So here is the resurrection of the werewolf game. For those that remember the rules, good for you! For those that don't, here is a short summary of them [quote:a149336aa8="Mossfoot (with a few edits by me)"]In the simplest terms it goes like this. One person (Narrator) oversees what happens and writes down what happens each day. The players are all Villagers. Two of them are secretly Werewolves, one is secretly a Bane and one is secretly a Seer. Every night the Werewolves get to slaughter one of the Villagers. The Seer gets to choose one Villager to have a "Vision" about, and determine if they are a werewolf or not. A Bane has the ability to protect someone during the Night phase. If they bane the victim, the victim is saved, and no slaughter takes place. But if they bane the WOLF, then there is no slaughter that night, either! Needless to say if you protect someone and there is still an attack, you know that person is innocent, but Bane-ing someone and no attack taking place doesn't definitely make the person a wolf, either. Every day, the Villagers demand bloody justice and vote to lynch one of their own, hoping it's the werewolf. In this phase everyone can accuse one another, lie, shift blame, etc... but in the end everyone must vote, and one Villager is lynched. If it's the werewolf, you'll know (they tend to change before getting lynched). Otherwise, you've lynched an innocent Villager and must try again. Typically each "phase" (night and day) is played out as a 24 hour period, so as a Villager you only need to show up once every two days, and as a Wolf or Seer every day (though secretly through PM). In practice though, it's best for you to be available everyday. If all the Wolves are lynched, the Villagers win. If the Villagers are reduced to 2 (plus wolf or wolves) then the wolves gang up on them and finish them off, the Wolves win.[/quote:a149336aa8] If you have any questions about the game's workings, just ask So, I now request players. Please bear in mind that you should be available to post at least once every weekday (I'm currently unsure as to my own net availability at weekends), we don't want anybody joining and then not playing, it slows down the action too much. I'm also limiting this game to 10 players, so if you join then don't play, you're preventing someone else from playing. The game will be starting soon, how soon depends on how quick that we obtain our players. The latest time I'm looking at starting is next Monday. The game shouldn't last more than a couple of weeks, so you have time to plan not to go on holiday or something. If you do find yourself in an emergency, please tell me that you can't play and I will organise a replacement. OK, so if you've met those criteria, you now need to decide what character you are going to be. This game is set on the Discworld, in Pseudopolis. Where in Pseudopolis? I won't reveal that yet, there will be an element of surprise about it. This won't be set in a bar, an ancient burial ground or a prison though. Feel free to be any type of Discworld inhabitant you wish, but don't play an actual Discworld character, e.g. A troll is fine, but Detritus the Troll isn't. Also, don't be a werewolf, that position is assigned not chose. Oh, and choose a profession to help you flesh out your character a bit, and feel free to add any other small piece of background. There is one Non-Playing Character (NPC), which is Target, who will be the first slaughter of the werewolves. This game is first come, first serve, so the first ten entrants play. If you realise you can't play everyday after entering, just say and I'll remove you from the list. I now open this thread for registration.
Yes, because Doors and his dodgiest of dodgy connections isn't running it. Have you decided who and what you are?
I would like to play please, I can usually get on the board at least once per day. I haven't thought of a character yet, as i have only just seen this thread but wanted to let you know I was interested in playing.
I'll definitely play. Don't have the time right now, but I'll try to sort out character and stuff later tonight.
You know what.... I'll play. Gimme a bit of time to think up my character. I should be able to be online during the week. Weekends is as different matter. But you said so too.
I'll play. Even though the good Swami was killed in the last werewolf game. I'll think of a new character. Bigger, stronger, fatter, able to leap tall buildings with a single bound. Woo hoo. The name is Blurdess Inaghatanito, soucerer extrodinarre. As tall as he is wide (about 5 feet), this fat, smiling soucerer thinks he has the ability to turn invisible (hence the name). He does not infact, posses that ability, making some odd situations even odder.
Right, got to try to keep track of numbers... 0) Target (NPC) 1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky) 2) TBC (queenynci) 3) TBC - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth) 4) Rolph Pebblebasher (Tephlon) 5) TBC (OmKranti) 6) TBC (Hermes) 7) TBC (colonesque10) 8) TBC (ArthurDent) As a test... if you don't post (or edit to include a character) in this thread by tomorrow, you get bumped back down to the bottom of the queue. So it is still worth registering after the next two, because you might find yourself stealing someone's place. And by tomorrow, I actually mean about 36 hours from now. [img:8dedbac834][/img:8dedbac834] Well, I need to give you 24 hours, and I'll go offline in 21 hours, then I'm watching Wycombe play football in the evening, so I won't be online until I get to work the next day. edit: I'm going to kill "8)"... gah, stupid having to disable smileys... other edits: updating list
*stabs Electric_Man for getting my name wrong* Edit: Ohkay, Electric_Man is with 2 capitals. Curse you ben, for using underscores and capitals. Curses, curses.
Ha! [reverb] I am the terror that flaps in the night, I am the [noun] that [verb]s your [noun], I am THE PHLON! [/reverb] ... I scare myself sometimes. Edit: Mêh, your name warrants no capitalisation!
Ophelia Dick: A cripple elderly woman with an 80 a day smoking habit. She tends to stand in a corner sucking down foul rollups grunting about how here arse is twitching... "My arse twitches [i:53d606cb49][fffft]. [/i:53d606cb49]Come feel my arse and how it twitches [i:53d606cb49][fffffft]. [/i:53d606cb49]It doesn't twitch as good as it used to [i:53d606cb49][fffffft], [/i:53d606cb49]its not like the old days when an arse knew how to properly twitch [i:53d606cb49][fffffft]"[/i:53d606cb49]
[quote:598031ba0b="chrisjordan"][quote:598031ba0b="Electric_Man"]You mean you're not The Phlon? Also, 'ben' should be capitalised too [/quote:598031ba0b] Ben, there should be a full stop after that 'too'.[/quote:598031ba0b] FOOL! The smiley is doubling as a full stop. It is round, is it not?
Okay, I've got a character: Rolph Pebblebasher Dwarf, obviously I'm working on his background. Could someone refresh me a bit about what we know about Pseudopolis? Besides Pseudopolis Yard? Which books is it in?
Er... well it lends it's name to the Police Station in Ankh-Morpork... It's also a town on the edge of the Sto Plains. It has a cameo in a few books, but we don't really know anything concrete about it. I wouldn't worry too much about that Mr Phlon, it's a discworld setting, but it's not strictly discworld. I think it's actually best that we don't know too much about it. If you [i:a44dfa2c56]have[/i:a44dfa2c56] to learn more, the best place to look is probably the Discworld Companion, or maybe even lspace.
Right, I actually HAVE the discworld companion. D'oh! I'm going to be stuck with The Phlon for the rest of my online life, won't I?
The Discworld Companion doesn't seem to list Pseudopolis, well mine doesn't anyway (I have the 2004 edition). Anyway, my character: Doesn't have a name yet, but he's an Ankh-Morporkian Musicians' Guild reject who is travelling around the Disc, doing odd jobs here and there and spending a lot of time near and in taverns. His parents are Lancrastian but he was raised in Ankh-Morpork and as a result he resists the Lancrastian mentality strongly and prefers grandeur and fame to common sense and hard work. I'll try to come up with a name during my classes today.
Molly Coddle, a 21 year old member of the *ahem* Seamstresses Guild. ( I have to go to work now, so I will edit later with more details)
I don't know if I'm inside the numbers... If Im not I suppose Im a reserve, right? My characters name is Bob. He is a golem, not one of those polite, hard working golems of his parent's generation (just bear with me here) but a whiny, self obsessed teenage golem who thinks that combing his clay into a side fringe looks cool. Maybe... or maybe its just ghey and i should give up writing.
Nope, you're fine, still one more person needed after you in fact! A golem shall make it... interesting. Teenage even more so! An updated list: 0) Target (NPC) 1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky) 2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci) 3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth) 4) Rolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) 5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Soucerer (OmKranti) 6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes) 7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10) 8) Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) 9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian) edit: update list
Eugene Nottle. Part of the reason why he is a failed musician. He was never explained the concept of a stage name. Edit to add the last sentence and to say: Great character, Om!
[b:73308cb20d]Dolph Pebblebasher[/b:73308cb20d] Dolph arrived in Pseudopolis 6 months ago, and works as a ratcatcher at night and now has his own handcart, recently accuired as a franchise set up via a Mr. Dibbler from Ankh-Morpork, at which he works during the day. [i:73308cb20d]“Newe Venture – can notte faile. Set up your owne failefree succeffulle franchife* in selling afforted foodwares”[/i:73308cb20d] Dolph was catering to his own special niche, selling “fried rats-onna-stick, guaranteed fresh” (The pamphlet that came with the franchise said that it was good to sell stuff “onna-stick”, because it was a “innovasion for youre loyale cuftomer” and that you should always put “guaranteed fresh”, even if you couldn’t. Dolph had skipped over the legal paragraph after that, because he could actually guarantee the freshness.) Things were going pretty well, he had sent 5 letters with some of his savings home to his parents already. Of course some of his profits went to this Dibbler fellow, but it was just a percentage anyway. 12 percent of the profits did sound a bit high at first, but Dolph already found out that profit and profit are two different things… He had a lot of “overhead”** so in the end it was just a few dollars that made their way to Ankh-Morpork. *Dolph had had a bit of trouble with that one. It was easier to say after a good quaffing though. ** Dwarfs usually do. ----- I was feeling inspired Edit: Ahem, Ben, could you change my characters name to Dolph? Thanks.
Purse, merchant extraordinaire! Mysterious in nature, Purse wanders around the disc collecting worthless trinkets. For what reason? He's weird. He also dabbles in more traditional aspects of merchantry and has been known to never refuse to buy an item (Selling them is different altogether. He once bit off a customer's hand.) Now in Pseudopolis, he's searching for another small and useless trinket. And luckily, he found it just the other day. Things have been going well for him, and he hopes to be able to set up a shop and settle into the flow of the city by the end of the month.
I believe Pseudopolis is in Going Postal, i think Moist rides there to deliver some post. My character, if theres any places left: Oswald Oggham An Owl Tamer. Oswald comes from up in the hills near Uberland where Owls are known to grow to 4ft tall with the wing span of a small salt water crocodile. Due to his dangerous work he only has two fingers on one hand and never wears short sleeve shirts. He has been known to wear an eyepatch but rumour is this is only on special occasions. Oswald was known to have a wife called Mildred when he was in his early twenties but now he seems to get all his comfort and loving(not that kind) from Bella the barn owl who is normally within 50 yards of him at anytime. Oswald speaks with a sligh celtic twang in his accent and sounding as though he always needs to spit. Edit: Add stuff :cooler:
Space for one more? I'll play. Character coming up. edit: My Character: Erroneous Statement (Captain) Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate. His Parents heard the phrase 'Erroneous Statement' while in court (a dispute with the neighbours over who owned a single blade of grass that was on the borderline) and decided that it would be the perfect name for a Child. As a young man Erroneous decided that a life of excitement and danger and gold and women was the life for him, a pirate's life! So he joined the Crew of Insane Mad Jack and began to plough the sea, drowning several horses in the process (Insane Mad Jack had quite a literal mind). After several years of sea he realised that a pirates life mostly seemed to consist of boredom and danger* and burying any gold you find and having to drink your own urine when they run out of fresh water. He decided that there are easier ways to rob people and went and took and accouncy course and now works at the Bank. While he's taken well to financial piracy, his many years on the sea has etched the pirate style onto his soul. *But not the good type of danger. The type of danger you get from having to eat bread that appears to be made of coal.
Indeed there is Rinso, the last spot. You are the literal last puppy in the shop, aka the incontinent one that no-one really wants. So, everyone managed to post within the 24 hours, so yay them! I'd also like to thank CY for his cryptic comment about Om, which made me look at her earlier (now edited) post. 0) Target (NPC) 1) Ophelia Dick - Retired, crippled, smoker (Spiky) 2) Molly Coddle - Seamstress (queenynci) 3) Eugene Nottle - Failed Musician (Cynical_Youth) 4) Dolph Pebblebasher - Ratcatcher/Rat-onna-stick seller (Tephlon) 5) Blurdess Inaghatanito - Soucerer (OmKranti) 6) Purse - Merchant Extraordinaire! (Hermes) 7) Oswald Oggham - Owl Tamer (colonesque10) 8) Roland von Underwood - Thief - (ArthurDent) 9) Bob - Teenage Golem (Andalusian) 10) Cpt. Erroneous Statement - Chartered Accountant and Ex-Pirate (Rincewind) At the moment, I'm looking to make the first post of the game (in a new thread) on friday, and start the game properly (with the death of Target) on monday. Which will give you the weekend to get to the... place where it will be held *is secretive* Rinso edited, so I had to too: your character sounds like a cross between Grace and CJ
[quote:58f721a5b9="The Phlon"](In loving memory of Kenny)[/quote:58f721a5b9] GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!
Of course you should've all noticed that the game has started in the "Werewolf: Casualty" thread. You should all have posted by monday before the killing starts. If you have any questions about the rules, please do so in this thread. Now, once the game is complete, I'm thinking of converting it to a story for that particular section of this site and what would be cool is pictures. I can't draw, but I know a few of you can. So if you'd like to create a picture of your character, or even draw Nurse Taget and any particular scenes that might crop up, that would be cool and I can interweve text with pictures. Don't feel under any obligation to draw something, it's just a crazy idea that I've had.
If you edit it nicely I can try and do a Graphic Novel adaptation... Story and Dialogue by Electric_Man, Spiky, queen ynci, Tephlon, Cynical_Youth, Om Kranti, Hermes, colonesque10, ArthurDent, Andalusian and Rincewind. I'll have to do the credits in a filmposter format...
Rules questions: Can the players PM each other freely? Also, if there are two wolves and one of them is baned is the other still able to strike?
Yes, players can PM each other as much as they want. In previous games it has been known for wolves to persuade others that they aren't via PM. Think of it like they are whispering to each other, and the other players won't know what they are doing. The wolves decide on [b:671e1101f3]one[/b:671e1101f3] target between them, the bane decides on one person to protect. If the bane chooses the target or a wolf, then no-one dies.
I'm going to be working all day tomorrow (more than all day i'll have to leave my house at 7AM and won't be back before 12) -helping make exciting TV shows about Europe! watch it tomorrow on BBC 1 and see me accidently walk on shot carrying a tray of tea! So I probably won't be able to post on the wolf game until tuesday moring. Just letting you guys know.
[quote:412a6cb74c="Electric_Man in Werewolf: Casualty thread"](I'm going to post the first slaughter at noon-ish tomorrow, it's nearly half-six in the evening now, so if anyone isn't in their beds by then, i shall find alternative players) [/quote:412a6cb74c] Sorry colonesque and Spiky, but you just haven't made the grade. If this game is to work, I need to guarantee that the players are posting. So I'm looking for two replacements, at this stage, you can make up your own character. McLaren and Orrdos have expressed an interest, but aren't online currently, so it's open to anyone who can guarantee that they will be online during the week. edit: apologies to the rest of the players, but we shall have to start properly tomorrow, unless contestants turn up quickly also, regarding Rinso, the noon-noon nature of the way I'm going to play means that you would still be able to post before the next deadline for you. As it is, that deadline seems to have been put back a bit anyway, so you're more than ok in that regard
This can not be happening to me. First my beloved Liverpool lose 4 - 1 at home, then I cut my finger at work, then I find out bob monkhouse is dead but maggie thatcher still lives and then you top it all with kicking me out of the game. I beg and plead that you let me back in. I will polish your weasel shoes, your weasel belt and even your weasel ears if you let me back in. Please Ben, for the sake of little baby jesus, please.
Do you absolutely promise to never not post in the game when needed again, so help you Bob? If you do, I'll let you play edit: submitted too early
Gah! I didn't know you would start this at the beginning of a long weekend for me!! Oh NO! I;ve been kicked out before I could begin... I feel like Bob
Hsing, you can be a reserve for if/when someone tits up again. I'm in a good mood, so Spiky can stay as long as she behaves... Now I'm going to continue the game.
You say that, but you know it's not true... Just to confirm to everyone, that now is the time for all of who to vote for someone to be sent out of the double doors and be killed with silver arrows by whoever may be outside.
Art: All photoshop. It's a bit off. But I'd like to show it anyway... [img:1afe3e2b47][/img:1afe3e2b47]
Cool, one teensy improvement I might suggest is to add some form of medical equipment (maybe a drip?) to add the theme of the current game. Still looks damn good though.
[quote:6a12b4378d="Electric_Man"]Cool, one teensy improvement I might suggest is to add some form of medical equipment (maybe a drip?) to add the theme of the current game. Still looks damn good though.[/quote:6a12b4378d] I like the suggestion. Let me play around with it a bit. And yes, as I am not playing anymore (You bastards!) I'll have more time to do some sketches and artwork. I'm really enjoying myself doing it, so..