Witches Abroad: Casanunda and Glod

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by nadia, May 28, 2006.

  1. nadia

    nadia New Member

    Yes he's meant to be a Cassanova send up. The translation of the name Cassanunda is house of eight. Look up the astrological meaning for the eighth house.

    another obscure reference from Witches abroad: spinning flax into Glod (a Norse goddess that translates into fiery embers)...

    I hereby coin the term Pratchett hit or myth : for a mythological reference that obscures an actual meaning.
  2. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    I hereby coin the term Pratchett hit or myth : for a mythological reference that obscures an actual meaning.[/quote:1585bc6d3d]

    ::applause applause:: :)

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