Abomination unto nuggan

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by fairyliquid, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. Hex

    Hex New Member

    6AM is an abomination to Nuggan.
    Waking up at that time to get to school on time is an abomination.

    Only being allowed to talk to you boyfriend once a week for half an hour on the phone is an abomination unto Nuggan and ANY other god who is listening. :(

    London being 4,334 miles away is an abomination too. :cry:
  2. Bob

    Bob New Member

    [quote:01aebf2c94="Hex"]Only being allowed to talk to you boyfriend once a week for half an hour on the phone is an abomination unto Nuggan and ANY other god who is listening. :(

    Wow, that's strict.. You get more visiting time in prison :?

  3. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    catch up work is an abomination unto nuggan *big and over dramatised sigh*

    three exercises on statistics and probability is an abomination unto nuggan, as are the many tests and oral i am not prepared for. Work I haven't, but should of, done and work I shouldn't have to do but am being forced to anyway is yet another abomination.

    having to cook dinner for the next 13 days is an abomination and last but by no means least...PE at 8am i...you get the idea

  4. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Being a complete twat and leaving my bag outside a cafe is an abomination.

    Not being able to know whether said bag has been nicked or handed in is as well.

    My phone! My credit card! My keys! My cd player! I'm so fucking stupid.
  5. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    Oh no! I hope you find it soon. :( Good luck.
  6. Freya

    Freya New Member

    I did exactly the same thing, Delphine! I left it under the table in a cafe and didn't realise it until I got home, one hour later. Couldn't ring the cafe and no one answered my mobile which was also in the bag.

    I was so annoyed with myself on the oh-so-long drive back there but it had been handed in immediately after I left, with all it's contents, safe and sound.

    Keeping my fingers crossed that you get the same result.
  7. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I hope you get it back, Ella. :(

    [quote:7160027bee="fairyliquid"]Work I haven't, but should of, done[/quote:7160027bee]
    People saying 'should of' instead of 'should have' is a complete and total abomination unto Nuggan and the Great God Garner! You [i:7160027bee]have[/i:7160027bee]n't, but should [i:7160027bee]have[/i:7160027bee] done the work. I posted about why this is incorrect elsewhere. Not trying to pick on you, Fairyliquid, but this is a big pet peeve of mine.
  8. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    [quote:a861fac58e="Buzzfloyd"]I hope you get it back, Ella. :(

    [quote:a861fac58e="fairyliquid"]Work I haven't, but should of, done[/quote:a861fac58e]
    People saying 'should of' instead of 'should have' is a complete and total abomination unto Nuggan and the Great God Garner! You [i:a861fac58e]have[/i:a861fac58e]n't, but should [i:a861fac58e]have[/i:a861fac58e] done the work. I posted about why this is incorrect elsewhere. Not trying to pick on you, Fairyliquid, but this is a big pet peeve of mine.[/quote:a861fac58e]

    oops :oops:
  9. Whitewolf

    Whitewolf New Member

    Textbooks in Norwegian is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  10. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    My bag was handed in to the police station. Phew, thank fuck for that. I rang the bloke who handed it in to say thanks. Nice to see there are some honest people in the world :)

    Edited to add an abomination - Finding the remnants of a forgotton packet of fruit gums in the glove box. JACKPOT! But no... they're all yellow. :(
  11. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Coming back from a long vacation to find the office is in utter chaos is an abomination unto nuggan.

    On the flip side, knowing everything will go to shit if you're not there is job security and not such an abomination.
  12. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Having to review an academic article is an abomination, especially when you can't find a topic.
  13. Hex

    Hex New Member

    [quote:850de223b5="Bob"][quote:850de223b5="Hex"]Only being allowed to talk to you boyfriend once a week for half an hour on the phone is an abomination unto Nuggan and ANY other god who is listening. :(

    Wow, that's strict.. You get more visiting time in prison :?


    Ain't that the truth? :(
    But since he is 4 thousand miles away and every call costs 7 cents a minute, it does sorta make sense...


    Drivers ed is an abomination
    Not being able to go to Morgan Spurlock's lecture on Bias and culture in the media due to drivers ed. is a very big abomination.
    Psychology research projects due in two weeks is an abomination
    As are Citizenship issues projects.

    The world hates me. :cry:
  14. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Inserting a brand new blank CD for burning and have it not register is an abbomination. The CD I'm using is silver but making black CD's so my computer can't read them is an abbomination. Adding the silver one to the collection I now have 6 CD's my computer won't acknowledge.
  15. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Stoopid Launch.yahoo not working is an abomination!
    I cannot stream music so I'm gonna go insane!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  16. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    [quote:1c3bcbf2ef="Hex"][quote:1c3bcbf2ef="Bob"][quote:1c3bcbf2ef="Hex"]Only being allowed to talk to you boyfriend once a week for half an hour on the phone is an abomination unto Nuggan and ANY other god who is listening. :(

    Wow, that's strict.. You get more visiting time in prison :?


    Ain't that the truth? :(
    But since he is 4 thousand miles away and every call costs 7 cents a minute, it does sorta make sense...


    Drivers ed is an abomination
    Not being able to go to Morgan Spurlock's lecture on Bias and culture in the media due to drivers ed. is a very big abomination.
    Psychology research projects due in two weeks is an abomination
    As are Citizenship issues projects.

    The world hates me. :cry:[/quote:1c3bcbf2ef]

    have you tried calling via the internet...there are ways of calling cheaply over long distances and even call him on his house phone.

    cheap calls belong in the non abomination thread but motor bikes [b:1c3bcbf2ef]are[/b:1c3bcbf2ef] an abomination unto nuggan
  17. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    17.00 to 19.00 classes are an abomination unto nuggan.
  18. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Pre Calculus is an abomination. Why did I decide to take this class online? Why do I even need this class? Get it away from me.

    Edit: To say that PreCalc is an abomination unto every being in the universe and should just be abolished all together. :evil: Oh I don't like PreCalc.
  19. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Now now, Pre Calc is a very good thing. Even though you could probably understand calculus without pre calculus... Incidentally, Introductory Classical Mechanics (read first level physics) is a heck of a lot easier with calculus. 8)
  20. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I have Intro to College Physics and PreCalc at the same time because you have to have PreCalc to take physics but the counselor lady figured I could take them at the same time because I took physics in highschool. Well I would have been just fine with out the PreCalc too.

    Prerequisites that are of no use are an abomination.
  21. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Irrational differences between book release dates in different countries are an abomination unto Nuggan.

    *Chants to himself whilst rocking back and forth gently on his chair*
    Just two more weeks... two more weeks...
  22. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Hex, why don't you try the microphone options in the IM services? There is also Skype and Google Talk.

    That said, waking up from an afternoon nap to find that while you were sleeping the Ice Age arrived in an abomination unto Nuggan.
  23. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Having exhausted my Hard-Back Book fund Write before Thud! came is an abomination.
  24. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Going to the doctors and having them explain how fucked up you are is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Not being able to eat chocolate, pizza (or any kind of greasy/fatty foods) or fruit and not being able to drink tea, coffe or cola...all because of stupid previously mentioned doctors is a right abomination unto Nuggan.

    Having to quit smoking because of stupid doctors is abomination unto Nuggan.

    As you can see, I didn't have a very good time at the doctors yesterday.

    I don't understand why I can't eat chocolate! I don't know how I will manage living without coffee, chocolate and smokes. Damn it! *goes off to start a bitchy thread*
  25. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Me and women over the net! i need to have physical relationships from now on. they're much less complicated and if you do have an argument at least you can talk about it instead of being blocked!
  26. Tabatha

    Tabatha New Member

    OmKranti said

    Not being able to eat chocolate, pizza (or any kind of greasy/fatty foods) or fruit and not being able to drink tea, coffe or cola...all because of stupid previously mentioned doctors is a right abomination unto Nuggan.

    Having to quit smoking because of stupid doctors is abomination unto Nuggan.

    No nice foods no chocolate no smokes,Heck I'd be living on Vodka.

    Hope you get better soon Omkranti ;)
  27. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Tabatha, she's already given up drinking, so she can't do that either!

    Headaches suck. Really bad headaches are a true abomination unto Nuggan. I have taken some migraine strength painkillers, and the pain is just starting to recede. Why do I have to get headaches like this? It's not fair.
  28. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I agree Buzz, headaches are an abomination.

    Stiletto heels are an abomination and they make my feet hurt.

    However, they look really good with the dress I'm wearing, so I must wear them.
  29. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Having to stay up late due to excesive homework (staying up late normally is Okay) for an entire week is an abomonation.
    (thank [insert deity of choice] its friday.)
  30. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    having a massivly busy week involving lots of ;ate nights and homework, then spending all of saturday doing [i:d00a9e141f]more[/i:d00a9e141f] work is an abomination unto nuggan...then not finishing said work because technology is just an evil little deit is just plain abysmal
  31. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    Taking my youngest to hospital on Saturday evening, and not getting home until this afternoon is an abomination unto Nuggan.
    Above mentioned son spending 2 hours in surgery getting his left elbow wired together is a total abomination unto Nuggan, and if you add the fact that today is his birthday, then it turns into a total and utter fecking abomination unto Nuggan
  32. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Poor kid, I hope he fells better very soon, and that he doesn't do whatever he did to himself again. :cry: Maybe you should plan a make-up birthday for when he gets out of the cast.
  33. Ozzer

    Ozzer New Member

    Broken links are an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Working with people who consider a G.E.D. an advanced degree is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Working full-time and going to school at the same time is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    School loans are an abomination unto Nuggan!
  34. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Today being my last day off work is an abomination unto Nuggan. :(
  35. Bob

    Bob New Member

    Popups are an abomination unto nuggan

  36. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    queenynci, is that avatar a Schwa alien? If so, you are cool and rock highly. Alone cannot you it resist. Alien Exists. Go schwa.

    The U.S. government is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  37. queenynci

    queenynci New Member

    It is a Schwa alien, OmKranti.
    I am cool [b:67601556e6]and[/b:67601556e6] I rock highly - [i:67601556e6]blushes[/i:67601556e6]
    Cheers Om!
  38. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Snapping the nail on my left foot big toe in half is an abomination unto Nuggan, but mostly just painful.
  39. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Projectile motion in two dimensions is an abomination. All my answers are a decimal point off and my most recent answer is 7cm off even if I move the decimal where I want it to be! :evil:

    Edit: Just to say that now my answers are hundreds of cm off. Grrrrrr! and it's due tomorrow :!:
  40. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    [quote:f2386389a8="Faerie"]Projectile motion in two dimensions is an abomination. All my answers are a decimal point off and my most recent answer is 7cm off even if I move the decimal where I want it to be! :evil:

    Edit: Just to say that now my answers are hundreds of cm off. Grrrrrr! and it's due tomorrow :!:[/quote:f2386389a8]

    Ain't physics fun!?
  41. Deathinapinkboa

    Deathinapinkboa New Member

    Have the picture you oh so carefully crafted of George W. Bush clad only in a towl around the waste as a birthday card for your friend not print because your printer has run out of ink is an abomination unto nuggan.
  42. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    [quote:f6209e4d1e]Ain't physics fun!?[/quote:f6209e4d1e]

    Oh yeah, but class was canceled on Thursday. The power at the college went out.
  43. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Having a disfiguring allergic reaction just the day before your birthday is an abomination unto Nuggan. I'm pink all over, my eyes are close to being swollen shut, and it [i:60e8691e94]itches[/i:60e8691e94]! as if I had fallen into a nettle bush. Also, I have a chill. Abomination, as I said.
  44. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Finding that I had lost my job (because the company has gone bankrupt) the day before I travelled back to the UK for my mother's funeral, and then coming back to find that I have to fill in a form to claim my final month's salary/outstanding year-end bonus/next year's holiday pay/etc. specifying the amount I am claiming and I have no idea how to calculate this is definitely an abomination unto Nuggan - and any other right-thinking deity!
  45. Tabatha

    Tabatha New Member

    Having the new Thud in the house and not being able to read it yet is an abomination unto nuggan :cry:

    Listening to the roaring laughter from my brother while he reads the book is definetly a huge huge abomination with knobs on :evil:
  46. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I don't know what this says about my values, but following on from this:

    [quote:8d4336083e="Pixel"]Finding that I had lost my job (because the company has gone bankrupt) the day before I travelled back to the UK for my mother's funeral, and then coming back to find that I have to fill in a form to claim my final month's salary/outstanding year-end bonus/next year's holiday pay/etc. specifying the amount I am claiming and I have no idea how to calculate this is definitely an abomination unto Nuggan - and any other right-thinking deity![/quote:8d4336083e]

    Just over two weeks after my mother died, it finally hit me, and for the first time, I cried. That was at the time when I had just finished the calculations for the form mentioned above, and looked at the final figure for what I am due, added to it the amount I will inherit from my mother (if the inheritance-tax loophole my brother has found works), realised that if I get all of it I will be richer than I have ever been - and realised the real abomination unto Nuggan - [i:8d4336083e]There is nowhere I can go and say "OK, keep all the money - just give me my mother back!"[/i:8d4336083e]

    (Sorry for throwing in a downer on a theoretically "fun" thread, but that is the way I am feeling at the moment)

    Edited to clarify the timing
  47. janible

    janible New Member

    (Where's a hug emoticon when I need one?) I'm so sorry you're hurting! This is such a hard time for you. No amount of money could ever replace your mother or "make it better".
  48. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Smeg. That sucks, Pixel. :( ::hugs::
  49. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That's so sad. *hugs* I'm so sorry.
  50. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::hugs Pixel::, if you don't mind.

    I'll light a memory candle for your Mum.
  51. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    My deepest condolences Pixel. May time heal, eventually.
  52. Tabatha

    Tabatha New Member

    It is an abomination to see the proclamation box and still not be able to find out how to use it :?

    Any help in this problem will be received gratefully :D
  53. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Pixel, my condolences. I hope you find your way through it.

    Click the text labeled "Message" below the proclamations. Enter your message. Then click "Proclaim". :)
  54. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Pixel; my condolences.

    [quote:bfcd9c680f="Tabatha"]It is an abomination to see the proclamation box and still not be able to find out how to use it :?

    Any help in this problem will be received gratefully :D[/quote:bfcd9c680f]

    this is an abomination

    there is a little white box underneath it saying 'message'

    type your message in there (may want to delete the word 'message first')

    then click proclaim!

    its that easy :D

    edit: crossposted....
  55. Tabatha

    Tabatha New Member

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! :D
  56. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    :( Pixel.

    Singing and dancing cellphones in the workplace are an abomination unto Nuggan! Especially phones whose owners think popular movie songs make an excellent ring tone.

    If you must change your ringtone, it should be recorded in your own voice and say "Woof woof! Bark bark! Miaow miaow!"
  57. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Not being there to help out a good person is an abomination to Nuggan. Stay strong Pixel
  58. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Discovering I'm allergic to dust (and thus need to, erm, clean!) is an abomination onto Nuggan.

    Having to take medications for the allergy - and the resultign bronchitis - is an abomination onto Nuggan.

    Finding out that the side effects for the bronchitis medication are actually more unpleasant than the bronchitis ITSELF - and that now I have to take additional drugs to fight those side effects! - is an abomination onto the whole freaking Parthenon :p
  59. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Having a big, ugly, seemingly disfigured (no, he just looks like that), hulking, slobbering, drama studying, thinks he rules the world rugby player in my section picking on me is a feking abomonation unto any diety, including nuggan!!!!!!!!!!!!

    AAAHHHHH!!! :evil:

    A month ago i allmost flew off the handle and attacked him with a broken bottel.

  60. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    Having told your boyfriend that somethings bothering you about your relationship and him telling you before we fight about it lets just go our own way...thats an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Having a married man persue you, no stalk you is an abomination unto Nuggan (suggestions on what i can do to get this guy of my back)

    Being so alone that you cry when you get home from work is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Having insomnia because of the neighbours dog being in heat and every male dog in a bloody five km radius sitting under your window moaning and barking is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    At this point in my life i'm feeling that men are an abomination unto Nuggan but thats type casting and its wrong.

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