Abomination unto nuggan

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by fairyliquid, Aug 18, 2005.

  1. Ellistra

    Ellistra New Member

    Woot, I finally found this site again!
    Ok, wet squelchy shoes you have to walk around in for several hours because you dont have any dry ones are abominations unto nuggan and so is having to reformat your computer right after you have FINALLY gotten it just right.
  2. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    Having till Easter to write up a 4-9 page report and a 15 page essay is an abomination. Technically I have till 2 May, but I don't seriously think I'll get anything done over my holidays.

    So is having the attention span of (and I quote my flatmate on this) "a hyperactive gerbil". That reminds me, have another project due thursday, best tear meself away from the computer...
  3. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    parents who are f###ing around and still have'nt got the net so i have to access it at school are an abomination unto nuggan!!!!!
  4. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    My modem is an abomination unto nuggan!

    Angua, what do you check every day? I'm overwhelmed with curiosity.
  5. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Oh tut tut tut! :) Monstrous regiment? Polly? In conversation with Liuetenant Blouse?The whole thing of her being, at one stage, a girl pretending to be a guy dressed up as a girl? :lol:

    Also not having jam doughnuts is an abomination unto Nuggan

    edit: my library not having the Science of the Discworld novels, except the third one so I am constantly tempted to read them out of order IS AN ABOMINATION UNTO NUGGAN!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  6. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Sorry, I haven't got that far yet! I don't have very much time to read, so I am working through the books very slowly.

    This in itself is an abomination unto nuggan!

    Edited to add: I would actually have much more time to read if I wasn't constantly, well, here.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Chest infections that keep you in bed and off work are an abomination unto Nuggan. I'M BORED.
    Also work collegues that gave you the damn cold that turned into your chest infection and are now raking in the overtime at work covering for you are an abomination!

    I hate being off sick!

  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Poor misswhiplash... :( **huggs**

    Strikes of any kind of public transport are an abomination, but random strikes that kick you out of the metro in the middle of the Shades late at night or leave you miles from any bus line and make you late for work are just too annoying for words.
  9. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    My school library doesn't have any Pratchett books and the town library only has a few so I have to order all of mine :x . The local Barnes & Noble does have them though so I have bought most of them :) .
  10. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    [quote:2f2021e1a0="Hermia"]Sorry, I haven't got that far yet! I don't have very much time to read, so I am working through the books very slowly.

    This in itself is an abomination unto nuggan!

    Edited to add: I would actually have much more time to read if I wasn't constantly, well, here.[/quote:2f2021e1a0]

    Ah well I would tell you but that would totally screw the book up for you. Don't worry I haven't already given the ending away or anything, I promise! (I hate people who do that! :) )
  11. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Yes, people who give away the endings to movies or books are abominations.
  12. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    What is the opposite to an abomination in the eyes of nuggan?
    Not knowing what the opposite is is an abomination unto nuggan!
  13. DeWorde

    DeWorde New Member

    Almost 95% of modern day alleged "Rock Music"

    Metrosexual man and his disturbing reliance on cleanser and moisturiser

    The reduced portion sizes of chips at my local chippy,despite the fact the cost has increased

    The 51st state we're in

    Nuggan please rule them all abominable!
  14. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Getting broadband and then having your computer decide it can't find the server anymore after one day is an abomination. It is even more abominable knowing it was probably something I did. At least I can play spider solitaire again. I'm at my mom's house for Easter and that isn't abominable, she's got a Dell (tm)!
  15. koshu

    koshu New Member

    [quote:c8c0520bc7="Faerie"]English 222 is an abomination as is having homework and a test due in the same week for Economics. Don't teachers know test weeks are supposed to be just for studying, free of homework?
    I'm so glad my spring break starts tomorrow. 3 more days till Florida![/quote:c8c0520bc7]

    wahat worse is if your already on holiday yet they still give you homework. That my Friends is THE Abomination Unto Nuggan :(
  16. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Being ill, and thus having no appetite ON EASTER SUNDAY is a hideously abominable Abomination unto Nuggan!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh dear, I appear to be momentarily insane. *Brainfroths*)
  17. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:6fc35146d6="Darth_Bemblebee"]Being ill, and thus having no appetite ON EASTER SUNDAY is a hideously abominable Abomination unto Nuggan!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh dear, I appear to be momentarily insane. *Brainfroths*)[/quote:6fc35146d6]

    [i:6fc35146d6]Eleven[/i:6fc35146d6] exclamation marks? This is a whole new quantum leap into insanity!
  18. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Your point being? They [i:eeabd4d108]do[/i:eeabd4d108] let us have computers in the asylum nowadays, you know. When we're good.

    If only I didn't have to type with my nose, but I suppose one must be thankful for the small things in life.

    I feel I've missed something out.

    Oh yes: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gibbers*
  19. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Homework is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Long distance Relationships are an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Getting home early from school and taking time to make yourself nice only to log on to iChat and realize that your boyfriend is NOT available for a chat is a very big abomination unto nuggan.
    Especially since I have no other reason for putting gel in my hair. :evil:
    Also that I may not get another chance to talk to him for a while.
    But still, the gel! It is unnecessary!
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    People who ruin surprises that have been planned for over a year by planning the same thing a week before the big day are one hell of an abomination unto nuggan !!! :( (and utter bastards too)
  21. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Running, Long distance relationships, The price of petrol, Ex's that won't leave you be for a while and a VERY small and messy bedroom are all abominations!!!! Especially running as you have forgotten your money and were standing at the checkout to pay so you had to run home and back to the shops!!!!!

  22. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:cfb7a516ff="misswhiplash"]Running, Long distance relationships, The price of petrol, Ex's that won't leave you be for a while and a VERY small and messy bedroom are all abominations!!!! Especially running as you have forgotten your money and were standing at the checkout to pay so you had to run home and back to the shops!!!!!


    Yea Verily 'tis true!
  23. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    My brother (in Britain) is going through the intricacies of getting our parents' wills through probate, but as a teacher he has little opportunity to take time off work to do it. I am currently unemployed (in Belgium), so he is trying to send me an advance on the inheritance (from an account which is accepting those payments which are not reliant on the probate) to tide me over for a while. He has now hit the problem of the British banking system - which was already causing delays on previous advances, but now seems to have gone into total stonewall mode - here is his latest email to me:

    "I went to the Halifax (the bank with the 'estate account') in
    Callington and queued up only to be informed that they no longer have
    the facility to do electronic transfers - I would have to go to
    Plymouth or Launceston (during banking hours of course). Cursing, I
    left school early to drive to Liskeard to catch the Alliance &
    Leicester before it closed. They informed me that I could do this from
    home by phone, but not to worry because it was a 24 hour service.
    Things were looking up. Obviously I don't know my PIN having never
    used this service before. They were very helpful after I had been
    passed through security (6 minutes) and left waiting for an adviser (7
    minutes). They informed me that because it was a change of currency, I
    could only do it through one particular office which works 9 to 5.30.
    It was now 6 pm. Aaaargh!

    I'll do it tomorrow as long as I can get home early enough.

    I'm having to take it from my account, but once it is through I will
    transfer the total from the estate account back into my account.

    Sorry about this. I tried."

    So this is going further than the standard 7-day delay on a transfer which should take seconds - it seems to be a retreat not just from the 21st century but back into the 19th!

    This sort of non-cooperation from the British banking system is definitely an Abommination Unto Nuggan!
  24. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Sorry for you Pixel. I used to feel the same frustration about banks, until I switched banks and managed to somehow land a personal contact man in the new bank, who not only sorts everything out for me, as smoothly as possible, but also recognizes my voice over phone, so he instantly knows who I am.

    Me: "Hello Lasse, It's Jonas."
    Lars: "Hello Jonas, how are you?"
    Me: "Fine, thanks. I'm thinking about getting a bike."
    Lars: "That's nice, sounds fun! What kind of bike?"
    Me: "You know, a cruiser. A Japanese cruiser, American iron is kinda expensive."
    Lars: "Nice! So how much do those cost then?"
    Me: "I'm looking at a used bike, at around 60 000 kronor or so. Think I can get a loan for that?"
    Lars: "Yeah, sure, you can afford that. And you don't want to pay any downpayment, right?"
    Me: "Not if I can avoid it."
    Lars: "That's what I thought. I think I can give you the same interest as with your apartment."
    Me: "Thanks."
    Lars: "So when will you buy this bike?"
    Me: "I'm going to see one tomorrow evening."
    Lars: "I'll prepare all the papers. Give me a call when you know the exact amount, and you'll have it the same day. You need to stop by to sign some papers too."
    Me: "Perhaps I should do that tomorrow morning then. When do you get in?"
    Lars: "When do you want to be here?"
    Me: "I can stop by on my way to work. How about seven?"
    Lars: "Sure, I'll be here by seven."
    Me: "Great, see you tomorrow then!"

    I love my new bank contact! Didn't even have an appointed contact at my old bank. Minimal amount of fuzz, maximum amount of service.
  25. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I second Miss W's Long Distance Relationship abomination!

    It is even more of an abomination right now since my dear BF Charles is doing his IB exams for the next three weeks and I know he could use my support and study aid and hugs more than anything. And I can't give that to him!!!!!!!

    All I can do is wish him piles of good luck and send him cool cards I make in math when I am supposed to be paying attention.

    That said, math class is an abomination!! I am barely scraping through that class! eeee!

    Also, good luck to Charles on his Math exam tomorrow!
  26. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Repetitive Stress Syndrom is an abomination unto nuggan and a real pain in the arm.
  27. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Having a week off work to spend with the one you love, when they have to go to work all week is an abomination unto Nuggan. Oh well just 2 more days til the weekend when he is off.
    Making a great dinner for him to come home to and not having any money to spend on a nice desert is also an abomination.
  28. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    You guys together again, Wendy?
  29. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    ... Just about to ask the same question.....
  30. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I'm just wondering how much money you [b:f73be8bd7d]do[/b:f73be8bd7d] need to buy the Sahara or Gobi...
  31. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I'm sure there are affordable bonsai deserts, for the man or woman with a little bit of patience.
  32. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:ed7445fdf2="KaptenKaries"]I'm sure there are affordable bonsai deserts, for the man or woman with a little bit of patience.[/quote:ed7445fdf2]

    Maybe Lu-Tze could be persuaded to branch out - deserts should be easier than mountains!
  33. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:3deb4b5b43="KaptenKaries"]You guys together again, Wendy?[/quote:3deb4b5b43]

    nope never gonna happen, But i have discovered there is more to life than a failed relationship and living with my mom.
    I am at the beginning of a beautiful relationship with a man iv'e known a very short time but love dearly. He is a star!
    After going through 11 years of hell with a man i didn't like let alone love for at least 3 of those years, this is making a very nice change!

    Thanks for asking! Its nice to know people care.

    Oh and keeping on thread, Pringles are an abomination as its true! once you pop you can't stop!!!
  34. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:9371b0afe9="Electric_Man"]I'm just wondering how much money you [b:9371b0afe9]do[/b:9371b0afe9] need to buy the Sahara or Gobi...[/quote:9371b0afe9]

    Just send a few builders...

    If sand gets 'everywhere' with normal folks - imagine what could be done with a builders bum...

    Builders Bums are an abomination in their own right though!
  35. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:20d77ebd12="Victimov8"][quote:20d77ebd12="Electric_Man"]I'm just wondering how much money you [b:20d77ebd12]do[/b:20d77ebd12] need to buy the Sahara or Gobi...[/quote:20d77ebd12]

    Just send a few builders...

    If sand gets 'everywhere' with normal folks - imagine what could be done with a builders bum...

    Builders Bums are an abomination in their own right though![/quote:20d77ebd12]

    It depends on the builder i think! Builders bums can be nice depending on the builder it is attached to!!!
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Flashbacks of sexy-builder-accross-the-street Diet Coke ads are an abomination unto the workplace :D
  37. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:4a75122db4="Katcal"]Flashbacks of sexy-builder-accross-the-street Diet Coke ads are an abomination unto the workplace :D[/quote:4a75122db4]

    See *smug* just cos female builders don't have builders bums doesn't mean the male ones can't be nice! so i think that is an unfair abomination Victim and should be withdrawn!
  38. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Working waaaaay to hard and not having any time to check up on my favorite message board is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  39. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    The abomination unto nuggan thread sinking to page 2 on the boards is surely an abomination unto nuggan.

    As are sore heads and exams.
  40. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Stupid french not-really-bank-holidays-where-noone-but-me-is-working are an abomination unto nuggan.
  41. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Being on a french exchange and not understanding the (mostly incredibly good looking and typically French) guys say is an abomination unto Nuggan!!!
  42. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:711daf5826="Angua_rox"]Being on a french exchange and not understanding the (mostly incredibly good looking and typically French) guys say is an abomination unto Nuggan!!![/quote:711daf5826]
    If they're good looking and typically French, then you don't need to understand, in fact I could probably guess at the content of their conversation from here :D
  43. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:9f9875afbc="Katcal"][quote:9f9875afbc="Angua_rox"]Being on a french exchange and not understanding the (mostly incredibly good looking and typically French) guys say is an abomination unto Nuggan!!![/quote:9f9875afbc]
    If they're good looking and typically French, then you don't need to understand, in fact I could probably guess at the content of their conversation from here :D[/quote:9f9875afbc]

    I heard the worst pick up line the other day: " Are both your parents retarded? ....Because you're special"
  44. missy

    missy New Member

    Having an arse of an ex husband that changes his personality at the drop of a hat is an abomination. He let me have my beloved dog, Charlie last week for 3 days, now this week i'm all the bitches he can think of swear words for. I'm gonna have to change my phone number and move asap i think.
    Also losing all of your posessions and moving in with someone when you have nothing but yourself and a small amount of wages to give is an abomination.
  45. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **hugs wendy** Things'll work out soon honey, it's just a bad moment to get through...

    May I add ID photo machines as official abomination on behalf of the population of planet earth ?
  46. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Missy - look at it this way - in time you should be able to get your possessions back (including Charlie) but you have someone to give you a home for who you are, not what you have - that's the reverse side of an abomination - it's a blessing!
  47. Human

    Human New Member

    Finals - heck, the entire educational system - is an Abomination Unto Nuggan.

    Does anyone want to tutor me in Spanish?
  48. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Missy says:
    Thank you Pixel and Katcal, for your words of encouragement - They help

    I says:
    Cheers guys - you're the best
  49. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    The thing that I would say is a total abomination is this:
    Automated Phone Systems - The worst part is when you have the awful hold music, and then it pauses in the music. When that happens you draw breath ready to speak - and it starts again...

    Or half a second goes by and the horrible woman's voice comes on - "You are holding on for the apocalypse, no-one cares so you may as well give up now. Your soul has been sucked out through the telephone to fuel our evil empire - Thank you for holding"

    Why on Earth do they say "Your call is important to us"? Just employ more people to answer the freaking phones will you!!!!!
  50. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:cd7c145260="Human"]Finals - heck, the entire educational system - is an Abomination Unto Nuggan.

    Does anyone want to tutor me in Spanish?[/quote:cd7c145260]
    Lesson One: basic voabulary:
    how are you=como esta usted.
    don't touch me, pervert=no me toque, pervertido
    don't shoot=no tiren

    Lesson two: zombie fighting vocabulary
    matalo=kill it
    muere, muere, muere=die, die, die
    morir es vivir=to die is to live
    voy a usar mi picadicio=I'm going to use my chainsaw

    Be sure to tune in next week, when we will learn what never to say to a hispanic person, especially if they happen to be wearing red or blue.
  51. Human

    Human New Member

    All right, the useful stuff. All my teacher bothers to cover is plane tickets and laundry.
  52. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Balance sheets that don't balance today when they bloody balanced yesterday is an abomination unto Nuggan. Ahhhhhrrrgggg!!
  53. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    My best friend leaving for Italy the very same day I returned from France, meaning I won't see her for ages, is an abomination unto Nuggan.

    Bad temporary hair dye that doesn't work is an abomination unto Nuggan.
  54. missy

    missy New Member

    Old houses (that have tonnes of potential and charecter) that are filled to the attic with spiders are an abomination when you are scared shitless of them!!!!

    I think i may need to move back to Cov soon cos i'm sure my cry of "OH MY GOD" is beginning to do Daves head in!

    Also time is an abomination unto Nuggan as there is never enough of it to go round!
  55. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Broken water heaters are an abomination unto Nuggan.
  56. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:1c24aa6397="missy"]Old houses (that have tonnes of potential and charecter) that are filled to the attic with spiders are an abomination when you are scared shitless of them!!!!

    I think i may need to move back to Cov soon cos i'm sure my cry of "OH MY GOD" is beginning to do Daves head in!

    Also time is an abomination unto Nuggan as there is never enough of it to go round![/quote:1c24aa6397]
    I used to be terrified of spiders - even the little ones about half-an-inch across - I got cured of that, but I'm not sure I'd recommend the cure to anybody else - it was when I suffered a severe reaction to excess alcohol combined with little food and cold weather - some of the hallucinations involved a lot of spiders - after recovering from that, I have been able to look at spiders as simply another species trying to make its way in the world - assuming that any spider you encounter in Dave's place is not a big hairy bugger that has come out of a banana crate, then it is probably more scared of you than you are of it! Anyway, at this time of year, spiders are useful - this is fly weather!
  57. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Finding a job is an abomination.
  58. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I would've thought being unemployed was an abomination, not finding a job.
  59. missy

    missy New Member

    [quote:80b6007213="Faerie"]Finding a job is an abomination.[/quote:80b6007213]

    No i have to agree with this one! being out of a job is an abomination but trying to get one is even worse. I applied for at least 7 jobs before i got an invite for an interview! most of the companies didn't bother replying at all and i ended up going to the head office of the company i was working for! Dave is still trying to find one after sending god knows how many applications and CV's and i know this cos i helped with a huge purge of emails recently! 2 got back to him and they didn't even offer an interview!

    Good luck in the hunt Faerie. I hope something turns up soon.
  60. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I still don't see why finding a job is an abomination when you're unemployed. Searching for one, yes, but not eventually finding one.

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