Werewolf: Casualty

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Nurse Target looked around the ward, noting the 10 empty beds with pride. She was always happiest when there were no patients, who only seemed to dirty the sheets with blood and occasionally make an annoying groaning sound. It had been only ten minutes since the last patient left, but she hoped that this time they could beat the record of an hour without patients.

    She never understood why so many people needed treatment, she had gone her entire life without having to be admitted, so why should anyone else get injured? It made no sense. She figured that people must be different from her, which made no sense either as they were humans too, weren't they?

    She looked at the clock, “Only 45 minutes left to beat the record!” but then heard the horrible sound of someone on the speaking tube.

    “[size=9:36771a9690]prpr fr ptnts[/size:36771a9690].”



    Okay folks, this is the twist! You have to get yourself into some kind of accident which will involve you being admitted to A&E. Try not to put yourself into a coma, unless you plan on communicating with people without moving a single part of your body... I'll assign the wolves, seer and bane once you've all claimed your bed (by monday) then there will be the first slaughter *cough*NurseTarget*cough*, then a lynching, then the wolves, seer and bane get a chance to do their stuff, then lynching, then... you get the message.

    edit: adding list of players

    0) Target (NPC)
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon)
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Soucerer (OmKranti)
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8) Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent)
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind)
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Every morning at 8.00 there was the March of Suits. The dull flow of grey that oozed up the main stairs to the bank. All the suits where Identical, almost, the entire leather brief cases where identical, almost. All the heavy marching steps where Identical…almost. The almost was one Erroneous Statement. His marching steps where sound accompanied by the sound of wood on stone. His, leather briefcase, though Identitical to all the others was held not by a hand but by shiny silver took. You see Erroneous Statement was a pirate, he still is. But He realised that there are ways of stealing money that didn’t require spending 8 months at sea of boats that appear to be made of dirt. So he did an accountancy course and got a job in the bank. His first client today was due in at 8.05. At 8.13 Erroneous Statement was being rushed out of the bank and into the Hospital with a pencil sticking out of his eye. People tend to be annoyed when they find out there getting robbed by numbers.
  3. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    There was no two ways about it, Blurdess was fat. I don't mean slightly chubby, I mean, really very big. He wheezed when he walked, his stomach was big and round and his face was always very red as if he had been lifting weights all afternoon (which of course, he hadn't).

    He wore a very large long robe with lots of tinkly sourcerer type dealies sewn onto it. He considered himself a sourcerer rather than a wizard, for the simple fact that he ate dinner by himself. Wizards were to social of an animal in his book.

    Blurdess walked down the street* towards his home, he had just left the shops where he had gone to buy some dinner. Rabbits, parsnips, lots of fresh baked bread, gravy and pudding. And some pie. A few pies acctually. Ok, fine, lots of pies. With heavy breath he carried his fare to his home, and set about putting a fire on.

    Halfway through the second rabbit and the third pie he noticed that his left arm was tingling. He felt a cold go through him, his face went redder than it normaly was, which was quite red to begin with. He stood up shakily and opened his front door. His heart was racing, it started to hurt, he couldn't breath.

    With a very loud thud, he fell face first halfway into the street. A short time later the hospital man came and got him. Like they did every week about this time. "You think we otta mention to 'im 'bout his 'elth when 'e comes 'round this time?" One of the men said "Nahhhh, 'ed never 'ear of it, 'sides, it's good for business"

    *Well, not so much walked as stumbled and wheezed and coughed and struggled staying upright and moving in a forward motion.
  4. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Nurse Target looked at the two hideous patients lying in her previously pristine beds. One of them was so fat that the bed was in danger of sinking into the ground, and the other was just lying there.

    Well actually they both just lying there, seeing as they both sedated. She was not looking forward to the time when the skinnier one woke up, how did you break the news to someone that they would have to wear an eyepatch for the rest of their life?

    As she pondered on this, she heard the horrible sounds of the double doors being opened once more...
  5. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Eugene Nottle, performer and jack-of-all-trades, woke up with a pounding headache. He opened his eyes and rubbed his forehead, realising that he had no idea where he was. He seemed to be in some sort of cart filled with what looked like apples. He wasn't sure, he only saw apples in their liquid form and even then not for very long.
    The street looked unfamiliar.
    [i:7e7cb1b91d]What happened?[/i:7e7cb1b91d] He searched his memory.
    The only thing he remembered about the night before was getting off the stage, well.. the table, in a cozy little tavern in Quirm and meeting a kind stranger who offered him a drink.
    [i:7e7cb1b91d]Ah well... at least his lute was still intact.[/i:7e7cb1b91d] He thought, shrugging off the huge gaps in his memory like someone used to the experience.
    He slid out of the cart and stumbled along the street. He took a bite out of an apple and, coughing suddenly and spitting out the stem, fell into a large gaping hole.

    "Amazing," A tall burly man commented to a man of the same stature, "all that way and not a scratch."
    "Yeah, too bad its owner is not in such good shape." His companion commented as he took his eyes off the lute and surveyed the sorry bundle of limbs that had just been hauled out of the open sewer drain.
    Eugene was lifted onto a stretcher and carried off to the hospital, where he would later wake up with no recollection of the morning's events and two broken legs.
  6. hermes

    hermes New Member

    Purse's day started with shopping. Real estate shopping. With a slight headache. He had contacted the owner of a small shop in the south of the city about buying his store, but he had insisted that Purse pay in cash. After a traumatic experience of watching a man get stabbed in the eye with a pencil, he found himself unable to take out a loan at the bank.

    Luckily, on his way out, a shifty looking (but not to Purse) man offered him a loan of the just the amount he needed. Imagine his joy! Thirty-seven seconds later, he found himself bleeding in the gutter, stabbed six times, with the decapitated head of his most valued collectible horse placed next to him.
  7. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Bob rolled out of his bed the moment the sun rose, rushing to pull on his expensive tailored black stretch pants, sneakers, pink undershirt, black shirt and pinstripe jacket. He surveyed his clay face in the mirror. It was pale white clay, with a permanently downcast mouth.

    [i:7477839247]Nobody understands me. They don't know how screwed up my life is. My parents never let me do anything, all they do is send me off to their stupid private schools and make me clean their stupid big house for them. I hate them so much. Why did they ever have to build me at all?[/i:7477839247]

    His musings were interrupted by a knock at the door. His friends were here already!
    "Alright, alright! I'm just getting ready!"
    He hastily pulled a stick of charcoal from a pocket and began to draw thick black rings around both eyes, making him look rather like someone had beaten him up. He leaned closer to the mirror, mouth open in concentration. Suddenly there was another knock on the door and he jumped, putting the charcoal straight through his eye.

    "Arrgh!" He screamed, letting go of the stick of charcoal. It was stuck out of his eye socket at a jaunty angle.

    He walked slowly to the door, trying not to dislodge the charcoal. His friends stared at him for a good few minutes before erupting into hysterical laughter.
    "It isn't funny guys! Somebody get it out!" One of his friends made a grab for it, trying to twist it free. Bob stood still as a statue as his friend fumbled and the charcoal slipped into his hollow bulk.
    "Oh, this is just great. Its just one thing after another isn't it?" He muttered, as his friends' laughs turned to looks of shock.

    "Man, I think we should get you to a hospital or something."
  8. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "A golem!" thought Nurse Target, "A bloody Golem in my ward! Don't they now how hard it is to get clay stains out of sheets? And why is there a guy in the ward with a horses head on his pillow? It's no wonder he's ill. Ah well, at least the guy with broken legs shouldn't be too messy. He wasn't bleeding, and that was the main thing."

    Nurse Target tested Eugene's blood pressure, then went to sit down at her desk.

    She started crying when the speaking tube announced, "[size=9:613aa85bd4]stn by![/size:613aa85bd4]" and the doors opened once more.
  9. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    So far Dolph’s morning had been quite uneventful except for the one man with the lute. He made a mental note to close the cover of the manhole the next time. The sack on his back was full of fat rats, mostly from under the marketplace. Not too bad for a few hours work. He climbed up the ladder and hauled the big sack onto the cobbles. The tap on his shoulder made him jump. He turned around to see two men, one thin and wirey, the other one built like a brick wall, smiling at him. Well, they were showing teeth, at the least. Dolph sized them up, and farther up.

    “Well well, what have we got here…” The thin man said, “I think it’s an non-guild approved ratcatching operation we’ve found here…” “Guild? What guild?” Dolph asked. “The Ratcatchers Guild…” The first man replied, “Official uniforms, annual dinners and of course a very reasonable monthly membership fee. Now, regarding that last item…” Dolph noticed that the uniforms were brand new and spotless. “So…” he said, “When was this Ratcatchers guild founded exactly?”

    “Auch” thought Dolph. The second man hadn’t said a word all throughout the fight, not even when Dolph had smashed his club into his kneecap. He had his fists do the talking for him instead. Dolph had gone down after the second hit, but apparently this hadn’t satisfied the second man. He vaguely remebered the thin man saying something about leaving him whole, as a prospective client, before they had strolled off. Dolph gingerly felt his ribs. One was definitely bruised, this one might be broken, and this third one was sticking out at a rather akward angle. He sat up, realizing this was a bad idea when he felt the world shift sideways and decided to join it in it’s descent into darkness.
  10. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    (I'm going to post the first slaughter at noon-ish tomorrow, it's nearly half-six in the evening now, so if anyone isn't in their beds by then, i shall find alternative players)
  11. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    Today was a good day for Roland von Underwood, he had been stabbed twice, broken his nose, and now he was being chased by two men with large knifes and other assorted weapons. He knew he could not out run them forever, but he kept running. In his mind he tried to think of worse ways to die, he couldn’t think of many. He looked back to see how close they were now, that's when he hit his head and blacked out.
  12. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    38, 39, 40.
    Molly put the last of the coins in her purse."not bad for my first week here" she thought "I think I'll take the rest of the night off, and do some sight-seeing."
    As she wandered the streets comparing prices in shop windows, Molly realised she was hungry, and stopped at a small cart parked on the side of the road.
    "Whats that?" she asked the vendor, as he ladled out something into a bow and handed it to the waiting customer.
    "Stoo" came the reply, and before Molly could say anything else, a bowl was shoved into her hands.
    "Mmm" she thought "at least it smells better than it looks". She tried a spoonful."Doesn't taste too bad either,"
    Suddenly, Molly stopped eating. A tingling sensation had started in her face, and,looking at her hands, she saw large red lumps start to appear on her skin."Whats happening?" she cried.
    "Oh no, not again"moaned the vendor "It's my special ingredient. It can affect some people this way. Quick, run to the hospital, round the corner."
    "Will they know what to do to cure me?" asked Molly.
    "No idea," replied the vendor "but at least you won't scare any customers away"
  13. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Oswald always loved spring mornings, it gave him a chance to take bella out into a meadow or clearing and let her fly freely and maybe bring him a rabbit or a shrew back for their tea. See Oswald did everything with Bella his barn owl. He had lived with her for years now. He'd nearly given up on being able to tame owls because of all the maulings and the three suspended custodial sentances, but then he'd found Bella and she'd just seemed to want to be tamed.

    This morning there seemed to be a little more of a breeze in the air than the previous few days but the sun still shone and the birds still sang, until they'd met Bella anyway.

    Oswald had watched Bella leave his arm about ten minutes ago now and was sitting on the grass waiting for her return.

    Suddenly a sharp screech filled the air and he stood up checking the horizon for any sign of his beloved bird.

    There she was. He caught glimpse of a her overhead spiralling down and out of control heading straight towards him. Oswald put out his arms to catch the bird who seemed in no way control of her flight.

    BANG! Well it was more of a squelch actually followed by a thud and soon later a little bit of whimpering. Oswald was never a quick learner, neither as child or adult, but he had just learned that catching an 80 pound feathered meotorite with a beak as sharp as a needle wasn't a good idea.

    OOC: Sorry for the delay guys. Work commitments and feeling sorry for myself commitments. :)
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [i:942254138b](Just in case I'm still allowed to play...)[/i:942254138b]

    Ophelia Dick walks into the room, her arse twitching sporadically. Surveying the room while sucking diligently on the fag she holds cupped in her hand...

    "Ergh! My long weekend at the nice hospital where they put you in a nice comfy jacket so you can't use your arms to post was better than this, [i:942254138b]pffft[/i:942254138b]. Bugger this [i:942254138b]pffft[/i:942254138b] for a lark. Where's the booze?"

    Ophelia then walks around looking for alcohol or at the very least someone to complain too about the lack of alcohol...
  15. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Nurse Target looked around the room at the ten sleeping patients and shook her head.

    “Ten at once! Why does it always happen to me?” she thought, “I wish that for once in their lives, the people in this town could just live carefully and not get carelessly injured.”

    She stood up from her desk and opened the curtains at her window. As she sat back down, she stared at the full moon for a while, not noticing a 'glink' sound, like the springs of a bed or two being put under pressure.

    “Why can't everyone be like me?” she pondered, “I've never been injured in my life. Not once have I been whacked on the head until I'm unconscious. Not once has some of my blood escaped my body. Not once...”

    Her train of thought of thought was stopped by the sound of growling from two hairy figures. She grabbed the speaking tube on the her desk and squealed down it.


    [size=9:9055810c13]“wh?” [/size:9055810c13]said the replying voice.

    “WEREWOL...” one large, hairy hand swiped at her head and knocked her out. Then both of them jumped over the desk and started ripping at the body with their claws.


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    The patients awoke the next day to the sound of large wooden bars being dragged across the door, and even more unpleasant was the mutilated body lying behind Nurse Target's desk. Erroneous got up from his bed to see if he could find out who it was, and he could only determine that it was the Nurse by her upside-down watch lying on top of it. He went to pick it up, but a lack of depth perception caused him to grab at thin air

    “Arrr, I think thee Nursey wench is dead. What be the cause, thinks I?”

    He looked around to see Bella swooping towards his head. He ducked and she flew past to pick up a note that had been slipped under the door. She flew back to Oswald, digging her claws into his flesh.

    “It saARGHys,” read Oswald, “that Nurse Target is dead.”

    They looked over at the body,

    “Well, DUH!” said Bob

    “It appears that she was killed by ARGH pair of werewolves in our midst.” Continued Oswald. Everyone looked suspiciously at everyone else. “However, it appears that two others have special powARGHs. One can stop the wolves from attacking a certain person at night, and the other one can see whethARGH someone is a wolf or not each night.”

    “How the hell do they know that?” enquired Roland

    “Doesn’t say.”

    “Do they know who the wolves are?” asked Dolph

    “If they do. They doARGHn’t say. It just says that everyday we need to choose someone ARGHmong us to leave via the doors, and they’ll be killed by silver arrows.”

    “Sounds sensible,” said Purse, “Hard to imagine a different way of doing it.”

    “Do we get [i:9055810c13]pfft[/i:9055810c13] alcohol to tide us [i:9055810c13]pfft[/i:9055810c13] by?”



    Right, I’ve just PMed the wolves, seer and bane so they know who they are. If you have not got a PM, you are a normal villager.

    Now you need to choose the first person to get ‘evicted’. To make it easier to read, put the name of the accused between shocked smileys, like this:

    [quote:9055810c13] I accuse :shock: Graham :shock: [/quote:9055810c13]

    Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [b:9055810c13][color=red:9055810c13]DEAD:[/color:9055810c13][/b:9055810c13] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon)
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Soucerer (OmKranti)
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent)
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind)
  16. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    "[i:9b780a0abb]pffft[/i:9b780a0abb] you're all buggers...[i:9b780a0abb]pffft[/i:9b780a0abb] you all need to get buggered [i:9b780a0abb]pffft[/i:9b780a0abb] and bugger off! Especially that :shock: Blurdess Inaghatanito :shock: character....[i:9b780a0abb]pffft[/i:9b780a0abb] can't stand names I can't pronounce [i:9b780a0abb]pffft[/i:9b780a0abb] bugger"
  17. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Erreonous squinted at the man in the bed nearest to him and gazed upon the rounded bird that was dozing on this head.

    ‘What manner O’ Parrot be that?’ He asked.

    ‘Um, Betty? She’s an owl’

    ‘Aaar! An Owl! A land parrot! ’

    ‘Um yes, So…you’re a pirate are you?’ Added Oswald, feeling that he should contribute to the conversation.

    ‘I’ll wager two buckets of shiny shrimps that it t’was my manner o’ speech that gave me away?’

    ‘Well, I suppose so, It was a number of things really, mostly though it was the ‘I AM A PIRATE @ PIRATECON ‘04’ T-Shirt that gave it away’

    ‘Yarr, piratcon ’04, great days. Unfortunatly me days of plouging the ocean waves are long behind me’

    ‘Why’s that then?’

    ‘Ran out of horses.’ Explained Erroenous. For years Erroenous thought that he would die at sea (possibly of boredom) then he thought he’d die in the hospital (again, possibly of boredom, but at least this time he could have free coffee), then for a while he thought he die in a overly large shoe. He never thought he’d die in hospital, nor in the jaws of a man eating manwolf. He glaced around the room ‘ Yarr, I’ll bet the backside of a monkey that yonder wench o’ the night, :shock: Molly Coddle :shock: be your wolf!’
  18. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    The Pirate guy must have done it. He's got a big hook and everything... I know it must look like a silver hook to everyone else, but I'm a dwarf, I can spot silver from a mile away, and that... ain't silver! He must have killed that nurse!

    Edit: Removed shocked smilies due to changing my mind.
  19. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Blurdess had just woken up, in the hospital, again.

    "Oyo, why am I in here again? Nurse Target.....nuuuuuuuuuurseeeeeee" He tried to get the attention on the non-existant nurse for a few moments before deciding that it wasn't working.

    He looked over the room, surveying the various people in it and the mangled body of Nurse Target.

    "Ahhhooo, I know whats going on. Werewolfies, thats the dealio" He turned to the closest patient and pointed. :shock: Dolf Pebblebasher :shock: didn't like the way he was pointing at him. "Dwarfies not supposed to be in the hospital, I know, I'm a sourcerer." And with that statement he vanished into thin air.

    Well, he thought he vanished, but everyone saw him. They saw him struggle to get sit up in bed. They saw him fail and fall to the ground with a disc shaking thud. They saw him struggle to his feet with much help from the bedpost and nightstand. They even saw him putter around trying to find some food that he could make disapear dramatically.
  20. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Dolph was stunned. "What?!... Are you going to listen to the fat human? If I could turn in to a wolf I'd be a tiny wolf."
    Dolph thought a bit, then said: "A terrier maybe. They hunt rats too..."

    "You know what, maybe the big man, the so called "sourcerer", this :shock: Mr. Blurdess :shock:, is the Wolf!"

    OCC: If I remember correctly, you can change your accusation at any time, right? You did in the old game. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  21. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    OOC: Yes, you can change your vote.
    To make it easy for me, do you mind editing the post with the old choice to remove the shocked thingies?
  22. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    "Oyo, Mr. Dawrfie, it's Mr. Inaghatanito to you" Came Blurdess' booming voice from the corner. He was swaying slightly, trying to shake the numbing feeling in his hand.

    Blurdess face went bright red, turned to white in a second and he fell clutching his chest, landing on the hospital floor with a crash.
  23. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Eugene surveyed the scene nervously. He hadn't been sober in days and now had to deal with a big wallop of sobriety in one blow.

    Listening to the argument, he came to a decision of sorts:

    "Ah... look at the poor guy. He wouldn't kill anyone. I think it's that :shock: Dolph Pebblebasher :shock:."

    Edit: wrong smiley
  24. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    Molly stood, looking around the room.
    So, which one's the werewolf?
    As she looked around the room, her gaze fell upon :shock: Cpt Erroneous Statement :shock:
    "Well," she murmured to herself "There's a bad'un if ever i saw one. My old mum always warned me about men with eyepatches"
  25. hermes

    hermes New Member

    [i:984a59b489]"What are you doing?!"[/i:984a59b489] yelled Purse as he watched Erroneous Statement stab him repeatedly with his hook.

    And then he woke up.

    "Oh. Eh. Werewolfs, huh? You! Pirate! Have you stabbed, mangled, and or damaged this here nurse, or anyone else present?"

    "Arr. No."

    "Oh. Must've been :shock: Dolph Pebblebasher :shock: . Just look at the [i:984a59b489]name. Basher![/i:984a59b489]"
  26. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    "It's an old dwarfname. I got it from my father, he got it from his father and he got it from his father... Anyway, poor nurse over here wasn't bashed, she was 'stabbed, mangled, and damaged'! "

    Dolph sighed. He knew he really didn't do it. He hoped everyone else would stop accusing him.
  27. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Bob sat on his bed, wallowing in self pity.

    "Why is everyone so obsessed with the dead nurse?" he whined to himself, "Its not like its all that bad, compared to my inner pain and turmoil its nothing. Why does everything bad happen to me??"

    Bob muttered under his breath. His mother was going to ground him for [i:d1ea0e922a]ages[/i:d1ea0e922a] when she heard about this.

    "Its all that dwarf's fault! I think the werewolf is :shock: Dolf Pebblebasher :shock: !"
  28. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Dolph looked around the room. There were a lot of people staring at him. Most stares weren't friendly.

    He huddled up in a corner and tried to be inconspicious.
  29. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    "What the hell" said Roland,
    "I accuse :shock: Dolf Pebblebahser :shock: !"
  30. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Oswald was slightly bemused by the whole situation unfolding in front of him. He was normally bemused but not normally whilst lying in a hospital bed surrounded by 9 [i:e979569c62]other[/i:e979569c62] freaks.

    The conversation I'd had with Erreonous was strange, why had I called Bella, Betty he mused. Maybe I didn't trust the pirate and didn't like him knowing my beloved's real name. Damn it them claws bloody hurt, he thought, though love was never painless or easy his ex Mildred had told him once.

    They all look so shifty, although I think the dwarf, :shock: Dolf Pebblebasher :shock: , looks the most likely. I mean he even has the hair for it.
  31. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    “You’re all heightest!” cried Dolph,

    “No,” replied Blurdess, “I just don’t like dwarves.”

    “Besides,” said Erroneous, “ye got the most votes. So ye be being taken outside now.”

    “But how can I be a werewolf? Dwarves can’t be werewolves, we never see the moon.”

    “So how would you know? You could all be werewolves, but as you don’t see the moon you can never tell.” said Purse. “I think somebody who sees the moon everyday without being a slavering beast is more likely to not be a werewolf. You’re not used to the moon, so therefore you don’t know how you’d react to it.”

    “Well how would I see the moon anyway? We’re in a building.”

    “Fol-diddle-doddle.” Sang Eugene to a variety of stares, “Verily, the curtains are open.”

    “Oh. But I’m not a wolf anyway, so you shouldn’t kick me out to die. Please don’t kick me out to die.”

    “Give it a rest dude,” said Bob, “I’ve got a banging headache and I can’t be dealing with this shit. Just get out, ok?”

    Dolph turned to argue, then realised that arguing with a hormonal piece of pottery might not be the best idea. He sighed, and walked to the door.

    “Knock, knock? I’ve come to be butchered for no reason.”

    The doors opened and a silver arrow flew through the air into Dolph’s chest. He fell to the ground, and lay dead like a normal person. A man jumped in quickly, looked at the body and quickly took it out, as the doors shut he cried, “He’s normal! Choose better tomorrow, but have a good night!”

    “What? [i:e1fde42676]pfft[/i:e1fde42676] No alcohol? [i:e1fde42676]pfft[/i:e1fde42676]”


    Bad luck, you lynched a villager! Still, could be worse, you could’ve killed the bane or seer.

    So, now it’s night phase. Wolves, seer and bane; PM me a name please. Good luck!

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [b:e1fde42676][color=red:e1fde42676]DEAD:[/color:e1fde42676][/b:e1fde42676] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [b:e1fde42676][color=red:e1fde42676]DEAD:[/color:e1fde42676][/b:e1fde42676] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Soucerer (OmKranti)
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent)
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind)
  32. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Oswald look rather shocked. I was sure the little twerp was a damn werewolf, he thought.

    "well thats the last time i'm listening to you Bella" Said Oswald

    "ARRRGH...getoff getoff...okay girl, it was my idea not yours"
  33. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Eugene was puzzled.
    [i:1488ba6499]Did I just use the word "verily"?[/i:1488ba6499] He asked himself. Apparently he wasn't completely sober yet.

    "Poor Dolph.", he muttered absent-mindedly as his fingers danced across his lute, weaving a soft slow song.
  34. hermes

    hermes New Member

    "I still say he was a werewolf. Had it coming to him, anyway. Prolly used some of that special werewolf [i:594fe66955]crème[/i:594fe66955] or something. [i:594fe66955]Basher[/i:594fe66955]. Rally, with a name like that. Violent streaks, him."
  35. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    "You bastards!" Dolph yelled "That HURT!"

    He noticed that everyone was staring past him.
    The guy with the Owl looked shocked, and the luteplayer was absentmindedly playing some sad little number.

    Dolph became aware of the little body with big arrow sticking out, being dragged away. It all seemed very clear, all of the sudden.

    Slowly the room became darker. He noticed all the walls becoming transparent, so did the people in the room.

    "Hmm." he thought. "At least I won't have to pay off the franchise... "

    A clicking sound made him look around. A small hooded rat-skeleton was watching him, tapping his foot.

    "Oh boy..."

  36. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    "I can't believe this is happening."

    Bob had somehow managed to locate a black notebook on his person and was writing some poetry.

    [i:d1243349b8]"agony... torment... woe...
    the wrong person is dead
    dark roses of despair twine in my head
    lament... anger... denial...
    why must i suffer this nihilistic paradox?"[/i:d1243349b8]

  37. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    "[i:7bfc3eb357]pffft[/i:7bfc3eb357] thats some boody awful poetry. [i:7bfc3eb357]pffft[/i:7bfc3eb357]. Everyone knows the only rhyme for paradox [i:7bfc3eb357]pffft[/i:7bfc3eb357] is have a pox [i:7bfc3eb357]pffft[/i:7bfc3eb357]...I told em [i:7bfc3eb357]pfffft[/i:7bfc3eb357] but know one listens to my arse twitch [i:7bfc3eb357]pffft[/i:7bfc3eb357]. Can't understand it [i:7bfc3eb357]pffft[/i:7bfc3eb357]"

    Ophelia wandered off in search of Dorf's stash of special sheep linament...
  38. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Despite the previous day’s events, everyone managed to get to sleep. Even Bob, from a species not known for going to bed, went. It was probably the Golem sense of following orders that overrode that teenage behaviour.

    Although, one person was awake. They sat up, looked at someone, then… opened their eyes. The seer saw, then went back to sleep.

    Outside, a cloud decided to stop obscuring the moon. The moonlight arrowed straight for the window on the ward and awakened the werewolves within. It did something else though, it awoke the Bane.

    The wolves moved towards a victim, slowly moving towards the bed of the intended. They leapt.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    In the morning, Cpt Erroneous Statement woke first and counted the number of whole bodies, “Yarr, there be pieces of… nine?”


    Well done Bane, you stopped the wolves!

    It’s eviction time now, who do you want to lynch?

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [b:25df90fb87][color=red:25df90fb87]DEAD:[/color:25df90fb87][/b:25df90fb87] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [b:25df90fb87][color=red:25df90fb87]DEAD:[/color:25df90fb87][/b:25df90fb87] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti)
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent)
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind)
  39. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Erroneous looked at the empty bed ‘It appears that ye picked yer wrong man to walk the plank, t’was like the time I accused Peg Legs Pete of stealing my shoes, still we made it through thee night without bein’ munched by the land sharkies’.

    Edit 'Yarr, I'm stickin' to me cannons, :shock: Molly Coddle :shock: is the one! make her walk the plank and perform other pirate cliches!'

    OOC' I won't be able to post agian until monday probably, i could text my votes to ben if needed'.
  40. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Oswald sat there tending to his own wounds that Bella had for some reason wanted to inflict upon him ever since yesterday in the meadow, I wonder what spooked the girl so much. If that damn nurse hadn't been so selfish and got herself killed she could be doing this for me, Oswald thought.

    Oswald was a bit relieved at this point, partly because it was daytime and no wolf is likely to strike during the day and also partly because Bella was off trying to peck out Cpt. Erroneous's good eye. He had time to think, survey the people around him. If it wasn't the damn Dwarf then it must surely be :shock: Mr. Blurdess :shock:, you should never trust a man who's into magic, Oswald deliberated. I just hope i'm right this time, otherwise there won't be many left to get slaughtered.
  41. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    OOC: Don't worry Rinso, I'll be suspending the game over the weekend, as my own access will be patchy (still haven't sorted the internet in my new place yet). So once the votes are in, I'll post the result and give wolves, bane and seer a couple of days to ponder.
  42. hermes

    hermes New Member

    "This again? Hrm.." started Purse, "I know! It is quite clear to me and now it is to which I am aware that it must in fact be.... Dolph Pebblebasher! Just look at the [i:18e03fc373]name! Basher![/i:18e03fc373]."

    "Arr, ye been over this arrlready," mumbled Erroneous, "Ee's dead already, and ee wasn't a wolf."

    "Ahem, yes, that is something to which I was aware," continued Purse, tapping his fingers on a bedside table, " :shock: Blurdess :shock: is a werewolf."

    "Aye, ye know that how."

    "I am guessing. That is to which I am aware."

  43. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    "[i:dc4da86bc4]pffft[/i:dc4da86bc4] I still say its a name I can't pronounce [i:dc4da86bc4]pffft[/i:dc4da86bc4] very suspicious pffft. :shock: Blurdess Inaguy :shock: has gotta be it...[i:dc4da86bc4]pfffft[/i:dc4da86bc4] maybe...."

    Ophelia Dick thought as she took a swig from the bottle of special sheep linament she'd found in the washing basket...
  44. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    "I can't believe this is happening..." Bob repeated to himself as he rocked back and forwards on his bed.
    Well, at least he would have plenty of inspiration for his poetry.

    [i:dbe4d600c8]"the fear of death grips me,
    i don't know who is real and who is fake,
    alone in a sea of suffering,
    who can i turn to but myself?
    lead me not into mistakes those surrounding,
    the dark one is :shock: Molly Coddle :shock: !"[/i:dbe4d600c8]

    Bob looked at his words, "That is some wicked tortured poetry."
  45. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Erroneous swipped blindly at the air where he believed Bella to be.

    'Aaar! I thought these arre nocturnal!'
  46. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    His hands suspended over his lute, Eugene said:
    "I don't trust that sourcerer at all. I think :shock: Blurdess :shock: is a wolf."

    "I just hope we're right this time."
  47. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    Molly sat on her bed watching :shock: Erroneous Statement :shock: carefully.
    "I don't know why they threw that dwarf out" she thought "Anyone with half a brain can see who's responsible for this"
  48. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    "Fools!!" Sputtered Blurdess "You know I'm not the wolfie"

    It's the blathering old :shock: drunk woman :shock: I tell you, the drunk woman!!"
  49. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "You can't kill me! I'm not a wolf!"

    "Ye got the votes, me heartie."

    "SCREEEEECH!" confirmed Bella,

    "But I'm not a wolf, I'm..."

    Bob patted Blurdess on the back, which sent him flying towards the doors.

    Blurdess looked at the doors as they opened, then... opened his eyes.

    An arrow flew towards Blurdess and he stuck out a hand at random, the arrow embedded into it.

    "See! I'm not a wolf, note the silver arrow in me, the lack of pain I'm feeling. I'm the goddamn seer for crying out loud! And another thing..." Blurdess fainted from loss of blood.

    "Quick!" said the guy at the door, "This patient needs a doctor, let's get him out of here."

    "HEY!" said everyone still in the ward, "WHAT ABOUT US?"

    "The werewolf thing?"

    "OH YEAH."

    "See you tomorrow!"


    Oooh, bad luck, you just lost a line of defense. The seer is dead! Let's hope you do better next time.

    Wolves, Bane: PM me please.

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [color=red:2245fd241a]DEAD:[/color:2245fd241a] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [color=red:2245fd241a]DEAD:[/color:2245fd241a] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti) [color=orange:2245fd241a]GONE:[/color:2245fd241a] Second Lynching - seer.
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent)
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind)
  50. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    "[i:663ce9c075]pffft[/i:663ce9c075] Bugger. [i:663ce9c075]Pffft[/i:663ce9c075] well screwed that one up [i:663ce9c075]pffft[/i:663ce9c075]"
  51. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    "Bastards!" Murmurded Blurdess when he came to "I knew they would do that. They can't help it. Insanity" He tried to see where he was, but it was all blackness, he wasn't sure if he was dead or alive.
  52. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    'Yarr, I could liken this to the time a acused Joey "No Fingers" of stealing by caligraphy set.'
  53. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    "Well slap me in the chops and call me Trisha" said Oswald "I was sure the magical fella must have been a wolf. He even had the glossy coat"

    Oswald was really starting to worry now. If we don't catch the wolf soon, he thought, it might fancy a nice portion of roast owl and then what will I do on those lonely nights in my bedroom with just me and sammy the snake.
  54. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Meanwhile, outside the hospital, a few blocks away, Eguaan Viskinnar could, for the first time in this year, see her breath form clouds in front of her mouth.
    And that with winter still far away.

    "Dam", she thought, "of courze I had to go for de whole classy thief equipment thing, which includes glovz with no fingertips... Ach... can't feel my fingers anymor, anyway..."

    She didn't think she was still capable of standing up, but if she had tried, she'd probably find her arse frozen to the box she was sitting on, anyway. For the first few hours after dropping from the tiny, squared window right under the ceiling after trying to find hold on a floor plate that [i:794de8ad7d]was [/i:794de8ad7d]existing, but in [i:794de8ad7d]another [/i:794de8ad7d]building, and after realizing this was not the Derby Square Storehouse -said other building- but the Future Pork Warehouse, she had tried to keep moving. With her legendary bad sense of orientation, it was a miracle she didn't get lost while doing so, but after all, the warehouse consisted of one large room, and that limited even [i:794de8ad7d]her [/i:794de8ad7d]special talent.
    This time, she was pretty sure it wasn't [i:794de8ad7d]only [/i:794de8ad7d]her fault alone that she had entered the wrong building. Her maps had been tempered with. And she oh so relied on them, not only in a town she had only recently settled down in. But what, under normal circumstances, would have sent a normal temperate Eguaan into a hissy fit, left this one quite unimpressed...
    "Because for ze first time in my life, I am...c...o...-..."
    Everything faded to grey, dark grey, and then black.
  55. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    "You should've listened to me. I told you it was Molly!"

    Bob rolled his eyes.

    "Gah, old people are so dumb."
  56. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Just outside the ward, a few doctors looked over Blurdess who was currently unconcious,

    "So he had a heart attack, had half a days care, then got locked in a room with a pair of killers for another day and a half without care... then was made to walk out and got shot in the hand?" said one of the Doctors.

    "Well we were aiming for the heart," said the guy at the door, walking over, "but you've basically got it right."

    "Well I guess it's better care than in Ankh-Morpork."

    "COMING THROUGH!" cried someone from the other side of the room,

    The door-guy looked up and saw a man pushing a trolley bed with a patient on it, straight towards the blocked doors, "NO!" he dived towards the bewildered looking Paramedic, and grabbed him before he could get to the doors. The momentum of the trolley caused it to continue, crashing through the barricaded doors and into the ward.

    "What are you doing?!" cried the Door-guy, "No-one is meant to get into that ward!"

    "Don't you want people to get better?"

    "There's werewolves in there! How will someone get better if there are werewolves in there?"

    "Ah, well you should've said."

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Whilst the two argued, Roland von Underwood stole across to the bed, pushed Eguaan off of it and took her place on the bed.

    As he did so, Bella thought she saw some kind of strange light at his touch.

    "SCREECH!" she said to Oswald,

    "What's that girl?" he replied, "Timmy's stuck down a well?"

    Bella rolled her eyes.

    As Roland got into a better position on the bed, he looked at the wristwatch he stole not one week ago and hissed at it, "Stupid imp, turn your lamp off! We're getting out of here."


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    "But not to worry," said the Paramedic, "I'll get the patient out. I always keep my bed on a piece of string, just in case anyone tries to nick it."

    "But what if they're infected?"

    "Ah we can deal with that when it comes to it."


    The Paramedic pulled the string on his belt until the bed returned to him, he then took a silver arrow from one of the archers and stuck it through Roland's heart. Who died.

    "Now THAT's Ankh-Morpork treatment." said the Doctor.


    I've opened up some roles for NPCs if there is anyone else who wishes to join in the game (naturally you won't be involved in the voting and so forth). Feel free to grab one of those characters outside the ward and expand on them.

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [color=red:bc72930e4f]DEAD:[/color:bc72930e4f] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [color=red:bc72930e4f]DEAD:[/color:bc72930e4f] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti) [color=orange:bc72930e4f]GONE:[/color:bc72930e4f] Second Lynching - seer.
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) [color=red:bc72930e4f]DEAD:[/color:bc72930e4f] Failed escape attempt
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind)
    11) Eguaan Viskinnar - young thief (Hsing)
  57. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Nobody had noticed Eguann arrive due to being asleep. When she eventually came too, she looked at the first empty bed and climbed in. The sheets were dirty, but she needed rest so badly that she promptly closed her eyes anyway.

    The rhythmic sound of breathing was all that could be heard in the ward. A keen listener would've spotted a pattern to it, possibly even a tune. They would have been shocked by the change to the pattern. Possibly caused by the awakening of a pair of werewolves.

    They stalked to the centre of the room, nodded at each other, and then set off towards a bed. They leapt, and were held back by an invisible barrier.

    The wolves slunk back to their beds, disappointed.


    The Bane triumphs once more! Time to vote again.

    Updated Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC) [color=red:367f2aa10d]DEAD:[/color:367f2aa10d] First Slaughter
    1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky)
    2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci)
    3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth)
    4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) [color=red:367f2aa10d]DEAD:[/color:367f2aa10d] First Lynching - villager.
    5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Sorcerer (OmKranti) [color=orange:367f2aa10d]GONE:[/color:367f2aa10d] Second Lynching - seer.
    6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes)
    7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10)
    8 )Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) [color=red:367f2aa10d]DEAD:[/color:367f2aa10d] Failed escape attempt
    9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian)
    10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind)
    11) Eguaan Viskinnar - young thief (Hsing)
  58. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Oswald awoke from his sleep. He'd had such a peaceful night last night. He'd dreamt about a time when he was having a picnic down by the stream with his beloved Mildred. They'd laughed and jokes, fed each other strawberries and he'd chased her across the meadow towards Brackens drop. Thankfully that's where the dream had ended. He didn't want to remember what had happened after that.

    Atleast he had Bella now, she took his mind off Mildred and what he'd had. Talking of Bella, where was she, Oswald thought. He scanned the room looking for his faithful bird when his eyes came across a new person in one of the beds. How had the hell had this women got in, Oswald thought, and more importantly why had the hospital let her in when they knew there were wolves amongst us. Maybe this was some sort of government test, Oswald surmised, although the blood did look very real and the screams can't have been faked, surely.

    Still Oswald couldn't see Bella. He was getting worried now. His eyes set on :shock: Cpt Erroneous :shock: , he'd never trusted that damn pirate. Oswald wondered if Erroneous really lost his eye in a struggle with another wolf when he'd been turned rather than his story of a stabbing with a pencil. Also Oswald's mum had always told him when he was a kid that you could never trust an accountant.

    [i:597927e036]OOC - Sorry Grace, you are the only exception[/i:597927e036] :)
  59. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    [i:962a0dfdbf]OOC - Damn straight![/i:962a0dfdbf] ;)
  60. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [i:defd0eae69]OOC- What about me?[/i:defd0eae69] :(

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