Twenty Four Hour Quiz

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Just for fun - a quickie quiz.
    Not the easiest of questions but you should know them all if tyou think about them. :rolleyes:

    Not a lot of time to answer this one.

    I'm posting the answers at 9pm GMT on the 18th of June.

    01 - Which Guild has the motto - NVMQVAM VESTIMVS ?

    02 - Who is Endos ?

    03 - Who is Mr. Clete ?

    04 - In Moving Pictures, what was Ginger's real name ?

    05 - What type of character was Lupine, who attended the Fresh Start Club ?

    06 - What was the slogan on the collecting box outside of the Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick Dragons ?

    07 - Ponder Stibbons had an assistant known as Big Mad Drongo. What was his real name ?

    08 - Who or what was Cornice Overlooking Broadway ?

    09 - To save money on coach fares, the Librarian once had to travel as a pet. What name was on his collar ?

    10 - Where would you find the Dehydrated Ocean ?

    11 - Name the four elephants of Discworld.

    12 - Where is the city of Al-Ybi ?

    13 - Who was Dr. Underschaft ?

    14 - What is a Spircle ?

    15 - What does the motto, DICO, DICO, DICO mean ?

    Have fun !
  2. randywine

    randywine Member

    I wont get the opportunity again so I'll post the answers that are coming to my head first.

    01 - Which Guild has the motto - NVMQVAM VESTIMVS ?
    Strippers and exotic dancers (total guess).

    02 - Who is Endos ?
    03 - Who is Mr. Clete ?
    Accountant with the Musicians Guild (Hat Hat Hat).

    04 - In Moving Pictures, what was Ginger's real name ?
    I cant believe i don't know this one...

    05 - What type of character was Lupine, who attended the Fresh Start Club ?
    A werewolf coming from the other direction (a wolf that changes into a wolf man at full moon).

    06 - What was the slogan on the collecting box outside of the Sunshine Sanctuary for Sick Dragons ?
    “Don’t let my flame go out.”

    07 - Ponder Stibbons had an assistant known as Big Mad Drongo. What was his real name ?
    Adrian Turnipseed.

    08 - Who or what was Cornice Overlooking Broadway ?
    A Gargoyle

    09 - To save money on coach fares, the Librarian once had to travel as a pet. What name was on his collar ?

    10 - Where would you find the Dehydrated Ocean ?
    In the great Nef.

    11 - Name the four elephants of Discworld.
    I'll attempt Great T’Phon (the rest i cannot even try)

    12 - Where is the city of Al-Ybi ?
    Klatch. (Greedy Seriph of Al-Ybi and Glod the dwarf no?)

    13 - Who was Dr. Underschaft ?
    Musical Director of the Ahnk Morpock Opera House.

    14 - What is a Spircle ?
    A gemstone? (possibly a gemstone which can visually emulate other gemstones).

    15 - What does the motto, DICO, DICO, DICO mean ?
    I Say, I Say, I Say.

    Thanks Joc.:wink:

  3. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Later than advertised, here are the answers...

    01 - The Strippers' Guild
    02 - He is a listener. He is paid to listen to Ephebian philosophers.
    03 - He is the Secretary of the Musicians' Guild.
    04 - Ginger was really Theda Withel.
    05 - He was completely the opposite to a werewolf, he was a wereman.
    06 - Don't let my flame go out.
    07 - He was Stibbon's general assistant Adrian Turnipseed.
    08 - A gargoyle.
    09 - Pongo !
    10 - The centre of the Great Nef.
    11 - Berilia, Jerakeen, Great T'phon and Tubul.
    12 - The Klatchian Desert.
    13 - He was the Chorus Master at the Opera House in Ankh-Morpork.
    14 - A low priced, chameleon gem stone that can look like other more expensive gems when mixed in with them.
    15 - It's the Fool's Guild motto and means... I say, I say, I say.

    Well done Randywine and as there was no tie break needed... you are today's "Outright Winner" :D
  4. randywine

    randywine Member


    I'll take the TV, the Coffee Maker, and the matching China Dogs. Thanks.


  5. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    My pleasure...


  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

  7. randywine

    randywine Member

    Excellent Joc. I wondered if you would.


    DEATHOFRATS New Member

    When is the next round?

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