Unseen Radio

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by chrisjordan, Nov 23, 2005.

  1. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    An interesting idea...

    I haven't really looked into it properly, so I don't know if this would be possible or if it would be too much like hard work, but I thought I'd suggest it anyway.

    People could have 15 or 30 minute slots or something to play the music they like.
  2. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Sounds like an idea.
  3. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Definitely an idea.
    And I promise I won't sing.
  4. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:efbb14a90a="sampanna"]Definitely an idea.
    And I promise I won't sing.[/quote:efbb14a90a]


    Sounds like a good idea. I won't be able to play anything, myself, due to the horrible Firewall limitations on these Uni comps, but it should be an interesting listen.
  5. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Sounds like a great idea CJ. I'd be able to demenstrate my skills at juggling. :D
  6. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Ah, juggling on the radio, why hasn't anyone thought of that before?

    Because they aren't Kenny, who's the only [size=18:dace611127] [b:dace611127]FOOL[/b:dace611127] [/size:dace611127] that thinks a purely visual extravaganza will work in an audio format
  7. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Well - not just Kenny thinks that way .... Edgar Bergen had a successful radio show for years - as a ventriloquist
  8. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I guess even Kenny had to have had forefathers... *shudder*
  9. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I thankyou sleepy sarge. As for you Ben, I would obviously be whistling in time with the little bags of beads flopping from one hand to the other. FOOLIO! Just because you don't have the skill of juggling Ben don't mock others who have. :p
  10. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I don't mock you because you can juggle, I mock you because you're you.
  11. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:952c2a74fe="Electric_Man"]I don't mock you because you can juggle, I mock you because you're you.[/quote:952c2a74fe]

    Thats okay then! :)
  12. Bob

    Bob New Member

    I can juggle well, I even invested 21 quid in 3 massive glowing balls (for juggling, get your mind [b:ff582f4918]out[/b:ff582f4918] of the sewer)

    Perhaps we can do a duet ? :D

  13. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Despite what my job might suggest, I'm not very tech savvy.

    I'd like to be in, but is it not a risky thing to be leaving ports open on your pc (I'm assuming you need it to be running for anyone to hear your broadcast?)

    Just a thought. Perhaps someone who actually [i:1b92fe423c]does[/i:1b92fe423c] know about these things can tell me I am speaking nonsense as usual!
  14. Bob

    Bob New Member

    You can do it with winamp, if you check their site there is instructions..
    Last time I looked the plugins weren't updated for new winamp tho, so you have to use WinAmp v2.xx to run the broadcast.

  15. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:0e11a3405e="sleepy_sarge"]Despite what my job might suggest, I'm not very tech savvy.

    I'd like to be in, but is it not a risky thing to be leaving ports open on your pc (I'm assuming you need it to be running for anyone to hear your broadcast?)

    Just a thought. Perhaps someone who actually [i:0e11a3405e]does[/i:0e11a3405e] know about these things can tell me I am speaking nonsense as usual![/quote:0e11a3405e]

    It only opens up port 8000. For read access. So I don't think there'll be any issues (I haven't heard of any so far) (If anyone knows better, please correct me)
  16. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:952fe4fb5a="Bob"]I can juggle well, I even invested 21 quid in 3 massive glowing balls (for juggling, get your mind [b:952fe4fb5a]out[/b:952fe4fb5a] of the sewer)

    Perhaps we can do a duet ? :D


    I only duet with Tina Turner and Liza Manelli if her busy schedule allows it. I'll keep you in mund Bob though, as a groupie maybe? :)
  17. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:beffd21b75="colonesque10"]I only duet with Tina Turner and Liza Manelli if her busy schedule allows it. I'll keep you in mund Bob though, as a groupie maybe? :)[/quote:beffd21b75]

    A juggling act in which you would duet with Tina Turner? Does she juggle too? or just assist you as you play with your..... oh never mind

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