What is it? - Photo Quiz

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Jul 29, 2008.

  1. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    What is it? - Photo Quiz - Now with answer link.

    As the weather is a bit too hot for any physical activity, I thought it might be fun to give the old brain a workout. As I remember, I post the pictures of everyday objects, seen from strange angles, and you highly skilled sleuths post your answers. As usual, I will post the correct answers somewhere else, but I won't tell you where until Sunday at 21:00 BST.

    Object #1


    Object #3

    Object #4

    Object #5

    Object #6

    Object #7

    Object #8

    Object #9

    Object #10

    Bonus object #11

    They are all sooooo easy.

    I know I said I would post the answers at 21:00 BST but I won't be in then. So better sooner than later. Find the full solution HERE. I've included a link back to the boards so you won't get lost
  2. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    #1: Keno or lottery card
    #2: Wall paper
    #3: thumbtacks
    #4: Some weird spaghetti
    #5: Hairpin
    #6: Screw
    #7: Bread
    #8: Grater
    #9: Blinds
    #10: Razor
    #11: Rubber duck
  3. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Would agree with that, except 7) is some form of Crispbread, probably Ryvita
  4. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    I thought 7 was a sesame seed floury roll/bread and 11 more fish than duck or possibly frog (but not a happy fish/frog).
    And 2 looks like something knitted.
  5. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    11 could be...a frowning hippo.
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    #1: Keno or lottery card
    #2: a "ball" of woven string
    #3: tealight candles although drawing pins is in joint place for this one
    #4: Plastic brush bristles
    #5: Edge of a key
    #6: Screw
    #7: Bread
    #8: Grater
    #9: Egg/tomato slicing device and offering to Anoia
    #10: Razor
    #11: Kinder hippo
  7. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I agree with Kat. #2 appears too textured to be wall paper, but the string theory definitely works. #6 is a nail. A few things lead me to think that, but I don't believe it is a screw. On the other hand, if it is then it is a self-tapping screw because of the square point. But I still think it is a nail.
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think #3 is three tealight candles, oh and #9 is an egg slicer.

    P.S. Just realised Kat already said this, damn her!
  9. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    When I first saw 2, I thought it looked like a sock.

    I don't think the bonus one is a Kinder hippo. I have recently become completely addicted to them, and have one here with me. Comparing snouts... no, no, definitely not the same.

    Unless! You can get more than one type of Kinder hippo, maybe one with no white sprinkles? If this is the case, where do I buy them!?
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    hmm... I haven't actually ever eaten one. I like the Kinder rhinos a lot, I felt I would be cheating on them if I converted to hippotism...
  11. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Is no.2 a shoelace?
  12. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I added the answers to the original post but it didn'y move up the list. So, here is the link again.

    Answers here.
  13. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Pah! A hippo toy isn't a regular household object. I feel gypped.
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    woohoo ! 7 and 2 halves out of 11, not bad... I'm giving myself a half for the hippo although it wasn't an edible one and the tealights/pins, as I couldn't make my mind up (I was pretty sure they weren't tealights, but they didn't look like metal drawing pins either, didn't think of plastic ones...)

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