Well, yes, I know I'm still only a Newbie to all of you (except for the ones who are newer, you are my slaves, mouahahahahahaha ! Heum...) but I've had a good look around and couldn't find a topic that specifically and purposefully discusses the reasons per say WHY our dear beloved Bob is actually unhappy ? It may well have been done before, in the old testa... err, on the old board, but I see no reason why it shouldn't be done again for the good of Bobanity. So, here it goes : why is Bob sad ?
I laugh at your obivously inferoir searching 'skillz': HA! http://www.terrypratchett.uk/fortopic109.html
I'm not mean. Just better than you in every single way*. And I put it to you,madam, that Bob is unhappy becuase your hair clearly smells of seaweed. * Or in a single way... the SEARCHING way.
Bob (may we never use his name in vain) is clearly unhappy because Rincewind has let a vole splat in his soup! perhaps if Rinso (if i may call you that) takes the vole out it may cheer him up slightly! Bob Rules.
misswhiplash cannot read, methinks... the vole is supposed to have spat, of the verb "spit", and not splatted (although that would be a good reason, too) Rinso, it is not me what is crap at searching, it is the search thingy what is crap at doing what I ask it to do... And my hair may be wet, but it smells of chlorene, not seaweed, as there is no seaweed in the pool in which I just spent an hour of highly expensive torture. Bob is sad because he was [b:e114eefab1]expecting[/b:e114eefab1] a vole to land in his soup and therefore provide more varied nutrients, but all he got was vole spit, and anyone would be sad at that.
sorry, not reading properly, husband snoring, no sleep blah blah blah.... but to be honest if Bob wants some nutrients then i'm sure he would prefer a big chunk of cooked beef or chicken to vole, voles are very cute alive but i wouldn't like to eat one, even if it landed in a delicious bowl of.....what flavour soup did it spit in???
The vole spat in Bobs soup becuase the universe conspires to make Bob unhappy in what ever he does in strange an unexpected ways. Bob was waiting all day for that soup, he was really looking forward to it, until the vole came along and ruined it. Poor, Poor Bob.
Could that have been Carrot of [size=18:9c564707a2][b:9c564707a2]DOOM[/b:9c564707a2][/size:9c564707a2] soup please as i don't think i like this new charector in Bobs life, he's scarey!
Your just jelous cos no-one wants to talk about carrots cos we are all too busy worrying about the god that is Bob!
Maybe Bob is so sad because the carrot of DOOM is mean to him ? ... Oh Screw all this, if Bob is sad, we all know why... I blame Doors.
If you can tell me what Doors did to upset Bob then i will lean to your way of thinking, til then i blame the Carrot and his inventor! Don't worry Bob we will scare off the nasty Carrot........
It all started when doors arrived and brought with him "the plague of unhappy bobs" that is why i blame doors Dont worry bob were trying to find the cure now, we've almost got it
Ok that seems a good enough reason. I was actually feeling sorry for Doors earlier (getting the blame for everything) but if he brought that plague on Bob then he deserves all the blame he gets! Is there anything i can do to help with the cure???
yes there is actually, [b:34a826ae15]find[/b:34a826ae15] one cause i ain t got a clue were to start, i have this fobia of going near any "essence of doors" wich is the only way to find the cure, but im sure you dont know what your getting yourself into :lol: P.s sorry doors for all the dissing i seem to be in that mode of mind again :lol:
The only cause i can think of is that Doors is Doors and thats enough to upset anyone!!! Although thats not my opinion by the way, i have no experience of Doors and he is probably a really nice guy!
ill take your word foe it but im sure he means well, then again he is good for some things Eg his tripod cartoons, this is the link to the firs one but just keep going and youll understand most people on this board i think :?:
Rinso,I hope you get it all sorted out soon. If it is an ulcer, some antibiotics might just fix you up in no time.
Maybe the post office lost his christmas present 2 years running too... Maybe he needs to take one of those big guns and go out snipering posties in retaliation. Bastard present losing bastards :badgrin:
[quote:0a8f03055b="spiky"]Maybe the post office lost his christmas present 2 years running too... [/quote:0a8f03055b] Nope - they both came. Both were hats Would an i-Pod Nano have been such a stretch of the imagination?