Full Cast for Hogfather - some great surprises.

Discussion in 'THE DEATH BOOKS' started by The_Red_Avenger, May 23, 2006.

  1. The_Red_Avenger

    The_Red_Avenger New Member

    HOGFATHER Cast List. (source: www.paulkidby.com)

    Sir David Jason ‘Albert’
    Joss Ackland ‘Mustrum Ridcully’
    Marc Waren ‘Teatime’
    David Warner ‘Lord Downey’
    Ian Richardson ‘Voice of Death’
    Michelle Dockery ‘Susan’
    Nigel Planer ‘Mr. Sideney’
    Tony Robinson ‘Vernon Crumley’
    Rhodri Meilir ‘Bilious’
    Peter Guinness ‘Medium Dave’
    Neil Pearson ‘The Raven’
    Sinead Matthews ‘Violet’
    Stephen Marcus ‘Banjo’
    Craig Conway ‘Chickenwire’
    Roger Frost ‘Bursar’
    Ed Coleman ‘Ponder Stibbons’
    John Boswall ‘Chair or Indefinite Studies’
    Marnix Van Den Broeke ‘Death’
    Shend ‘Hogfather’
    Richard Katz ‘Constable Visit’
    Tim Plester ‘The Tooth Guard’
    Arthur White ‘Ernie The Cart Driver’
    Nicolas Tennant ‘Corporal Nobbs’
    Dominic Borrelli ‘Grotto Hogfather’
    John Franklyn-Robbins ‘The Dean’
    Don Wetherhead ‘The Bogeyman’
    Gregor Henderson-Begg ‘Pixie Helper’
    Deborah Winckles ‘Mrs. Gaiter’
    Robert Portal ‘Mr. Gaiter’
    Maggie McCarthy ‘Ma Lillywhite’
    Rachel Edward ‘Bobble Hat Child’s Mother’

    Okay, the sharp eyed amongst you will notice an few absentee's such as the Lecturer in Recent Runes and the Cheerful Fairy, not to mention Catseye and Peachy or the beggars, but wow - TONY ROBINSON as Crumley and NEIL PEARSON as "Quoth"

  2. The_Red_Avenger

    The_Red_Avenger New Member

    IMDB has updated the cast list - not as complete as Paul Kidby's list but with a few new additions - namely:

    Mr Brown - Geoffrey Hutchings
    Unseen University student wizard - David Decio

    and last but not least - The Toymaker - TERRY PRATCHETT (Yay!)

    Also Kevin Wickenden is listed but still does not have a role as such.

    More updates as they come through.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay !! the Marthter himself !!!

    Damn Skybox...
  4. urquhartfay

    urquhartfay New Member

    [color=green:251bea6d12]and the filming is set to be done in june...so is it set to come out at christmastime? that would of course be most appropriate. anybody know?

    i really hope they don't make a mess of it as has been done with so many good books.[/color:251bea6d12]
  5. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    It's due to on over Christmas on Sky One.
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:96d8296096="The_Red_Avenger"]HOGFATHER Cast List. (source: www.paulkidby.com)

    Sir David Jason ‘Albert’
    Joss Ackland ‘Mustrum Ridcully’
    Marc Warren ‘Teatime’
    David Warner ‘Lord Downey’
    Ian Richardson ‘Voice of Death’
    Michelle Dockery ‘Susan’
    Nigel Planer ‘Mr. Sideney’
    Tony Robinson ‘Vernon Crumley’
    Rhodri Meilir ‘Bilious’
    Peter Guinness ‘Medium Dave’
    Neil Pearson ‘The Raven’
    Sinead Matthews ‘Violet’
    Stephen Marcus ‘Banjo’
    Craig Conway ‘Chickenwire’
    Roger Frost ‘Bursar’ (no photos found !)
    Ed Coleman ‘Ponder Stibbons’ (nope...)
    John Boswall ‘Chair or Indefinite Studies’ (Damn google !)
    Marnix Van Den Broeke ‘Death’
    Shend ‘Hogfather’
    Richard Katz ‘Constable Visit’
    Tim Plester ‘The Tooth Guard’
    Arthur White ‘Ernie The Cart Driver’
    Nicolas Tennant ‘Corporal Nobbs’
    Dominic Borrelli ‘Grotto Hogfather’
    John Franklyn-Robbins ‘The Dean’
    Don Wetherhead ‘The Bogeyman’
    Gregor Henderson-Begg ‘Pixie Helper’
    Deborah Winckles ‘Mrs. Gaiter’
    Robert Portal ‘Mr. Gaiter’
    Maggie McCarthy ‘Ma Lillywhite’
    Rachel Edward ‘Bobble Hat Child’s Mother’

    Added a few links for the main characters until Google ran out of images...
  7. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    You screwed up your David Warner-link Kat.
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    No I didn't, No I didn't....

    **walks away whistling innocently having not edited her previous message at all**
  9. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    terry pratchett himself great wow i hope we poor people who cant aford sky can see it
  10. Faerie

    Faerie New Member


    That is a video of Terry Pratchett talking about Hogfather and footage of him as the Toymaker.

    There is also a video of Teatime on YouTube and I can finally hear how it's supposed to be pronounced.
  11. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Tee-ah-tahm-ay was what I heard last night. which isn't how it was in my head, but isn't far off.
  12. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Excitement... I can't wait....only another few hours and I get my 4 hour video tape back from my friend who was kind enough to record it for me. Yeah!

    If anyone still hasn't seen the 12 Days of Hogswatch clips here is a link to Brightcove where they are available.

    The good thing is that using the new Flash player you can watch them full screen.

    There are also 8 other videos about the making of the program at this address.

    I can't sleep for the tension....it's just like Christmas.

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