Monthly Thing Fling 1 - December 08

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    So, here we go, the first one of its kind, here are a few rules, they may need adding to or amending later, we'll see how this goes...


    - Every month, a theme will be defined and posted on the 1st of the month, or as close as possible, by the winner of the previous month. Entries can be of any kind, written, graphic, photo, audio, video, animation...

    - Your work must be original, of your own creation, and visible/audible on the web (seems, obvious, I guess, but still...). If you do include material from other sources (inspiration for a text, graphic/photo elements...), please provide credits for them.

    - Entries should be clearly identified. If your entry is a one line quip, so be it, but it must be labelled as an entry or we won't know it from the rest! :bunny:

    - Closing date of the competition will be 25 days from the start date, and voting shall then commence immediately :)lol:) and end on the last day of the month.


    Yes, it's tight timing and quasi-utopic, and will probably balls-up pretty soon, if not immediately! We'll see... At the moment I am also wondering if we shouldn't extend the timing to a 2-month span, but let's see what happens like this.

    So this month's theme, in honour of Plaid's return from the bleak, lonely uninhabited expanses of the mythical land of Canadia will be:


    Closing date: 25th December (no, no excuses, just make sure you get yours in before you're too full of stuffing to be able to move ! :wink:)
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Just bumping this for those who have recently returned unto us... ;)

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