Wow-wow sauce

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ecksian, Nov 24, 2005.

  1. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    I just remembered about the recipe for wow-wow sauce in the Nanny Ogg cookbook, has anyone here ever actually tried making it? And if so, how was it?
  2. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    OK, 2 days without a reply, guess no-one has tried it. :(

    Right, tomorrow I'm going to the store and getting the ingredients.
    I'm going to make this stuff if it kills me, which I'm well aware it just might.
  3. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    what, vaguely speaking, is in it?

    Just curious...
  4. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    I'll post the entire recipe.

    [quote:0229d4535e] [size=18:0229d4535e]Wow-Wow Sauce[/size:0229d4535e]

    [i:0229d4535e]A note from the editors:[/i:0229d4535e] We offer no appologies for including this; it has proved very popular.

    The recipe for Wow-Wow Sauce is a hereditary possession of the Ridcully family. Archchancellor Ridcully, like most wizards, is a man who goes for sauces; if you are the kind of person who takes a beef patty between two halves of a bunand then covers it with cheese, and a pickle, and some green relish, and some red relish, and a different sort of pickle, and then some dark mustard, not forgetting of course some light mustard, and then some bits of green and other things until the meat slides out un-noticed and falls to the floor, then you are of a magical inclination. A wizard will lick the top of a sauce bottle if he thinks no one is watching.
    This is of course not genuine Wow-Wow Sauce, which can be made only under carfully controlled conditions and is at its best when on the point of explosively disintergrating. Even shaking the bottle is inviting catastrophe, and only a fool would risk smoking an after-dinner cigar if Wow-Wow Sauce had been at the table. When a bottle of five-year-old sauce was found in the pantry at UU, the entire wing was evacuated for two days untill it could be disposed of in a controlled dinner.

    [i:0229d4535e][list:0229d4535e]Butter, a lump about the size of an egg
    1 tablespoon plain flour
    300ml beef stock
    1 teaspoon English mustard
    1 dessertspoon white wine vinegar
    1 tablespoon port
    1 tablespoon mushroom concentrate*
    salt and black pepper
    1 heaped tablespoon freeze-dried parsley
    4 pickled walnuts, chopped
    [size=9:0229d4535e]*Worcestershire sauce can be used as a substitute for the concentrate and port, but some of the delicacy of the flavour might be lost.[/size:0229d4535e]

    Melt the butter in a saucepan. Stir in the flour and work in the beef stock. Stir continuously on a moderate heat until you have a smooth, thick sauce. Add the mustard, the wine vinegar, the port and the mushroom concentrate, season with salt and pepper, and continue to cook the mixture for about 10 minutes. Stir in the parsley and the walnuts, warm through and serve.
    This sauce, when added to roast beef, will make the steer glad it went to all that trouble. [/quote:0229d4535e]

    Clearly this is only a simulation of true Wow-Wow Sauce, as it contains absolutely no trace of grated wahoonie.
  5. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I actually have the book - half of it isn't recipies, but more a small guide through life by Nanny Ogg, by the way - but I never got aroung to try any of the recepies (sp?). With this one, I'd have a problem because I don't know where you can get mushroom concentrate in Germany...
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    The recipe for icecream and jelly is great. very nanny ogg.
  7. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Come on Ecksian you're keeping me too long in suspense.

    I'm dying to find out how this went!
  8. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    point of curiosity, is it called 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook' or 'The Joy of Snackes?'
  9. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    [quote:10877de698="roisindubh211"]point of curiosity, is it called 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook' or 'The Joy of Snackes?'[/quote:10877de698]

    It's 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook'.

    Sorry Perdita, the project has been placed on hold due to financial restraints. I'll update when it finally gets under way.

    edit - Hsing, the book contains a recipe for mushroom concentrate.

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