When Doors Met ChrisJordan

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Orrdos, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Hi, and welcome to the first interview to take place on the new boards!

    Our first guest is the weird kid himself, CJ!

    Round of applause ladies and gents.

    Ok, we'll start as we always do.

    Could you please give a brief autobiography of yourself?

    Audience, please refrain from posting until the end of the questions, when you'll have a chance to put your own questions to the man :)
  2. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member


    Well, I've lived a pretty ordinary life so far. My education up until now has ultimately been unfulfilling and a load of crap, hence my decision to go into further education.

    Secondary school still feels like it was a complete waste of time, having had to memorise things that are never ever actually going to be useful to me in later life, unless I start needing to solve quadratic equations in order to pay the bills.

    I'm taking English Language, French, History and Philosophy for Lower Sixth, and despite all the essays, I've got to say, I'm loving Sixth Form so far. I have surmised that this is all down to the fact that I get to wear my own ties, even if my favourite one did go crinkly in the rain. That'll be why it was cheaper than all the other ties. Bastards.

    Philosophy is probably my favourite subject at the moment. Mr B is a great teacher, even if he is slightly crazy.

    Erm... I like writing vaguely sci-fi stories. Not entirely sure why. At a guess, I'd say it's probably something to do with wanting to break free from the suffocating monotony of day-to-day life that crushes my very soul and makes ever more meaningless my bland existence. Or just because, as others have put it, I'm weird. I'm currently working on a website that'll be up sometime soon (hopefully).

    In other words, I have no life.
  3. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Yeah, you are pretty boring :)

    Lets hear some more about your writing and other creative projects then.

    Anything in the pipeline? Any thoughts on your previous work? Do you see it as a possible career option, or just a bit of fun? What inspires you?

    Why did you get into it in the first place?

  4. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Lots of things in the pipeline. Lots of things that I'll probably never get finished. There's City of Anarchy, which is a boardfic of sorts; Starcustard, which I'm writing with Plaid; Agaffa, which is another collaborative story; The Aberration, which is probably my 'main' project. There's also Project CAM, which is just a working title for something I'm doing with a few other boardfolk.

    Three of those things have been works in progress for years, so maybe it's not as much as it seems.

    Thoughts on previous work... what, like SciBoard and all that? Erm... well, they made very little sense, but they were fun.

    Writing is mostly just a bit of fun. I'm definitely going to try and publish one day (I have a few ideas for a novel at the moment), but I'm not going to count on it being a career. It's just something I enjoy.

    What inspires me? All kinds of stuff.

    Why did I get into it? No idea. It all started when I was about four, with stories about going to the 'seeside' with my best friend, so I guess it was just something to do.
  5. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Right, what would you say are your best and worst qualities?


  6. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Best: sense of humour. Honesty....?

    Worst: I'm an introvert offline and don't like telling people much about myself offline or online (despite the fact I gave my whole name as my username :p), I'm stubborn, I have about nine left feet, I have a short temper, I tend to hold grudges, I have a habit of annoying people (especially when I'm bored), I'm lazy and tend to procrastinate more than is good for me, I'm disorganised (especially when it comes to money)...

    How's that for you? :cool:
  7. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Ok, tell us about your musical tastes.

    What bands do you like? Been to any good gigs? Anyone you'd like to go see?

    The public must know!

  8. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Lots of people like to say they have an eclectic taste in music, or 'ooh, a bit of everything, really.' I am one of those people.

    Minus hip-hop, or whatever it is that is played on the radio where you have these processed-sounding female vocals, a little bit of rap thrown in and not much else. Damn youths.

    I mostly like stuff that's put under 'Alternative/Rock' or something like that. Blur, Barenaked Ladies, Muse, Radiohead, The Divine Comedy, Franz Ferdinand. It [i:4802e143d3]mostly[/i:4802e143d3] seems to be stuff from the '90s.

    But I also like heavier stuff (Breaking Benjamin, Incubus...and I'll listen to bands like Rage Against the Machine and Rob Zombie, too). And, at the other end of the spectrum, more electronic stuff like Juno Reactor, Pendulum and (some) Leftfield. A band that I've gotten into more recently which actually does a bit of both rock and electronic is Celldweller.

    I also like more classical stuff. Film soundtracks. ES Posthumus, who do sort of epic-style classical with all kinds, like electronic beats and electric guitars.

    Rap I don't mind in small quantities. It can be good if it's accompanied by proper music, like the Gorillaz do.

    I like...a lot of stuff. I've got some really obscure albums...soundtracks to TV shows and animations. I've got things like Tomoyasu Hotei and, more bizarrely, the Bonzo Dog Doodah Band.

    So yeah. All kinds.

    Gigs? Well...

    [size=1:4802e143d3]The Corrs. Twice. Yes, I used to like them.[/size:4802e143d3]

    But I really want to see Barenaked Ladies or Muse live.
  9. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Ok, this is the last question for CJ. After this, the public (that's you lot) can ask him anything you want.

    Bear in mind that he's under no obligaion to answer them though :)

    So, CJ, I think everyone's dying to know your answer to this one.

    What's better, an army of dogs or an army of gerbils?

    After he's answered, then start asking your questions :)
  10. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    An army of gerbils riding on dogback.
  11. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    So what do you plan to do after school? Apart from the total conversion of hamsters into hamster pants, that is.
  12. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Go to Uni. Don't know where yet. Don't know what after that.
  13. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Do you have any plans for the summer holidays? (Building Sandcastles etc)
  14. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Oops...sorry for the belated answer...

    Hm...summer holidays.

    Getting my throat slit, going to the Lake District for a week, maybe learning to drive. Nothing else planned as of yet. :)

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