Unseen: The Movie 2 "Bunny of the Dead"

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by spiky, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    As a place to start: Queue spooky music...

    It's a normal morning in the Redneck Household... He looks out the kitchen window and sees a dead bunny on the back lawn. Da-da-da-dummmmmm.....

    "Bunny of the Dead"

    Let the movie begin.
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    A view of the house looking up from the back lawn, we see through the eyes of the dead bunny and thin waves of blood sweeping down over the bunny’s eyes. A heartbeat sounds, just the once, as the bunny waits for the unsuspecting human to edge closer.

    We hear the bunny’s telepathic thought, urging the human towards it.

    Bunny of the Dead (telepathic thoughts): Please, help me. Come closer, I’m just a helpless bunny. Don’t leave me out here. Come closer.

  3. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    The camera pans out to show a young male perhaps mid 20's nearing the bunny. The telepathic thoughts continue:


    We see the man shake his head a bit, as though to twitch off an irritating insect. He peers closely at the bunny, as though checking for signs of life.

    He picks up a shovel conveniently leaning against the back wall of the house and gives the bunny a quick humane knock on it's head.

    "Dammit! Another one? I just buried a damn cat!"

    He sets to work digging a hole, muttering under his breath, but the music has a strained note to it. All is not yet well. Bunny is angry.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    New shot, inside the house to which the lawn belongs. A curvacious young blonde woman is talking on one of those big giant white cordless phones that look like a brick. Must be the 90's. She is wearing a giant t-shirt with "Fwuffy Bunny" printed on it in big pink letters and aforementioned Fwuffy Bunny illustrated in a cartoony fashion. She is making popcorn by placing an aluminIum thingy on the gas hob.

    Girl: "I mean, like did you see what Tiffany was wearing, I mean, like totally like, gross, y'know?"

    #telephone noise as correspondant answers#
    As she's speaking she turns away from the gas hob and looks out of the window.

    Girl: "yeah, like, I mean, like.... " #she stops, lowers the phone and screams#

    The camera switches to a position outside the window looking in at the girl, phone in one hand, still screaming. Suddenly a splash of blood hits the window from outside.
  5. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Scene 4
    Camera pans around a laboratory. you know it's a lab because of all the beakers and Bunsen burners and people in white coats. It's a dead give away. The camera moves to follow a geeky looking man also in a white lab coat as he walks through the aisle of busy scientists. Over his should you see a stack of cages with all white bunnies inside. He walks along the length of the cages checking and noting down the condition of each bunny on a clipboard. He gets to the end of the row and the camera angle changes to be looking out of an empty cage. You see the look of horror dawning on his face and through the cage you see him turn an run back through the lab.

    Scene 5
    See lab guy exit elevator and run through a business suite, you can tell from the cubicles and people in suits. He yanks open a glass door and the camera pans to show the open door, it says: "WARNER Inc., CEO". Lab guy runs to the attractive assistant behind a large and luxurious desk.

    Lab Guy
    *panting* I have to see Tephlon!

    He's in a meeting right now. Can I take a message?

    Lab Guy
    No. This is urgent. Go in there and tell him it's Bugs!

    I can't do that.

    Lab Guy
    You have to otherwise I will!

    Assistant leaves the reception and goes through the door. Cut to other side of door where you see a distinguished looking gentlemen talking to a group of middle-aged men. The are all wearing expensive suits and looking serious.

    I'm sorry to interrupt but you have an urgent message sir.

    Yes Betty, what is it?

    Mister Man says that its Bugs sir.

    You see a look of surprise and concern on Tephlon's face.

    If you will excuse me gentlemen.

    Cut to back in the reception as Tephlon enters

    What is this about Bugs Mr Man?

    Lab Guy
    It's gone sir. I was just checking the cages and Bugs is gone.

    How did this happen? We have the military protecting this facility, surely they could contain one white bunny.

    Lab guy
    I don't know sir. But you know what will happen if the Bugs bunny gets into the rabbit population.

    Yes. Thank you Mr Man. You may go.

    Lab guy leaves with a scared look over his shoulder.

    Get me Smith Betty.

    Which one sir?

    Sighs in exasperation

    John Smith Betty.

    But there's three John Smiths sir.

    Never mind I'll do it myself.

    Strides out of the office.
  6. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    The scene changes, to a beaten-up ute hurtling down a deserted highway. The camera pans up behind the ute, past an 'Only you can Save Mankind' bumper sticker. We hear the tones of Johnny Cash from tinny speakers, as the camera sweeps in to reveal the interior of the ute.

    A slightly unshaven man is driving, his eyes shaded behind dark sunglasses, a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and a slight grin on his face. The letters JSB are tattooed on his fingers, and a scar across his left eyebrow matches the rugged contours of his face.

    Garbage litters the interior of the ute, an overflowing ashtray sits on the dashboard, various fastfood wrappers are seen, and amidst the mess, a sheath of documents spilling from a manila folder stupidly marked SECRET. The letters 'UGS' are briefly seen before a jolt shakes them back inside the folder.

    A phone rings, and the man grunts, drops his cigarette, swears, and pats himself down while swerving wildly. Convinced he's not on fire, the man reaches into the glove box for a large, bulky beige object. It is revealed to be a phone. After some fumbling, he puts it to his ear and grunts.

    'I'm on my way there now. Is that it? I don't know why you gave me this darn thing, scares the life out of me every time it goes off. There'll be a perfectly good payphone in the city.'

    'Yes, I'll call you once i've made contact, but i'm doing the rest of it MY way. I don't want any of your guys coming in and bossing me around.'

    Another grunt, and then he hangs up and the ute speeds off down the highway.

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