Three facts about YOU - newbies and oldbies

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by shadowgirl, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Thought l'd start this introduction by giving you three facts about me and asking likewise from your good selves.

    1. l have a 7mth old son
    2. l have a twin brother
    3. l have one tatoo, and three peircings!
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Woah, woah, woah woah!

    That's what the "People, new and old, please introduce yourselves", if you want to make a suggestion for questions to add to the list, then go ahead. There is no point having two threads with basically the same theme.
  3. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    It's quite a different thread, rather than just answering questions it's giving 3 facts of our choice, we could add it too the other thread but does that need more? I think this is good enough for its own thread.

    Though, It would of been better if it was 3 facts and one lie, and you'd have to guess which was true or not...
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, that sounds interesting!
  5. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Seems awfully like the Introduction thread and almost every thread on Boardania really .. we put quite a lot of ourselves there already.

    I'm with Ben on this one.
  6. Willmolly3

    Willmolly3 New Member

    I agree That this is a good idea and Rincewinds conribution adds a twist and a bit of fun to it!
  7. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    hooray for rincewind!
    that sounds scandleous!!!
    okay i can't add my lie now because everyone would know, but it's a great idea.
    and okay it does sound a little like the introduction or stuff already covered, but its hard to go through all the older stuff and find just 3 little facts about people.
  8. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Harder than waiting several days/weeks/months for people to respond to this?

    Harder than a newbie several months in the future visiting our site and having to go through two seperate threads to find out about people?

    Or will we just make another new thread, then another, then another. Why in a few years time we can have 100 different threads specifically for telling people about us!
  9. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    yeah, it's worth the wait

    yeah, i'm a newbie and i can't find alot out about anyone because no-one wants to give me a chance

    yeah, lets make loads of threads. spread a thread. people will want to know about us.

    come on Electric Man, love me for who l am (a newbie without a clue)!!!
  10. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:c60e427d1a="shadowgirl"]a newbie without a clue[/quote:c60e427d1a]

    Get one.

    Look around, read our posts, you'll find out all sorts of stuff about us. One of them is that we like people who can and will think when required to.

    You might even find more than three facts about us. You definitely have the chance to if you read a few threads.
  11. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    if l blame my stupidity on pregnancy brain, will you feel sorry for me?
    l thought most views on this thread were all in favour?
    maybe i'm wrong?
  12. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Okay, while I'm not against this thread in itself...

    Shadowgirl, you've been here for, what, a few days? I don't know how many threads you've made exactly, but it's been a lot. Can you ease up on the thread-creating, please? I don't mind you making threads, but so many all at once, especially when they're things like 'cats or dogs?', can get a bit annoying.

    You don't need to create a dozen new threads to fit in and get to know us. :p Just participating in other threads, like you've also been doing, will help you do that. :)
  13. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    ok i been abit trigger happy recently. please forgive me. i will try to behave in future *hangs head shamefully*
  14. Willmolly3

    Willmolly3 New Member

    Us newbies always learn in the end!

    Hail the Vetrans! :evil:
  15. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    *hobbles across the thread*

    Damn whippersnappers.
  16. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Posting for Roman again (if you missed it, he has mobile access which can view the boards (with some effort he says), but not actually post on them. He can still use e-mail however)

    [quote:15fe7e8548]Shadowgirl, do you know
    what are the reasons for the introduction thread? One of them is for
    new members to introduce themselves, though that is of secondary
    importance. The other is to give newer members a chance to find out
    about the older ones. By making another thread that is much like it,
    you now create a problem.

    You will profit from the information, but others will not, because
    others will have more threads to sort through, be it two or ten.[/quote:15fe7e8548]
  17. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Electric_Man, Roman K, Shadow Girls proposed thread sounds [b:c8b21a246f]nothing[/b:c8b21a246f] like the Intro thread, that asks for answers to 6 basic questions. Her's (with Rinso's twist) is more like a game thread and I see nothing wrong with having more then one thread where people are asked to say something about themselves.

    Most people like to talk about themselves, many of the other threads are nothing but talking about what we are doing or thinking, its nice to gain insights to each other through serendipity, but telling someone they should just shut up because they are new seems just too telling.

    Mynona has started a thread wondering why people on this board seem nicer to new people, I was hoping it would turn out that recent events had inspired personal growth and maturity, but the negative reactions to Shadow girl are making me nervous.

    If you don't have three facts and can't come up with an interesting lie, I see nothing wrong with waiting to answer Shadow girl until you do. I think you probably could come up with them if you took the time to think about it, or you could go to the old board and look up your answers to the "member above me game" .

    Here is my response to Shadow girl's {edit(and Rinso's)}first post in this thread:

    I was raised on the White Earth Indian Reservation.

    I am a registered Democrat.

    My favorite band is Led Zeppelin.

    I am a thin girl with a whole lot of chocolate on the outside.

    edited to remind people that one of the statements above is a lie
  18. Willmolly3

    Willmolly3 New Member

    Are you telling a porky by saying you are a thin girl with lots of choc on outside??

    I agree with all your coments. A fun harmless game!

    1/ I Love Marmite

    2/ I work for the UK Govenrment

    3/ I Hate Heights

    4/ I like to jump out of planes at a great height
  19. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Well. I see that Tamyra has made it safe to post here.

    1) Our family hase Moved from house t house about 14 times since my parents were married

    2)I have no lovelife whatsoever

    3)I am the ONLY Star Trek fan in my hostle (360 people)

    4)I have never done ANY type of exersize in my life (exept for hard walking or a bit of hiking).
  20. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Tamyra, I want to stress that I'm not against this thread, but if a person wants to make a point about the thread, they can do. Whether their point is right or not is a different matter, they are still entitled to make it, and someone can take them up on that point if they disagree (like you have). I realise we should try to stick to the topic, but if someone wants to make an objection, I don't think they should not be able to post it because it isn't 'three facts' or whatever.

    And it might just be me being oversensitive here, but that and 'I was hoping it would turn out that recent events had inspired personal growth and maturity' sound a little patronising.

    Apologies for dragging it back off-topic, but this did bug me a little bit. For the sake of it, here's mine...

    (1) I have brown hair.

    (2) I have brown eyes.

    (3) I have one nose.

    (4) I have antennae.

    Whichever you're thinking, you're probably wrong. :p
  21. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I don't see a problem with this thread myself, at least it's not another poll; if it annoys enough people they could ignore it and watch it drift into obscurity like all the others that people don't take to.

    The introduction thread wont get lost because we can sticky it.


    I once ate two eggs that will make me live 14 years longer than you.

    I once shared a bed for one night with over 1000 tiny spiders.

    I once went skiing in the middle of Tokyo.

    I once watched my godfather carry the olympic torch.
  22. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Quickly on this thread. I see the other thread as the offical one. While this is just a harmless little game, that people will play until they get bored.

    I also think all your 'facts' are lies.
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Wrong, only one of them is! :)
  24. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I doubt you could produce the paper work to back up your so-called facts.
  25. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I do have photograph of two of them.... and video of the other I think. :)
  26. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    To Chrisjordan, I probably was a little patronising, probably at least as patronising as you and Electric_man and Roman_K and some others have been. I am of the opinion that this community has been too hard on newcomers, I won't be quiet when I see this sort of thing happening. I am not saying we can't object or say what we think, I was just saying what I think.

    To Willmolly3, no, I am like Agnes Nitt only more so. I have never been thin in my life, and I probably will never be. Guess again.

    To Maljonic, I am betting you really did go skiing in down town Tokyo.
  27. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    For gods sake.

    People who lambasted this thread, go and sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

    This thread is not a thing like the introduction thread, which is a pretty vague way of introduction. Doesn't really tell you anything else about the person.

    This is a harmless enough thing. I like Rinsos variation on it.

    Indeed, I shall probably post on it later.

    Actually, I'll shift it into the main forum, since it's less of an introduction and more of a game now.

    I choose to believe that this won't provoke a lengthy debate on my actions.
  28. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    [quote:8e54e9f7a3="TamyraMcG"]To Chrisjordan, I probably was a little patronising, probably at least as patronising as you and Electric_man and Roman_K and some others have been. I am of the opinion that this community has been too hard on newcomers, I won't be quiet when I see this sort of thing happening. I am not saying we can't object or say what we think, I was just saying what I think.

    I wouldn't say CJ was remotely patronising.

    I wouldn't say that we've been hard on newcomers for a long, long time. As you said yourself, mynona started a thread about it.

    And lets be honest, even at the end of the old board it wasn't exactly a deathtrap for new people.

    Having said that, some of the responses in this thread were over the top.
  29. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    1. I collect rocks

    2. I have a mole on my nose

    3. I grew up in a cult

    4. Snails is my wife

    Mal, I don't think you ate two eggs that will make you live 14 years longer than me.
  30. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:e2b00d05fb="Orrdos"]For gods sake.

    People who lambasted this thread, go and sit in the corner and think about what you've done.

    This thread is not a thing like the introduction thread, which is a pretty vague way of introduction. Doesn't really tell you anything else about the person.[/quote:e2b00d05fb]

    Originally as suggested, it was pretty much an extra question that could go on the introduction thread. If the poster really wants to find out about us, there is already a wealth of information in the intro thread as well as just reading through boardania. I see no reason for it to be repeated for the sake of someone not wanting to read that.

    One favourite discworld character thread or two?

    The poster's assertion that they would rather learn stuff about us from their own thread rather than actually going to look at the stuff already there makes me think less of them. Can't help the way I feel about that.

    [quote:e2b00d05fb="Orrdos"]This is a harmless enough thing. I like Rinsos variation on it.

    Indeed, I shall probably post on it later.

    Actually, I'll shift it into the main forum, since it's less of an introduction and more of a game now.

    I choose to believe that this won't provoke a lengthy debate on my actions.[/quote:e2b00d05fb]

    Actually... I agree. As a game it has some sort of merit, a bit of variation that actually makes it different. I would've suggested the same (moving it) if work hadn't've been really busy for the last half hour.

    [quote:e2b00d05fb="TamyraMcG"]but telling someone they should just shut up because they are new seems just too telling. [/quote:e2b00d05fb]

    As you're not new. Shut up. :roll:

    That is not what I've done. I haven't attacked them 'because they are new', I've attacked the thread they made because I thought it was stupid.

    I then attacked the person for revelling in not having a clue. That is one thing I've said over and over again. If you're not prepared to be intelligent, you won't fit here.

    [quote:e2b00d05fb="TamyraMcG"]Mynona has started a thread wondering why people on this board seem nicer to new people, I was hoping it would turn out that recent events had inspired personal growth and maturity, but the negative reactions to Shadow girl are making me nervous. [/quote:e2b00d05fb]

    Thanks for that.
  31. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I see no problem with this thread, either with the original idea or with Rinso's modification. Ben and Roman are both inclined to be more hardline about this kind of thing than most of us are. I don't think it replicates the introduction thread at all; the only similarity is that it asks people questions about themselves. Well, the members' news thread does that. The 'member above me' thread on the old board did that. Any thread where we talk about ourselves does that. But they all do it in different ways, and just because the format of one is more reminiscent of another does not make it the same.

    [quote:f252291a8a="TamyraMcG"] but telling someone they should just shut up because they are new seems just too telling.[/quote:f252291a8a]
    That is absolutely, categorically not what happened. If that is how you see it, then I am very worried in case you fall into the camp of people who always thought disagreements were about who had the highest post count, or that you weren't 'allowed' to disagree with someone if they had a higher post count than you. Shadowgirl was [i:f252291a8a]not[/i:f252291a8a] told to shut up. Her post was questioned for a reason that was explained. Her newness is incidental. If we wanted people to shut up because they were new, then we could never have any new members, because they would not be allowed to post!

    I suspect the quoted comment was an overreaction caused by irritation. I hope that's all.

    [quote:f252291a8a] Mynona has started a thread wondering why people on this board seem nicer to new people, I was hoping it would turn out that recent events had inspired personal growth and maturity, but the negative reactions to Shadow girl are making me nervous.[/quote:f252291a8a]
    As Chris said, this is a really patronising comment. Are you suggesting that we were childish and emotionally stunted in our reactions to events on the old board? I know you didn't agree with everything, and had the courage to say so at the time, but I would take exception to such a judgement.

    Shadowgirl has had a lot of requests about her behaviour because we can't point her to a ruleset, since we haven't finalised one yet. That means addressing issues every time we see them. I don't think anyone has been unpleasant to her, and I think, on the whole, she's taken it fairly well, bar a little grousing. Are you suggesting we let people do anything they like without comment? If I were a newbie, I'd far rather someone spoke to me about it if I inadvertently crossed a line, than let me continue in my ways, blithely ignorant that people were growing increasingly resentful of me. I imagine the average newbie wants to fit in, and how will they do that if we don't tell them how?

    [quote:f252291a8a]If you don't have three facts and can't come up with an interesting lie, I see nothing wrong with waiting to answer Shadow girl until you do. I think you probably could come up with them if you took the time to think about it, or you could go to the old board and look up your answers to the "member above me game" .[/quote:f252291a8a]
    If people have responses to make that they feel are important - like mine above - they should not have to refrain from making them because they aren't 'on topic'.

    I'm not trying to be over-zealous or start a fight, but those points do need addressing. Anyway, here are my three facts and one lie:

    1. My earliest memory is from when I was no more than a month old.

    2. I was taught at home until I was ten years old.

    3. I have removed jewellery and false teeth from corpses.

    4. As a child, I was synaesthetic.
  32. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member


    Right, Newbie person who's name I don't care about: If you've posted nearly fifty posts in less than a month, you should feel bad about yourself. You should probably cry yourself to sleep tonight because people who've never met you and never will have said that you're too 'intense' for them. Feel free to console yourself with abuse of food, drugs, sex, or whatever else comes to hand.

    Right, oldies who were against this thread: enough people have said they're for it that it shouldn't be locked. If someone thinks it ought to be moved to a different forum, say so. If you don't like it, say so once and have that on record. If it remains an issue, say so in the temple.

    Right, oldies who were against oldies who were against this thread: get over yourself/selves before you go around lecturing others. Given that there is a rather large difference between 'oldies who were not against the thread' and 'oldies who were against oldies who were against this thread', i think that's a very valid point to say.

    We do NOT tollerate idiots. I'm not saying anyone here has been idiotic yet, but if there is behavior that comes close, we should say so to put a stop to it.

    if it continues, then we issue a warning.

    if it continues too much, we ban.

    if you find that harsh, please find a community that suits you better than this one, because we did not pack up and leave so that we could rediscover our culture only to have it sapped out from under us by the same 'lets make everything nice again' mentality that ALMOST DESTROYED WHAT MAKES US 'US' the last time.
  33. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I'm a Philadelphian
    I'm left eye dominant
    I've studied Tae Kwon Do
    I'm left handed
  34. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I guess that Brad is not left-eye dominant, despite being a southpaw.
  35. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I guess that Buzzfloyd has not removed jewellery and false teeth from corpses.

    Edit to also guess that Buzzfloys is spelt Buzzfloyd.
  36. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Oh I think that she most definately has, working as an undertaker and all. :)
  37. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    My guess is that Buzzfloyds first memory was later than 1 month old...

    My facts(?):

    I once swallowed a tooth brush and after i stopped choking they just left it there
    I have stitches in my forehead
    My old boyfriend would go to pubs wearing a dress for promotional purposes
    I met the dalai lama while working at The Regent Hotel
  38. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I think this thread is a good idea.

    1) I once almost lost a finger to a pelican.

    2)I once had purple, blond, blue, green, and red hair all at once.

    3) I was just an hour late picking my sister up from drama practice.

    4) I used to eat ketchup straight from the packets you get at a fast food restaurant.
  39. Mimiru

    Mimiru New Member

    Hello, interesting people:

    1) I have been about the same distance from the American border in Canada and Mexico.

    2) I went to 7 different elementary schools because of moving.

    3) Both of my parents are army veterans...My mom from the first gulf was and my dad from the second one.
  40. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Sorry Buzz, incorrect!
  41. Bob

    Bob New Member

    Well, I think it's a better idea than some of the threads I've seen.
    Especially as newer members will get more of a feel for who the older members are, who know each other well..
    It would be good as an anonymous game to guess who the person is, but I guess that's impossible :wink:

    1. I was born 2 months premature
    2. I have no family
    3. I was born in London
    4. I have a smiley tattoo on my right forearm

  42. SunshineDaydream

    SunshineDaydream New Member

    Let's see...

    1. The longest race I've run has been a marathon.
    2. I've watched the sun rise on four different continents.
    3. I hate chocolate.
    4. I liked math in school.

    And I'm not sure it's the right guess, but I really hope Maljonic's lie was the spiders. For Spiky's lie, I'm torn between the boyfriend in a dress and the toothbrush, but I'll have to guess the latter.
  43. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    To Orrdos: I think you have reacted most sensibly, I hope I'm not messing up your work too much

    In response to Electric _man: :roll: Telling me to shut up is probably not going to acchieve the desired response.

    In response to Buzzfloyd: #1- this was probably a harsher way of paraphrasing what I've been seeing in more then one place and to more then one person then was strictly warranted,but it is basically what I felt was being said.
    #2- The situation that arose on the old boards may very well been the result of immaturity, and I think that would be true of more then one party. Things got out of hand early on, people were playing with fire and got burned. When I found the HC board I was directed to the archives, I spent time there and saw a bunch of objectionable behavior, some of which was regretted later on. So yes, sometimes I have thought [b:2be281807c]we[/b:2be281807c]were childish.
    #3- I was trying for some comic relief, but it was too (s)narky I guess. When I first saw the thread I was intrigued by the concept, especially with Rinso's twist, it just got my shorts in a bind to have what I thought was a perfectly decent thread threatened by what I think is overzealousness. I wasn't trying to enforce any anti- hijacking rule.

    To Garner- are you telling some one not to make so many posts because...

    Shadow girl has a 7 month old baby boy, I'm guessing she has been preoccupied for a while and being able to post on a forum is a way to visit with people that she can fit in to her day much easier then any of the alternatives you suggested.

    I never started a thread on the HC board and have only recently begun on this board, but everyone has their own comfort level, I think it may be a very good thing that some people just can start right in contributing. I'm all for diversity.

    Om Kranti: I'm hoping that #4 is your lie.

    Spiky: The toothbrush, please say its not true. Sorry about the stitches in your forehead if they are really there.

    Bob: I've seen the baby pictures, how can you say you have no family?

    Faerie: I just can't decide

    Mimiru: You only gave three facts, I guess you cannot tell a lie.
  44. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    1 - I represented Scotland at swimming
    2 - I appeared in a TV show, singing and wearing a false beard
    3 - I was good at football (soccer) and was offered a trial by Dundee United
    4 - I was in a "New Wave" band in the late 70s.
  45. dididave

    dididave New Member

    1: I have a black belt in Ju-Jitsu
    2: My only claim to fame is meeting Cannon and Ball!
    3: I need to shave twice a day.
    4: If I eat mushrooms my feet turn green.
  46. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    dididave - im guessing the last one...i hope im right!
    sarge - the first?...i would have said the Dundee U but for some reason the swimming one seems far fetched. I'm begingin to think myself wrong even as I type this though...
    SunshineDaydream : I'm going for the last...
    bob - Ill go for the 2nd cause I read Tamyra's post :p
    Faerie - you almost lost a finger to a pelican...because all the others seem to normal (yes the hair one included)
    spiky - Toothbrush...say it's the toothbrush
    brad - your left handed...i dont know why but it looks suspicious...
    buzzfloyd - I'm going to go witht the memory thing as its rare to remember something before the age of 4

    phew...i probably got all of them wrong but never mind...

    1) I keep a diary religiously and write about a page a day.
    2) I consider myself scottish although I am Canadian and German also
    3) I have only actually read a handful of Pratchett's books
    4) I live abroad and am an ex-pat kid and oil brat
  47. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Buzzfloyd, 4.
    Brad, Philadelphian.
    Spiky, toothbrush.
    Faerie, 3.
    Bob, 1.
    SunshineDaydream, 3.
    Sleepy_Sarge, 1.
    Dididave, 4.

    There must be at least one correct answer there. :)
    Edit to add: Fairyliquid, 3.
  48. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Buzzfloyd - the memory
    Faerie - the hair
    Bob - the family
    Sunshinedaydream - the chocolate
    Dididave - the green feet
    Smoking_Gnu - the exercise
    CJ - err lemme think...the antennae?
    Mal - the eggs
    OmKranti - the cult
    Brad - Philly
    Spiky - the toothbrush
    Fairyliquid - the Terry books

    Hint: no-one got my lie right so far.
  49. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    Ok first, four facts...

    I've played games with the King

    The most beautiful thing I've ever seen was the sun rising over the desert

    My sister is dead

    I've owned a horse that was black in the winter and white in the summer

    Second of all I'd like to ask tamyra to either read my posts with more care or not to refer to them out of context.
  50. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    1. I used to have epilepsy.
    2. I am a Marxist.
    3. I have taken road signs home with me on two occasions.
    4. I have had Pfeiffer's disease without noticing it.
  51. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    1. People always ask me: "What are you doing now you've finished university?"
    2. When I grow up I want to be a pharmacist.
    3. I have been bitten by a lesbian goth girl.
    4. I bit her back.

    I'm going to be picky and say that Mynona's horse thing is wrong because horses cannot be "white" but I am going to hope that her sister is not dead.
    I don't think CY has ever had epilepsy, because according to the nearest medical person, epilepsy cannot be cured. So she says. But to have a better chance of getting it right, I am also going to say that he isn't a Marxist.
  52. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    OK, my four (three plus one, of course)

    1: I am currently out of work

    2: I am teetotal

    3: I currently own four reasonably up-to-date computers (to within about three or four years), three of which are running at the moment, plus at least six obsolete/no longer functional computers.

    4: I am heavily involved in amateur theatre.

    As for spotting other peoples' lies, Spiky is the only person at the moment who I am trying to guess, since her list is really tricky - the toothbrush seems highly unlikely, but if it was medically impossible, Saccharissa would spot it as soon as she sees it - an old boyfriend who went into an Australian pub wearing a dress for [i:05daee0d0f]any[/i:05daee0d0f] reason I would have thought would have been seriously dissuaded from doing it a second time :) - the Dalai Lama - OK, possibly - everybody, even exiled religious leaders have to stay [i:05daee0d0f]somewhere[/i:05daee0d0f] - but the one that gives me trouble is the stitches - I've spent most of a day and evening wandering round London with Spiky and others (though wandering isn't quite the right word - the pace that (ex-St)Tonyblack was setting it was more like marching!) and I would have thought I would have noticed - maybe I'm just unobservant (or forgetful), but I'm going for the stitches as the lie. (Unless, of course, this is an injury since that Doormenless Doormencon, in which case I will have to think again!)
  53. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    due to andalusiuan's statment about horses not being white I just wanted to add that I wrote 'white' to differ it from 'grey' that's the techincal term for a white horse. But a grey horse is often dappled and this horse wasn't, its body was white, closer to the colour of an albino, though mane and tail was still black. The colouration is known as 'dunkelkopf'
  54. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    No one had guessed my fib yet. :)
  55. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    sadly 3 for me is a true statement :shock: my grand total of discworld novels is about 7 and a bit (it was about 2 when i joined this forum :oops: )
    ...i have read wee free men and good omens to though.

    pixel - 2
    Andalusian - 2
    CY - 4 cause i have never heard of it
    myona - hope its 3
  56. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:a68ede1593="Andalusian"]4. I bit her back.


    Has to be the would surely have bitten another part of her body ;)
  57. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    No one has guessed mine either. Snails is my wife and I was born and raised in a cult called "The Children of God"
  58. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Sorry, I went to Florida when I was little and was a bit to curious about the pelicans. My hair was once all of those colors, it was only supposed to be purple but it didn't quite turn out.

    Andalusian: If 3 is a lie than 4 is a lie so they both must be true although a little weird. I'm going to say the pharmacist is a lie because everyone gets asked what they want to do with their lives.

    C_Y: You are correct I did not pick my sister up an hour late, it was only a half hour. :D
  59. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    For those thinking that I'm not a Yeungling drinking, cheesesteak eating Philadelphian, for shame! *Points to location tab* It was however, guessed, that I am NOT sinister, although I AM left eye dominant. Plays merry hell with rifle marksmanship.
  60. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Okay, fun facts:

    1. I draw graphic novels in my spare time
    2. I have never drank alcohol in my life
    3. I am Left-Handed
    4. I failed three AP psych quizzes in a row

    And Buzz, after learning that you cannot retain memories until you are about 3, I would say the one about your early memory is false.
    Anyone who wants an explanation of this just type Hippocampus in to Wikipedia. It should prove me right :D

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