Abomination unto nuggan

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by fairyliquid, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Working ten hours a day, seven days a week is an abomination. If this doesn't stop soon, I'm gonna die.
    Or just quit the job of sheer tiredness! I feel like I haven't slept properly in days, I even wake up in the morning sleepy :(
  2. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Time to build that labour saving robot!
  3. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Would a Labour saving robot keep Tony Blair in office, or kick him out?
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

  5. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Jet lag is an abomination unto nuggan....I woke up at 11pm last night and spent the entire night wandering around aimlessly from room to room.
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Unexplained pains in fingers on my mouse-hand are a terrible abomination unto Nuggan, and also posssible signs of CTS, and I do SO hope it isn't that... :(
  7. koshu

    koshu New Member

    Dates to return library books are an abomination unto Nuggan.
    Aswell as evil little children :lol:
  8. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    getting three hours of sleep regularly is an abomination unto nuggan
  9. koshu

    koshu New Member

    getting no sleep because of little evil neices is an abomination unto nuggan :)

    edit for spellin and adding the rest of the sentance
  10. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Getting no sleep cos of a snoring husband is an abomination unto nuggan. :idea: Perhaps someone could invent another universe to put them in for 8 hours (or more) per night!!!
  11. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Now [i:d1d0b10267]thats[/i:d1d0b10267] a good idea!!
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just a shame i can't think of anywhere to send him! Praps there is a sleep world somewhere just made for this sort of problem! If anyone knows of one please post it here, i'm getting kinda desperate for sleep now!!! :cry:
  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Did you try those things that look like very skinny band-aids, which you're supposed to put on the snorer's nosebridge? ;) (If you do try them, let me know if they work!!!)
  14. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:d8bb4b6c7c="misswhiplash"]Just a shame i can't think of anywhere to send him! Praps there is a sleep world somewhere just made for this sort of problem! If anyone knows of one please post it here, i'm getting kinda desperate for sleep now!!! :cry:[/quote:d8bb4b6c7c]
    Have you tried :

    - sticking a rolled-up and preferably well-used sock in his mouth ?
    - kicking him ? (doesn't actually help the snoring, but it will help YOU ;) )
    - pushing him out of the bed ?
    - making him sleep on the sofa, or in a tent in the garden/balcony/windowsill ?
    - taking him to see a doctor ? Well, yes, it sounds stupid, but if nothing else stops him, a doctor may be able to prescribe something... Otherwise, they sell sprays and things here in France, I guess they do elsewhere too, I have no idea how good they are, but it may be worth trying...
  15. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [/quote]Have you tried :

    - sticking a rolled-up and preferably well-used sock in his mouth ?
    - kicking him ? (doesn't actually help the snoring, but it will help YOU ;) )
    - pushing him out of the bed ?
    - making him sleep on the sofa, or in a tent in the garden/balcony/windowsill ?
    - taking him to see a doctor ? Well, yes, it sounds stupid, but if nothing else stops him, a doctor may be able to prescribe something... Otherwise, they sell sprays and things here in France, I guess they do elsewhere too, I have no idea how good they are, but it may be worth trying...[/quote]

    Tried all of the above, He's even been to a sleep clinic.... He had a broken nose when he was younger, the bone constantly grows over so it gets more and more difficult to breath for him (especially when he gets my pillow over his face, im ratty through lack of sleep, it would be manslaughter not murder, he pushed me to it) its quite funny to see a grown man try and sleep on a 2 seater sofa! i think i'd get him to do that even if he didn't snore.
    Thanks for the advice but i think i'm doomed never to sleep again......Yawn. :(
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    being insiped by misswhiplash, I must state that any accident that causes dammage to a Book* is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    *Books being different from books, i.e. any book you actually care about, is a Book**.

    **Hey, I've made a footnote ! Wow ! I am a REAL writer now guys !! all hail me !!! :D
  17. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Carrot's who pick on unhappy Bob are an abomination to Nuggan. :roll:
  18. koshu

    koshu New Member

    long airoplane flights are an abomination unto nuggan :(
  19. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The evil Badgers on Seasonal Badgerness thread are an abomination unto Nuggan! So is that God awful Pie game. I'm addicted!
  20. koshu

    koshu New Member

    you must be carefull wat you say about pie or else the mighty Ba shall smite you!! :lol:
  21. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I hadn't thought of that, thanks for the warning!

    I Meant the game in the previous post, not liking Pies themselves is an obvious abomination unto Nuggan........ I hope that was good enough to apease the great BA.

    Sorry........ :oops:
  22. koshu

    koshu New Member

    msn that dosent work propley is an abomination unto nuggan

    aswell as out dated web cams
  23. Firelord

    Firelord New Member

    Ref snoriverse = This would only work if women could be sent there as well :D Maybe there could be a universal noise detector that, once hits a certain ( very low ) level, there is an automatic portal that suck the offender into it...
  24. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Many thanks for the Snoriverse Firelord. I'm sure its not gender specific and women do snore as much as men after all.

    I assume people can come back from this alternate universe otherwise that would have to be an abomination to nuggan as i couldn't afford to pay the bills without him! :lol:
  25. Firelord

    Firelord New Member

    I would think that that would be optional :) Is he well insured ??? But I dont know how you could justify this on a claim form :evil:
  26. Guest

    Guest Guest

    After the last week iv'e had i'm sure if i smothered him with a pillow they would pay out.
    My claim would say "not dead, in seperate dimension, probably still paying tax and national insurance." :badgrin:
  27. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    The only hope is separate bedrooms, or getting to sleep before he does (yeah, I know fat chance of that happening), I am usually a thousand miles or so away from my snoring husband and I snore too, so he usually ends up on the couch when he is home, the abominable thing is he is as apt to wake me up before he retreats and then he also has to turn the tv on. At least I can sleep part of the time, only it is awfully lonely.
  28. Firelord

    Firelord New Member

    I am sure that could be written into the insurance policy somewhere ( very very small print ). :D
  29. Firelord

    Firelord New Member

    TamyraMcG - He must be loud if you can hea him from that distance :D Thus if the snoriverse exists then you would have to take it in turn there !!!!
  30. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Well we are one flesh, I have spent so much time listening to him and my father, mother, brother( who wears one of those Breathe-right tm strips almost all the time and now has a special device that helps him breathe at night, he has such terrible sleep apnea), and even my grandpa, I probably sleep better listening to a snorer and I'm sure I dream about snoring.

    I just hope I don't get so needy about it that I make him call home so I can hear him sleep like one of those stupid cell phone commercials.
  31. Firelord

    Firelord New Member

    If you do NEED the sound then there must be a clinic that you can de-tox in to overcome thia addiction :D . Wat works for me ia a subtle ( or not ) dig / elbow / knee / in the ribs
  32. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I have a great dread of waking Jon because he [b:5e76455061]Always[/b:5e76455061] has to light up a cigarette when he wakes up, even if he had one five minutes before, and while he is sometimes pretty easy to wake, he is sort of combative in a post traumatic way, I learned early on not to kiss him when he was sleeping. Other times I think he could sleep through the trump of doom and it can wear me out trying to get his attention, even having a conversation with him is no guarantee he actually woke up. :D
  33. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Things getting lost is the mail in an abomination as is going back to school and work on Monday.
    Why in the world when anyone need 5 biology books for one class? I also just found out I bought an english book I don't need and possibly an economics book.
    This is what happens when the bookstore changes it's policy and makes me find the books on my own instead of them doing it for me.

    Edit: Because it [b:4427a5398d]is[/b:4427a5398d] an abomination not [b:4427a5398d]in[/b:4427a5398d] an abomination.
  34. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    All I can say to you people with problems with snoring partners is - "Luxury!!" - just recently, my insomnia has been complicated by a cold, which means that just as I am finally drifting off, [i:24c26bac42]I[/i:24c26bac42] start snoring and wake [i:24c26bac42]myself[/i:24c26bac42] up - now, if I could go and sleep in another room from myself........
  35. koshu

    koshu New Member

    Parents making u shower so that u can wash and bleach it from the inside is an abomination unto nuggan :) :lol:
  36. koshu

    koshu New Member

    from my mom:

    "Having two Teenagers and a grand child (being the evil niece) who mess up the house all the time is an abomination unto nuggan.

    P.s id just like to note that i dont make big messes :lol:
  37. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Having Diabetes and having to inject 4 times a day is an abomination unto Nuggan (and damned painful at times too) :(
  38. koshu

    koshu New Member

    Parents that make you come to freezing countries are an abomination unto nuggan :lol:
  39. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Getting a crush on someone who doesn't acknowledge your existence because he chooses not to is an abomination unto Nuggan. (I speak for a friend.)
  40. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Having to wait until June to find out if your boyfriend can come visit you is an Abomination unto Nuggan.

    So are my boyfriend's psychotic parents. For some reason they appear to hate me.
    So yes, they are an abomination unto Nuggan.

    So is indigestion. And hearburn. Ugh. :( Note to self: don't get popcorn next time you go to the movies. You will regret it.
  41. koshu

    koshu New Member

    long airoplane flights are an abomination unto nuggan

    aswell as having to pack your own stuff :(
  42. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Although the class hasn't officially started I looked at this weeks homework and I'm going to say the Economics is going to become an abomination.
  43. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    sharp knives in the washing up ar an Abomination unto nuggan. :axe:

    so are not-that-fresh eggs kindly given by an old witch of a grandmother-in-law. :vom:

    (edit to add a missing letter that completely changed the meaning, although the thought of sharp knees in the washing up may also be an abomination.)
  44. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    new terry pratchett books coming out when you've no money to buy them is an Abomination unto nuggan.

    *looks around for old stuff to sell*
  45. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    [quote:0a6cf5ef90="koshu"]long airoplane flights are an abomination unto nuggan

    aswell as having to pack your own stuff :([/quote:0a6cf5ef90]

    I can relate...I just traveled to the other side of the world and back. My muscles are still sore and my sleep pattern is is back to front.

    Mock exams are an abomination unto nuggan. Particularly if they are for GCSE's which are pointless anyway....
  46. Ozzer

    Ozzer New Member

    The first day of a new semester is an abomination unto Nuggan. Furthermore, finding out you're the ONLY ONE in your 8 AM class is unspeakably abominable to Nuggan.
  47. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    15 page thesis papers are an abomination unto Nuggan. Even if they are about vampires. Upir litchy.
  48. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Periods are the worst ever abomination unto Nuggan. Especially when they arrive a day or two late when you're just getting all hopeful and about to run out to get a pregnancy test... :(
  49. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I am so sorry Katcal, have fun and better luck next month.

    My abomination is having even my own mother forget about my birthday :( . It was on Monday, and I had to work and Jon had been in Minnesota just the day before, but he didn't come home because he had only been to Connecticutt and wanted to get his new load out to British Columbia by tomorrow (Wednesday). He had a long way to go in Montana as of last night so I am not sure he's going to make BC as soon as he wanted. At least I got to see the sun that day!! Traditionally there is a blizzard on my birthday, but not this year. :) 8)

    edited: so as not to appear ungrateful that at least I am alive to see the sun on my birthday and am not taking a dirt nap, which is the only alternative
  50. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Thanks Tamayra, and a happy belated birthday to you ;)
  51. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    maths exams which say they are only 2 hours long and then turn out to be an extra 1/2 long are an abomination unto nuggan. The exam hall is cold and I'm sick of staring at the head infront....
  52. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hair removal creams that burn are an abomination unto Nuggan, as are people who come in to work telling you where they have just booked to go on their holidays this year, knowing all too well that you can't afford a holiday AGAIN this year.

  53. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Feliz tarde cumplianos, Tamayra!

    And do not feel bad, M'lady whiplash. That happens to me all the time as well. :roll:
  54. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    what's a holiday ?

    May I add Mini Jong to the list of abominations ? I'm totally addicted to it, it plays my CTS up like hell and it WON'T EVEN RECORD MY SCOOOOOOORE !!! **thumps computer, hurts already painful had, swears loudly, and is fired by totally uncomprehensive boss**
  55. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Mini Jong is such an abomination, I love to play it even if I only ever get to win one in twenty or so times.
  56. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Science professors telling you loudly in the middle of class that you are going to fail, then your freinds telling you that you deserved it afterwords is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  57. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:0821f0550c="TamyraMcG"]Mini Jong is such an abomination, I love to play it even if I only ever get to win one in twenty or so times.[/quote:0821f0550c]

    I'm wondering if we shouldn't found a Mini Jong victims, widows and orphans fund. :lol:
  58. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Working your arse off this week, not smoking and trying not too eat too much to compensate, then finding your husband (who still keeps you awake snoring despite spending £5.79 on sticky strip things for his nose to stop him) hasn't even earnt enough money at what he likes to call a job, to buy any shopping or petrol for next week, is an abomination unto nuggan :cry:
    Working all over christmas and new year for treble time to compensate for the above as he had all this time off is also a great abomination unto nuggan!
  59. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Frozen toilet paper is an abomination unto Nuggan. Story only on request.
  60. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Oh no, you don't get away with out telling us that one.

    Story please......


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