Very dumb newbie question worthy of merest scutpug for Rincewind

Discussion in 'THE TEMPLE' started by Elliza, Jan 3, 2010.

  1. Elliza

    Elliza New Member

    Um, how does one put a picture into a post. If one had, like, a digital camera about which one had only the most primitive understanding, and one wished to put My Pretty Picture into a Put Pretty Pictures sort of thread here, um, how would one make pretty jpg file in one's hard drive show up on post?

    I know, I know. But I don't do this kind of stuff...

    And the pictures are really pretty (gorgeous gate pix from Portland's Japanese Gardens).
  2. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    There are a few possibilities.

    I am not familiar with how this site's galleries work in that regard, most members who like to post pictures have a flickr or photobucket account or something like that. You can adjust privacy settings, and it comes in handy if you want to show your pictures to people other than on this site.

    The principal is always the same: If, for example, on flickr you open your picture and click on "all sizes" above the photo, you get various sizes to choose from which all have an url of their own that you can copy below.


    Then click on the picture icon when you write a posting on the message board, this one:


    Enter the url (the complete one, including http-etc).


    Click OK, finish your post.
    There you go. The picture should now appear in the post.
  3. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I have created a really simple instruction sheet in Adobe PDF format, to help anyone get to grips with the UMB galleries.

    Often the built in gallery is the first option people go for when new to boards etc.

    You can get it from my own web site HERE. (it's only 250k or so)

    Hope it can be of assistance. I have included step by step screen grabs to show you where each link is situated on the relevant page.

    If you get stuck with them, drop me private message and I can probably give you any further advice in one of the chatrooms.

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