Discussion in 'THE DEATH BOOKS' started by THEPAIN, Jan 29, 2006.


    THEPAIN New Member

  2. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Could you put some sense in that post, please?
    That might be helpful.
    And turn of the caps. Please.
  3. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Yes. No caps please. It gets anoying....quicky.

  4. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Hsing and Rincewind are being overly polite - what they are really saying is "DON'T SHOUT"!! And just telling everybody that you are a pain (in the nether regions by definition) is not going to win you any friends here - this is a civilized board and we expect civilized behaviour - shape up or ship out!
  5. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    that mesage made me very very confued and that is not easy to do and plese dont not shout.
  6. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Hi Peapod - I hope that this was cross-posting and you're referring to THEPAIN and not me!
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm thinking that the caps were a genuine mistake, the "?" on my keyboard are what you get if you do a comma with the shift lock on, and it often happens that I lock the caps by mistake when doing the first cap in a sentence... But then again, giving people the benefit of the doubt is one of my main flaws...
  8. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Making that mistake when creating his username as well as the post... plus, even I occasionally look at the screen when posting, even though my eyes are normally fixated on the keyboard because I am such a lousy typer... very unlikely.
    The main point against that theory, though, is that (s)he's hinting it is his intent to annoy. I don't want to seem rigid, but even though we do give people the benefit of doubt when they have a rocky start or a tendency to make mistakes, people intentionally trying to be a pain, or giving a damn about how they are coming across, are excluded from that. If we didn't care how people behave, we could have stayed where we came from.

    That said, I'd say - if this was a troll, we'd have heard more of him by now.
    So, no big deal.
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Naaaaaah, actually he's a great Shakespeare fan, but has bad keyboard skills... his nickname isn't The Pain, it's Thespian with typos :D

    Ok, Ok, I'll stop. One day. :D
  10. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

  11. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:fcacad4605="Hsing"]That said, I'd say - if this was a troll, we'd have heard more of him by now.
    So, no big deal.[/quote:fcacad4605]

    Oh, he's a troll, have no fear. He's just also very lazy. Give at a few days, and we'll see a repeat of the horror above. That bit in the end was quite... revealing.

    Still, I hope we won't hear from him in this form again. I'm willing to assume that it was all an... honest... mist...

    No, scratch that. My mind just doesn't work that way.
  12. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:7679db6216="Katcal"]Naaaaaah, actually he's a great Shakespeare fan, but has bad keyboard skills... his nickname isn't The Pain, it's Thespian with typos :D

    Ok, Ok, I'll stop. One day. :D[/quote:7679db6216]

    Come on - don't lump him in with us real Thespians* - nobody even declaims Shakespeare any more, let alone shouts it!!

    *Note - [i:7679db6216]not[/i:7679db6216] natives of the little Klatchian country of Thespia, sharing a border with Nubilia (ask Cpl. Nobbs!)
  13. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Come on - don't lump him in with us real Thespians* - nobody even declaims Shakespeare any more, let alone shouts it!!

    *Note - [i:810726e946]not[/i:810726e946] natives of the little Klatchian country of Thespia, sharing a border with Nubilia (ask Cpl. Nobbs!)[/quote:810726e946]

    Brian Blessed. But he declaims everything including his laundry list so perhaps that's not a great illustration. Still I do hear the bard declaimed/shouted on the professional stage way to often for my liking!
  14. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Come on - don't lump him in with us real Thespians* - nobody even declaims Shakespeare any more, let alone shouts it!!

    *Note - [i:a05a8dd0f4]not[/i:a05a8dd0f4] natives of the little Klatchian country of Thespia, sharing a border with Nubilia (ask Cpl. Nobbs!)[/quote:a05a8dd0f4]

    Brian Blessed. But he declaims everything including his laundry list so perhaps that's not a great illustration. Still I do hear the bard declaimed/shouted on the professional stage way to often for my liking![/quote:a05a8dd0f4]

    OK - I'll give you the exception of Brian Blessed - but that's why I think he could play Mustrum Ridcully - loud, boisterous, physically active(remember - he climbs mountains) - maybe you're watching the wrong people play Shakespeare - you're not far away from Brussels - well, at least you're on the same side of the Channel - I'll try to remember to send you booking information for the next summer outdoor perfomance of the Brussels Shakespeare Society - normally in the grounds of a chateau in June or July - where you will be able to hear the Bard being presented audibly but without shouting or declaiming (unless called for in the script).
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Woah... That was so weird !

    I was listening to my radio, and checking the board at the same time, and suddenly, they played a phone message from Brian Blessed, and at that exact time, I open this thread and Pow ! There's the name "Brian Blessed"... Geeeese...
  16. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Yeah it's the Destiny thinghy that's putting its finger into other people's buisness. :)

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