Where to post.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Smoking_GNU, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    I would just like to know where to post a poem i have with me.
    I see that the "submit writings" feture on the homepage is mostly for stories and articles.

    I want to post a poem by a friend of mine. I think it is a good piece of writing and i think he has talent. Byt whenever i try to tell him this he just jokes and changes the subject, or ignores me.

    Where can i post this or can i use the message board to post it and ask for your comments on it?

    Please be honest, this is not a joke.
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Submit Writings would be the best place I think
  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    You can post it in these Boardania forums if you like?

    Edit: crossposted with EM, of course there's nothing wrong with using the submit writing either, make sure you give credit to the author though. :)
  4. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    OK then, here goes.


    Were I but a tear on thy cheek,
    I would fall just to carress
    Thy supple beauty. To feel thy
    Splendor, o it doth surpass my
    Thoughts… To match you an angel
    Would try, and in the trying, fail.
    Even thy chastity doth not
    deter my passions, but rather
    enflame them like wildfire.
    The lust after such beauty no
    Mortal man can contain within
    Himself. For he, but an empty
    vessel compared to thee, would
    gladly sell his soul to just
    tast thy lips.

    The writer is a one A Willemse from Wanhuiskraans in South Africa.
    The poem is not finished, as you can see.

    Plz give your comments freely.
  5. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    Very Good!!!

    I like very much. Any man who can write poetry like that.WOW!!
  6. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    And the funniest part: he was writing it while he was writing his maths test to get entrance to the exam in the end of the year. He diidnt do too well, but i don't blame him, seeing as over 65% of the class failed the test, allmost 300 in total!

    Maths 144 is probably THEE mos difficult single subject in this university!
  7. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    No the most difficult subject would be Philosophy 314
  8. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    It's a nice little piece. Reminds me of Marvell. The use of enjambment is effective, it doesn't annoy me here and I usually don't like to see them in poems. I like the structure in the message.

    The images remind me of other poets too much, especially combined with the use of the archaic register that fits them. I'd advise your friend to read Marvell, Donne and Shakespeare's sonnets and to keep writing. Also, he might want to explore the concept of meter.

    The potential is there, I think he needs to find to his own voice though.

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