Werewolf III: Terror in the Pews (Game Over)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Cynical_Youth, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    It was Hogswatchnight and a loud ominous creak greeted a snowy night as the stately oak doors of the church were swung open. A scrawny sallow-faced priest emerged, his head a tangle of ash blonde hair and his robe a faded brown. His name was Father Target and today was his first sermon in Ankh-Morpork. Hogswatchnight had seemed like the perfect occasion.

    He had arrived at the church just a month ago. It had grown disused with the years, but with a few weeks of hard work he had turned it into something vaguely recognisable as the grand cathedral it had been someday.

    Today, he was bristling with anxiety. He had high hopes for his Ankh-Morporkian flock and he had done everything in his power to draw them in. There was free food, supplied by a helpful and persuavive street vendor he met when he first walked through the city gates, and he had put up posters.

    He expected great excitement.


    Okay, write yourself into the church for the Hogswatch sermon. Use your creativity. Once everyone has posted I'll start the game and send out roles.

    Still Praying:
    0. Father Target (NPC)
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    3. - (OmKranti)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    5. Jenna (Andalusian)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky)
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos)
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:

    Some Announcements:
    - Do not communicate about the game outside the thread, unless stated otherwise in your role PM. If you have information that you want to share with someone, do so in the thread. Claiming roles, revealing investigations and speculation all fall under this. Hopefully, this will lead to some degree of discussion.
    - The game will be slow-paced during the holiday season. I will also have limited access for a short period. Don't worry about being unavailable during that time.
  2. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Simeon hunched his shoulders against the freezing wind as he walked mournfully through the slushy snow. Running through his mind were the words from his horoscope in [i:7b4f536996]"The Almanack"[/i:7b4f536996] for today had said:

    [quote:7b4f536996]A grande day for finding ye truthe through Astrologie. Ye shall finde manye who will prove to be true followers of Wilfe[/quote:7b4f536996]
    Of course it said that every day, but the next bit did seem a little odd
    Ye shall meete with a man called after an anciente byrde who will try to conne ye out of thy dollares

    Beware also ye limey creature

    Likewise look out for a big headed man with a hunted looke

    On no accounte take ye advantage of an offere to see some juicy melones

    Seek ye the counsel of a man in robes. For in his company will be many who will follow the wise words of Wilfe. Haste ye, for his dayes are numbered.

    Luckye number 6 - Luckye vegetable - parsnip[/quote:7b4f536996]

    Simeon saw the light coming from the church. Surely he would find a man in robes within. He walked up the steps and entered the building.
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Marley had a thing for half ruined buildings; she thought they were romantic. Also, for the first time she had started working in the coffee bar around the corner, she saw people gathering around what seemed to be a kind of old temple. Her mood rised: This seemed to be a nice opportunity to hand out a douzen of her advertising flyers without having to stand in the cold, and even get some free food!
    ("There's nothing like a boule of warm café au lait in December! Visit "Natalie's Coffe Shop" and get a 10% discount for this flyer!" She never found out who "Natalie" was... It probably just sounded better then Karlheinz, the actual owner's name.)
    She slowly wandered into the ruined cathedral, an expectant smile on her face.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    In her small but cosy flat above the "Oy Veg" shop, Benjamina was putting the final touches to her tightly pinned bun. She had volunteered to go down the street to the old church to give the new priest an official WIGWAM greeting. The organisation wasn't strictly affiliated to any specific religion, but they all aggreed that religion was definitely a good and proper thing. The WIGWAM was all for good and proper things, the world could never have enough good and proper things.

    Benjamina had therefore volunteered to take round the traditional offering (in her case a smartly trimmed basket of fresh vegetables) and Mina had added a footnote to check if the new priest was handsome, single and of course if he had or not taken any of those silly chastity vows you found in some religions.

    She gave a final ajustment to the amusing angle of the large parsnip she had added to the basket, fastened her coat and went downstairs, carrying the basket. Passing through the shop, she gave a hearty sigh. The cold weather was not agreeing with her melons, they were getting all hard and the tips were sticking out like anything... She made a mental note not to order melons again for Hogswatch, besides, she added, Ankh-Morpork wasn't really ready for that level of sophisticated eating.

    As she trotted of towards the lit church, Mina made a rude remark about melons, and giggled interiorly.
    [size=9:8d0d8b90f6](edit for spelling)[/size:8d0d8b90f6]
  5. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    It was much earlier that day when Jenna found herself flung out the door of the house she shared with her boyfriend and told to bugger off. She picked herself up, dusted the snow off her clothes and shouted some obscenities at her (now ex) boyfriend before setting off into the city, and to start her new life as a boyfriend-less, house-less and money-less loser.

    After spending a few freezing hours wandering the streets of the city, she began to get slightly hungry. At which point her eyes strayed to a number of obviously hand made posters proclaiming “Free Food!”

    A few minutes later, Jenna arrived at Father Target’s church. She allowed herself a grin, surely there was nothing more fabulously indie than seeking shelter in a run down old church.
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    pffffshssst was having a good day, he'd found two dead pigeons (when he said dead the second one did require a little bashing against a wall but still... dead).

    Night was falling as he made is way through Sartor Square on his way back to the bridge. He huffed and wheezed and made gurgling sounds as he dragged his trolley of rubbish behind him. His lime tree was especially heavy at the moment, it was in fruit and he was having to regularly throw limes against the wall to make sure it was dead before he added it to his heap.

    Some woman was screaming obscenities at a building. He wondered idly what the building had done to deserve being called "a worthless peice of scum swilling peice of shit" but didn't pay too much attention otherwise.

    "shhn'sssff shhn'sssff n'gg'n" could be heard as he squelched through the streets.
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [size=9:08b9db7a3a][color=#CCCCCC:08b9db7a3a]Only on the diskworld do lime trees (on gnolls) bear fruit when it's snowing...

    Sorry, sorry, the fruit & Veg' thing is getting to my brains !!! :D

    *does a Jedi hand-wave-thingy* I did not say anthing... [/color:08b9db7a3a][/size:08b9db7a3a]

    Edited to humbly apologize for being OOC... Won't do it again, promise... :oops:
  8. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Alfredo had a headache.

    He had decided that for the next issue of "Insane" he needed something slightly safer than the assasin guild to make fun of.
    The man in the very black clothes that had shown up next to his bed last night had convinced him of that. Luckily he had no price on his head, yet.

    Tha patrician would be a bad choice too, the watch was overdone, Most people knew commander Vimes better from the cartoons in the A-M Times than from real life.

    How about.... religion. Find some wacky church and have a bit of fun with it... The lightning conductor on the roof had been earthed recently so that shouldn't be a problem.

    "Everything thou alwayes wanted to knoe about religion but were afrayde toe aske..." Hmpf, the title needed a bit of work...

    Alfredo put on his big wooly hat, his oversized scarf and walked out of the house.

    Now to find a church...

    [color=olive:b72dbcffc4]Edit: Spelling :)
    OOC: Katcal: Try and keep everything in this thread in character.[/color:b72dbcffc4]
  9. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Terrence walked slowly, looking down so that he could avoid all the cracks in the pavement. He heard you could get bad luck by stepping on them and he needed all the luck he could get if he wanted to find a job.

    He wondered how trolls survived, their feet were so big that it would be inevitable that they would step on some cracks, especially if there were small slabs. Their luck must be permanently awful - no wonder there were so many in this city, they must've all been cast out of their hometown too!

    Due to looking down, he wasn't aware of the building in front of him until he saw a step. He looked up to the church,

    [i:da676f200e]A church?[/i:da676f200e] he thought, [i:da676f200e]Now there's an idea. He could become a priest! Everyone knew that churches were full of money, so it must be well paid and it's pretty much the same as the old job, isn't it? Passing on messages, except that the messages were from God in Dunmanifestin instead of Bob in the next tower. No-one's allowed to hurt priests either... this could work out well.[/i:da676f200e]

    He walked in, [i:da676f200e]and if all else fails, there's free food![/i:da676f200e]
  10. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Orrdos the angry unemployed zombie was angry. And unemployed. And dead.

    His mood had not been improved by this fact. Indeed, the arrow holes had been a great hinderence to his drinking abilty.

    However, after shouting at people enough, he had been sewn up and could now at least keep beer from leaking out of his sides.

    He was not full of festive spirit. He aimed to find a tavern and rectify this immediatley.

    Of course, it wasn't his local, but he was sure that there'd be people there to shout at none the less.

    "Wait" he says, "what's that?". He stops and peers up at the church.

    "A church, eh? Well, I'm sure they'll have some free wine on offer! About fucking time I got a drink in me!"

    He shambles over to the heavy doors and enters the building
  11. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Pfffshsst had been bailed up by some punk trying to steal limes off his back (the rainforest conditions created by the rotting of carbon based organisms gave his tree the ability to fruit in any weather*). But this meant that Pfffshsst had to take the kid into a back alley so he could smack him into a wall a few times to make sure he was dead before adding him to his trolley.

    After tucking the feet under some cabbage he looked up and wondered exactly where he was... there seemed to be a lot of people heading for the church at the end of the street. "phsst g'fer g'ld" he wheezed, and set out after them.

    People meant rubbish.

    *The knoll is from XXXX where xmas means summer 32C today and an expected temp of 36C on xmas day. Don't talk to me about snow.
  12. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Ha, thought Alfredo after deciphering the poster near the church gate. Not only do I get a nice story, I also get a free meal. Always good around this time of year.

    This months edition of "Insane" was going to be the hogswatch special....

    An inexpertly sewed up zombie shambled past.

    "Ha" thought Alfredo, "It would be real funny if a zombie went into a bar and he had holes in him and then had a drink and all the liquid came out... "

    He got out his notepad and wrote "Zombie wiff holes in, drink, spill, Aske Dom Marvin to illustrate"

    He followed the zombie into the church.

    [color=olive:6c302218ab]Edit: Spling + added Alfredo following Orrdos.[/color:6c302218ab]
  13. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "So, Father," said Terrence between mouthfuls, "how did you become a priest?"

    "I'm not a father."

    "No? You look old enough."

    "That's cuz I'm dead. Makes you age a bit." said Orrdos.

    "Oh right. What do you do then?"

    "I'm an angry..."

    "Wow, I'm also a bit peeved!"

    "..., unemployed..."

    "Wow, me too!"

    "... zombie."

    "Hmm, still got all my vital organs. Well, best be going to find the priest." Terrence picked up a plate, chucked a few more canapes on it and went off in search of Father Target.
  14. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    When Jenna had finished stuffing her face with various dodgy looking - but most importantly free - foodstuffs, she glanced casually around the church, taking in the strange assortment of characters that had assembled.

    [i:6c27594e10]What's a gnoll doing here?[/i:6c27594e10] she thought to herself. [i:6c27594e10]Probably looking for rubbish... [/i:6c27594e10] she glanced at the zombie, [i:6c27594e10]obviously come to the right place then.[/i:6c27594e10]

    Chuckling, she walked over to the rather vacant looking grinning woman with the jewellery who looked a bit familiar.

    "Hello, I'm sure I've met you before... You don't work in a coffee shop do you?"
  15. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Marley scanned her brain, and there was some tidbit connecting to the face of the young woman standing in front of her.
    "Yeah, Natalie's place... Er... you've frequented it a few times, didn't you?"
  16. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Still waiting for Kenny. I came all the way to a French internet cafe to start the game only to be disappointed.

    I will try to check in later. At the moment I am running out of time and unable to solve this quickly. Sorry everyone.
  17. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    We have a replacement. Thank you, misswhiplash. :)
    Once she posts I'll start the game.

    Still Praying:
    0. Father Target (NPC)
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    3. - (OmKranti)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    5. Jenna (Andalusian)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky)
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos)
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cleftus ran as fast as she could but he was gaining on her, she hadn't realised the trousers would split when he bent over, threatening to kill her was going a tad too far in her opinion, its not like she had stolen his shoes or anything (well only the left one but thats all she needed to match with the right one she got last night)
    Running out of breath and energy she spotted the church in front of her. "that'll do. he wont think of looking in there for me"
    She dashed up the steps and once inside listened with her ear to the door for his footsteps running past.
    Happy he had gone she turned to see where she was and what her hide away had to offer!
  19. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Well, you have to write your character into the church. See first post for details. :)
  20. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Done by editing, realised after i'd copied and pasted! First mistake......sorry :?
  21. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    As he stammered out the last words of his sermon, Father Target surveyed his flock. The term was certainly more than appropriate. He doubted whether they were all the right species and he was sure he'd seen a gnoll gnaw on an old candlestick somewhere at the back. Ah well, at least they'd listened to him. They'd been quiet anyway.

    He sighed and headed for the collection tin. As he crossed the slick stone floor he tripped and slid into a long pole that held up an old lantern, knocking it over. Somehow he was still in one piece. He looked up and saw the full moon bathe him in bright light through one of the tall church windows. An icy wind swept through the church, cradling the candle flames and wrapping the church hall in darkness. A startled murmur went through the small crowd. A muffled complaint followed as a dark figure headed for the door. The figure stumbled as another chill danced in on the wind. The doors were snapped shut with a loud bang. Someone screamed.

    Father Target was shaken. The doors opened from the inside. He slipped into his office and found a spare lantern in the dark. As he fidgeted with a match a dark shadow loomed over him. Visions of his worst nightmare flooded his imagination.

    "[i:55f8454886]Mrs. Cake!??[/i:55f8454886]" He shrieked. A low growl arose behind him.

    A scream rang through the church. In the startled silence several figures were heard moving hurriedly through the darkness. After a few minutes, a single candle flame was lit. A gruff and tired face beckoned the shrouded crowd to follow. Moments later, the spare lantern was lit and the shocked flock surveyed Father Target's savaged corpse.

    "Let's get him outside." A short man with a big head said as he lifted Father Target onto a table. A muffled shout was heard in the distance.

    As they carried towards the doors a nervous woman came running towards them.

    "They're locked, but I called for help through the little window."

    "I think some Night Watchmen are coming."

    "What seems to be the trouble here?" A fat red face appeared in the little square.

    "This poor man's been murdered and there's something strange in here with us." The woman explained.

    "Werewolves." Someone stated.

    "Werewolves?" The face turned pale. "Right," composing itself, "we're going to have to barricade this door for public safety."

    "What about our safety?"

    "Can't go running around keeping [i:55f8454886]everyone[/i:55f8454886] safe. You citizens need to take some responsibility too." The face explained.

    "'s called civic duty, sarge." A voice commented sagely.

    "Thank you, corporal." The face perked up. "Tell you what. If someone's looking a bit dodgy, you just send 'em out. I'll lift barricade for a minute, give the lads some silver-tipped arrows and we'll sort out the rest."

    The face retreated.

    "Isn't there another way out?" A tall priestly figure asked. A loud crash answered his query.

    They rushed over to the back of the church and found the back passage had caved in. Over someone.

    "Anyone know who that was?"

    "She was sitting next to me. I think her name was Om or something."

    A grim silence haunted the church as the people left retreated in despair and claimed their separate spots.


    Roles have been sent out. Not every PM has been picked up, but I don't want to keep everyone waiting for too long. It is now Day One. Please vote for who you think should be pushed out of the church tonight. Do so like this :shock: InsertNameHere :shock:.

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    5. Jenna (Andalusian)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky)
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos)
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
  22. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I'm not sure this was clear to everyone so I'll repeat it:

    [b:6bdfa2e7fd]Please do not PM or talk to one another about the game, unless it is specifically stated in your role PM. Relevant information should be given in-thread for all to see.[/b:6bdfa2e7fd]

    If there are any questions about this, please PM me. :)
  23. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [i:64b872518f]Bah![/i:64b872518f] thought Terrence [i:64b872518f]I never even got a chance to talk to the priest. These werewolves are so selfish. Some people are trying to rebuild a career here. But then again, his god didn't exactly protect him from that ungodly being... Maybe I'm better off out of it.[/i:64b872518f]

    Terrence walked towards the buffet table once more. What he saw was shocking.

    "There's no food!" he cried.

    "There's a few scotch eggs over there." said someone,

    "I said food! This is a disgrace. People are being killed and there's nothing to eat! Well I intend to do something about it. I propose that we send out that disgusting, gross thing to be killed."

    "The gnoll?"

    "No, :shock: Orrdos :shock:."
  24. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cleftus awoke to a pain in her back and a really bad smell! she quickly figuerd out she was being poked in the back with a very long stick! the knoll was doing the poking and Cleftus really didn't like it!
    "HEY" she said "stop that."
    The knoll shuffled off to the other side of the hall where he found a rat to throw against the wall....
    "i need to pee" Cleftus said to herself.
    She half shuffled half did the dance of desperation over to the toilet door. The door she soon found was locked.
    A gruff voice said in her ear "Jenna has been in there for 20 minutes now. I think shes doing her hair"
    5 Minutes later (and standing in a nasty pool on the floor) Cleftus decided something needed to be done.

    :shock: Jenna :shock:
  25. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    In the bizarreness of the overall situation, Marley wasn't too surprised that the first thing she had kept thinking when the lights went out and the growling started was "Oh, this gives me a minute to think over some small talk material I could use for a conversation with that slightly aloof gal. No need to embarrass yourself again, is there?"
    When the first shock had died down, and people started accusing each other, all she longed for was some extra time to think...
    Then an idea occured to her: As she was supposed to accuse someone, why not someone who didn't have much to loose?
    "Sorry, :shock: Orrdos :shock: , but for you, it's a win win situation - if you're sent out, I mean. Because you're [i:056c3faad4]out [/i:056c3faad4]of this, for the price of only a few holes more.... In your body... I mean, er.... from the bolts. I mean, it would, of course, be a loose loose situation if you were a wolf, and that would kill you. [i:056c3faad4]If[/i:056c3faad4] it would. Because I am not sure about zombie werewolves... er... anyway... Orrds should go through the Door. I mean, Oror... Dorr... Damn. Doords! Doors! :oops: Sorry."
  26. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    While Jenna was putting the final touches to her elegantly messy hairdo, she was also mulling over any werewolf-esque tendancies that she may or may not have noticed in everybody else.

    "I don't know these people," she thought to herself. "How am I supposed to have any clue about who is a werewolf?"

    She walked out of the bathroom, past a rather annoyed looking Cleftus, and glanced nonchalantly around the room.

    "Ah well, looks like that lot has a reason to suspect :shock: Orrdos :shock:."
  27. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Benjamina flicked a stray strand of hair out of her face. She was still standing stiffly in the corner, clenching the basket of offering with her long thin hands, now so tightly that her knuckles were bright white. She hadn't said anything since she had entered the church. The persons present weren't at all "her kind of people", and she wasn't even sure that they actually were all... well... people. And the only person she had considered speaking to was the priest. And now he was dead. Killed by Werewolves.

    Werewolves ?

    The thought made its way up her spine, raising every hair on its way, and finally made it to her brain. For this is the kind of thought that starts in the guts.

    "Ye Gods !!! Werewolves !!! Let me out of here ! I'm a member of the WIGWAM, I will not stand for being shut up with ravenging criminal undeads !!! I demand to be let..."

    She didn't finish her sentence, as a well-placed slap met her hysterical face and left her mouth empty of words, but still wide open in shock.

    "We're voting to send someone out. If you want, that person can be you Miss, but you will of course be shot with silver-tipped arrows as soon as you leave. So, what is it ? Either you vote, or you can volunteer to leave yourself."

    The Mina inside let loose a glare at the young lady who had slapped her, and made a mental note to never try arranging her hair the same way.

    "Well then, Miss ' :shock: Jenna :shock: ', I think I may just vote for you. After all, I can't really see anything non-human being a werewolf, so that rules out that... thing, and the zombie over there by the Doors is already an Undead of a different kind, so, amonst us humans, I really must vote for the one with the biggest hair problem."

    And having delivered what she hoped was a smarting remark, she turned aside and sat primly in one of the remaining pews, still clutching her basket.
  28. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Jenna would have been offended, had she not been doubled up in laughter at the sheer absurdity of [i:4040c4111e]that[/i:4040c4111e] woman insulting her hair...

    "What a horrible old fish! I'll bet she has serious hair problems on a full moon, if you get my drift..."

    Insult properly avenged, Jenna wandered off to go and find something more interesting to sneer at.
  29. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    "Ach, for fucks sake. I can't seem to get away from the fecking werewolfs!"

    "I've seen them in action before, you'd be stupid to throw me out! I know more about them than any of you useless bastards!"

    "If you ask me, :shock: Jenna :shock: looks like she'd be a wolf!"
  30. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I'm going to PM Spiky, sleepy_sarge and Tephlon if they haven't voted by this evening.

    Vote Count!

    Jenna - 3 (Cleftus, Benjamina, Orrdos)
    Orrdos - 3 (Terrence, Marley, Jenna)

    Not Voting - 3 (Alfredo, Simeon, Pfffssst)
  31. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Alfredo looked around.

    Hmm... "10 things you always wanted to know about werewolves but were afraid to ask."

    Really afraid.

    I don't know about the zombie. He said he's been around werewolves before. I'll keep that in mind...

    :shock: Jenna's:shock: got the hair for it though...
  32. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Simeon checked the [i:311ba85483]Almanack[/i:311ba85483] again and again

    [quote:311ba85483]Beware ye flame haired one who listenes to ye songe of ye lesser spotted emo[/quote:311ba85483]
    Although he had never heard of such a bird, the flame haired reference could mean only one thing

    It had to be :shock: Jenna :shock:

    The horoscopes never lie

    (edited spelling)
  33. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Benjamina sat smirking to herself as the votes were read out. She didn't know if Jenna was a werewolf or not, and right now, she didn't care, that hair definately deserved shooting, and maybe some minor form of torture :cooler:
  34. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cleftus was also smirking to herself in a corner. No more little accidents! She was so embarrassed about that and hoped everyone could forgive her.
    She did feel kind of sorry for Jenna, but to be honest there isn't a single human with hair that messy that can spend that long tidying it up (making someone else do the dance of desperation) and still look like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards......it just wasn't humanly possible......well perhaps she really isn't human! :?
  35. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Jenna was getting very esasperated.

    "I completely understand that you lot haven't got two braincells to rub together between the lot of you, but I am not a werewolf! Bloody hell. It would really be shooting yourselves in the foot to lynch me. But I don't really care any more because I think the human race will be better off when you all get eaten!

    Yeah, I hope you all die!"

    And with those final words, stormed off to some far off part of the church.

    "Oh yeah, and I do not listen to Emo music!"
  36. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Pfffssst slowly emerged back into the main cathedrally section, he'd been out exploring a particularly promising heap in the vestibule, but alas it turned out to be nothing but carpet...

    Not ready to give up on this buildings potential yet he shuffled down the aisle and wondered why everyone seemed to be running around pannicking and looking at :shock: doors :shock: in a funny way...

    Oh well, and then he cheered up: "h't d'gg'ty" he said and oozed over to the body, flung it against the wall to make sure it was dead and then tucked it into his cart. He knew this had been a good idea.
  37. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    It was the day after Hogswatchnight and while the rest of Ankh-Morpork was mulling over presents or the amount of money they had cost, the mood in the church was grim.

    Jenna had just stormed off into some alcove and they could still hear her muffled cursing. The rest of the group now realised they would have to drag her out.

    The vegetable seller stood up, a determined glint in her eyes, and set off for the alcove. The rest followed, the gnoll oozing behind.

    As Pfffssst inspected another candle stick, Jenna was hauled off to the door.

    "Screw you all!" She screamed.

    A red face popped up in the church door.
    "This one of the wolves?" he said, motioning at Jenna with his nose.

    The crowd nodded slowly as if one person, doubt and occasional wisps of delight in their eyes.

    "Okay, wait up." The face retreated, followed by an endless fumbling.

    Jenna was pushed out and the dull monotonous thud of arrow fire ended her life.


    Andalusian was a [b:bdc88eb0e6]Werewolf Hunter[/b:bdc88eb0e6].
    Ouch... that really was a nice role. Oh well...
    It is now Night 1. If you have a night action, I'm expecting your PM.

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky)
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos)
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
    5. Jenna (Andalusian), [b:bdc88eb0e6]Werewolf Hunter[/b:bdc88eb0e6] - FIRST LYNCH - Lynched Day 1
  38. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Marley looked around at the hushed crowd.
    Sad. Sending Orrdos out would at least not have... killed anybody.
    She knew she was a little discriminating here. But oh well....
    She had one question for the moody zombie:
    "Excuse me mister... But when you say you have been arounf werewolves before... What do you mean by that? How can you have been in a situation comparable to ours and having gotten out... in one piece, more or less? Might that be related to the arrow holes you already carry?"

    [deliberately not voting yet]
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:af269d550a="Hsing"][deliberately not voting yet][/quote:af269d550a]

    [color=olive:af269d550a]OOC: It's not time to vote yet anyway![/color:af269d550a]
  40. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Muffled footsteps cascaded around the church. The faint light of a candle illuminated a worried face as the air grew still with anticipation.
    An incessant scratching rang through the pews, carrying fear and uncertainty on the cold winter wind that wound its way in through the holes in the tall stain glass windows.

    A small bundle tucked away in an alcove shivered and shook a thin blanket.

    Yet as daylight found its way into church, nothing had happened. Shreds of an altar cloth were littered along the aisle, but not a trace of blood was found.


    That's right, everyone is still in one piece.
    Forgot to mention this, but as a general rule nights will last three days. It is now Day 2. Cast your vote.

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky)
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos)
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
    5. Jenna (Andalusian), [b:d34ed27f68]Werewolf Hunter[/b:d34ed27f68] - FIRST LYNCH - Lynched Day 1
  41. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "Not even our alter cloths are safe! Oh my, if the wolves are prepared to mutilate innocent cloths, then who knows what else they might go onto!"

    "I still say it's :shock: Orrdos :shock: , the cloth ripping has convinced me even more so. Only something that gross would be prepared to rip something so pretty, so religious."
  42. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Benjamina made a quick check that nothing she was wearing was ripped, and once her outfit had been checked and properly re-adjusted (even if there was nothing wrong with it in the first place) she started listening to the different conversations going on around her.

    Restraining a yawn, she tried to point out to her neighbour that werewolves or not, if that :shock: gnoll :shock: was not kicked out soon, she would probably be fainting from the terrible smell. With any chance, it would hide the fact that she actually didn't have a clue who could be the guilty werewolves and wouldn't unless they were standing in front of her licking their chops and re-arranging their fur. Mina was beginning to regret not having attended the WIGWAM meeting on the Undead, as her more sensible part had thought it silly useless folklore at the time. She gave herself a mental kick.
  43. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Pfffssst gave the scraps of cloth a hopeful nudge with what, if imagination could be stretched that far, could arguably be called a foot. The cloth didn't seem to want to protest. With a disappointed 'Hrumphshshsh' he picked it up and put it in his trolley.

    He was pretty disappointed with this church there hadn't been a decent corpse to rot in his heap to maintain the tropical conditions for his lime tree for a while. He would've like to have left this dump but all the exits seemed to be barred... He was going to get mighty cross if there weren't any dead bodies around soon. :shock: Orrdos :shock: still seemed to be looking at him in a funny way. Although it could have been the smell, Pfffssst considered it was probably the covetous stare of a lime afficionado*. Not likely sonny jim, these are my limes.

  44. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Simeon was anguished,

    Surely the Almanack couldn't be wrong. "Astrology is such an exact science, at least according to Wilf, so I must have misinterpreted it", he mused.

    He looked around. The mad vegetable woman was fiddling with her attire and sniffing the air. Suspicious or just crazy?

    The Dactile man was looking at the Altar cloth. Maybe it was a ruse to divert suspicion?

    There was also a strong smell of limes.

    Cross checking the Almanack he read.

    [quote:2a79e600ce]Avoid suggestive vegetables lest ye end up in ye soupe
    Beware of ye sound of ye opening canne of juice (especially lime)
    Ye prehistorice bird is still a danger
    And one who walks againe is not what he seemes[/quote:2a79e600ce]

    One who walks again....could that mean a Zombie? :shock: Orrdos :shock: ?
  45. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cleftus sat watching the others from her vantage point next to the Zombie. He looked very uncomfortable.
    She suddenly felt cold and clammy, like her legs were sweating. It had got very cold very quickly.
    She looked down and saw her legs were soaked, "oh no" she thought "I swear i didn't need to go"
    :shock: Orrdos :shock: was sat next to her with a bottle of sacrificial wine in his hand. He took a gulp from the bottle and the wine started pouring out of the holes in his body, all over her legs, "thank god for that" she said. "i was starting to think i had a weak bladder"
    She moved towards the edge of the pew they were sat in to try and get away from the leakage! "the sooner he goes the better"
  46. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    "I'm waiting for an answer. So far, I only know who I am not voting for... Please, Orrdos, do tell us!"
  47. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    "Ach! You're all wankers! It's obviously that gnoll thing! :shock: Pfffssst :shock:

    FUcking kill that fucking thing and we might all get out of here! And gives us over some more of that wine!"
  48. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Pfffssst noticed doors giving him a funny look... Although he was pretty much comatose after sculling battery acid instead of the wine so it was hard to tell. He wondered why people thought a gnoll could be a werewolf. How would he drag his trolley around if he only had teeth to do it?
  49. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cleftus pondered Orrdos and Benjaminas comments! " i think they are complaining about the smell a little too much, perhaps its effecting their Warewolf sense of smell"
    She moved over towards the Gnoll "it's not a nice smell" she thought "but i haven't seen them come this close to it yet. I'm going to stay away from them both, they worry me now"

    She walked off towards the back of the church and sat and thought about who she might be able to trust!
  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    While waiting for the last couple of votes, Benjamina sat twiddling the tip of her parsnip, and wishing she had brought some strong alcohol as a present instead of vegetables. She could really do with a drink right now, and that zombie had been drinking all the wine.
  51. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    "I still believe that sending out Orrdos would, at the very least, not make us to murderers of an innocent - because he'd just walk away. At least I hope so. Sorry, but seeing no one is really willing to talk to me, the only way I see out of this moral dilemma is ... voting for :shock: Orrdos :shock: ..."
  52. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Terrence walked up to the zombie, who was cursing and muttering angrily, with a piece of altar cloth in his hand. Triumphantly, he shoved it into the undead's face.
    "Evidence!" He shouted.
    The zombie ignored him and took another swig of the sacrificial wine. Burgundy red ran along the marble tiles.

    "Oh, I don't think Wilf would approve of this." Simeon muttered. [i:0a6abf349f]Canne of juice?[/i:0a6abf349f] He thought. [i:0a6abf349f]Could be wine.[/i:0a6abf349f]

    After a few uneasy glances the group seemed to reach a consensus. The zombie had to go. They lifted him up by his legs and arms, careful not to loose any limbs.

    Still cursing, Orrdos was thrown out into the street, immediately greeted by a storm of silver.
    "Wankers..." They heard him mutter as he crawled over the cobblestones.


    Orrdos was a [b:0a6abf349f]Villager[/b:0a6abf349f].
    It is now Night 2. People with night choices, you have three days to PM me.

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky)
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
    5. Jenna (Andalusian), [b:0a6abf349f]Werewolf Hunter[/b:0a6abf349f] - FIRST LYNCH - Lynched Day 1
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos), [b:0a6abf349f]Villager[/b:0a6abf349f] - SECOND LYNCH - Lynched Day 2
  53. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    The church was cold and dry as the building offered little protection from the winter weather. As dusk fell the luckless few still left found their separate spots to retreat into.

    A white breath danced through the shadows. Footsteps echoed through the hall softly. The atmosphere was tense.

    A sudden persistent snore broke the suspense. A deep nasal sound that rose and fell erratically. It was an almost ridiculous sound. A snort and a laugh answered it and against the comfortable backdrop of activity it created drowsiness descended on the pews.

    Several hours later the snore faltered and spluttered. After a short struggle an ominous silence took its place.


    After you all wake up, you find Alfredo's body. He was an [b:bc0b7d2e59]Aristocrat[/b:bc0b7d2e59].
    It is now Day 3. Cast your votes on who to lynch.

    Still Praying:
    1. Simeon Moletrouser (sleepy_sarge)
    2. Cleftus Ironaxe (misswhiplash)
    4. Terrence Dactile (Electric_Man)
    6. Marley Tanbreaker (Hsing)
    7. Pfffssst (Spiky)
    10. Benjamina Trach (Katcal)

    Pinched Out:
    0. Father Target (NPC) - FIRST SLAUGHTER - Torn Open Night 0
    3. OmKranti - Buried by Brickwork Night 0
    5. Jenna (Andalusian), [b:bc0b7d2e59]Werewolf Hunter[/b:bc0b7d2e59] - FIRST LYNCH - Lynched Day 1
    8. Orrdos the Angry Unemployed Zombie (Orrdos), [b:bc0b7d2e59]Villager[/b:bc0b7d2e59] - SECOND LYNCH - Lynched Day 2
    9. Alfredo Newman (Tephlon), [b:bc0b7d2e59]Aristocrat[/b:bc0b7d2e59] - SECOND SLAUGHTER - Torn to Pieces Night 2
  54. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Pfffssst shlumped up to the torn up body, checked over his shoulder, scooped up the body whacked it against the wall with a schlapping sound and tucked it into his trolley. This church place was looking to be a goldmine. No one was going to believe how big his pile was getting... The chicks were really going to dig it.

    The place seemed to be in an uproar. Pffssst wasn't too sure of recent events or why all these corpses kept turning up. He supposed everyone was keeping away from him because they were jealous of his pile (he lacked a sense of smell so didn't realise what was emenating)...

    Now it was just :shock: Benjamin :shock: giving him a funny look, he was after the pile, Pfffsssst thought and shlepped into a corner which was better to protect his trolley.
  55. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "I think we should get rid of that foul, disgusting thing." said Terrence

    "We just got rid of Orrdos!"

    "Oh, in that case, :shock: Pffssst :shock: I asked him for a job, but he never replied!"
  56. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Cleftus stared in amazement at the carnage, there was blood everywhere. She watched the gnoll put the body in his trolley. "well at least theres someone to clean up the mess" she said "i don't like trust these people much, but they deserve to be cleaned away and not stared at.

    She sat down on one of the far pews by herself. The hustle and bustle of everyone arguing and accusing each other was funny.
    One argument in particular stood out, :shock: Terrence :shock: was arguing with the gnoll. just because it hadn't given him a job! "how desperate can one guy be to want to work for a smelly, disgusting, ugly, collector of body parts! and then to settle for the gnoll cos Doors was killed (again) is awful"
  57. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "I haven't worked in months! Try it yourself, see how desperate you become."

    Terrence paused,

    "You wouldn't happen to have a job going yourself, would you?"
  58. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Alfredo stared at his former body.
    Nothing funny about that. You don't pay attention for a second and it's all over...

    He winced uncomfortably as his body was slapped into the wall and added to Pfffssst 's pile.

    Well. This month's issue of "Insane" was going to be late.

    "AHEM" he heard behind him... "MR. NEWMAN?"


  59. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Simeon looked down sadly as Alfredo lay there on the pile. He had recognised him of course from "Twurps". "Such a shame for the family" he sighed.

    Once again he consulted the "Almanack"

    [quote:a39a73d884]Today, take great note of ye little things in life
    Eschew ye pleasures of ye cucumber and ye marrowe

    Lucky number: novocaine
    Lucky rodent: vole[/quote:a39a73d884]

    What was Wilf trying to tell him? "little things" - could that be a reference to Ironaxe? Surely Wilf was more enlightened about minorities than that.

    There was a smell of lime about the place.... "Of course" he exclaimed. "A little thing, Like a gnoll - the perfect disguise. - It has to be :shock: Pfffssst :shock:
  60. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:0aaadcc42c="Electric_Man"]"I haven't worked in months! Try it yourself, see how desperate you become."

    Terrence paused,

    "You wouldn't happen to have a job going yourself, would you?"[/quote:0aaadcc42c]

    Cleftus thought carefully...."if you can sew, look sexy and be female then yes you can have a job, i would employ you."

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