Might I humbly suggest that discussion of football remains in the thread Ben made in the Boardania forum? :roll:
Yes. Get your drawing hat on otherwise your all stuck with this. Grace also promised a shiny new avatar, too.
I like my new one better than Marmite! Marmite is left behind with all the bad memorys of my outburst!!
Test to prove the shock as Ella launched the poor crash test penguin at me. This photo was closely followed by a penguin plunging into my face, damn Snails.
The photo may look good Ella but the complete disfigurement of my face that its actions caused does not. *Waits for Ben's or Rinso's obvious follow up joke involving giants and poo*
Spidah: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/post11458.html#11458 Could you change your avatar to something that's a little bit more "Work safe"? Thanks.
New avatar, my hair and beard has grown since I made the last avatar. Edit: Seemed to work fine. Any resemblance to deities unintentional.
Brad, you avatar now looks as if I needed glasses... I look at it and start to blink. Well, I do need glasses. but still.
Looks like some sort of military cap, but I can't look at the avatar for a prolonged period. My eyes are too screwed up as it is.
Testing my new Dougal avatar. Although the penguin flying towards me was a great avatar my heart always pulls me back to the Dougal one, probably because Father Ted rocks so much.
...my sig won't show... Could someone smarter than me tell me why this might be the case? I think I did everything right! It appears in my Profile (the account, not the public one), and I also tried logging out, and posting something new after logging in again..
The reply window? Only thing I can think of. Also, someone smarter than you? That's a tough criterion.
Hi to everyone! Well the Avatar seems to work. Why do you guys limit Avatars to 10 kb? Space is cheap now right? :rock:
Space on the server may be cheap (and even then not necessarily) but people's bandwidth and loading speed is not always equal... if everyone had a 200Kb avatar, people on dialup would spend 30 minutes loading every page...
Slight exaggeration there ( )*, but right. I used to have dial-up, it was slow to load pages with fifteen 5kb avatars, it would have been torture if half of them were over 10kb too... *edit: actually, maybe not, you said if everyone had a 200kb avatar... if that were the case, i'd actually hope they were animated otherwise there wouldn't be any room for the posts!
Hmm, if it's at the top of the list, then you are exaggerating your exaggeration ability, then it would actually be at the bottom of the list. But if it was at the bottom of the list, then you wouldn't be very good at exaggerating, therefore you would only claim it was just off the bottom of the list... This is a grave conundrum.
I'm sure that 200kB Avatars is a gross exageration, but then you did say you were good at it... I take the point about dial-ups having to load 10 or more in a page, fair enough. It's easy to forget what it was like using dial-up. Thank Technology that I don't have to do that again! I had also forgotten that my own board limits Avatars to 12 kB.
Now, if we apply "reductio ad absurdum" and/or Xeno's paradox to this, we find that since Kitcal's abilitiy to exaggerate becomes provably untrue, then any statement Kitcal may make, however apparently exaggerated, must be considered true ..... Hmmmm?
Yup it stinks!It stinks because we are uo to the neck in shit over the question who is exaggerating and who is just making his point