Google listings

Discussion in 'THE TEMPLE' started by Rincewind, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, I read all that stuff before. We are quite well indexed now, all our main pages are ranked, including the message boards themselves.

    Also I just checked and a search for terry pratchett message board brings us up quite near the top in Google, and in MSN and AllTheWeb

    We currently have 8347 links pointing to our site in the major search engines: 699 in Google; 1370 in Yahoo!; 919 in AllTheWeb; 1040 in AltaVista; 3620 in MSN and 699 in HotBot, though the last one gets its results from Google, which is why the number is the same.

    People ask for links every day but most of the sites asking are rubbish so I turn those down, not all of them though so the list is growing. Quite a few of the nice Discworld sites are linking to us too: Discworld Convention, Discworld Monthly, Wadfest and BursarVixen Enterprises.

    I'm still waiting to hear from: The L-Space Web; Bonsai Discworld and Unseen Theatre Company.

    I haven't asked Harper Collins.

    I also keep an eye on referals, where people are coming from to get here; what they type in search engines and so on.

    As we become more and more known we'll also get links from other message boards like this one as people naturally link to us in posts and blogs etc. :)

    P.S. Some search terms in Google etc that have led someone to click through to here include:

    svetlana gelman (Google)

    pratchet (Google)

    terry pratchett play 2005 (in Yahoo!)

    terry pratchet (AOL Search)

    terry pratchett diskworld (AOL Search)

    discworld series terry pratchett (UK ASK)

    terry pratchett message board (Google UK)
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Wow, I'm impressed. When I searched for the first time where this board would appear when I googled "Terry Pratchett Message Board", I found us on page 31.
  4. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I just tried the site one above us in the listing - they got blocked by my work for adult content!

    It must've become a salacious den of flirting.
  5. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Can't find any on first sight. (If you meant the one on But they are referring people for us it seems. :)
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I notice google doesn't find us if you type in key phrases such as "I blame Doors"... but a quick search for "Rinso's beard" gets you straight here.

    I also found this, sounds about right for the games section ! :D

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