
Discussion in 'POLLS AND ELECTIONS' started by Maljonic, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Would anybody like to suggest some ranks; on the original message board we have junior member up to 30 posts, then member after that and nothing else.

    We could have Discworld related ranks, or any names of our choosing really for any amount of posts.

    For now we just have 'Newbit'; we need to decide (if we want to) what the next level will be called and how many posts you need to get it, probably 20 or 30. We could stop after that but it's quite nice to have lots of ranks to demonstrate how long you've been around, how many posts you've made. The increments usually get farther apart like:

    0-30 : Newbit
    30-100 : ?
    200-500 : ?
    1000 - 2000 : ?
    2000 - 3000 : ?
    3000 - 4000 : ?

    and so on. Of course the increment don't have to be so huge so quickly, we could have them every hundred after 100. We could use the traditional amounts that people like to announce?

    There are also special ranks that can be applied to individuals, but that's for another thread I think. :)

    Edit: to add poll.
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    No ranks. I hate them. Number of posts shouldn't confer any status. it's what you post.
  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Okay, but we can have fun names that don't have to confer any status as such, although I suppose they do in a way. I'm not all that bothered about them myself; I never announce when I reach a certain number of posts but I know a lot of people do and like it, this is just another way of announcing mile stones in posting really. :)

    Edit: of course some individuals will have unique rank/names of their own that befits their personality - or an individual could opt out of the ranking system and have something alse there instead like a dot, or 'non-conformist' or something. :)
  4. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I do think that postcount counts for a little. If you are a newbit you're more likely to listen to someone whith a high postcount than just a few post.

    Though I like the idea with funny names, but I'm not sure I'll be able to make any up
  5. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I'd like the idea of names that suit your chatacter e.g 'Doorman' or something. Stuff that reflects who you are, rather that how much you post.
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think it best if we don't think of them as 'ranks', it's just the technical term for the silly names we give each other for posting, for making a good contribution to the community. Obviously if someone has lots of posts but is a deliberate total idiot, we can put the rank, 'total idiot' or something under their name so newcomers know not to listen to them. :)
  7. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    But,but, I want new comers to listen to me? :wink:
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:c01d5f7011="Rincewind"]I'd like the idea of names that suit your chatacter e.g 'Doorman' or something. Stuff that reflects who you are, rather that how much you post.[/quote:c01d5f7011]Well ceretainly the Doormen will have the rank 'Doorman', it makes perfect sense. We can have all the priesthoods, churches, knighthoods, sainthoods that we like for individuals. We could even have polls for cannonising members?

    But I think it would be nice for the normal folk to have something to aspire to too, or maybe not? :)
  9. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    How about a limited number of ranks? Like two or three. One at 100, one at 1000 or just one at 30 like the old board. It confers some status without actually making them much a goal.

    I like the idea of personalised ranks, but I think there shouldn't be too much of them.
  10. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    But how do you get the specialised ranks? Should we limit them to only appear after, say, 30 posts? (ie when anyone else gets out of newbithood too)
  11. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I don't really like the idea of ranks, post count isn't everything

    Unless it was a joke type thing, eg:

    0-30: Hasn't posted much
    30-100: Hasn't posted that much
    100-500: Posted a bit
    500-1000: Posted quite a bit
    1000-5000: Posted a lot
    5000+: Posted shitloads
  12. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I like having the doormen and priesthood special ranks listed.

    About ranks by number of posts, I don't believe in judging people by post count either, but you can look up the post count anyway, so it would just be a fun thing to have fun names.
  13. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:abb02f5d72="Electric_Man"]I don't really like the idea of ranks, post count isn't everything

    Unless it was a joke type thing, eg:

    0-30: Hasn't posted much
    30-100: Hasn't posted that much
    100-500: Posted a bit
    500-1000: Posted quite a bit
    1000-5000: Posted a lot
    5000+: Posted shitloads[/quote:abb02f5d72]

    Well yes, something like that would be cool.

    I'd say the specialized ranks don't really have anything to do with number of posts, they're more to do with a reflection of the person themselves - like Buzzfloyd, for instance, might be called 'Grammer Ogre'. Obviously that's just an example, there's nothing ogrish about Buzzfloyd... Or, in some cases, more of a boardania-related title like 'Doorman' which you have to be accepted as a doorman to get. It's mostly all for fun really.

    The titles for most posters could be simply, newbit, member, boardian or boardia newbit, boardia member, or something like Electric_Man
    suggets. :)
  14. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    Wouldn't 'newbit' and 'Boardanian' suffice?
  15. Chimaera

    Chimaera New Member

    I think this would be a good idea. Kind of like EM suggested, but perhaps more random ones.

    Some examples (from another forum):

    [i:930a7a8884]Big Fluffy Shookums
    Grand Poobah
    Mr/Ms Know it All
    Forum Expert
    Basic Member
    Hear me now![/i:930a7a8884]
    etc, etc.

    I realise they dont serve any purpose, but I find them quite fun to have. Also, by having unusual ones like that, even though it is a rank associated with posts, no one knows if any rank is higher than another without looking at the number of posts. For example, you wouldn't know if a [i:930a7a8884]Mr/Ms Know it All[/i:930a7a8884] would be associated with a higher post count than a [i:930a7a8884]Big Fluffy Shnookums[/i:930a7a8884] without actually looking at the post count.

    Names like Grammar ogre and Doorman are good too, but that then leaves others who dont have such a name out, unless they were allowed to make one up for themselves.
  16. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I think it would be good, if possible if we could name ourselfs. But maybe we can only change it after we've reached a number of posts. So you get to pick a name at 30, then at 500 you can pick other name, then at a 1000. Kinda like a treat. or something.

    Also can i remove the star? it looks like is part of my avatar.
  17. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Yeah, I don't like the star either.

    And Rinso, shouldn't you be working?
  18. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    blah! It took me ages to make enough mind excuses to come look here, and now you had to go and ruin it. Besides, i'm only two days behind schule, not a week. And I knew i could never get it finshed on time, I only said i'd have it done by today becuase I panic'd when he asked me. He's not meant to speak to me. He's meant to leave me alone and assume everything is going too plan. Until i leave and it's too late for them to realise all thats wrong.

    (actually, the whole library is less shit than i first thought. So yay me. It's still abit shit though.)

    anyway, don't you have phones to answer or children to frighten with your bag covered face...even with the bag it frightens them, Thats how bad it is. But they learn a valuble lesson. DON'T BECOME UGLY.
  19. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    I reckon just newbit and member should go for the first 500 posts then you can chose a inidvidual nic.
  20. Brorien

    Brorien New Member

    I like the ridiculous titles for the number of posts. The more posts the funnier the names would get (note that I have no particular names to put into this, it's early in the morning and I've slept 1 hour of the past 48). Other titles and such for individuals would be cool also.
  21. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    One of the things I like about this forum is that we don't have to do things the way the other board is set up. We can actually [i:1bef13392c]choose[/i:1bef13392c]. Now, if what you'd choose is the other board's setup, then fine. But I wouldn't

    I have been a member of a number of boards, and I really approve of the idea of having interesting ranks. Not because it confers status, but because it's one of the things that makes posting to that board good fun. I think they should be completely random ones, like Mike suggested (was it Mike?). They could pertain to Discworld:

    "Being surprised in Ankh-Morpork"
    "Stuck in that little valley in Slice"
    "Mining fat in Uberwald"
    "Learning the words in the Scorpion Pit"
    "Answering the Muntab Question"
    "Trying to swim the Great Nef"

    and so on. Or they could be Boardania related or just random.

    I also like the individual ranks, because if someone has been conferred a certain position by the community, any newbie can see that, and it will be much easier to latch on to in jokes, among other things. That would help minimise the risk of not attracting new members, I think.

    Oh, and Mal? "Grammar", not "Grammer". :p "Spelling Bee" would be just as suitable, given my Omnian name.
  22. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member


    Oh, and Mal? "Grammar", not "Grammer". :p "Spelling Bee" would be just as suitable, given my Omnian name.[/quote:75c3efc445]Ah, you noticed my deliberate mistake. :oops:

    I think your ideas are great! :)

    P.S. Will give Buzzfloyd title of 'Spelling Bee'.
  23. Tonyblack

    Tonyblack Guest

    [quote:7d707354fd="Mynona"]Wouldn't 'newbit' and 'Boardanian' suffice?[/quote:7d707354fd]

    I would agree with that. I'm also somewhat flattered to see my typo of 'newbit' has made it to this board.
  24. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I just wanted to add, after tony's post, that I think that some individual ranks should be allowed. Including Spelling Bee
  25. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:1d31613963]Wouldn't 'newbit' and 'Boardanian' suffice?[/quote:1d31613963]I sort of agree, but I just love 'Trying to swim the Great Nef'! Maybe we could have Newbit up to 30, then Boardanian all the way up to 500 where poster are then 'Trying to swim the Great Nef', or something else that befits their personality. That way 90% of posts will be by Newbits and Boardanians? :)
  26. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    Mal, that smiley looks positively evil. It's plotting something behind our backs.

    Also, that was a good idea, though I prefer the "making up words in the scorpion pit"
  27. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:3db22657ca="Rincewind"]No ranks. I hate them. Number of posts shouldn't confer any status. it's what you post.[/quote:3db22657ca]
    Exactly - if status is based on number of posts, Daft Star is working its way to Supreme High Ruler of the Universe, just by simple persistence! :)
  28. Cat

    Cat New Member

    I think we should assign names to certain numbers of posts. I'd say: 30-100-500-1000-2000-.... .
    We should make up some silly, Boardania related names though, that don't reflect a certain 'status'.

    I don't think we should go from 'newbit' to 'boardanian' after 30 posts though. I feel that people have to put a bit more effort in it than posting a mere 30 posts to be called a Boardanian. Maybe we could save this name for 100 posts? And 30-something could be 'aspiring to be a Boardanian'or 'Boardaninan-wannabe'. I apologise, it's monday morning, it's early and these suggestions aren't all that. But you get the idea. :)

    I also like the personalised names for certain members. We shouldn't have to many though. I don't think members of the BSPCC should get one, for instance. But the Holy Tripod (Dipod/Quadpod? :wink: ), the Doormen and the Spelling Bee should be able to tag a designation to their name.
  29. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I just had a wierd idea, what about having the names of our avatar up there? I mean it's right next to it...

    For instance I would have Carrot of Doom' (if he ever moves here), Doors would have 'Fred', Kenny would have 'Ugly Walrus freak' etc...
  30. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I agree with what Cat said. We could have special names regarding our avatars but I don't think it's very practical to do that with everyone. :)
  31. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I agree with Mal on that.

    But if the doormen gets to be called doormen I want my title :p
  32. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think it's fair that anyone who's well established and respected on the original board can assume the same degree of establishment on this board too, as it is merely an extension of the same place. By which I mean that any one of these people, including Mynona, should have a special title (or no title) if they so wish. We can figure those out later or right away. :)
  33. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I've done this so far, seeing as I got past 30 posts:

    [color=blue:6b8a573fd9][list:6b8a573fd9]0-30 Newbit
    30-500 Member
    500+ Boardanian[/list:u:6b8a573fd9][/color:6b8a573fd9]

    Remembering that perhaps the original Boardanians can have any title they like. :)
  34. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Well I suppose I would be a 'Templar' then
  35. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

  36. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    *innocently builds temples on electric man until he crumbles*
  37. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Thanks Mal! *laughs at pathetic people with no special name who can't even build a temple straight*

    edit: i think my avatar suits having 'templar' above it :D
  38. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    E-man, note the 'he' isn't an 'it'
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    You mean you've looked under the bag? Not only are you brave, but you're also a pervert!
  40. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member


    edit: i think my avatar suits having 'templar' above it :D[/quote:5cda95de49]

    I can think of a number of other names that might suit it better, but i'm not sure on the censorship here, they might not make it threw. :)
  41. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Cool. Well, if Ben has Templar, I'd quite like to have high priestess :wink:

    I think it's a nice idea. It's cool to have Doorman, God, Priestess, Templar, Grand Spatula etc above the names.
  42. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:317c14faf5="Delphine"]Cool. Well, if Ben has Templar, I'd quite like to have high priestess :wink:

    [/quote:317c14faf5]Okay. :)
  43. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

  44. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I should Use my full title: 'Number One Doorman'.
  45. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'll give Colonesque a couple of hours to object, if he doesn't I'll do it right away. :)
  46. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I'm also supposed to be High Priestess
  47. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

  48. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    'Grand Spatula, Yarr!' 8)
  49. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba should be Lord of the Pies.

    Also, in the interest of fairness, Rincewind should be Doorman 1A, and Colonesque should be Doorman A1.
  50. Tempus

    Tempus New Member

    I like the different ranks - lets keep them coming!
    (I wanna rank too - help!)
  51. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:849daeb745="Tempus"]I like the different ranks - lets keep them coming!
    (I wanna rank too - help!)[/quote:849daeb745]

    Don't worry Tempus, soon you'll be the only one with the unique tag: 'Newbit' :roll:
  52. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:e2faf17daf="Ba"]Ba should be Lord of the Pies.

    Also, in the interest of fairness, Rincewind should be Doorman 1A, and Colonesque should be Doorman A1.[/quote:e2faf17daf]I was going to give Colonesque the title 'Doorman Number One' when he joins. :)
  53. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:3a48511d44="Tempus"]I like the different ranks - lets keep them coming!
    (I wanna rank too - help!)[/quote:3a48511d44]How about 'Disc Trotter', or something along those lines? :)
  54. Cat

    Cat New Member

    [quote:768992b7fe="Maljonic"][quote:768992b7fe="Tempus"]I like the different ranks - lets keep them coming!
    (I wanna rank too - help!)[/quote:768992b7fe]How about 'Disc Trotter', or something along those lines? :)[/quote:768992b7fe]

    Surely it'd have to be 'Roundworld Trotter' then? :D
  55. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member


    Also, in the interest of fairness, Rincewind should be Doorman 1A, and Colonesque should be Doorman A1.[/quote:47d3c777ab]

    In the interest of honesty Ba should realise that I am clearly the Number One Doorman.
  56. Tempus

    Tempus New Member

    [quote:d994fcb06d="Cat"][quote:d994fcb06d="Maljonic"][quote:d994fcb06d="Tempus"]I like the different ranks - lets keep them coming!
    (I wanna rank too - help!)[/quote:d994fcb06d]How about 'Disc Trotter', or something along those lines? :)[/quote:d994fcb06d]

    Surely it'd have to be 'Roundworld Trotter' then? :D[/quote:d994fcb06d]

    Both great suggestions, I was racking my brain trying to think of a good one. 'International Vagabond' was about as close as I got, but i like your ideas :)
  57. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Just let me know if you decide, or you could just stick with the normal rankings that everyone gets. :)
  58. Tempus

    Tempus New Member

    After much contemplation, umming and ahhing, and phoning a friend, I'm going to go with Roundworld Trotter. There, it's locked in. I'm absolutely sure...no, wait... no, I'm sure.

    Roundworld Trotter it is.
    Much obliged mal, cheers very much.
  59. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

  60. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member


    Also, in the interest of fairness, Rincewind should be Doorman 1A, and Colonesque should be Doorman A1.[/quote:667a327ba3]

    In the interest of honesty Ba should realise that I am clearly the Number One Doorman.[/quote:667a327ba3]

    In the interest of thundersporks, Rincewind shouldn't contradict Ba.

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