Where would you live on the Discworld?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Jan 14, 2006.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I was just thinking about the new poll on the front page at the moment: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/survey14.html

    and thought it might be an interesting discussion.

    [list:8660978723]1. Where would you like to live on the Discworld?
    2. Where do you think you would most visit?
    3. Where do you think you would most likely be living based on your current situation, where could you see yourself actually growing up and living as apposed to your romantic aspirations regarding question 1?[/list:u:8660978723]

    You don't have to answer them in numbered order, unless it helps, it was just how I was thinking of it.

    I chose Lancre in the poll because, although I'd like to think I'm an Ankh Morpork kind of chap, I'd most likely translate as a Lancre citizen who visits the big city a lot and holidays in Überwald and Borogravia with the occasional long haul trip to the Agatean Empire. :)
  2. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    1) Lancre - because I like the characters and ambience of the place - and they have a Nac Mac Feegle clan living there too.

    2) I'm a bit of a Twoflower, I love to, and do, travel extensively, so I would get round to most places eventually. Ephebe would be first on my list.

    3) In reality I have a house in a place very like Quirm, but I work away from home, as a "cunning artificer" so I guess Ankh Morpork.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Right now, I'd be living in the Shades, in A-M, and actually, it's not that bad once you're considered "one of 'em" I actually like living in a large-ish city, it's very convenient, and mine is actually very pretty in the central parts (i.e. NOT where I live ! :D )

    I would like to live either in Lancre (as I've said elsewhere, I actually AM Nanny Ogg in her younger years, except i married Casanunda first and plan to stick to him ! :D ) or up on the Chalk, in Tiffany's part of the world, as it is very much like where I spent the first half of my life, on the Cotswold Downs (SW England).

    As for visiting... well, a bit like Sarge, I love to travel, although we're usually to broke to go where we would like to (i.e. everywhere... well.. alomst everywhere !) so I'd go everywhere I could. I think my sweet tooth might just send me to Djelibeybi first... (is that actually the name of the place or just the people there ? can't remember... The place in Pyramids...)
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Genua. Nice weather, good food, banana darkies.


    XXXX becuase 'it's the best bloody place on earth, mate'
  5. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Currently living in XXXX (and yes it is 'the best bloody place on earth, mate' even though I don't say mate)

    Would like to live in the place with the bull running and the green drink with herbs, so it must be good for me...

    I'd probably backpack around discworld and crash at the houses of everyone I'd chatted with over the clacks (now that the prices are more affordable)...
  6. Id have to live in LLamedos just because its the Doscworld version of my homecountry Wales, and its the land of song and druids!!

    Id love to go to Ankh Morpork but i cant afford the Theives rates these days ;)
  7. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Like to live? Hm...Lancre seems best in terms of interesting people to see, nice climate, and low danger. On the other hand...eh, I don't want to live on the Disc, too few amenities even if you're rich, and not enough women's rights. Same reason I'd never go for living in the past. *wimp*

    To visit? Ankh-Morpork, I think, because it has the highest level of sites and persons whom I would know about to wander around like a tourist and gawk at.

    Best corrolary to current homeland? Uhm...some place that nothing has ever been set, probably a ways into the foothills that lead up to the precipitous terrain of Lancre, but out past the stalks and off the plains. At least, I assume those mountains have foothills. All mountains have foothills, right?
  8. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    XXXX [i:4d585db420]is[/i:4d585db420] the best bloody place on earth.

    Funnily enough, I didn't actually start saying "no worries mate" until I read that book. Though I've always said "fair dinkum".

    I'd like to visit Ankh-Morpork and Uberwald. Mmmm, vampires.
  9. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    1. Genua. I love cooking strange things and use new ingredients and Genua is the place to be if you want to be a fantastic cook.
    2. Fourecks. Any place that puts politicians in jail immediately after they get elected just to save time is worth visiting.
    3. Ephebe. Where else? ;)
  10. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Ankh-Morpork. I am a city type of person and i want to feel the fast,every day rythme of life.
    I would like to visit XXXX (a place where the beer is used instead of water-that's for me mate)and Ephebe-i would like to learn the answer to the great question about the universe(Does a falling tree in the forest makes a sound if there's nobody around to hear it?)
    Again Ankh-Morpork
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I've discovered my heart for the urban way of life in the past years - Ankh Morpork probably, as Überwald would likely be too rural. I'd keep my accent though.
  12. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    1) i would like to live at Llamedos (pronoced clamedos)because it is like wales where i was born (incluiding how you say some names).:)
    2) i would probably visit Quirm i dont know why :?:
    3) i would have probably grew up in Ankh Morpork because that is like where i realy grew up in Durham (near Newcastle in the North east of England for people who do not know)
  13. silverflagon

    silverflagon New Member

    i would like to live in Lancre, but like Twoflower I would travel, and I would like my very own Luggage please :D
  14. Rilla

    Rilla New Member

    I think I'd like to live in Lancre. It's relatively peaceful, except when it's getting taken over by elves or vamires...

    I would most like to visit Ephebe... or maybe Dummanafestin(sp?) :p

    And I really live in Fourecks. No worries, mate.
  15. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba would have a stately villa on Dunmanifestin, of course.
  16. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:be3ccf5d2b="Ba"]Ba would have a stately villa on Dunmanifestin, of course.[/quote:be3ccf5d2b]

    But Ba would also require three plaster, flying ducks on the wall above his fake-gas fireplace to show that he has taste.
  17. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    I'd first try to live in Lancre, because it has sensible people and naturally-occuring magic. I'd visit Ankh-Morkpork whenever I got fed up with the cold weather and isolation, at steadily increasing intervals until I ended up living there and visiting Lancre.

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