Vital Announcement!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    I hereby declare myself King of Fruits and Cheese.

    Colonesque10 has been appointed the Baron of Spring Onions and Root Vegetables.

    Rincewind has graciously accepted the title of Count of Oblong Shapes.

    watch this space for more royal appointments.
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    All hail us!*

    *not Kenny, obivously.
  3. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Mynona shall henceforth be known as the Princess of Bubblewrap!
  4. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Roman K shall be forever known as the Earl of Even Numbers!
  5. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Hail me more so or Mr Potato head will get very angry, very very angry.......... :x
  6. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Saccharissia is dubbed the Baroness of Unrequested Fissionable Surplus
  7. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Electric Man hath accepted his destiny as Bishop of Lemurs and Marshmallow
  8. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Orrdos is feared throughout the realm, for he is Court Wizard of Collectible Card Games
  9. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I didn't know this was Garner-bestowed, so I had the audacity to give myself my own title :p
  10. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Hail His Royal Highness King of Fruits and Cheese.

    And all who serve in his court.

  11. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Om and Mowglimonster, see me on AIM to negotiate titles.
  12. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Tephlon is the right honorable Duke of Carbonated Syrups and Waters
  13. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Ba Witda is sanctified as Cardinal of Directions
  14. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I may well have to relinquish my role as Baron of Spring Onions and Root Vegetables due to an unfortunate incident in the bathroom involving a Radish. :shock:
  15. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    You're nobility now, Kenny. you can act like that and get away with it. It's just being 'eccentric' if you're a nob.
  16. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Toaf is her radience the Abbess of Polo Mints and Gum
  17. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Fear my magical powers mortals!

    ::taps 3 swamps and casts spell::
  18. lipi

    lipi New Member

    I'm shaking in my knickers :lol:
  19. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    No title for me...pffft...
  20. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    *taps 2 islands*
    *casts "counterspell"*

    Actually I usually play Red (I have a sweet little Goblindeck) but this called for a counterspell.
  21. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Great news Garner old chap, my friends have always said i'm a bit of a knob anyway, so now they have proof. I must now push the limit and see just what else I can get away with. :)
  22. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    *sends group of pesky kids after Kenneth*
  23. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    *Stabs Ben because he uttered the word 'Kenneth'*
    *Also stabs pesky kids because it's rude to carry a knife and not use it*
  24. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    *stabs stabbee neé stabber for not being on msn*
  25. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    *Has to inform stabbee that stabbers (aka stabbees) MSN is not working but if stabbee will sign onto AIM he can speak to Stabber (aka Stabee) there.*
  26. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    or staberellinho could be on neither...


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