Who could play Death in a movie?

Discussion in 'THE DEATH BOOKS' started by ArthurDent, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    I can't decide between Bill Nighy and Christopher Lee.
  2. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    The figure would be CG, but the voice would be Chistopher Lee, Nighy is great, but too suave for a role like Death.
  3. Hansi

    Hansi New Member

    [quote:5c8673497d="drunkymonkey"]The figure would be CG, but the voice would be Chistopher Lee, Nighy is great, but too suave for a role like Death.[/quote:5c8673497d]

    I totally agree :)
  4. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    I like your suggestion of Patrick Stewart. I think he would fit well.

    Other suggestions might include James Earl Jones (Blasphemy for not suggesting him in the first place!)
  5. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    I'm going to vote for Nighy, since Lee has 3 votes. But I still can't decide between them.
  6. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I'm voting for Nighy, because I think Lee sounds too evil...Death on the disc is notable because he's NOT frightening in himself (unless you're Rincewind)

    But I'm not sure. I think either would be great
  7. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    Has anyone played Discworld Noir? Because I think the guy who did the voice of Death on that was pretty much how I would imagine him. So I'd go for him.

    But other than that, I'm going to go with the obvious, Christopher Lee. I think if anything he's a bit TOO commanding - Death does occasionally get flummoxed by things. :roll:
  8. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I say: CG with a voice by james earl jones.
  9. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    I've always heard Death as a kind of gloomy character. Over the years the voice I hear gets more and more like the guy who voiced Marvin the paranoid android in the TV version of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (NOT the movie travesty).

    A quick scan of the imdb gives me the name of Stephen Moore as Marvin's voice.

    So my vote is CG plus Stephen Moore
  10. hermes

    hermes New Member

    I think Alan Rickman could pull it off... But that's just me ;)
  11. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    alan rickman is clearly the patrican.Fool.

  12. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Brian Blessed?? You've got to be taking the piss. I've not laughed that hard in a while man.

    And I thought Alan Rickman did do Marvins voice in Hichikers. Humm.
  13. hermes

    hermes New Member

    Rinso, is there any reason he couldn't do both? :D

    Edit: Om, he did the voice in the recent movie, but not the old television series.
  14. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    It will always be Christopher Lee for me although having Patrcik Stewart in the list did make me think more. He would make a very good guild leader, assasins maybe. :)
  15. wearerayner

    wearerayner New Member

    I think definitely CG and given this scenario Stewart definitely has the vocal range. Still James Earl Jones would be front runner for me. The whole point is that death has a deep and funereal voice and Jones wouldn't even have to try.

    Rickman is definitely Patrician material.
  16. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think it really matters what the actor looks like, seeing as it's Death and you should only be able to see a skeleton anyway. I suppose you could get anyone with a reasonably clear deepish voice to speak into a bucket while standing in a cave for the right effect. :)
  17. fudgecake

    fudgecake New Member

    [quote:da32f7faf1="Maljonic"]I suppose you could get anyone with a reasonably clear deepish voice to speak into a bucket while standing in a cave for the right effect. :)[/quote:da32f7faf1]

    Lol! What a cool job for an actor! :lol:
  18. Wizzard

    Wizzard New Member

    Not very up on actors, but I've alway had my own clear idea of death. And the Patrician for that matter.

    Death to me is a middle sized skeleton (sompared to a human) with more of a bleach bone/creamy complexion. He doesnt have the grinning skull face, because that would ruin his image. I always Imagined you could see only a bit of his face at a time. His eyes arnt so much glowing as deep..and his mood makes him seem impartial, yet at times he tries. Also..It seems to me he has a few different voices. The BIG BOOMING death voice for when he wants to scare you/make a point, and the softer, kind of raspy booming voice for his regualar talk...more in the tone and loudness differance then in the actual depth and clarity.

    The patrician would have to be somebody skinny and pale. Intelligent eyes, an impassive face, and an altogether image of a guy who could eat you alive at any moment...The way he talks and stares makes you feel like a mouse being grinned at by a hungry cat. Not a greaser by any means...more of a finely dressed down to earth guy. Definately not the fancy ribbons and lace pompous idiot either. Very simple..yet very commanding. Kind of like a toned down assasin *wink*
  19. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    What about Tom Baker?
  20. Zisteau

    Zisteau New Member

    I've always thought as death as being (obviously) a skeleton who speaks in a thick thrummy humm that you can't understand, and there would be subtitles in CAPS, so there would be no actor for Death, just a sound design team. The subtitles would also help translate a lot of death's humor to the screen.
  21. Rockycog

    Rockycog New Member

    Thats a cool idea Zisteau, seeing as Death never really spoke did he and like you say lots of his jokes are in the way it's written. The only thing is... would it get anoying having to read it all the time rather than concentrating with what was going on the screen? Plus it could be confusing because how would the characters hear death?

    I dont know anything about them actors so I will just go along with your judgement....
  22. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    [quote:e627ea4e53="Wizzard"]Death to me is a middle sized skeleton (sompared to a human) with more of a bleach bone/creamy complexion. He doesnt have the grinning skull face, because that would ruin his image. [/quote:e627ea4e53]

    I would have gone for a larger skeleton, something more intimidating and I could not imagine him without the grin. In many ways this is part of his personality.

    [quote:e627ea4e53]I always Imagined you could see only a bit of his face at a time. His eyes arnt so much glowing as deep..and his mood makes him seem impartial, yet at times he tries.[/quote:e627ea4e53]

    I like the idea of only seing a bit of his face at a time, as in we can only focus on one aspect of his physical appearance at a time as he is part of our imagineation, not sure how this would work on the big screen. The eyes, definitely. Glowing for me is a little unrealistic. Almost a shiny black colour that implies there is more hidden.

    [quote:e627ea4e53]Also..It seems to me he has a few different voices. The BIG BOOMING death voice for when he wants to scare you/make a point, and the softer, kind of raspy booming voice for his regualar talk...more in the tone and loudness differance then in the actual depth and clarity. [/quote:e627ea4e53]

    I'm not sure about the voice, it would have to be someone who coud throw his voice well but still sound the same person. I think it would be essential he sounded completely human as though he is mimiking the style.

    In other words...I think the only death that would work is on in CGI Otherwise I just can't see make up and costumes pulling of the right effect.
  23. Deathinapinkboa

    Deathinapinkboa New Member

    I doubt any passably good Discworld movie could be made. What ever is done with Death would be a total travesty. I think Ian Mckellen could be an almost good Patrician when he was younger, but I don’t know who I’d chose for the role now…maybe if he got a bit of plastic surgery.
  24. ArthurDent

    ArthurDent New Member

    I think Death could be done right in a movie, just as long as don’t change his character to be more “menacing” or something like that. Now that I think of it Ian McKellen would be interesting as Death.
  25. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    [quote:0fbb33d6df="fairyliquid"][quote:0fbb33d6df="Wizzard"]Death to me is a middle sized skeleton (sompared to a human) with more of a bleach bone/creamy complexion. He doesnt have the grinning skull face, because that would ruin his image. [/quote:0fbb33d6df]

    I would have gone for a larger skeleton, something more intimidating and I could not imagine him without the grin. In many ways this is part of his personality. [/quote:0fbb33d6df]

    I'm pretty sure that Death is described as being 7' tall in one of the earlier books.
    As for his voice, it's a hard call but I think Brad Garrett (Robert - Everybody Loves Raymond) would be good.
  26. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Think about the last sequence in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life - I think John Cleese would make an ideal Discworld Death - this shows that he can do the obvious "menacing" bit that the character is based on, but he has the versatility to show the other aspects of the character - some of the bewilderment of Basil Fawlty that others around him are not seeing the world the way that he does would work very well for Death.
  27. dididave

    dididave New Member

    I think that we have to remember DEATH's deadpan style. Ideally a cross between Brian Blessed's tone and Jack Dee's emotionless delivery.
  28. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    i devanatly think Cristerfer lee could play Death because on the anamted moves of "Weryd Sisters" and "Soul Music" his was brillant as the voce of Deth but the big question is who would play Susen? or lobsang?
  29. Spidah

    Spidah New Member

    [color=violet:04a3183727]I really love Bill Nighy, he is a fab actor, but I don't think he is my 'Death' - especially not the voice. I'm not entirely sure anyone who is already known could pull it off - a new face would be better IMO.

  30. The_Fifth_Elephant

    The_Fifth_Elephant New Member

    patrick stewarts voice is completly wrong death should be computer animated (to get the eyes right...there is no other way) with the voice they use in the games. Of the choices christopher lee would be the best though.
  31. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I chose Bill Nighy, but then out of the actors listed he and Christopher Lee are the only ones I know.

    I like Pixel's suggestion - I think John Cleese would be great!

    Who played the Grim Reaper in Bill And Ted's Bogus Journey? He was pretty good, I thought.
  32. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, I vote for John Clesse, definitely !!

    I couldn't decide out of the actors listed, I think they all have a certain something, but none of them are perfect for the part...

    (and no, I did not spend 10 minutes wondering who the hell this CG guy was... :cooler: )
  33. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Christopher Lee would be a great choice. he could make a very good Death.
  34. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    He's the one character for me where I just can't thonk of any actor to play the part.
    And the voice is one of the cases where film would never be able to beat the book in any case.
  35. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    The voice of Vader might be appropriate.
  36. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I only know the dubbed, German version... :)
  37. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    German voiced Star Wars?

    "Luke, verwende die Kraft."
    "Du hast mein vater ermordert!"
    "Nein Luke, ICH bin dein vater!"

    *laughs at mental image for no real reason*
  38. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, almost correctly... :D
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    only almost? aww... where did I go wrong?
  40. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Think of me as a son of a bitch,but i hate all the dubbed versions! I would like to listen to the original voice of Yoda:'' Not if anything to say about it i have''
    Subtitles for crying out loud!
  41. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I also prefer the original versions, although I only recently managed to see the original star wars version (no damn DVDs for YEARS, mister Lucas !) and the one voice that is actually better in French is Yoda's... it suddenly sounded so WEIRD in english, like some weird alien squeaky thing, whereas the french voice sounds like a venerable old monk which seems more fitting to me...

    But all this has nothing to do with the topic, so I'll just go away :D
  42. Plugger

    Plugger New Member

    this doesnt really have much relation to the topic but i didnt know where else to put it but terry pratchett has wrote a very very short story about death and ive only just discoverd it and anyone interested in reading it can find it on the L-space website sooo hmmm :)
  43. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Looking at this again I've just realised that this is the second poll in which I've cast John Cleese. I either have great faith in him as an actor or a very limited knowledge/imagination when it comes to choosing actors.
  44. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Who played the Grim Reaper in Bill And Ted's Bogus Journey? He was pretty good, I thought.[/quote:d919f2444f]
    William Sadler - Not bad...
    When I saw Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, I couldn't help thinking of Discworld Death, and that the voice was not quite right. Why did Death have a teutonic accent?
  45. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    I thought it was reminiscent of dark Transylvanian mysteries. Or maybe Death is German. Who knows?
  46. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    'Er ist Tot'
    'You killed him'
    'No I did not - I gave him Life!'

    Random film quote for the day...
  47. redjj

    redjj New Member

    Hmmm...good choices all of them, but nothing quite right. If Death is going to be CG then Andy Serkis needs to play him(HA! just joking, though he does seem to be getting all the motion capture work recently...) anyhoo, I don't honestly know if even James Earl Jones could do the voice work either, he's just so identified with Star Wars and CNN. What if Ian McKellan voiced Death? He's just deep enough to hit the funeral registers and he can do the whole befuddled thing that Death has going on pretty good....... :?:
  48. lord_vimes001

    lord_vimes001 New Member

    Has anyone suggested Jeremy Irons yet?
  49. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    I think marvins guy would fit death more than the patrician, but I wouldn't go with it...I liked the voice from DW2 game (mortality bytes)...that's kinda the way I always imagine it now...
  50. Thorsun

    Thorsun New Member

    Back when I had this crazy idea to get a team together to create a CG movie of Reaper Man, I had done a lot of thinking about who would be the perfect voice for Death. The one actor that really came to my mind as having the perfect voice for him was John Hurt.
  51. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    What became of that project? In case you're still around and didn't just drop by, Thorsun (it took me a moment until it made "click" in connection with your username) - you might want to give us an update! :)
  52. Silvermoth

    Silvermoth New Member

    I like Bill Nighy, thats a great call.
    Web Shows
  53. discaimer

    discaimer New Member

    Garison Keeler, although from the American midwest his voice is deep and resonant, he has good diction and he's desperate to be a part of something actually funny.
  54. Lyia

    Lyia New Member

    I think Alan Rickman would be good. Ok so his voice is wrong, but he does sarcasm perfectly.
  55. IgorMina

    IgorMina New Member

    Ah, but could you really call Death sarcastic? I was under the impression that he didn't really 'get' sarcasm. He lacks the necessary glands apparantly. ;)

    Oh, and to the suggestion about Jeremy Irons, if he's who I think he is (acted in Merchant of Venice), I actually think he would make the per-fect Vimes.
  56. Lyia

    Lyia New Member

    I see Death as the unintentional king of sarcasim. Which bytheway is my favorite kind of sarcasim.
  57. clockworkpenguin

    clockworkpenguin New Member

    Morgan freeman

    If you just want a voice then Morgan Freeman would be great. He could get that resonance.:pirate:
  58. cameronP

    cameronP New Member

    i think whoever was to play death would be someone different to who has already played him so maybe someone different to christopher lee
  59. jnwright

    jnwright New Member

  60. brensson

    brensson New Member

    Were he still around I would have said Vincent Price, But as it is Christopher Lee is a good choice, or James Earl Jones.
    But any would be just voice acting, as I also agree that death would have to be CGI

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