Werewolf: Nightmare on Elm Street

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Tommy Target was feeling better. Better than the previous week anyway, when he still had that tribunal over his head, but he’d been cleared of responsibility. The judges had ruled that he was right not to run into the burning building to rescue the caretaker. It hadn’t been an entirely popular decision, some of the people watching in the stalls had vowed vengeance upon him and those close to him, but no-one had managed to identify exactly who those people were as the lights had failed when they did so. Everybody had denied saying it of course, which had left Tommy slightly paranoid.

    Another reason that he was feeling better was the installation of steel door and bars on the windows. He felt immeasurably safer with them round the house. Sure it didn’t look very attractive, but considering the threat it was a small price to pay. The neighbours had been very understanding, some more than others. A few said that the fact that he was secure was the main thing, whereas a few muttered about it ruining the look of the street and devaluing their properties.

    Tommy didn’t really care whether anyone thought it made the street look cheaper, he valued his skin too highly. He settled down to eat his dinner.


    Right, the game starts. Make yourself an introductory post, maybe something to with the day you've had, but make sure you end up at home (in Tommy's road). The first slaughter will be on monday, so you have until then to post.

    Cast List:
    0) Target (NPC)
    1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine)
    2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth)
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky)
    5) Adrian N. Other - Swimmer (OmKranti)
    6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge)
    7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10)
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)

    I'll keep registration open for the rest of the day, so any latecomers can join, make sure you're up with the rules of the game though.
  2. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Edward Decandour strolled down the street nonchalantly.

    "What a wretched place!" He announced to the world.

    [i:606fc78c58]Still[/i:606fc78c58], he thought, [i:606fc78c58]those steel bars have a certain elan. A modicum of post-modernist rebellion.

    What does "modicum" mean, anyway?[/i:606fc78c58]

    He sauntered on and came to a small house. He pulled his sleeve over his palm and produced a feeble knock on the rough wooden surface of the door. Normally he wouldn't let himself be seen in areas such as this, but he couldn't resist the exquisite wine his contact had offered. A sliver of smoky light illuminated his face as the door gave in to his touch.

    "How convenient!" He said with a smile.

    He entered the house. Suspicion never arose in him. He was an assassin, well... close enough, what was there to fear?
  3. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Chester Pieface II walked wearily towards the performers' wagon park. His gait was somewhat ungainly due to the large shoes on his feet, and the remains of 6 buckets of custard which had been poured down the inside of his baggy checked trousers.

    "Another day, another dollar" he sighed to himself as he opened the door of his cart . Absent mindedly he reached for the starter button, only to press the big red control right next to it.

    BYOYYYYYNGG went the spring as a huge boxing glove burst out of the steering device and slapped into Chester's face.

    "Bloody thing" he muttered, pressing the correct button to waken the imps inside the propulsion compartment and start them pedalling. He gave the traditional "parp parp" on the oversized horn mounted beside him.

    The asymetrical wheels caused the cart to veer and lurch drunkenly as he drove home, frightening passers by into evasive action, before turning sharply into his street, past the barred windows of his neighbour's house

    "Hmm, wonder what he gets up to behind that lot" mused Chester as he stopped the cart. The imps lit the powder which createdd the usual huge "back fyre" at this point, together with the inevitable puff of smoke and the release of the door catches, causing the doors to fall into the street.

    "Damn things" he muttered morosely as he stuffed the doors back into position. The cart gave another back fyre. Chester, although expecting this, did the usual exaggerated jump out of the way and hit the lamp post with his nose, which gave of a squeaking noise as he did so. "well it's traditional innit" he sighed, removing his handkerchief from his pocket.

    Walking into the front door, still unfurling the "flags of all nations" which were attached to the original handkerchief, he mopped his brow and sighed, "and now for a nice quiet night indoors away from them damn noisy little kids"

    [ edited often to correct anachronisms or is it neologisms *shrug* ]
  4. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Tucked quietly in the corner of the street, just a couple of doors down from the bizzare house with the bars and steel door, and right next door to the odd clown-person was a most unusual house.

    It was a very small house but rather tall. Adrien had built it himself, to suite his particular height. it was a one room house, everything you needed to live a simple swimmers life was there.

    Outside was a different story. The property was quite large and although the house was small, the grounds were not. A large pool had been constructed on the majority of the property. It was huge. You could often see adrien swimming up and down his monstrus pool in the evenings. He didn't have a fence or wall around his property the only thing that divided his land from the others were lines of swamp mangroves that he had planted strategically. Over all the whole place had a very swampy feel. This was compouned by the fact that Adrien never, never cleaned the pool.

    He was at home now, languidly swimming in the putrid water. Various lifeforms swam with him, he greeted them with a smile and a splash. Indigo Montoya, his imaginary pet water elemental turned his nose up at the newly forming life forms, he wished Adrien would clean the pool.
  5. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Mr. Walter Rutt was out on his daily walk. Well, perhaps "walk" is too strong a word. It was more a resigned shuffle, that left anyone who happened to be watching without a doubt that he did not wish to be outside at all. But the Missus had insisted. The Missus insisted on a lot of things that, to Walter, seemed rather pointless and even counter-productive. Exercise, for instance. Who ever heard of exercise helping anyone? He was far more likely to drop dead of a heart attack.

    "Hmmmm. '[i:8e9da26192]Walter![/i:8e9da26192]' she said, '[i:8e9da26192]You have to go and exercise![/i:8e9da26192]' Hmmmm, bloody woman, probably wants me dead. Hmmm, she'd love that. Me being dead. Hmmm."
  6. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Dot Duodenum stalked down the street, glaring into the middle distance, smoking a bananaskin cigarette and exuding an air of general irritability. It was the end of a very bad day, including a screaming kid who really didn't want to be parted with his wobbly tooth, and an old man who kicked up a huge fuss about the music she listened to while operating. He fussed even more when she poked a nerve with the pokey thing to shut him up. As well as all that, she got caught in the rain at lunchtime, which ruined her mohikan and made her look like a drowned mop.

    Dot reached her house and fumbled in the various pockets of her trousers for the keys.

    "Nice fruit salad in the fridge," she muttered to herself. "Maybe a big glass of cherry brandy. Can work on the chords for 'Fuck You Lemonhead'... Tooth fairy can wait till tomorrow."

    With her evening planned in her head, Dot felt a lot better when she unlocked her front door and stepped in. She was home, away from screaming kids, fretting adults, away from that infernal dentists chair and the stench of mouthwash and blood. It's a tough job.
  7. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Skali cursed silently in the darkness. Another botched job, another note in the Thieves' Guild ledger regarding his inadequacy.

    It should have been a simple enough job, when all's said and done. He was supposed to arrange for an entry point for a rather well protected merchant's house, via the cellars that run through the city. As a dwarf, he should have found his way easily, and a few chops with his axe would have finished his part of the job. He and the two other Guild members were just approaching the cellar area directly below the target when the floor gave way under Skali's feet, and continued to do so for quite sometime.

    He was in a cave now, which was quite surprising as Ankh-Morpork was built on loam. The only direction to go was up, as he had no idea where exactly any other direction would lead. Except for down. He could see the water quite clearly. Down was [i:c9b7c6df48]not[/i:c9b7c6df48] an option.

    Choosing an upwards going tunnel at random, Skali began to move.
  8. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Brian liked his home. It had been home for a few years now and he liked the fact that he knew everyone and everyone knew him. This did however mean that they wouldn't buy a single thing off him but it didn't matter really, the world was full of suckers after all.

    All this rucus about the young fella with the steel coated house had worried Brian. He didn't like change and he was sure that something big was going to happen soon enough and it certainly wouldn't help him to sell those 3,000 left hand screwdrivers he had in stock at the moment. The thing is Brian tended to worry about everything. His last worry was what happened to the food when it went down the plug hole. He worried that one day a large half potato, half cheese thing would turn up and make him explain why he through so much red leicester away. But then again if Brian didn't worry he wouldn't be Brian.
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Huzzah Hoompalumpah sidles uncomfortably through the bushes... maybe the pink face paint hadn't been such a brillant idea, especially when trying to look inconspicuous in a streetscape dominated by various themes of grey... SOmetimes this whole druid thing could really get a guy down. Its not that he minded the hiding face so much but there had to be better ways of doing it than gaudy face paint... He'd tried to convinvce the other druids that a dark coloured cowel was more fitting at would garner greater respect but he'd been booed down... Their argument was that as the only true druids they didn't want to be confused with those pansy-arsed half-druids that mess with the standing stones... SO the face paint... Maybe I should go home and change to paisley green...

    Eyes darting in case anyone was watching, Huzzah broke into song:

    [i:adb785b72c]"I said I loved you but I lied...."[/i:adb785b72c]
  10. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Tommy tried to sleep. It was proving to be a difficult task. First that joker over the street had caused a bloody racket with his cart, then he thought that someone had knocked but they'd only knocked once, so it couldn't have been important. Through all that, he was convinced that there had been some kind of tapping sound from underneath, which was madness.

    He just couldn't get to sleep, he kept fidgeting and he was now paranoid that someone may be able to breach his defences. To make sure, he shoved his cupboard until it blocked the doorway. Now he felt safe, but he still couldn't get to sleep. He tried counting sheep, he tried yawning to make himself feel tired, but semi-conciousness was not looking achievable.

    But then something came across the entire street. Skali dropped his pickaxe and snoozed. Chester fell fast asleep and into one of his pies. Dot dozed with her instrument still in her hands. Walter snored in his armchair. Edward collapsed in mid-stride and landed behind the sofa. Tommy gratefully slept.

    Tommy looked around his room. It seemed a bit larger, but then the wallpaper was a different colour, so that must be making the difference. He opened the bedroom door and walked into his work office. He looked at his calendar for what needed to be done today, there was only one entry “Let Caretaker Die”.

    “OK, which one of you jokers is playing silly buggers?”

    “Not me.” chorused his manager, his old schoolteacher and his dead dog Pooch.

    “Pooch? What are you doing here?”

    “I'm here to warn you.”

    “What about?”

    Pooch looked puzzled, then down at his chest, a sword was protruding through it. Tommy looked up and saw the caretaker, who said,

    “Hell-o, Tommy!”

    “But you're dead!”

    “Yes, like Pooch here. You didn't do much to save him either, did you?”

    “I was at school!”

    “It's a pity you never listened to anything I ever told you.” said the schoolteacher.

    “He's still the same.” said Tommy's boss.

    “I'm a good person!” cried Tommy.

    “Are you sure?” asked the caretaker, “If you are so good, I'm sure this blade won't hurt you.”

    Tommy ran out of the doorway and into the street. He ran along Elm Street back to his house. He looked behind him to see the caretaker running, wielding the sword with Pooch still impaled on it. Tommy's front door was open and he run gratefully through it. Into a coffin full of spikes. Whilst his body twitched, the caretaker caught up,

    “You know, I reckon I could save you. But I'm not going to.” He threw the sword into Tommy's spine and laughed, “For your insolence I'm going to kill your friends on this street also, all those who supported your 'heroic' act. They are going to [i:055f2d6f5a]die[/i:055f2d6f5a] and it's all your fault. Not that you care. You're dead already.” The caretaker closed the lid of the coffin and walked away.

    Around the street, eight people awoke from identical nightmares of Tommy Target being horribly killed. They all rushed to his house, Skali felt the need to dig faster and arose in the garden just as he saw six others go through Tommy's front door. He followed them into the house. A slightly dazed Edward got up and saw several people go upstairs, he subtly fell behind them and no-one realised that he had been in the house already.

    They got to the bedroom door, “It's fucking blocked!” cried Dot.

    “No problem love,” said Walter, “we'll get through it. Come on lads.” Walter stepped back as Adrian and Skali put their weight on it and the wardrobe was heard to go crashing down.

    Brian looked at Tommy, “He's still asleep I think.”

    “I'm not so sure.” said Huzzah, who pulled the sheets back to reveal a body full of holes. Several people puked.

    “Marry, the dream was real?” said Chester, scratching his nose with a honking sound.

    “It certainly seems so,” said Edward, “but I surmise that at least one of us is controlling this dream killer.”

    Everyone stared at each other and they heard the front door slam downstairs. They walked down to see a note on it,

    I fixed the door. Now I can guarantee that nothing will get in or out.
    The security man.

    P.S. Sorry for not telling you before.
    P.P.S. Your payment has gone through completely. You can't get a refund now.
    P.P.P.S. Some disturbing old woman with eyes like gimlets told me that you should vote to kill one person everyday, I think she was mad.”


    You may have noticed that there is a slightly different theme to this one. There aren't actually wolves per sé, but there are people who are killing. Everyone else has to stop them!

    So, the situation now, is that you are locked in the house and you need to vote for the person you wish to lynch. If you haven't received a PM from me, you are a normal villager.

    Cast List:
    0) [color=red:055f2d6f5a]Target (NPC) – FIRST SLAUGHTER[/color:055f2d6f5a]
    1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine)
    2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth)
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky)
    5) Adrian N. Other - Swimmer (OmKranti)
    6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge)
    7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10)
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)
  11. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Brian looked around the room. They were all trapped. Seven people who thought they knew each other pretty well but honestly didn't know them from Adam. He was sure the next few days would help with that though.

    "What we need people is a plan" Brian said "What about you Walter, old men always have great plans"

    "I think we should draw straws and whomever gets the shortest must kill themselves on the stroke of midnight. If we do that each night were bound to find the killer" Walter exclaimed.

    "Er...ok...nice idea Walter" said Brian "Anyone else maybe. What about you Dot"

    Dot shifted uneasily under all the gazes.

    "I don't know really, maybe if we talk about the situation were all in as a group and look at the best ways to get ourselves out of it.....alive. That might work, especially if we all stick together" Dot said

    "Good idea Dot"

    The group started discussing the position they were in trying to look for the best way out of it.

    Whilst the group were all discussing the matters at hand Brian realised they were trapped in the house and worse than that trapped with a dwarf. Brian didn't like tight spaces and another thing he didn't like was dwarves. They dug everything up. He'd once asked :shock: Skali :shock: to landscape his garden and had ended up with an open top granite mine there for three months. If anyone's going to be responsible a murder round here then it's gonna be a bloody dwarf.
  12. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Chester, a natural born coward, didn't think [i:eb956b013f]"I wonder who killed him so horribly[/i:eb956b013f]", but rather "[i:eb956b013f]How can I get out of here...NOW!!"[/i:eb956b013f]

    He had high hopes of the dwarf, - surely a thief could engineer an escape but apparently the security device did not involve nails, and digging was not an option.

    The screwdrivers that the merchant offered to sell them, even though somewhat cheese encrusted, might have done the trick - but as luck would have it, not one of the neighbours was left handed. "[i:eb956b013f]or so they say[/i:eb956b013f]" muttered Chester grimly.

    The bloody druid could do nothing but sing, very quietly, something about "there's a hole in my neighbour". Obviously he would not be a great asset in an escape plan, and anyway, Chester didn't trust people who painted their faces if their living didn't rely on them doing so.

    The assasin - well the sight of death didn't bother him that much . Didn't seem in too much of a hurry to escape either.

    That grumpy old git Rutt didnt even try to help either. Just muttered about how it would never have happened in his day. And the swimmer - well...he just .....dripped.

    [i:eb956b013f]"Maybe that damn dentist could drill us out of here", [/i:eb956b013f]mused Chester. [i:eb956b013f]"That's about all she's good for, putting holes in people's teeth which weren't there before."[/i:eb956b013f]

    [i:eb956b013f]Hey wait a minute.....putting holes in people.....[/i:eb956b013f]

    Chester looked over at his late neighbour. Saw the holes. It had to be that sadistic bitch :( Dot Duodenum :(
  13. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Edward pondered his fate. He did not think he was in great danger. Whoever was responsible for this surely wouldn't dream, he chuckled at his own joke, of targetting an assassin.

    "Has anyone seen the wine cellar?" He asked casually.

    Blank stares came his way and he thought he heard the dwarf mutter something under his breath.

    He sulked and sunk into a large chair.

    Stares were still coming his way.
    "Ah yes, we need to vote. Well... I don't know what you're looking at me for. I don't have a clue."

    He carefully brushed silver specks of dust off his shoulder.

    "Oh all right, I suppose it could be :shock: Chester :shock:, although he just looks very unhappy."
  14. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Dot looked at the faces around her.

    [i:fb518bfe64]Shit.[/i:fb518bfe64] she thought. [i:fb518bfe64]This cannot be happening.[/i:fb518bfe64]

    She closed her eyes, and opened them again. Nope. The scene remained the same.

    [i:fb518bfe64]Stop being so pansy![/i:fb518bfe64] she scolded herself. [i:fb518bfe64]You're a punk! Start swearing![/i:fb518bfe64]

    She ran a hand up her hair in a gesture of hestitation.

    "This is fucking dire!" she screamed. All heads turned towards her.

    [i:fb518bfe64]That couldn't have been better,[/i:fb518bfe64] the inner voice sneered.

    "Fuck this for a box of lemons." she said to the cowed crowd. "You! Stop yer pansy singing, it's well gay!" she snapped to :shock: Huzzah Hoompalumpah :shock:

    She picked a peach stone out of her pocket, popped it in her mouth, folded her arms and glared, looking highly pissed off, out of the window.

    [i:fb518bfe64]Never trust a man in pink.[/i:fb518bfe64] she thought.
  15. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Huzzah was getting antsy... The Michael Bolton renditions were starting be noticed and draw funny looks and the worry of how they were going to get out was causing him to sweat and the pink facepaint was in danger of disappearing... His eyes darted around the room for a hiding place in case he didn't get out of here before the paint disappeared altogether...

    In their search he notice that :shock: Dot Duodenum :shock: was looking at him with way too much suspicion than his bad singing really deserved.

    His ears perked up at the mention of a wine cellar. Maybe he could hide in there when the paint had gone???

    [i:2bfc6da3cc]"How can we be lovers if we can't be friends...."[/i:2bfc6da3cc]
  16. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    While the rest of the young whipper snappers were wandering about and generally fussing, Walter had claimed the best armchair in the room and had lit his pipe.

    "Hmmm... don't like the look of that :shock: Dot Whatsername :shock: myself... hmm..."

    Walter didn't know why everyone was so flustered about some silly[i:783465a27b]murderer[/i:783465a27b]. He was just glad to get away from the missus.
  17. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Skali was [i:a46f834340]not[/i:a46f834340] amused. To dig his way out of the undercellars only to get stuck in this hellhole with these dimwits. The only one he recognized was Brian Franchetti, who knew next to nothing about dwarves and had asked him to landscape his garden. Skali, who knew next to nothing about landscaping but just enough about mining and burglary, had dug a tunnel from the man's garden directly into his cellar. It was funny, the way he unloaded the valuables along with the dirt without the fellow even paying attention.

    It was unfortunate, Skali decided, that he didn't exactly consult the Guild on that one. Franchetti didn't pay his Thieves' Guild dues, that way true, but the Guild liked to know the where and the when nontheless, and it also liked to get it's share of the take.

    Skali didn't like to give shares. Money in his pocket was his, after all, not someone else's. Money in someone else's pocket was just there on a temporary basis, kept warm until he could take it to a better place.

    "I can't say I likes the look of ye, :shock: Brian :shock:, never did," he said. "Ya never did pay me for the garden landscaping."
  18. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Adrien stood up and pointed a long bony finger at :shock: Skali :shock: .
  19. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "Oh, this is fucking bananas. Why do you think I'm a bad guy?" asked Dot,

    "a) You're a dentist." said Walter,

    "b) You look scarier than Dr Whiteface." said Chester

    "and c) You disrespect nature with your fruity language." said Huzzah

    "Disrespect? I love fruit, I do! It's fucking brilliant!" Dot cried, "You can't sing about Apples and Pears so much if you fucking hate the stuff!"

    "I meant you swear."

    "Oh. Well you haven't got the fucking plums to kill me. I'm going to get some food."

    The other seven stared at each other, then looked down at the floor to avoid the other's gaze.

    Dot wandered into the kitchen and looked around for the pantry. The actual kitchen was a mess. Cutlery, pots and pans were strewn on the sides, a knife even overhung one of the sides.

    She walked purposefully towards a likely looking cupboard, but neglected to look where she was going. She stood on an orange and slipped sideways.

    She thudded onto the floor.


    Then slid into a shelf unit.


    The plates on the shelves unit crashed onto her, shattering over her head.


    The orange rolled next to her body as Dot died.


    You killed the fruit punk! But what was she? As you don't have anyone to tell you this stuff, you'll have to guess. You are entirely in the thrall of supernatural forces!

    Special characters, PM me with your choices!

    Cast List:
    [color=darkred:48b8fb5238]0) Target (NPC) – FIRST SLAUGHTER [/color:48b8fb5238]
    [color=red:48b8fb5238]1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine) - FIRST "LYNCHING"[/color:48b8fb5238]
    2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth)
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky)
    5) Adrian N. Other - Swimmer (OmKranti)
    6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge)
    7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10)
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)
  20. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

  21. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "Stupid girl." said Walter, "Why is she making such a racket in that kitchen?"

    "Do you think we should go and check on her?" asked Adrian,

    "Nah, let her get it out of her system. Maybe she'll be a better person for it."

    "Weren't we meant to kill her?" said Brian, "I mean, the door said we had to vote to kill someone and you should always believe what someone at the door says."

    "Really?" said Edward, "In that case I should be a fanatical Omnian."

    "Pff, Omnians!" exclaimed Walter, "What do they know about a hard day's work?!"

    Everyone fell asleep.

    Dot Duodenum was smashing plates over her head. Brian walked up and asked, "May I interest you in this lovely range of crockery? Just arrived on a ship from Klatch, only a dollar a plate!"

    Dot took one plate, looked at it, then smashed it edge first on the top of her head. Her skull split and the two halves fell away to reveal a different visage,

    "Ah, Caretaker my old friend," said Brian, "Liked the plate then? Tell you what, buy four and I'll let you have the smashed one free of charge."

    "An interesting offer. Let's see them again." Brian passed the plates to the caretaker, "Hmm, they look good, very good, but I know how to make them look better."

    He held them up to Brian's face and showed his that they had become saws. Brian goggled at him.

    "Good eh?" The caretaker slashed across Brians torso and face, opening up gaping wounds. "That's for allowing that measly Target to get away with it."

    In Target's house, everyone woke up and looked towards Brian. His body was covered in blood and he was clearly dead.


    Success for the caretaker fans!

    There's a dreamkiller in the midst.... do you know who it is? Vote now!

    Cast List:
    [color=darkred:b9728559d6]0) Target (NPC) – FIRST SLAUGHTER
    1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine) - FIRST "LYNCHING" [/color:b9728559d6]
    2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth)
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky)
    5) Adrian N. Other - Swimmer (OmKranti)
    6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge)
    [color=red:b9728559d6]7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10) - SECOND SLAUGHTER[/color:b9728559d6]
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)
  22. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    "Bah" Said the apparition of Brian "Now i'm never going to get rid of them plates and cups and I still haven't payed mad dog Wilson for them yet. Then again I don't suppose him sending Barry the basher round will do me any harm now. Ah well, atleast Skali never got is landscaping money anyway"
  23. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Chester looked at Brian's battered body. Absent mindedly he squeezed the bulb that worked the "tears" while simultaneously raising his orange hair.

    "Oh deary deary me boys and errm late girl".... he said "we got it wrong.didn't we"

    "Well you selected her too", said Walter grouchily, sitting in state on the comfy chair, wreathed in pipe smoke.

    "[b:add16265c2]Oh no I didn't[/b:add16265c2]" - said Chester

    "[b:add16265c2]Oh yes you did[/b:add16265c2]" came the inevitable reply from the rest of the room

    [b:add16265c2]Oh no I[/b:add16265c2] .....oh what's the point" said Chester gloomily

    He glared at :( Walter :( . [i:add16265c2]Smug old git sat there in the only comfy chair, puffing his foul smelling pipe. Sat there as if in a dreamlike trance.[/i:add16265c2]

    [[i:add16265c2] edited to add OOC that I hope this wasnt a premature post, but I thought I'd get it in before my overnight flight home ][/i:add16265c2]
  24. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Walter studied Chester out of slitted eyes.

    "So thats his game eh, pick off the old and wise. Well I've seen through him. I don't trust that :shock: Chester :shock: , no good'll come of him make no mistake."

    And with that pronouncement, Walter eased his athritic form back into the chair and engulfed himself in a cloud of smoke.
  25. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Huzzah was worried, really worried. And unfortunately he was also naked... of face paint. The stress of all the killing and the blood and screaming had been too much, he was no longer bright pink but rather just pink. Although no one else seemed to notice the fact that he was now hiding under the bed in order to not show his face...

    Although he knew he was in trouble the petty little thought that only if the bloody druid council had allowed bloody cowels he wouldn't be in this mess, hiding under a bed. Was that supposed to be more dignified than being confused with lesser druids?

    Lost in thought and feeling mightily sorry for himself, Huzzah stared at :shock: Chester :shock: For no good reason than he was standing in his road so he couldn't see the rest of the room...

    [i:3f2f01332d]"Cos this is more than love I feeeeeel inside..."[/i:3f2f01332d]

    (ps I'm going camping on Friday, so I won't be back until Monday. Continue on without me or if someone wants to volunteer to be me then thats cool)
  26. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Skali smirked. So the others had picked the wrong one. So had he, for that matter. He didn't feel too many scruples for seeing Brian dead, nasty piece of work that he was, but it was a true horror to see him dead the way he was. There were several bits he would have been glad not to see, for example.

    He turned to :shock: Chester :shock: with a calculating look. "Never did trust clowns," he said quietly.
  27. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Adrien thought he might as well go with the crowd on this one :shock: Chester :shock: did seem just as freaky as anyone else here.

    Indigo Montya just lauged, he knew who it was, but he wasn't telling. He splashed about the room, spraying water on people. Adrien just smiled at him. People started to get upset with them.
  28. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Edward watched the others shout and point fingers. He had to admit that he was beginning to feel slightly worried. He wasn't sure that whoever this dream killer was would respect his position as assassin.

    He looked at the clown's sad face. He wasn't entirely convinced, but they all looked guilty to him.

    "I believe it is entirely feasible that this :shock: Chester :shock: fellow is our culprit."
  29. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Chester stared at the others, "N'uncle, why do you hate me?" he asked,

    "I just don't like clowns." said Skali,

    "I'faith! We bring laughter and fun to the world!"

    "In all my years," said Walter, "I've never found a clown funny."

    Chester's eyes welled up, "We're just misunderstood!" he started to sob, "It's just that everybody sees us as some sort of fool," he pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed at his eyes, "but we're not bad people," the handkerchief kept coming out of his pocket, "we just want to make others happy."

    "There, there, old bean." said Edward reassuringly, "It's not the end of the world if you're not funny. There are other things in life. Like flowers." he pointed to the flower in Chester's top pocket.

    Chester looked down at the flower and smiled. He stood up sharply, turning his stool over in the process and said, "You're right, flowers are pretty. Maybe I'll stop all this clowning around."

    He went to turn around and sniff the flower at the same time. Instead he squirted himself in the eye and tripped over his never-ending handkerchief. Time seemed to slow as his body created a graceful arc up in the air then chest first onto one of the upturned stool legs.

    The leg went through his chest, through his heart then out the other side of his chest. Chester's corpse slowly slid down until his nose stopped the descent with a humorous parping sound.


    It's no joke, Chester is dead!

    Right, due to the absence of Spiky, Om and Roman tomorrow. The next killing will be on monday. Special characters should contact me with their choices by then.

    Anybody who can post for the next few days is free to wander around the house chatting about the events that have been going on. You may even wish to move the body of Chester... though it might make a good conversation piece in the living room. Anyhoo, the point I'm trying to make is that even though the gamepart is on hold, the roleplaying isn't.

    Cast List:
    [color=darkred:09fca0a958]0) Target (NPC) – FIRST SLAUGHTER
    1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine) - FIRST "LYNCHING" [/color:09fca0a958]
    2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth)
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky)
    5) Adrian N. Other - Swimmer (OmKranti)
    [color=red:09fca0a958]6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge) - SECOND "LYNCHING"[/color:09fca0a958]
    [color=darkred:09fca0a958]7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10) - SECOND SLAUGHTER [/color:09fca0a958]
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)
  30. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Chester looked up at all the staring faces. They seemed shocked. Surely his famous pratfall and fake death routine hadn't fooled them? Apparently it had, as he heard Walter mutter "Yeah he's definitely snuffed it.."

    "Ha ha - fooled you all! I'm not dead" said Chester.

    [b:013b65df3f]"OH YES YOU ARE"[/b:013b65df3f]

    Oh no I'm.....wait a minute - where is that strange voice coming from?"

    [b:013b65df3f]"HE'S BEHIND YOU"[/b:013b65df3f]

    Chester looked round, understood, and smiled. At least he'd been ushered from the life of custard filled trousers and planks with carelessly slung buckets of whitewash in the proper[i:013b65df3f] traditional[/i:013b65df3f] manner.
  31. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Nobody said anything, nobody did anything, they just sat in shock and stared at the clown's dead body. They watched the colour slowly draw from his face and the flies start to land around where he had been impaled on the stool leg. Some moths arrived and started eating his humorous hat. Still nobody said or did anything. They just sat and stared.

    Then they fell asleep.

    Chester cartwheeled down the street, complete with a stool leg as an axle. Brian ran after him yelling, "YOU NEVER PAID FOR THOSE MELONS!"

    "Melons?" said Dot, "WHERE? I WANT MELONS!"

    Dot ran after Brian who was running after Chester. The chase was looking futile until Chester slipped on a leaf. Brian jumped on top of the clown, then wrestled two green things from him, only for Dot to arrive and take them off him, "HAH! MY melons! Rock on."

    Huzzah wandered up to the scene, "Hi Dot, nice melons. Can I have a look?" and before Dot could protest, he reached out.

    "How dare you grab my melons?"

    "They looked so soft and juicy." Dot stared at Huzzah, "Like the ones they grow back home. Do you mind if I have a nibble?"

    Dot slapped Huzzah in the face, which made the druid spin. When he returned to face where Dot had been, he saw the caretaker, who had the melons in his hands. The caretaker weighed them up, one in each hand, then brought them together via Huzzah's head.

    Everyone woke up. Except one.

    The face of the person in Huzzah's chair was no longer recognisable. The head was so mangled that nobody could even make out a shape above the shoulders.


    Another one down. Time to vote for the next person to lynch!

    Cast List:
    [color=darkred:749047af83]0) Target (NPC) – FIRST SLAUGHTER
    1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine) - FIRST "LYNCHING" [/color:749047af83]
    2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth)
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    [color=red:749047af83]4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky) - THIRD SLAUGHTER [/color:749047af83]
    5) Adrian N. Other - Swimmer (OmKranti)
    [color=darkred:749047af83]6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge) - SECOND "LYNCHING"
    7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10) - SECOND SLAUGHTER [/color:749047af83]
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Bugger. That was unexpected.

    Oh well, I'm dead now and no one can here me sing

    [i:d5cb8a4484]"How can we be lovers if we can't be friends
    How can we start over when the fighting never ends
    Baby, how can we make love if we can't make amends
    Tell me how we can be lovers if we can't be,
    can't be friends

    Look at us now, look at us baby
    Still tryin' to work it out
    Never get it right
    We must be fools, we must be crazy
    Whoa, whoa, when there's no
    Whao, Whoa, it's a no win situation"[/i:d5cb8a4484]

    'SHUT UP ALREADY....' Death had not been expecting this, although it was always a little off-putting what some people chose to do in the afterlife but this infernal racket was spoiling the tranquility of the endless, sandy desert.

    Death clicked his fingers, 'THIS WILL DO IT.'

    The new born Michael Bolton opened his eyes, and wailed.

    Reincarnation was a bitch.
  33. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Adrien looked around and laughed, people were droping like flies. Indigo Montoya would be happy when they were all gone and he could have the pool and all the water to himself.

    But, what if died before them, Indigo would be all alone, that wouldn't do. He decided to single out the most dangerous of the group. Of course the assasin would have to go. :shock: Edward :shock: was it.
  34. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Walter didn't particuarly want to lynch anyone. Old age had taught him to value life, even werewolf life.

    "hmm... this whole murder business is getting to me. I don't think I can vote. Hrrmph."

    (ooc: continue later, bell rang)


    Walter had just settled back into his chair to enjoy his cigar with the satisfaction of having taken the chicken's way out when Adrien sidled over.

    "Don't be a sissy. Vote or Indigo will drown you!"

    "hmm... will voting prevent me from drowning?"


    "hmm... don't want to drown. hmm... play it safe and lynch Adrien. Hmm... the bugger might decide to drown me anyway. Don't trust that one.

    Hmm... don't like the look of that Skali either. Never trust the quiet ones. I vote :shock: Skali Nailpuller :shock:."
  35. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Skali's gaze turned to the assassin. He never liked their kind, all posh and well-dressed. He never saw a dwarven assassin yet, either. Just more speiciecist crap from the humans.

    " :shock: Edward's :shock: our fella. Learned some new tricks in the Guild, have ye?" he said, dripping sarcasm.

    edit: To correct a rather horrible post.
  36. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    "Harumph, an assassin would never lower himself to using these 'tricks.'"
    He spat the word out as if his very soul was corrupted by uttering it.
    "I'm not so sure about you, :shock: Skali :shock:, though."
  37. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    An unearthly voice filled the room, "[i:e29a793166]YOU MUST ONLY CHOOSE ONE![/i:e29a793166]"

    [color=gray:e29a793166]OOC: TIE VOTE! So it's up to Om or Andalusian. First one to reply gets to choose between Skali or Edward (you can choose the same person or change your mind) - that will be the deciding vote.[/color:e29a793166]
  38. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Adrien was not going to budge he just knew it was :shock: Edward :shock: , besides, Indigo was making funny faces at him.
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    "Well," said Edward, "I should expect such intelligence from someone who spends more time as a swimmer than as a pedestrian."


    "I've seen you staring into empty space, talking to yourself. I expect the water has given you Caisson disease." he poised for breath, "Well I've had enough. You deserve whatever fate is coming your way. I am going escape this nefarious hellhole."

    Edward run towards one of the barred windows and leapt with balletic grace towards it. He contorted his body in mid air to pass between the bars and managed to get his torso through before being hit by a large cart speeding past the window.

    Walter, Adrian and Skali all winced at the sound of his head being slammed into the outside wall and his back breaking.

    Edwards twisted body hung limply, with his legs still in the house and the rest outside.


    And then there were three... what will happen tonight? Any special characters left need to PM me!

    Cast List:
    [color=darkred:acfb8ef2ac]0) Target (NPC) – FIRST SLAUGHTER
    1) Dot Duodenum - Dentist/Fruit Punk (Delphine) - FIRST "LYNCHING"[/color:acfb8ef2ac]
    [color=red:acfb8ef2ac]2) Edward Decandour - Assasinish (Cynical_Youth) - THIRD "LYNCHING"[/color:acfb8ef2ac]
    3) Mr. Walter Rutt - Grumpy old man (Andalusian)
    [color=darkred:acfb8ef2ac]4) Huzzah Hoompalumpah - Druid (Spiky) - THIRD SLAUGHTER[/color:acfb8ef2ac]
    5) Adrian N. Other - Swimmer (OmKranti)
    [color=red:acfb8ef2ac]6) Chester Pieface II - Clown (sleepy_sarge) - SECOND "LYNCHING"
    7) Brian Franchetti - Merchant (colonesque10) - SECOND SLAUGHTER[/color:acfb8ef2ac]
    8) Skali Nailpuller - Dwarf Thief (Roman_K)
  40. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Walter may have pretended to be a gentle and moral soul, but he enjoyed a spectacular death scene as much as the next man.

    "Hrrmppph," he chuckled. "He had it coming. Being an assassin and all. Was he wolf? Don't know. Don't care. Either way I'm dead soon. Being old. Werewolves possibly surrounding."
  41. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Skali walked across the room and opened the door to the kitchen, where he saw Walter staring at Adrian, who was climbing a ladder to a diving board over the swimming pool in his back garden. Walter looked round, “Oh, hello. The lad sure loves his water, doesn't he?” Skali nodded in agreement.

    Adrian got to the top of the board and looked down into the pool. He did a few breathing exercise and walked to the edge of the board, when he was stopped by a cry from the crowd, “Yo Adrian!”


    “Ah finally, someone who knows my name!” replied the caretaker, “So many people just call me by my job title. Well I say job title, more like ex-job title.” Adrian didn't reply.

    “Say Adrian,” said Rocky, “do you know that at the bottom of the pool, someone's placed a brick? Anyone who manages to bring it back up will be acknowledged as the best diver in the world!”

    “Really? But the pool's only eight foot deep! Surely anyone could do that!”

    “It [i:aa774a9741]was[/i:aa774a9741] eight foot deep you mean. Have a look now.”

    Adrien looked down into what were now surprisingly murky depth, he swore he could see some shoals of fish in there too. “But that must be nearly eighty feet!”

    “Give or take a few inches, yes. I did say it would be a challenge”

    “I dunno. Those fish look like tuna, they can be nasty.”

    “Don't be such a wuss.” said Indigo, “It'll be easy.”

    “Well if you say so.”

    Adrian took a deep breath and jumped. He swam valiantly, the first 30 feet weren't too bad, but he had to take big strokes to get the next 30 feet and he felt his lungs start to protest. “Not far!” Said Indigo by his side,

    “Not fa...” Indigo stopped as inexplicably, the brick started coming upwards. Adrian stopped his strokes and stared in wide-eyed wonder as Rocky brought the brick up at speed into Adrian's face.
    Adrian span round in the water, so shocked that he gulped water. Rocky swam round again and grabbed a passing swordfish, which he plunged into Adrian's lungs, puncturing them both.

    Adrian tried to move upwards, but the energy drained from his body and a shoal of piranhas surrounded him, getting rich pickings off the ex-swimmers ex-body.

    Skali and Walter woke up to see a very clean skeleton in the chair where Adrian had been sleeping.

    “Seems like it's just you and me then.” said Walter.

    “I don't know about you,” said Skali, “but I'd like to get out of here.”

    “But we can't! The door is locked.”

    “I think we should try digging.” Skali pulled out his axe and plunged it into Walter's skull. “And so ends the lives of all those who thought someone should be allowed to leave a good man to die.”

    Skali walked over to the door and took his axe to the frame work, being careful not to damage any of the nails. He worked one side loose, then moved to the other. He took one swing and managed to find a water pipe. “What kind of damn fool has a water pipe near the door?” He took another swing and ruptured another pipe. He examined the mechanism and realised that the water actually powered the door in some way.

    Nonetheless, he put the interest to one side to continue his work, not caring about the water slowly filling the room. If he had cared, he would've noticed the water rising, slowly taking the shape of a body. As it was, he finished releasing the door from the frame and kicked it out just as a roll of thunder indicated that a storm had arrived. He moved to leave,

    “Don't go.”

    “What!?” said Skali, who turned to see a human shaped blob of water, “What the hell are you?”

    “It's elemently my dear dwarf,” said Indigo Montoya, “I'm the thing that is to take revenge on you for killing my friend.”

    “You can't hurt me, you're only water.”

    “Yes,” said Indigo, who laid one hand on the Dwarf's shoulder and extended the other to meet a vicious lightning bolt from the sky. A few thousand volts passed into Skali. “but isn't electricity fun?”


    Game over!

    Technically, Skali the "wolf" won, but I didn't want to be unfair, you all got a chance to die :)

    His wannabee partner in crime was Dot, who wasn't very good at it. Not that Skali knew, he had no idea who is partner was, like the rest of you. The bane and seer actually lasted quite a long time, being Edward and Adrian respectively, but weren't the most effective despite their best efforts.

    Well done all!
  42. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member


    I was supposed to live, damn you! Live! Live and terrorize the world anew!
  43. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Well done, Roman!

    Thanks for hosting another one, Ben. It was fun. :)
  44. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    It would have been nice to have lived long enough to actually brutally mutilate someone myself. Dammit. I actually had to go out onto the street to release my frustration on real people after that disappointment. If you see the police around, I'm in Tibet, right?

    Good game, Ben. Very original, and some nice fucked up deaths. Cheers!
  45. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Arrgh! What a messy way to die. Ben is evil.

    But a good game nonetheless. Well done Roman!

    Curse you Om! I told you I wasn't lying.
  46. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Hehe, Indigo Montoya gets the last Kill.

    "Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my friend, prepare to die!"

    edit to say I'm sorry Andalusian, and to add the 'hello'
  47. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:099ebad6d1="OmKranti"]Hehe, Indigo Montoya gets the last Kill.

    "My name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my friend, prepare to die!"[/quote:099ebad6d1]

    A good quote ripoff, that. Loved that movie.
  48. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Cheers for GM'ing the game for us again Ben, even if I did last as long as a celebrity marriage. :)
  49. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well at least I got to die in this one... and it wasn't based on wolves telling lies to usurp the game...

    I'd been sitting on that death scene for a long time and it was special to finally get to use it... (kidding)

    Good going everyone and especially Ben. Can't wait for the next one and for the slaughter to continue :)

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