Ultimate Monkey Knife Fight - the Role Playing Game

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Okay, here's the concept... somewhere in secret locations, the elite gather to wager on forbidden blood sports. One of those blood sports is the Ultimate Monkey Knife Fight!

    Everyone who plays has a monkey invested in the Ultimate Monkey Knife Fight, and $100 to gamble on it. Every night, two monkeys fight to the death. If your monkey is in a fight and wins, you get 10% of the money bet on the loser. The winners are the people who won the most money when the game ends.

    Now, the games are secretly rigged by maffia goons. One player is an under cover gambling comission inspection who tries to make sure monkeys aren't doped to take a fall before they fight. Another player is a mafia goon who's job is to drug monkeys to make them lose their next fight. Two more players are the fight promoters, who secretly pick which monkeys will fight each other. They don't know who the other fight promoter is, so there's a chance they could pick each other's monkey.

    Now, every round of the Ultimate Monkey Knife Fight progresses as follows:

    The mafia goon picks a monkey to dope in secret. If that monkey is chosen to fight, it will automatically lose.
    The gambling inspector picks two monkeys in secret to drug test. If either monkey was going to fight and had been doped, it won't be allowed to fight.
    The fight promoters each secretly pick one monkey to put in the ring.
    The gamblers are told which monkeys will fight, and can bet as much as they want to and can afford.
    A doped monkey always looses, if neither monkey is doped, the GM flips a coin.
    The GM then notifies the players which monkey lost the Ultimate Monkey Knife Fight.

    Repeat until you're out of monkeys OR if the Mafia Goon dopes one of the fight promoter's monkeys, and the Inspector finds out.

    Any takers?
  2. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

  3. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Oh, I am so in.
  4. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    I'm in. My monkey will be named... Mongo.
  5. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I'll play.
  6. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I am so in. Myrtle the marmoset is so ready for this. :)
  7. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:3cc632932b="colonesque10"]I am so in. [/quote:3cc632932b]

  8. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Pinocchio the proboscis monkey and I would be glad to join.
  9. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    This sounds a lot like a game I invented in primary school involving horse-racing! Cool.

    I'd play, but I'm going school campin' for most of next week... When are you planning to start the thing?
  10. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba's in.
  11. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    I will enter Spanky, my thoroughbred One Eyed Custard Chucking Monkey.
  12. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Garner, what do I win if I bet $50 on "Spanky" and he wins?
    What's the return?
  13. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I have to warn you that the good people of Rinsolaw.com find this whole concept breach of copyright and will see you in court. Also we're in. And We'll kick all 'yo' asses and 'yo mamas'.
  14. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    What? You're not going to enter Mr. Nanners?
  15. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I said that 'we' are in. There are a number of monkeys add my disposal. Obvisously, they all will kick ass.
  16. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Many apologies, I missed the "Also we're in".

    Mongo will be more than happy to kill your monkey.
  17. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:c3968c77c4="Ecksian"]I will enter Spanky, my thoroughbred One Eyed Custard Chucking Monkey.[/quote:c3968c77c4]

    Disqualified :x
  18. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:7bcc5265c5="Rincewind"]I said that 'we' are in. There are a number of monkeys add my disposal. Obvisously, they all will kick ass.[/quote:7bcc5265c5]

    One monkey per player, please.
  19. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    [quote:a7be12fefd="Garner"][quote:a7be12fefd="Ecksian"]I will enter Spanky, my thoroughbred One Eyed Custard Chucking Monkey.[/quote:a7be12fefd]

    Disqualified :x[/quote:a7be12fefd]

    Why? Too silly?
  20. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    'silly' is not the word
  21. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    *Makes note of suspicions of Garnerian custard allergies*
  22. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    If ba cannot tell the difference between a gamete euphamism and a desert pudding, Garner shall be making plenty of notes of his own.

    edit: yes yes, thank you for pointing out my spelling mistakes ba... as if living with buzzfloyd wasn't bad enough...
  23. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member


    I'll play
  24. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Doors says he'll play, but will probably try to then completely fail to be online in any way, shape or form to be able to.

    edit: i think i'll join as well, will there be Monkey Battle Royales or just one-on-ones?
  25. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    [quote:3e0ffbf2fb="Garner"]'silly' is not the word[/quote:3e0ffbf2fb]

    Oh come on, it had to be said.
    Ok, can I enter Gimp the Chimp then?
  26. redneck

    redneck New Member

    What if both promoters pick the same monkey?
    Is this restricted to just monkeys or are apes allowed as well?

    I'm in as well. Bubba is the name of my Mandrill. Good luck to you all, maybe you can make do selling monkey meat or fur from your soon to be dead monkeys.
  27. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    My monkey's name will be Monokie. She's a Ninja monkey and has mad skillz, nunchuck skillz y'all.
  28. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'd like to play, my monkey would be Andy, the gibbon.
  29. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I'll use Mr Nanners, So I will.
  30. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:0d1f42cece="Ecksian"][quote:0d1f42cece="Garner"]'silly' is not the word[/quote:0d1f42cece]

    Oh come on, it had to be said.
    Ok, can I enter Gimp the Chimp then?[/quote:0d1f42cece]

    You are funny. In fact, you are so amazingly funny that I forgot to laugh.

    For everyone else, i'm just bumping this to remind myself to do something with it.
  31. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    My monkey is a squirrel monkey called... er...

    Tiny Default.

    Tiny Default kicks, always has kicked and always will kick every kind of arse ever. She doesn't discriminate.
  32. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member


    a few last minute things...

    This is not a role play game as such, but role playing (as monkey or as monkey-owner) is perfectly allowable.
    It is principly a 'fantasy betting' game.
    If it turns out that the game has some built in exploits, i'll do what I can to fix em. probably by just making shit up as I go along.

    Now, rules for entry:

    You must decide on the species, name, and fighting style of your monkey.

    Use ella's as a guideline.

    Monkeys can use any fighting style they want, because they'll be doped up before the fights anyway, and all their fancy training will be for naught if they get the wrong jab.

    More later.
  33. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Name: Consequentius Boob

    Type: Colobus monkey

    Description: a deep believer in the philosophy of consequentialism. If a punch doesn't achieve the desired effect, it is a stupid move. Intentions are irrelevant. It's fighting style is the Come 'Ead Den style of Northwest England.
  34. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Theus, the owl monkey. He relies mostly on dexterity and tactical savvy. And sharp claws.
  35. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    When you say betting and mention $ is that real money we're talking?

    l'm abit short and doubtless my monkey will lose. lf it's not real money, count me in (l'm a wimp!)

    Name : Piggy
    Type : Pygmy Marmoset
    Sex : Male
    Description : body length 14cm (excluding the 15cm tail). weight 140 g (5 ounces). A tawny coat, and a ringed tail as long as his body. Also he has specialized incisors for gouging holes in bark. And has swift movements.
  36. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Andy the gibbon idolizes Chuck Norris and has watched every episode of Walker, Texas Ranger. He fights dirty, and mean, and kicks ass whenever he isn't throttling his opponents with those long arms of his.
  37. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:b6e5817ccb="shadowgirl"]When you say betting and mention $ is that real money we're talking?[/quote:b6e5817ccb]


    dear god.
  38. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    No real money?


    Does that mean I can have the paycheck back that I subscribed for the spectator's annual subscription...?
  39. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    l just can't get my hands on $100 . lf it's real cash, does the winner get it all?
  40. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I have Rjinswand, a scrawny beast who loves to wear red dresses and sports a beard*. The mode of attack is usually to get drunk and lie in the gutter, and hope that the attacker will get bored and go away.

    If I lose, can I give away the monkey and keep my $100? In fact, can I give my monkey away anyway?

    *Think of Santa Claus. This beard is nothing like that.
  41. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Shadowgirl, it's not real money.
  42. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:bff9d280d3="Buzzfloyd"]Shadowgirl, it's not real money.[/quote:bff9d280d3]

    Because that would be, um, illegal... see?
  43. toadinnahole

    toadinnahole New Member

    I enter Susie, my lab chimp. While normal looking on first glance, she was extensively modified before being forcibly "freed" by PETA to rampage through the forests of the Pacific Northwest. She has since learned to hunt and kill camping tree huggers by waiting for them to fall asleep in those stupid mummy sleeping bags and strangling them with the pull cords from the bags. She dosen't actually eat the campers but she has become addicted to freeze dried beef stroganoff and granola. She can also pick her nose with her toes.
  44. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    [quote:492f73d6fa="sampanna"]I have Rjinswand, a scrawny beast who loves to wear red dresses and sports a beard*. The mode of attack is usually to get drunk and lie in the gutter, and hope that the attacker will get bored and go away.


    I know who my moneys on...
  45. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I have a Golden Monkey called Aurimonk. His specialist skill is painting over monkeys in garish colours then giving them a mirror so they can see how awful they look. Then they die of embarrassment. And skin asphyxiation.
  46. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    Ok, here's my official entry.

    [u:568487ff01]Name:[/u:568487ff01] Gimp
    [u:568487ff01]Species:[/u:568487ff01] Chimpanzee
    [u:568487ff01]Fighting Style:[/u:568487ff01] Gimp dresses in tight fitting black leather and begs for more pain untill his opponent gives up in disgust and leaves to have a shower, to make the dirty feeling go away.
  47. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [u:68fb121e1d]Name:[/u:68fb121e1d] Mongo
    [u:68fb121e1d]Species:[/u:68fb121e1d] Hamadryas Baboon
    [u:68fb121e1d]Fighting Style:[/u:68fb121e1d] See those inscisors? Need a graphic to see what they would do to *your* monkey? Didn't think so.

    [color=olive:68fb121e1d]edit: real words only/removing stray code[/color:68fb121e1d]
  48. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Name: Pinocchio
    Species: Proboscis monkey
    Fighting style: As well as the famous noses, proboscis monkeys are permanently pot-bellied, as they require food to ferment inside them before they can digest it. Pinocchio takes advantage of his pot-belly by using the age-old, honourable fighting technique of Sumo.
  49. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Name: Test Subject No. # (Updated frequently as the test subjects tend not to last more than two days before exploding)
    Species: Genetically Altered Spider Monkey
    Fighting style: Radioactive Fists
  50. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Name: Ruby
    Species: Howler Monkey (technically)
    Fighting style: She’s a tricky trickster, and is more cunning than a fox.

    Unfortunately her questionable Parentage means that she could possibly be as cunning as a howler monkey and has reportedly, a little bit of both spider monkey and the very rare Michaelflatley green back monkey as part of her genetic make-up.

    She’s got huge upper body strength with long arms which pack a heavy punch, but it’s her deft and very confusing Dancing feet that really gives credence to her reputation as a bare knuckle fighter. It is a combination of her hypnotic feet and her green camouflage fur, which give her a lead over her opponents.
  51. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I'm nobbling Aurimonk.

    *paints him in garish colours, and hands him a mirror*
  52. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    *shakes fist in air* Get on with it!!
  53. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    agree with the fist shaking!
  54. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member



    *makes fist*

    *shakes fist*
  55. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    *continues to ignore*

    um... eventually, people, eventually...

    unless someone else would like to volunteer?
  56. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I totally forgot about this so i'm just reminding people of my monkey and his unique abilities.

    [b:8cdc348ebe]NAME[/b:8cdc348ebe] Myrtle
    [b:8cdc348ebe]SPECIAL ABILITIES[/b:8cdc348ebe]Myrtle can touch is right ear with his right hand whilst circum navigating is crotchal(I don't think theres such a word, especially not in Buzzfloyds dictionary) region. Quite a trick after 12 Bacardi and cokes. :)
  57. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:0b6b6df064="Garner"]*continues to ignore*

    um... eventually, people, eventually... [/quote:0b6b6df064]

    Are you channeling the spirit of Doors?

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