Did we forget about this one? If not, and it's still in development, I'd like to suggest we put in a guideline that the exclaimation point is a much abused piece of punctuation and restraint is always admirable. "Less is more", sort of thing.
I think we're waiting til grace is less busy so she can do her stuff with the words to get are ideas in a nice shinny grammatically correct bundle.
[quote:46317e9268="Garner"]I'd like to suggest we put in a guideline that the exclaimation point is a much abused piece of punctuation and restraint is always admirable. "Less is more", sort of thing.[/quote:46317e9268] I think we should use the censor type function to convert any more than 2 exclamation marks into "I'm an overexcitable twat" Anyone agree? Yes? Motion carried. On a less serious note, we should collate all the points we're going to put into the FAQ so it is nice and easy to 'wordify'. I might be able to do this once I get net access at my house (hopefully from next wednesday).
[quote:f3e9056a86="Electric_Man"][quote:f3e9056a86="Garner"]I'd like to suggest we put in a guideline that the exclaimation point is a much abused piece of punctuation and restraint is always admirable. "Less is more", sort of thing.[/quote:f3e9056a86] I think we should use the censor type function to convert any more than 2 exclamation marks into "I'm an overexcitable twat" Anyone agree? Yes? Motion carried. [/quote:f3e9056a86] *tries* !"I'm an overexcitable twat"! Wow.
Are you kidding! You got me going there. I think less is more and that should especially pertain to any censoring. Who really cares that much about exclaimation points anyway? Building derogatory language into the functioning of the message board seems at best redundant.
[quote:4fa3193542="TamyraMcG"]Are you kidding! You got me going there. I think less is more and that should especially pertain to any censoring. Who really cares that much about exclaimation points anyway? Building derogatory language into the functioning of the message board seems at best redundant.[/quote:4fa3193542] We agree: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/fortopic10.html
[quote:3845489305="Electric_Man"]On a less serious note, we should collate all the points we're going to put into the FAQ so it is nice and easy to 'wordify'. I might be able to do this once I get net access at my house (hopefully from next wednesday).[/quote:3845489305] I've already done that, you wally! It's in the pinned thread. If you want to [i:3845489305]add[/i:3845489305] any points, please do so in that thread. I have not forgotten that I'm supposed to writing up the FAQ, and I'm very sorry for the delay. It's nearly at the top of my list of things to get done. Unfortunately, "Do coursework" and "Maintain approximate sanity of self and husband" are higher up the list. But it will be soon, I promise. Also, Tamyra, yes, Ben [i:3845489305]was[/i:3845489305] kidding. Cue a discussion on whether or not Americans get British humour. Edit: Fix quotes.
Hehehe... By the way, erm... feel free to delegate. I don't see why all the work should be put on a few people's shoulders.
[quote:64588d0cc2="Buzzfloyd"][quote:64588d0cc2="Electric_Man"]On a less serious note, we should collate all the points we're going to put into the FAQ so it is nice and easy to 'wordify'. I might be able to do this once I get net access at my house (hopefully from next wednesday).[/quote:64588d0cc2] I've already done that, you wally! It's in the pinned thread. If you want to [i:64588d0cc2]add[/i:64588d0cc2] any points, please do so in that thread.[/quote:64588d0cc2] *sniff* You're so insulting! I know that, I meant that I would almost 'storyboard' it. Get the format and rough points in the places that they should go in. A small advance from your current thread. [quote:64588d0cc2="Buzzfloyd"]Also, Tamyra, yes, Ben [i:64588d0cc2]was[/i:64588d0cc2] kidding. Cue a discussion on whether or not Americans get British humour. [/quote:64588d0cc2] I think I'm a whole type of humour on my own [quote:64588d0cc2="Tephlon"]I'm available for the tech faq. E_M, if you need help?[/quote:64588d0cc2] I don't think we need one, we've already got the 'Board Usage FAQ' (look up) which covers all that type of stuff I think.
It was necessary on the old site because the standard FAQ for technical things only partly applied to how the old Board actually worked, too. Here, though, there is no such need to double things.
Well, I know the Avatars aren't really explained at all, besides being "a picture underneath your name" and this board can be a bit confusing when it comes to uploading your avatar to it. It might need a bit of a visual guide.
Avatars confusing ? Everyone new seems to have one, so it can't be that confusing Perhaps create a Problems thread, and see what questions fill it ? ~B:wink:B~
[quote:d431d594bc="Bob"] Perhaps create a Problems thread, and see what questions fill it ? [/quote:d431d594bc] Many of the other message boards I have been on have some sort of "Website Problems and Help" forum. If we are trying to limit the number of forums, we don't have to create a whole new forum, but there could be a sticky thread. People could post whatever problems they were having: creating an avatar, quoting somebody else's post, etc., and someone could help them. Rather than trying to guess in advance what people with very different levels of computer/internet experience and ability do and do not have difficulty wiith.
[quote:a42ad977a5="Bob"]Avatars confusing ? Everyone new seems to have one, so it can't be that confusing Perhaps create a Problems thread, and see what questions fill it ? ~B:wink:B~[/quote:a42ad977a5] I've had to explain to several people how to upload your own. A normal avatar is easy. Uploading obne to the site can be confusing. But yeah, let's wait for people to ask.
I like the idea, as well. Once the problems start flowing in, I'm guessing we'll see what else needs to be explained in detail.