You, board people, be of use!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by chrisjordan, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    My sister gave me a handful of partybag sweets yesterday. Each delicious one threatens to pull out my teeth. I am down to the last three, with one of each flavour. I can't decide which one to have first.
  2. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Blackjack, chrisola. Mmmm, king of sweets.

    also: Wot? No Bubbly gum? That stuff that comes in the pink, yellow and blue wrapper? Cost 2 pence when I were a lass.
  3. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Curse ye to Davy Jones Locker, ye blowfish post of hell!
  4. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    What are you now? A man?
  5. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Blackjack to be sure, to be sure.
  6. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    I like blackcurrant and liquorice sweets as well
    And aniseed balls

    Damn. The shops are closed :(
  7. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    *is unique*
  8. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    The blackjack's the nicest, but eat it first. The blackcurrant thingie will then make your tongue slightly less black. Then, when you have only the fruit salad left, you can be pleasantly surprised at the discovery that it is actually almost as nice as the blackjack!
  9. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Melt them all into an unholy blob, then scoff the lot in one go. :yarr:
  10. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Right, Black Jack it is. You can keep voting for the second one I eat, now. :)
  11. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    I vote for the Bruiser, because I,ve never heard of it before, and I want to know what it tastes like :?
  12. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    Hmmm, I guess it's too late, but my vote would have gone "Eat the bruiser first, followed with the fruit salad, and then toss the black jack in the bin."
    I can't stand aniseed, it definatly has a place in my 'top ten foulest tasting food'.
  13. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Black jack is gruesome.
    Fruit salad all the way CJ.

    Yarr!! (just because its Pirate day)
  14. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::runs away screaming from the very mention of licorice/aniseed::
  15. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    *is of no use at all due to not knowing any of them*
    *thus votes randomly*
  16. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Same here. I voted for the Fruit Salad though, so I guess that evens it out. :)
  17. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Eat the Black Jack first, because it is the least nice. Then the Bruiser, then the Fruit Salad, which is the nicest.
  18. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    The black jack should be last becuase it makes your tongue black, it probably does this my coating your tongue in something (something black) thus numbing your taste buds for the later sweets.

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