enjoyed the maths jokes on the previous page, especially since it took me a while to work out the meaning of the thread title. Emoticons are generally fine on this board, but they are usually only used as accents; if you are relying on an emoticon to convey meaning, as in the title of this thread, I would suggest changing it to actual words. It doesn't fall into the category of chatspeak, which we ask people to avoid, but I think it does start to obscure meaning.
  29. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    i think they will get marred but we will have to see after the new book Making Money. but it looks like Susan may have found her true love and she will not age like Lobsangs dad (Wen) did not age with the help of Time.

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