Boardania sticky

Discussion in 'THE TEMPLE' started by Maljonic, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Do we still need the "The Temple:Building our new society.
    " stickied in Boardania. Just thought we could unsticky it as it's a bit old now?
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I was thinking that myself. It's not really revilant now, espeically as there isn't much going on in here right now.I'll move it to the rubbish folder.
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I was thinking that we could, maybe, and only if enough people are interested, start a group chat about it; one or two sessions, with a little time beforehand to make some notes, to get this moving again.

    It would have the benefit of instant feedback for those involved, and that we could come up with vague things that we want to see built in, or prevented, but that we can't really quite put our fingers on.
    In these particular threads, I've always had the feeling that if I posted something, it had to be, well, written in stone, or really finished, instead of the vague stuff I've got on my mind. I feel a little guilty for not really having participated enough in this so far.

    We should either pick it up soon or let it be entirely, and just invoke tradition when it comes to conflicts - it doesn't make sense presenting especially the guidelines to people after they've been here for half a year, and have done things differently, or never heard of them.

    I personally would like to see it picked up again, because setting some standards and rely on them was one of the things why we moved here. I just have the problem that I can't add anything usable right now, and that hardly puts me in the position of asking other people to get back to work... ;)
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Yer, It would be good to get things going agian... I think once grace returns from her uberbusyness she going to write up a first draft, but it's not really fair to let one person do all the work, i guess.

    What do our newbies think of these threads? Have you read them? Now is the perfect time to have your say.
  5. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **looks around Newbie wasteland**

    You talking to meee ?? You talking to [b:2bc003fd7e]ME[/b:2bc003fd7e] ?

    **decides to stop being goofy before she gets punched by a raving monkey**

    Ok... err... Well, I must say, I don't easily reply to anything sticky, it does make things look a tad bit... well, [b:2bc003fd7e]final[/b:2bc003fd7e], dunno why now I actually [b:2bc003fd7e]think[/b:2bc003fd7e] about it. Oh dear. You've got me thinking again. I've been on the wagon for [b:2bc003fd7e]years[/b:2bc003fd7e] now ! I'm gonna have to go back to Thinkers Anonymous. Damn you.
  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:18420d6e85="Rincewind"]Yer, It would be good to get things going agian... I think once grace returns from her uberbusyness she going to write up a first draft, but it's not really fair to let one person do all the work, i guess.

    My words. That's why I had the chat conference idea. Which may be crap... but a short honest answer is easier given in a chat, than posted. It might, kind of, lower the inhibition threshold.
  7. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Yer...It sounds good....although I don't know what you mean by chat massive msning? or e-mail thread or the chat rooms here? Msning might get a bit hecktic.

    Katcal, and other 'newbies', I think it would be a really good idea if you guys looked at the threads in the temple about constructing the rules of this board.
    For many reasons, the more opinions and ideas we have, the more points rasied and dealt with the better it's going to be. By taking part you move from though who must follow the rules, to those who *helped* create the rules/guidlines.

    One of the best things about things board is the community atmoshere and things like *all* of us contructing the 'rules' to the place help force that atmosphere. You shouldn't let apathy or some bizzaire fear stop you from being about of it.

    Obivously, to a certain extent, the more experienced members know will know more about what works and what doesn't, but there is always difference ways to view things and ways to make it better. Even if you can't offer improvements saying 'i think THIS works, I'm not sure about THIS' will all help.

    Come on people, look through the threads here/take part in this chat thing.

  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I have already browsed through at least a few of the threads about this, but I must say I didn't really dare to add my own personal opinion being only a newbit... but if the monkey man says I may, then I will... You may actually live to regret this, Rinso ;)
  9. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Don't worry, I'll shout down any suggestion you make no matter how good it is....unless you suggest that everyone send me money.
  10. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I suggest everyone sends Rinso money.

    (I'll take a 10% commission on that, thank you.)
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I concur will Katcals suggestions. I think they are Valid and Wise.
  12. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member


    And yes, I had something in mind like a msn chatroom, although in this special case, we might meet on the board's chat-platform...

    It's no idea I'd fight to the blood for, mind you, just something that popped into my mind.
  13. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Is it anything to do with spoons?

    I also think we should do this, whatever we come up with doesn't have to be permanently set in stone - it can be a fluid thing that develops and grows over time, nothing at all like Rinso's beard.

    It is taking us a very long time though. It might have been better to just put the simple code of conduct thing I came up with (or the other rules list), and others added to, on the site for all new people to read until we came up with something better, or altered it to fit situations. Then at least we'd have something.
  14. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    We could still set that up with a disclaimer, saying it's an interim solution, and that even though it was open to constructive criticism and we invite everyone to discuss ot and add useful paragraphs, we'd still be grateful if anyone posting here acted within those rules.
    That way we'd have something to direct people to, and refer to something else but *because we say so*.
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I agree with Hsing, a link to the FAQ/rules discussion at the bottom (not at the top, make sure that if they don't read it, at least they have been to the effort of scrolling down) with a disclaimer seems fine to me. As a semi-professional newbit, I have read them, and they seem good to me, and fine tuning can go on forever if you don't decide on something at some point (see "where does creativity stop" debate ;) )
  16. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I agree too. It could have a discussion link at the bottom all the time I think, to show it's always open to debate and questioning.
  17. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Yer, Sounds good. Lest for the time being.
  18. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    grace's uberbusy work phase is over, but i don't think she'll immediately have time to catch up on the boards right away. she has booked some leave at work for later in the month, and maybe she can catch up on things then...

    as for a group conference, by whatever means, i think that's a good idea. it would be understood that it's not permanant, because not everyone could attend at the same time, so it'd only be a 'drafting' committee... or a steering committee.... or maybe even an 'everybody get out and push' committee...

    anyway, there's another option as well... we could also work on it some at doormencon, whenever that is.
  19. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I like the idea of a group debate, the board chatrooms are probably the best place for it as it will require no-one to download software.

    I vote an absolute no to having it at a doormencon. They are supposed to be fun events to get to know each other in person and have a laugh. Sorting out the board is good and necessary, but it wouldn't be fun for some of the people who go and would automatically exclude a lot of people from having a say (i.e. non-UK and/or europe based people).
  20. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I agree. Though I think none-uk should actually read none-living-in-England (in the South), like Doors for instance who is possibly further away from London than some of our European members. :)
  21. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    anything discussed about the boards should only be a discussion and nothing definite unless the entire community's had their say. if ben and i chat via email during the day, we're not setting policy, we're discussing stuff to run by the rest of you later once we've sorted out what we want to say.

    as for doormencons being fun... well, yes. *stabs ben*

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