Whats Been your favourite Song for this year?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    What, if you had to pick, has been your favourite song released this year?

    I really liked 'everyday I love you less and less' that was the first Kasier Chiefs song i really listened too, and i think they rock.

    If you really can't pick one just list a few, or your favourite one for each genre.

    Do you think there has been a song that is particulary fitting for the year?
  2. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Can't think of any good songs released since Stuart Zender left Jamiroquai. Besides that, you have to search all the way back to the seventies to find anything interesting. Of course, this is all because my band haven't had any "real" releases yet. ;-) For the interested, see www.hoof.se. (Warning! shameless plug.)

    Good in this post meaning songs I like.

    I always find Shine On You Crazy Diamond fitting, no matter what the year. :p
  3. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Hard question, Rinso. I thought I Predict A Riot was better than Everyday I Love You Less And Less, but I don't think it's the best song of the year.

    Dirty Harry by the Gorillaz is a possibility... But it's not my favourite song on the album.

    Did Muse release anything this year?

    Jerk It Out is a good song, it was on some advert. I can't remember who it's by.

    And that mention of Jamiroquai reminded me of Feels Just Like It Should, which is a brilliant song.

    In a different genre, Galvanise by the Chemical Brothers rocked socks everywhere. And (going back to rock) there's a Foo Fighters song I really loved, but don't know the name of. It has the line "the very last one in a very long line" in it... Anyway, it's good. Hex would know.

    oh! Jack Johnson's latest song Sitting, Wishing, Waiting would probably top my list as best song of the year. I keep meaning to get his album.
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I predict a Riot...proabably was better. I do love But 'Everyday I love you less and less' was kinda the first of thier songs i heard (i'm so out of the music loop) and you always have soft spot for the first.

    I also liked the 'importance of being Idle' by Oais, who aren't by favourite band, and the video for that rocked.

    My favourite Gorillaz song was Feel Good Inc.
  5. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Green Day "When September Ends"

    For once I didn't need a list...although I will almost certainly change my mind every 10 minutes.
  6. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    There isn't really a song that stands out this year.

    There were a few good releases:

    System of a Down - Mezmerize, pretty good album with a bit of a new sound. Soldier Side and Violent Pornography are my favourites off this one. Maybe they can top it with Hypnotize, though.

    Seether - Karma & Effect, best album of the year for me. Filled with solid hard rock songs and a big improvement from Disclaimer. The Gift and Simplest Mistake are my favourite songs here.

    Other songs I liked:
    Sigur Ros - Sorglega. Off the album Takk by Sigur Ros.
    Racoon - I Love You More. A bit too pop for my taste normally, but still a great song. Racoon is a Dutch band and I recommend them to everyone (I swear it's not hard rock at all, go check 'em out*).

    I still need to listen to new releases by Switchfoot, Shinedown and SOAD, though.

    I guess the songs that were really important to me this year were all released in previous years.

    The Kaiser Chiefs are probably my least favourite band of the year. Sorry. :)

    Oooh... Lullaby is a great Jack Johnson song!

    *Go! Tell me what you think.
  7. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:efc9ded3e0="Cynical_Youth"]*Go! Tell me what you think

    Well since I haven't heard of most of 'em, then I really think I'm getting old!!
  8. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I'm going to have to agree with Sleepy Sarge on his choice. In fact that whole album is pretty good. Has a kind of rock opera feel to it. I saw the video of When September ends when I was home on break. It was REALLY well done.
  9. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:ed8a4682fa="Delphine"]Did Muse release anything this year? [/quote:ed8a4682fa]

    Not as far as I know, which is a shame

    [quote:ed8a4682fa]Jerk It Out is a good song, it was on some advert. I can't remember who it's by.[/quote:ed8a4682fa]

    The Ceasers, didn't like that song that much

    [quote:ed8a4682fa]In a different genre, Galvanise by the Chemical Brothers rocked socks everywhere. And (going back to rock) there's a Foo Fighters song I really loved, but don't know the name of. It has the line "the very last one in a very long line" in it... Anyway, it's good. Hex would know.[/quote:ed8a4682fa]

    Agree with Galvanise - loved that song, the Foo Fighters song (think it was 'Best of You') was ok, didn't rock my socks that much though

    [quote:ed8a4682fa]oh! Jack Johnson's latest song Sitting, Wishing, Waiting would probably top my list as best song of the year. I keep meaning to get his album.[/quote:ed8a4682fa]

    It's one of those I want to listen, but don't really want to buy, because I'm tight (with money!)

    My personal favourite song is probably Unconditional by The Bravery, though it could be Helicopter by Bloc Party... or maybe even something else
  10. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:67b3d5e8b9="Bradthewonderllama"]I'm going to have to agree with Sleepy Sarge on his choice. In fact that whole album is pretty good. Has a kind of rock opera feel to it. I saw the video of When September ends when I was home on break. It was REALLY well done.[/quote:67b3d5e8b9]

    This is a great album! And the video for 'when september ends' features a slightly older 'Billy Elliot'.

    A song which I really love (although it's only been out a few weeks) is 'Like a star by Corraine Bailey Rae
  11. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    So hard to choose!

    However: Ella, the Foo Fighters song was d.o.a.
    Brilliant song.

    Probably my favourite song this year, though, was 'Do You Want To' by Franz Ferdinand. The entire new album, You could have it so much better, is just fantastic.
  12. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Oh, that's the one, cheers Hol.
  13. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:7e54f950dc="sleepy_sarge"]Well since I haven't heard of most of 'em, then I really think I'm getting old!![/quote:7e54f950dc]

    Heh, I wouldn't worry about that. It doesn't seem like anyone here really knows the bands I listen to. It's all Kaiser Chiefs, Bloc Party, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Franz Ferdinand. Meh.
  14. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:b797ed23f2="Cynical_Youth"][quote:b797ed23f2="sleepy_sarge"]Well since I haven't heard of most of 'em, then I really think I'm getting old!![/quote:b797ed23f2]

    Heh, I wouldn't worry about that. It doesn't seem like anyone here really knows the bands I listen to. It's all Kaiser Chiefs, Bloc Party, Green Day, Foo Fighters, Franz Ferdinand. Meh.[/quote:b797ed23f2]

    Mentions of: Bloc Party = 1
    Mentions of: Franz Ferdinand = 1
    Mentions of: System of a Down = 1
    Mentions of: Sigor Ros = 1
    Mentions of: Racoon = 1
  15. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    If you limit it to this board, that is.

    Edit: aaaand then I noticed the word 'here'.

    Shut up, nobody asked you.
  16. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:d81189931b="chrisjordan"]If you limit it to this board, that is.[/quote:d81189931b]

    Well next time I'll include all mentions from every universe.

    edit because i saw cj's edit

    [quote:d81189931b] Edit: aaaand then I noticed the word 'here'.

    Shut up, nobody asked you.[/quote:d81189931b]

  17. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    You do that.
  18. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Ben, Ben, Ben. Your reply before the edit shows that you also didn't notice the word 'here', otherwise you would have pointed out my mistake first time round.

    Fool Also!
  19. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    [quote:5a333b6b26="Cynical_Youth"] System of a Down - Mezmerize, pretty good album with a bit of a new sound. Soldier Side and Violent Pornography are my favourites off this one. Maybe they can top it with Hypnotize, though. [/quote:5a333b6b26]

    I've seen System of a Down live. They rocked.

    [quote:5a333b6b26="Cynical_Youth"]Oooh... Lullaby is a great Jack Johnson song![/quote:5a333b6b26]

    Gosh. Never heard of him.

    Edit: Love your sig, Chris.
  20. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:d4f5ceefda="chrisjordan"]Ben, Ben, Ben. Your reply before the edit shows that you also didn't notice the word 'here', otherwise you would have pointed out my mistake first time round.

    Fool Also![/quote:d4f5ceefda]

    I was poking fun at you for not noticing it but not explicitly saying so.

    Extra FOOL!
  21. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    No you weren't.


    (Also, I think the rest of this conversation should continue on MSN before we take over the thread. :p)

    Thanks. I hired three professional comedians to come up with it.
  22. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:7b0666fdd4="chrisjordan"](Also, I think the rest of this conversation should continue on MSN before we take over the thread. :p)[/quote:7b0666fdd4]

    Chris: "What are we going to do tonight Ben?"
    Ben: "Same thing we do every night Chrissy, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE THREAD!"
  23. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Pah, enought of your humourous banter. This is no place for fun.

    Also CY you do live in a differeny country ti most of the board, and clearly we won'tr of listen to your dirty, skinky foriegn music.

    Another song I really like is by snow patrol and it';s called something like 'it's all dead' or something.
  24. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Rinso, could you mean How To Be Dead? I'm not sure.

    Definitely would agree with SOAD, Seether, Franz Ferdinand and The Bravery. But apart from that, music has been pretty ordinary this year. Eisley I like as well. But not enough to count as best of the year.

    Right, its going to have to be Franz. Walk Away is my favourite song for this year. I apologise to anyone that thought I had a decent taste in music.

    Edit: On second thoughts, Rantology - Ministry is going to be the best release this year even though it has only just come out. Pity its only got one new new song. :(
  25. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Think he does mean 'How To Be Dead', but I thought that was released last year? The album definitely came out early last year, because I remember it being one of the first ones I copied to tape for my car, and I got my car in April 2004.
  26. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Shut up! My flawed logic is not dented by your sensible comments!

    Okay, okay sorry.. It was a stupid comment.

    I should have said my music taste in general with bands like :
    The Exies
    Theory of a Deadman
    Three Days Grace

    The artists I mentioned earlier don't make an accurate representation of what I listen to. They're mostly artists I thought others would be likely to enjoy. :)

    Ben, you populist!
    Your "list" is crap. For one thing, all "my" bands were mentioned by me. Also, you conveniently left out Green Day, Foo Fighters and Kaiser Chiefs who had all been mentioned a couple of times. Not that it matters and it doesn't mean you didn't make a valid point. Just establishing the suckiness of your list.

    Btw, I only mentioned Jack Johnson because someone else mentioned it. I've only heard that song once or twice.

    Anyway, enough of my pathetic rambling. Has anyone tried Racoon?

    [quote:fe58c13a35="Rincewind"]Pah, enought of your humourous banter. This is no place for fun.

    Also CY you do live in a differeny country ti most of the board, and clearly we won'tr of listen to your dirty, skinky foriegn music.

    Another song I really like is by snow patrol and it';s called something like 'it's all dead' or something.[/quote:fe58c13a35]

    Only Racoon is Dutch. They may be skinky, but they're not dirty!
  27. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:a8d614ff1c="Cynical_Youth"]Ben, you populist!
    Your "list" is crap. For one thing, all "my" bands were mentioned by me. Also, you conveniently left out Green Day, Foo Fighters and Kaiser Chiefs who had all been mentioned a couple of times. Not that it matters and it doesn't mean you didn't make a valid point. Just establishing the suckiness of your list.[/quote:a8d614ff1c]


    [quote:a8d614ff1c]Anyway, enough of my pathetic rambling. Has anyone tried Racoon?[/quote:a8d614ff1c]

    I hear it tastes like chicken.
  28. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Got bored and checked out Racoon... Its kinda nice actually. Not overly poppy, I would think.
  29. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:831881e475="Andalusian"]Its kinda nice actually. Not overly poppy, I would think.[/quote:831881e475]

    I can see the party plans are taking effect .. this girl listened to nothing but Pink Floyd a few days ago :)
  30. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Did I hear someone mentioning Pink Floyd?
  31. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    I can see the party plans are taking effect .. this girl listened to nothing but Pink Floyd a few days ago :)[/quote:79eec3364a]

    Thats a lie! I was listening to nothing but Tool, Depeche Mode and Led Zeppelin a few days ago... :x

    Your libel makes the Green Llama sad!
  32. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    [quote:567537d56f="KaptenKaries"]Did I hear someone mentioning Pink Floyd?[/quote:567537d56f]
    Hey .. lots of fans here, including yours truly.

    Thats a lie! I was listening to nothing but Tool, Depeche Mode and Led Zeppelin a few days ago... Mad

    Your libel makes the Green Llama sad!
  33. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:ca3dcaa2d5="sampanna"]Hey .. lots of fans here, including yours truly.[/quote:ca3dcaa2d5]

    I'm sure I'll feel at home here.
  34. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Just been reminded of another great for the year, "Shot me Down" by the Audiobullies
  35. Dane

    Dane New Member

    [quote:a39428fc78="Cynical_Youth"][quote:a39428fc78="sleepy_sarge"]Well since I haven't heard of most of 'em, then I really think I'm getting old!![/quote:a39428fc78]

    Heh, I wouldn't worry about that. It doesn't seem like anyone here really knows the bands I listen to. [/quote:a39428fc78]

    I disagree! I've heard of and listen to a lot of the bands you listed. My favourite song off of the Mezmirize album was Violent Pornography and i really liked sad stautue.

    I havn't heard the new Seether album but I like what i have heard of them.

    My favourite songs of the year? I really don't know, way to many to mention my list just keeps changeing. But my favourites right now are

    I will follow you into the dark by Death Cab For Cutie
    Passive by A Perfect circle
    Give me more by apartment 26 (I think Cynical youth will like apartment 26)although I'm not sure whether that was released this year :?
    Reduced to teeth by Finch
  36. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Pink Floyd Rocks!!

    System of a Down Rocks!!

  37. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I can't actually think of a single song from this year by anyone, let alone one I'd pick as a favourite or defining the year. :)
  38. SunshineDaydream

    SunshineDaydream New Member

    The Killers, All these things that I've done. By a landslide.

    As for other people's picks, I agree that DOA is a great song (I was so excited I knew which song that lyric was from, and then saw someone had called it before I had a chance to post). I also like the new Franz Ferdinand, but I don't think it's the best song of the year. As for the Kaiser Chiefs, they're ok, but in a sort of "I won't change the station when they're on but I'm not going to crank up the radio either" way. (Pink Floyd would be in the "change the station now" category.)

    My vote for most overplayed song of the year: Boulevard of Broken Dreams. I really liked it the first time I heard it, I loved it the second time I heard it, and it's been so overplayed that now I can't stand it. But the rest of the album rocks. (And I've liked Green Day for years, so that's an educated opinion.)
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:8c86f7575a="SunshineDaydream"]The Killers, All these things that I've done. By a landslide.[/quote:8c86f7575a]

    Would be, except it was released last year (August according to amazon)
  40. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I have ben a fan of GreenDay for a wile now but i really didn't like American Ideot at all. I didn't like the song or the album, it was all hugely over-rated. I thought that American Ideot the song was ok but as with over-rated bands it was over-played. As with the other songs they released.
  41. SunshineDaydream

    SunshineDaydream New Member

    [quote:955e818824="Electric_Man"][quote:955e818824="SunshineDaydream"]The Killers, All these things that I've done. By a landslide.[/quote:955e818824]

    Would be, except it was released last year (August according to amazon)[/quote:955e818824]

    Picky, picky. It's being played on the radio here this fall, so maybe we're just slow here. If you want to be absolutely literal about this, I'll change my nomination to Weezer's "Perfect Situation" (after quickly double-checking that the release date was in 2005).
  42. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    - "La forme et le fond" by KerenAnn. Very pretty, melancholy song :) Makes me think of a sad French movie, where large-eyed children are staring through rain-splattered windows.

    - "Jesus walks" by Kanye West, from Jarhead soundtrack. Rap, yet oddly haunting!
  43. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    You're surprised that rap can be haunting? Coolio did a piece years ago called "Gangsta's Paradise" that was pretty moving.
  44. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:51cd8333fe="Sunshine Daydream"]Picky, picky. It's being played on the radio here this fall, so maybe we're just slow here. If you want to be absolutely literal about this, I'll change my nomination to Weezer's "Perfect Situation" (after quickly double-checking that the release date was in 2005).[/quote:51cd8333fe]

    [quote:51cd8333fe="Rincewind"]What, if you had to pick, has been your favourite song [i:51cd8333fe]released this year?[/i:51cd8333fe][/quote:51cd8333fe]

    (italics added by me)

    aka, it's all Rinso's fault that you can't have All These Things I've Done
  45. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    [quote:9cd2cd65b0="Bradthewonderllama"]You're surprised that rap can be haunting? Coolio did a piece years ago called "Gangsta's Paradise" that was pretty moving.[/quote:9cd2cd65b0]

    What a classic. :)

    Sadly, one of our lameo boy bands totally ruined it this year by putting their own vocals over the top. Shudder. It was a travesty.
  46. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:dc9fa5b44a="Delphine"][quote:dc9fa5b44a="Bradthewonderllama"]You're surprised that rap can be haunting? Coolio did a piece years ago called "Gangsta's Paradise" that was pretty moving.[/quote:dc9fa5b44a]

    What a classic. :)

    And, as is common with re-writs and samplings of old soul/funk/r'n'b hits, it's the bits reused that are the ones that make you like the song.

    Edit: I read through my post and realised this might not be obvious to everyone, so here's a small factoid: Gangsta's Paradise is a re-writ of Pastime Paradise by Stevie Wonder, released -76.
  47. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:e5cc34c949="Dane"][quote:e5cc34c949="Cynical_Youth"][quote:e5cc34c949="sleepy_sarge"]Well since I haven't heard of most of 'em, then I really think I'm getting old!![/quote:e5cc34c949]

    Heh, I wouldn't worry about that. It doesn't seem like anyone here really knows the bands I listen to. [/quote:e5cc34c949]

    I disagree! I've heard of and listen to a lot of the bands you listed. My favourite song off of the Mezmirize album was Violent Pornography and i really liked sad stautue.

    I havn't heard the new Seether album but I like what i have heard of them.

    My favourite songs of the year? I really don't know, way to many to mention my list just keeps changeing. But my favourites right now are

    I will follow you into the dark by Death Cab For Cutie
    Passive by A Perfect circle
    Give me more by apartment 26 (I think Cynical youth will like apartment 26)although I'm not sure whether that was released this year :?
    Reduced to teeth by Finch[/quote:e5cc34c949]

    Yeah, it was a stupid comment. You should check out Karma & Effect, it is a great album.
    Passive is 2004, btw.
    I'll definitely give apartment 26 a try. :)
  48. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Whoopse :oops: OOh thats right, it was one of the soundtracks for constantine.

    I'll get Karma and effect next time I'm in town...with money...That i can spend on me :? (damn christmas making me spend my hard earned cash on friends)

    Edit to add, CY you might like God Forbid aswell. Dark waters is an awsome song, They're one of the support bands for the Trivium tour. My friend got tickets to see them :shock: lucky sod
  49. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I found this via "pandora.com":

    KID ROCK :"Bawitdaba"

    Not my favourite, but interesting.
  50. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:b2418f08bd="KaptenKaries"][quote:b2418f08bd="Delphine"][quote:b2418f08bd="Bradthewonderllama"]You're surprised that rap can be haunting? Coolio did a piece years ago called "Gangsta's Paradise" that was pretty moving.[/quote:b2418f08bd]

    What a classic. :)

    And, as is common with re-writs and samplings of old soul/funk/r'n'b hits, it's the bits reused that are the ones that make you like the song.

    Edit: I read through my post and realised this might not be obvious to everyone, so here's a small factoid: Gangsta's Paradise is a re-writ of Pastime Paradise by Stevie Wonder, released -76.[/quote:b2418f08bd]

    And then of course we have the all time classic remake of 'Gangsta's Paradise' by Weird Al Yankovik called 'Amish Paradise' - what a great tune, very moving.

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