What do flies smell of?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Tinfoilthingy is Delphine, ElectricBen8 is me
    ElectricBen8: pff, you lie, and reek of flies
    Tinfoilthingy: flies don't smell. go to hell
    ElectricBen8: they do, they reek of what they inhabit
    ElectricBen8: shite
    Tinfoilthingy: have you ever smelt a fly?
    ElectricBen8: i've only ever seen large quantities around shit
    ElectricBen8: you can't smell one on it's own because it's so small
    Tinfoilthingy: but it's the shit you can smell, not the flies
    ElectricBen8: the flies sit on the sit, they will smell of it
    Tinfoilthingy: not noticably
    ElectricBen8: like if i go to my grandads and he smokes his pipe so the smoke goes on me, i reek of tobacco
    Tinfoilthingy: if you were a fly you would notice then
    Tinfoilthingy: so you are in fact calling yourself a fly
    Tinfoilthingy: which means you smell
    ElectricBen8: flies do smell, but you don't notice it because their odour stength is proportional to their size
    Tinfoilthingy: exactly
    Tinfoilthingy: so how do you know they smell?
    ElectricBen8: so you agree that they smell?
    Tinfoilthingy: you're not the size of a fly
    Tinfoilthingy: so you can't *know* they smell
    ElectricBen8: i have friends who have friends, and down that chain one of them is small enough to know
    ElectricBen8: these friends are like russian dolls
    Tinfoilthingy: poor tiny fellow! how do you communicate with this friend?
    Tinfoilthingy: is this friend ... a fly?
    ElectricBen8: i think the smallest of them is actually a moth
    Tinfoilthingy: well. how sweet
  2. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member


    One of your friends has the tendency to be attracted to bright lights, smashes into windows and eats clothes?

    Edit smasheS
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Ben has friends in low places :)
  4. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    I'm clearly right.
  5. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I'm still struggling with the fact that Ben has friends.

    May I ask Ben and Ella, was this conversation drink fuelled or are you both really as silly as Rinso? :)
  6. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Hey! I resemble that statement!
  7. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:d3a2eeee3b="colonesque10"]May I ask Ben and Ella, was this conversation drink fuelled or are you both really as silly as Rinso? :)[/quote:d3a2eeee3b]

    I was fuelled by blackcurrant juice and water. Ella had slowly slithered into a puddle and was languidly lapping it up.
  8. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Puddle!? I'll have you know I was fuelled by a Muller Fruit Corner. Blueberry. I hate it when you run out of yoghurt before the fruit. You feel compelled to eat it, but it's sickening on its own.

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