Which is best: North or South

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Smoking_GNU, Oct 17, 2005.

  1. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Which of these is the best.
    Especially for those who have travelled a bit.

    An easy one for you, Ecksian.
  2. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I like Mars, myself. The lemon meringue hills alone make it worth the visit.

    Edit: grammar :roll:
  3. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    HAH HAH HAH! Very funny.
  4. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Can I vote for both?

    I'm a world lover.
  5. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    The southern hemisphere's all right, if one's into that sort of thing. But the Northern hemisphere has [i:733ef0e017]class[/i:733ef0e017].
  6. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Equator is where is at.
  7. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    The earth's core ROCKS!*

    *Molten rocks
  8. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I'd say anywhere but here rocks. Don't you ever wish you could just pick up and move just because?
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I went Southern which is obvious... but we are heavily outnumbered down here, which is no fair!

    But if I had the choice I'd go for that new planet, you know the 10th one they've just found cos I'm always looking for something new to do.
  10. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I went north...lots of stuff up that way. I think I'm in the north right now...It's pretty close to the south though. Just a few degrees above
  11. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    [quote:cf8a968af0="spiky"]But if I had the choice I'd go for that new planet, you know the 10th one they've just found cos I'm always looking for something new to do.[/quote:cf8a968af0]

    Yes, but there's a problem right there. If there is a problem there, it means that there is a miniscule miscalculation with our calenders. I'ts not that serious, only feturing on the minut scale. This is because (all of you who know this please stop reading) the planets have an effect on our orbit and they have moddeled today's calender after the effects of the other 8 planets (with assorted moons) on our earth. If there is a tenth planet (and it is big enouth to be calculated as a planet of our solar system) then they will have to recalculate our calender, which, if there is a significant alteration, will change today's society, it being bound closely with the calender.

    This will most likely cause huge problems and will cost economy's a lot of money.

    I might have overstated the above mentioned effect of a tenth planet, so bear with me. Sorry to rant. :D
  12. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    It's also showed how misconcepted astrology is :)
  13. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Is that why we keep getting people birthdays wrong.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:ea599ead34="Rincewind"]Is that why we keep getting people birthdays wrong.[/quote:ea599ead34]

    Nah thats just quantum.

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